Lesli's Live Long and Strong WISH Journal

Hope the window situation improves....such a pain!!

Sounds like you are doing well at getting back on track..Just keep bumping up the water.

Have a great rest of the week!!
Hey Z & Julie! Nice to see you had a chance to stop by. It almost feels like life is falling back into place again with all of us looking out for each other.

Well, I missed the AM snack yesterday. Lunch was tuna, but I went for a little pasta salad instead of the wrap. Supper was tacos, but I made mine into a salad w/ a few chips rather than going for the shells. Don't know if it is much different, but at least there was more lettuce than I would have had if I just went for tacos. Water wasn't quite where I wanted it. There were a few mini snickers and really really late, I went for a bowl of Kix since I was really really hungry.

PT went pretty well and I did get in some extra stretching at home.

As for today, I have been going and going and going. At least I got alot done, bills, mail, banking, exchanged caulk, bought primer for windows, did some misc shopping, went to a parent info night, and I can't remember what else.

Food for the day was:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, ham, 1 c milk, 1 english muffin, 1/2 c hot tea
A few mini snickers - they are gone now and I won't buy any more.
Lunch - almost 1 bowl of HC chicken & rice soup
A small pkg of M&M's - while shopping, could have done better
Supper - Some rotisserie chicken, a sm portion of potato salad, 2 sm pieces of bread, a couple bits of 2 different fruit salads.

Not bad, but could be better. Now I am trying to comtemplate on whether I should go for the cheesecake and have the taste over with or just ignore it. My fear is that if I ignore it I will eat more later.

Water has been ok but still needs work.

Well, I better get going. Everyone take care!

Z - When I do the Chinese buffet, I usually start with a small cup of egg drop soup. Then I get a little bit of rice, a couple of pieces of General Tso's chicken, a few pieces of sweet and sour chicken, then I try to find a veggie dish (like a veggie chopped suey or something that is mainly veggies in a light sauce). After that I usually finish with another cup of soup in order to prevent me from going back to the main buffet and at the same time I get the taste of Chinese that I am after. It's not a great plan, but I used to eat 3 full plates of the main buffet, so I find this as a compromise of taste and less food. The great thing is that I find that I am very satisfied and full without being overstuffed. Hope this helps. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
About the Chinese buffet: I never thought of utilizing the soup. That's a good idea. Do you know the calories and fat on the egg drop?

Looks like you have been a busy bee lately. I saw that you had a little battle with the mini snickers. Every now and then I'll think I have the will power to buy a giant bag of some mini candy bar and eat 1 every day, but that never happens. Most of the time the entire bag is gone in 3 or 4 days because I get desperate to get them out of the house and I figure if I just eat them all up they won't be tempting me anymore :confused3 :guilty: . Anyway, just trying to say...I feel your pain.
Good job on choosing the kix late at night because you were hungry :thumbsup2 ! I have a hard time at night not because I'm hungry but because I just want to eat so I end up making bad food choices most of the time. I might have to go buy me some kix. :yay:
Hi! :wave:

I hope you're having a great day and the windows are coming along. It sure sounds like you've had plenty to do yesterday!

I think this evening cereal thing is good for you. Sometimes no matter how hard you try you just get hungry before bed. Cereal's great for that since it's pretty low calorie, usually comes fortified with some vitamins, and the carbs and milk tend to make you sleepy. All in all, a pretty darn good choice for a late night snack.

Have a wonderful afternoon! Looks like we might even get some :sunny: !
On that egg drop soup, I just looked up the info and I am doing better than I originally had imagined. I thought with all the butter in there that it would be really high cal, but it is quite livable. 1 cup of egg drop soup has 72.96 calories, 3.84g of fat, and 1.11g of carbs. Tons of protein and it is a bit high on the sodium, but considering the other alternatives on the Chinese buffet, this turns out to actually be a pretty good choice. Hope it helps! ;)

Ok, I did the cheesecake thing last night, but I kept it to a small sliver and I was able to keep from getting more. :banana: Then I was up really late again so I got a bowl of Cheerios (out of Kix).

This morning, I was dragging. Up too late trying to finish up bookwork before we go see the accountant, but at least I rest a bit easier after we see him, knowing that I am not as far behind as I used to be. :banana:

Food for the day:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, 1 english muffin, 1/2 c hot tea
Lunch - (if you call it that) 1/3 of an oatmeal raisin cookie, a 2" thick piece of baguette w/butter
PM snack - (eating right now to tie me over) a small snack pack of nuts & a Mountain Dew
Supper - Taco Bell (sitting on the table waiting for everyone to get home). 1-2 tacos, 1/6 of a Mexican pizza (we like to share), 1/6-1/4 of nachos - at least that is the plan

I have worked hard today to get my bookwork done, a little folding of laundry and I had an eye dr. appt, that is why lunch was pitiful. We just got home and I just didn't feel like cooking while I am trying to get things in order for the accountant. At least there is an end in sight!

Goals for the rest of the day:
1. no eating after 7:30 pm
2. get in 36oz more of water.

Better get going. Time for din din soon. OH, the windows are halted due to weather, but hopefully, they well be able to start back up tomorrow or so.

Everyone have a great evening! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo I did good with supper Wednesday night, stuck to the plan and actually ate a bit less. Very very late, I ate a bowl of cheerios as I was up doing bookwork for the accountant. But it is a short lived things so it is ok.

Yesterday was quite busy with the accountant, windows, grocery shopping, taking a short rest of 15 min although I didn't sleep, and cleaning/dejunking.

Food for the day was:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, 1 slice 7 grain toast w/butter
Lunch - MC chicken pot pie (yes, I ate the enitre thing and was extremely full. Next time, I will only get it if I can share it with someone.)
PM snack - a few nuts
Supper - 3 squares of pizza. (not really hungry after lunch), then later a few more nuts
Late snack - bowl of kix

Water was ok, but not great. I did some stretching for my knee, but didn't really push anything since I was tired.

On the plus side, I feel like a huge weight lifted off my chest as I was able to finish up some of my work. Now to keep the momentum so that I finish the rest. To help with that, I decided to dejunk and organize my office. Well, the organizing started and then it turned into more, but that is ok as it is time for me to start going room to room and get my house back in order, even despite the chaos of construction. When all is said and done, maybe I will be able to truly relax and get things done a little quicker.

Today, I am tired. DS didn't sleep well since I think he is coming down with a cold and had a hard time breathing last night. Then I had PT first thing this morning. That went pretty well, but things have stiffened up a bit this past week and I need to get that turned around. Later, I have to go to the dentist, oh joy.

Food plans:
Breakfast - bowl of Kix (no time for a decent breakfast)
Lunch - Qtr lbr w/chees, fries, ice tea, and a few cheetos (DH ran to get lunch while I was in therapy so not much choice there, then when I got home, I popped in a few cheetos, probably because I am tired and I am looking for something sweet but we don't have anything. Fortunately, I backed off)
Supper - Not sure, but I think I will go check out the freezer here soon. Time to clean it out so there is room for the homemade soup season. ;)
Snacks? - I will go for the grapes or grab a c of hot tea.

Goals for the remainder of the day:
1. 48 oz water (I think I have about 32 to go)
2. Stretch the knee some more
3. Straighten the living room (delegate :teeth: )
4. Continue the organizing of my office.

I signed up for the September exercise challenge and the lose 5 in September challenge. It's time to get back into that serious mode again to move more, hopefully, it will help.

Time to get going. Talk to you all later and have a great weekend.
Well yesterday afternoon got a bit sidetracked.

I ate some nuts instead of grapes. I did manage to tidy up some but nothing as major as I had hoped for. Then DMom came home and wanted to go look at a house for sale. Now we just need to look at the inside. Another handful of nuts. DH was gone so the rest of us went to Subway for supper. I had a 6" steak teriyaki on italian w/provolone, mayo, tomato, cucumber, and sweet onion sauce. Plus and iced tea. Really I could have eaten only 4" of the sandwich since I was extremely full afterwards. But of course when we got back home, I found myself grabbing a handful of nuts again. Sometimes, I just don't know what my brain is thinking.

This morning, I slet in! :banana: :cheer2: DS is not feeling well (isn't scool wonderful?) and since he slept in, I took advantage of it. Boy did it feel good. Of course, I was still up at 8:40, but that is late around here.

Breakfast - 1 fried egg, ham, 1/2 slice 7 grain toast w/jelly, 1 c hot tea, 1 c grapes.
AM snack - yogurt
Lunch - something up at the car show
PM snack - cheese & crackers
Supper - I will see what is in the freezer this time, but keep things simple as it is window day again.

Goals for the day:
1. 60 oz water (I can do this!)
2. Exercise for 30 minutes (15 min stretching the knee, 15 min walking around the show - for me that could be alot and the show is small)
3. No eating after 7:30pm
4. Keep the stress of window installation to a minimum (too late :furious: )
5. Get more straightening done.

Ok - DH just calls and the people who said they could cut the wood for the outside trim to the specs we want messed up. Now they say they can't do what we want after DH talked to them a number of times verifying exactly what he was asking for. I think I might scream. Now we are back to square one trying to figure out how to get the right thickness of the trim so that we can match it back with the original. All modern day boards are either to thick or too thin. Just when everything was going well again and we thought the problem was solved............Breathe.............Breathe. :sad2:

It has to get better, right?

I guess I better get going. It looks like this will be a long day. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Sorry about your day! You're right - take some deep breaths and it WILL get better. Hopefully you can figure out the wood trim measurements as painlessly as possible.

I completely understand how eating nuts can run away with you! I've been there more than once! :blush: I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
You know, CJK, I never really thought about how a few nuts in the day can lead to more nuts, but you are right.

On the plus side of things, they were able to get in 10 windows yesterday, so we only have 10 to go! :banana: I think DH has the boards for the trim worked out with a lumber company, so we will see on Tues. Other than that, they were able to install windows and then they will go back to redo trim work as necessary. It is so nice having the windows in, but now I am realizing how much work I have to do with getting them painted. Yes, we got wood, I didn't want vinyl on the inside and I didn't want to pay an extra $60 per window to have them primed when we can do it for much less.

The eating yesterday got out of hand though. I think part was stress of windows going in, which turned out ok, but the other was stress of not being able to do much or relax since they were moving from room to room fairly quickly. I missed the AM snack. Lunch was a steak sandwich. Then there were 2 sugar cookies, some cheetos, some nuts, and I don't remember what else. Supper was late and I had a bowl of cereal. So much for cleaning out the freezer.

Water was about 40oz or so. I will consider this good since I have been so low on it lately. I did get in about 20 minutes of walking.

So far today is going alright. Breakfast was a bowl of Kix.

No food plans for the day since we have so much work on the house to do. I just will stay reasonable.

Goals today:
1. 60 oz water
2. stretch the knee for 15 min
3. Keep eating to decent portions.

Time to get going. I will talk to you all later. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Water was about 48 oz. so I will take that. It's at least more than I had before. Lunch was late and I ate a bowl of Kix. There there were a few nuts (which are gone), a few bbq chips, and I think that was it. Supper was a tendreloin on bun with a few fries. Really late, I had 2 sugar cookies. Don't know why since it had been quite awhile past 7:30pm and I wasn't really hungry, just up too late and bored to some degree, I guess.

I rested yesterday, DH finished trimming the inside of the windows, I did a little bookwork. Other than that, I am just trying to motivate myself with the painting that needs to be done. To top it off, I am taking on more than I thought. So many of the rooms in my house are 1/2 done or need to be redone (not painted in 15-20 years). Soooooooo. Now I am thinking of which rooms, I can finish quickly and just keep going until all of them are done. The dining room needs new curtains (finally found the ones I want), so I think I will start there since I just need to paint the new windows, hang curtains, and frame my DVC paintings, plus some pics from England to hang. Sounds easy and that room will be done. Then I think I will do the office since all repairs to ceiling and walls have already been done, so I just need to repaint (don't like the color I picked a few years ago), paint windows and trim, then hang pics & documents. After that is done, I can move the furniture back in that is sitting in the living room due to converting the office to a room after the accident. That will free up the living room so I can actually repair ceilings and walls. Makes sense, don't it? Just tons of work, but I want to relax in my house. Of course, we still need to do updates to the kitchen and bathrooms, but the rest of the house can be done right? Anyone care to come help me? :rolleyes1

Food plan for the day:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, ham, 1/2 7 grain toast w/jelly, 1 c hot tea
AM snack - 1 c grapefruit juice
Lunch - soup or salad
PM snack - grapes
Supper - bbq ribs, salad, gr beans, and probably some type of bread

Goals for the day:
1. 60oz water
2. 30 min exercise
3. no eating after 7:30 pm

Nothing special today happening. Hopefully, they will get a chance to do a few more windows if it doesn't rain.

Everyone have a great holiday! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Good morning! :sunny:

Just catching back up on everything. Wow! You've been very busy. I'm sorry for the stress surrounding the windows. Here's some :wizard: to keep the rest of the project moving smoothly.

With all that work you've got to do, at least you'll be getting lots of good exercise!

I hope you're having a great long weekend! :)
Wow, you are busy!! Just imagine the feeling of accomplishment you'll have when you're finished. Think of all those calories you're burning too! :goodvibes
Hey Lesli,
I think you're doing great considering the stress you are under. I would have already taken out a pack of creme horns by now :rotfl2: . I am trying to begin the process of fixing up my house. I currently have four sets of curtains to hang, wallpaper to remove, and several rooms that I need to decide a color on and paint. It can be frustrating. Keep on keeping on.
:grouphug: :woohoo: :cheer2: :woohoo: :grouphug:
Oh the creme horns sound good too.

Monday was close to plan for the most part, but I did snack on unneccessary foods here and there and I had something late, but don't remember what it was.

Yesterday was a bit of a flop as well. Breakfast was a 2 egg omelet w/too much cheese, 1/2 thing of yogurt, 1/2 c hot tea, and something else, I think. Lunch was a qtr lbr w/cheese, fries, and an iced tea. Supper was a 3 small squares of pizza. Late, really really late, I had a bowl of cheerios. Then throughout the day there were cookies, chips, nuts and maybe something else. Not sure.

PT went fairly well yesterday. I did get some bookwork done which was good. Then I stressed a bit. We had a GS registration night and the person that was going to take on the troop that I lead fell through. So it looks like I am going to continue leading. It's not that I don't like it and I enjoy working with the kids, but I really needed to take a step back from things. People "understand" but no one "has the time" to help out. I am caught between running myself a bit ragged (been there done that) and leaving all those girls with no one to lead them. It is really stressing me out since I had planned to back off of things in order to take better care of me. Now I am trying to figure out what things I can back out of and there aren't many, but I do need to find time for me. I am so tired of running for everything and I am not even driving yet.

Food plan today (I want to try to stick to it):
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet w/cheese, 1 yogurt, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - cheese & crackers
lunch - tuna wrap or ribs & salad
pm snack - ?
Supper - beef & noodles, salad, and peas

Goals for today:
1. 60oz water
2. 30 min exercise
3. no late night snack

It's another window day. They have a few to finish on the main level then they will go to the upper which might be interesting. I have some cleaning I need to do around here before they get started. Also, I need to do some work of some kind - either bookwork or misc. I think I will leave the GS work until tomorrow, too much stress............Calgon take me away! :rotfl2:

Well, time to get going. Off to go drink some water! ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
Hey, did you notice you have 2 new tags! I didn't even know the TF hung around these parts! How cool is that! :thumbsup2

I'm glad you had a good PT session. I'm sure all of this "real world" activity is keeping things coming along nicely.

I'm sorry to hear about the pickle you're in with the Girl Scouts. I really hope you can work something out, because you absolutely deserve time for you!

I'm cheering you on for a great day today! I know you can do it! :banana:
I hope you ended up having a great day yesterday and you planned. Sorry to hear about the GS situation. Remember to take care of yourself when things get stressful. That's usually the first thing out the window for me! Hope your week is going well.
I didn't do too bad yesterday with my plan. Lunch was ribs. I know I had a few cookies, some PB, and some nuts here and there. Supper went as planned except with 1 roll and no salad. I did manage to eat a bag of popcorn later in the evening. Not exactly great, but it wasn't super late and it was better than all the ice cream everyone else was having. The plus side is that the ice cream didn't tempt me.

Aside from a crazy day of working and stressing we did get in 7 more windows. Today, the last 3 go in and then they start finishing off the trim. We over slept this morning since we didn't hear any of the outside noises due to the new windows. It was nice and I really feel rested which I attribute to keeping the outside noises out or extremely muffled.

Food for today:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet w/cheese, 1/2 slice 7 grain toast w/jelly, 1 c grapefruit juice, 1 c hot tea
AM snack - trail mix (peanuts, raisins, sunflower seeds) & 3 PB crackers.
Lunch - tuna and crackers
PM snack - 1 cookie, some fruit loops no milk
Supper - not sure, but I am definitely ready for something light

Goals for the day:
1. more water (I only have 12 oz in)
2. Just trying to stay sane and concentrate on one thing at a time

I better get going. Lot's to do yet. Everyone have nice day. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

What's your secret?? ;)

The end is in sight for those windows!! Are you pleased with them so far? Pretty soon that stress in your life will be behind you!

Keep up the good work and have a great weekend!!! :goodvibes
I managed to get alot of bookwork done yesterday. And for the most part, I stuck to my food plan for the evening. We had taco salad/dip. Unfortunately, DH and I escaped for some DQ and I had a sm coconut cream blizzard. He was a bit stressed.

The windows. Well, we only had 3 left to do and I was so excited. They tore out the two kitchen windows completely and were set up to install when they realized the new windows were 6 inches too big! Needless to say, they had to set the old ones back in until the new ones come back in. Now we have 2 extra windows (can't take special orders back). Anyway, it will still work out since there are 3 windows we didn't replace upstairs so that we can rip out the bathroom and a small nook off our room so that we can make 2 new bathrooms (one as a master bath). I figure we would probably lose a window in the process or at least the sizing and placements will change with the remodel, so now we will just use the two extras we have. It should work out ok since they are not overly big, but aren't really dinky either. Needless to say, though, DH is extremely frustrated. I will be glad when his part is done so that he can relax. He loves the windows though and I tell him that no home project goes smoothly. Most of the new trim is up on the outside of the new windows and it looks great. We are almost ready for the painters!

Up early today to start laundry, get kids off, and go to PT. I was officially taken down to one day a week for the PT portion that works my arm. I thought I was closer to being let go for the legs as well, but we have had some changes in what may be restricting my knee bending so we are still at it for 2 days a week. The great news is that we almost got to 90 degrees bend in the knee today! That was with the therapist's help, but at least we know it is possible and we know what I need to work on to keep it there!

Food for today:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, 1 c grapefruit juice, 1 slice 7 grain toast w/jelly
Lunch - Chinese buffet (shouldn't have gone back for another bowl of soup, was a little full)
PM snack - 6 sm PB crackers
Supper - 3 slices pizza and pepsi (should have stuck w/2)
Late snack - ice cream (not alot, not a little)

Other than PT, I rested this afternoon. I guess I was more tired than I thought. Did a little work, but most of the day was resting, which is ok.

Water was horrible, but there is always tomorrow.

Everyone have a great weekend. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo

PS. - I didn't notice the new tags until you pointed them out Pearlieq! This is the first time I have been tagged by the fairy and I got doubles! :banana: I just wish I could remember where the first one was said and what it referred to.
Good morning, Lesli!

Aren't tags the best! :thumbsup2 The first one actually came from one of your posts to my journal--you were talking about our little escape to Chicago last weekend.

I am so sorry to hear about the snafu with the windows, but it sounds like you worked it out well and have a great plan to use them elsewhere. It sounds like the house is going to be absolutely gorgeous when it's done!

Congrats on getting down to one day a week for the arms! Your dilligence and hard work are really paying off. I know you'll keep making great progress on the legs. You've been doing so much these days--it's plain to see you've gotten a lot of your stamina back. :cheer2:

I hope you have a wonderful weekend! :sunny:


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