Lesli's Changing Life at 40 Journal

Thank, Tracy!:hug:

Another 1.2 lbs down! :banana::cool1::banana: That puts me at 222.8. I am not sure what I am doing so differently. Mainly just eating healthier, I guess and having better snacks.

Yesterday's food went as planned except, I had a few too many chips with my lasagna. Why? They were sitting there. Not a good reason. Ate only the cheese for the PM snack. On the plus side, I drank only the small can of pop for supper! Water was about 32oz, could have been more. Then I had hot cocoa instead of the hot tea. I couldn't find the tea, we have things still scattered. But it did help with unwinding for the day and signaling that I was finished eating for the day.

Looks like I reached all my goals expcet the water! :cool1:

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet filled with mushrooms, colored peppers, and some cheese, 1/2 7 grain toast w/ jelly, 1 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - probably miss
Lunch - soup & crackers
PM snack - apple
Supper - ???

Goals today:
1. water 60 oz.
2. no eating after 8:30
3. hot tea at end of day
4. clean pantry
5. shampoo carpet in DD20's old room

Dentist appt in a bit, gotta pick up something for a friend, pick up the shampooer, deliver popcorn, then probably go get DD22.

Have a wonderful day!
What a whirlwind around here.

Yesterday was pretty good in terms of food. Everything was on track, but I missed the PM snack. Not sure why, but I got really tired in the afternoon and took a long nap. I am wondering if it was part of the novacaine, but I don't recall that reaction before. Maybe, I was just tired. :confused3 Anyway, supper was at Pizza Hut. I ate 1 1/2 breadsticks, salad, and 3 pieces of pizza, plus pop. Later in the evening, I had a cup of hot cocoa, still couldn't find the tea.

Not sure what water was, but it was up. The rest of my goals were pretty good. Well, I didn't get to the pantry or carpet since we ran to pick up DD22.

Today, though, we accomplished alot. Actually, I am so tired it isn't funny.

The kids cleaned the living room, I did tons of laundry including bedding, and shampooed the carpet in DD20's old room (still needs more work). DD22 and DS7 cleared the pantry from all the construction materials as well as the few things that I left in there. Then DD22 touched up the paint in the pantry. Between the two of us, we were able to wash down everything that needed to go back in, reset the shelving and put everthing back. It feels so good to have a sense of normalcy. Finally, I can see what we have available for dinner.......and it means the end is near on the kitchen.:worship:

About the time that I was tired, DD22 comes in with more items for the kitchen that we had packed away. :eek: Yes, she is a slavedriver.:rolleyes: Anyway, we were able to get almost everything back into the kitchen. I have a few things to move around, but at least it all has a place for the moment.:yay:

Today's food:
Breakfast - 1 egg omelet w/ colored peppers, mushrooms, little cheese, 1/2 c grapefruit juice, and 1 c 1% milk
AM snack - missed (at late breakfast)
Lunch - pork chop sandwich and a few chips
PM snack - pepsi (not good, but I was needing energy on the go....I know, not good)
Supper - taco salad
Late snack - 5 crackers w/spread cheese

Goals accomplished today:
1. Water was up, but I am not sure how much
2. Ate smaller portions
3. Finished the pantry (time to stock it up)
4. Stayed busy

It feels good to have done so much today, but I am exhausted. It always amazes me that it is usually DD22 who bothers to help me to this degree with getting this time consuming projects done.

DH went to install the towel ring for the half bath, but I am not happy with the color. It appears too black, instead of a more brown bronze. Maybe I will change it. It's just irritating trying to get all these details to work.

Time for sleep, talk to you all later.
Isn't it a great feeling when you're able to get a lot accomplished in one day? :banana: Great job, Lesli!:thumbsup2

Hope you have a nice, relaxing Sunday!:hug:
Feels great to get so much done. I actually feel like I have energy!

I had hoped for a relaxing day, but alas, I still did some work around the house. Vaccuumed and shampooed the carpet in DD20's old room again. I'll probably have to do it one more time. Between, construction right above that room and me trying to flood the basement, the carpet needed some extra TLC.

Took DD22 back to school. Looks like the wedding is off.:sad2: Personally, I think they can get through the rough patch and small things are really appearing bigger than they should because both are needing to focus on other things besides the relationship. She is almost done with school and has a heavy course load this next semester before graduation, plus trying to pass her GRE. Looks like he has to refocus his career from military due to injuries and is trying for the police force, but didn't get on to the force of choice, so is looking elsewhere. In the meantime, all of their plans that they laid out kind of crashed when his career focus changed since much was tied to military. Like I said, I think it is just one of those things that will work out, but it could be a long few months. Interestingly, he was at the house for a few moments last night while she was here and everything was very cordial, nice conversation, explaining his next phase in trying to get on the police force. Even willing to join a force closer to Chicago, which would make it easier for DD22 to find a job. Hmmmmmmm.;) Time will tell, but they are so good for each other.

No word really from DD20. She talks to DMom, but still not me. Sounds like there might be trouble in paradise. Who'd have guessed? Her boyfriend is still going about his life the way he did before and she is getting frustrated because he is not home and doesn't call....Well, your not married, nor did either one of you really decide to actually go out and move in together. It was more like they offered her a place to stay. As if she didn't have one. Hopefully, she will see that he really isn't in this for the long term, she just happens to be there.

You know, life is easier on this side of the fence with relationships. It is kind of nice to be able to say "been there, done that" on a 20 something relationship.

DH and I installed the undercabinet lighting in the kitchen. I have to order a few more pieces and return some due to fit, but it is really coming together.:cool1: Tomorrow, hopefully, I can pick up the cabinet doors that I had glass put in. I am getting excited.

In fact, so excited, that I went ahead and scheduled and open house/2-3party plans on the same night in a few weeks. Guess it can be a come see the kitchen, finish shopping for Christmas kind of thing. Now I am planning all the things that I CAN get done before that happens. Paint, buy guest towels, trim work, hang curtains, etc. Yes, too excited.

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 bowl crispix...or was it cheerios?
AM snack - shredded cheese & few min saltines
Lunch - roast beef sandwich from arbys, 3 potato cakes, and pop (actually ordered the wrong size, there was too many choices. When you order a meal, it should be one standard size. Needless to say, way too much food and drink)
PM snack - mini saltines, orange pop
Supper - 2 sm pieces of lasagna, (very late)

Goals today:
Can't say as if I set any. But at least I still accomplished some things.

Better get going, lots to do tomorrow.
You are getting lots done, Lesli!!! Way to go!!:cheer2:

Sending some :wizard::wizard: for both of your DDs. I hope everything works out for them.

Hope you have a wonderful day today!:hug:
Thanks Tracy. I hope things work out for the older DD's as well.

I'm slowing down and it scares me a bit. Guess I was in full speed over the weekend. Now, I am wondering if I will get done what needs to be done in the next few weeks. One day at a time, I gues.

Yesterday I tried to shampoo the carpet again. A part is not working right on the shampooer, so I hope that the new one comes in today. It would be nice to finish so I can get the rest of that room done. Went and bought sheets for the bed, hopefully, the comforter set will be here any day. Then it will be guest ready. Well, also, I will be able to utilize the closet for storage of extra pillows, sewing items and such which will be nice.

We also picked up the cabinet doors that I had glass put in. I will probably regret not putting in no glare glass, but at least it is done.

Food yesterday was so so. Breakfast was a bowl of Fruit Loops. AM snack...hm, don't know if there was one. Lunch was at Panera w/ turkey artichoke 1/2 sandwich, 1/2 ceasar salad, iced tea, and an apple. PM snack Godiva chocolates then string cheese and a few crackers, then more chocolate. For supper, I had taco salad but it was late. Water was not good.

Just occured to me that I have to take DD12 to dance tonight. Yeah! I can try to wrap up all of my shopping in terms of decor, extra sheets, nicer towels for guests, etc.

Food today:
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, english muffin w/ butter, ham, 1/2 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - orange
Lunch - HC ziti and meat sauce meal
PM snack - cheese and crackers
Supper - ??? something on the go

Goals today:
1. Make decisions and place orders just to get these details off the list
2. No eating after 8:30pm.
3. Tea at the end of day...or hot coco.
4. Water at 60oz

Had a guy come by today to sand down and finish the floor where we removed a built in. Some difference in color since the wood had been hidden all these years, but looks finished at least. Most people probably wouldn't notice. He has to come back tomorrow to finish up. Yeah, one more thing down.

Well, I am off to order lighting and see what other details I can tackle. Everyone have a great day.:cheer2:
:hug: Lesli,

I think that happens sometimes. ::yes:: I know that last week I had tons of energy and got a lot done, but I hit the proverbial "wall" at a certain point and could clean no more. That's why we shut the bedroom door during the birthday party on Sunday. ;) Maybe you can pare down your list a bit until you have some extra energy again. For me, I've decided to work on one area of the bedroom at a time. Yesterday was the night stand, today was my dresser, and tomorrow will be cleaning off the hope chest. That way, I get a little bit done each day and don't feel overwhelmed. If I do get a burst of energy, then I will go ahead and clean until I can clean no more, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. ;)

Hope you have a nice evening!:hug:
If only I knew how to pare down my list. Some days it just keeps growing.;)

Can't remember all that I ate that wasn't on the plan. I know there were a few things, but not alot and I don't think I over did. Supper was at Chickfila. I really don't like the food there, but DH seems to. Needless to say, my chicken strips were barely done. The night ended with hot cocoa. I really am enjoying something hot to end the evening. Tonight, I will definitely take the tea instead. My only problem now is that I get relaxed having that hot cup of something at the end of the evening, but I try to stay up having time for me or doing one more thing. Kind of defeats the purpose of relaxing.:confused3

Most other things were as planned. I was tired earlier and took a nap. Then I debated on whether I should hav DH take DD12 to dance while I lounged since I was so tired. However, I decided to force myself to go and actually I am glad I did. Didn't get as much done as I would have liked since DH and DS7 went along, but that is ok. At least it was activity. Picked up some new pillows. Can't find one I like anymore and the new one wasn't any better. Then new silverware. Although when I got home, I found that I could get the silverware direct from the company at $10 per set cheaper, no s&h, no tax, and a $20 off coupon code. Turned into a $51 savings, so I ordered it.:cool1: Of course, now I have to return the other, but not a problem.

Today was busy.
Up early to take DD12 to the eye dr. (that was one direction), dropped her off at school, the part came in for the carpet cleaner, fixed that myself (DH thought I meant later and left after I asked :confused3), cleaned the carpet AGAIN, took back undercab lights we don't need and ordered what we did (a different direction), grocery shopping, made cookies (testing the oven), made dinner, and here I am. I think that was it. Now I have to get things ready for Cub Scouts tomorrow and get some research ready that I need to do. A little more energy, but I wouldn't say it is alot.

Food today:
Breakfast - 6 mini choc donuts, 1/2 c crangrape juice (on the run)
AM snack - sausage biscuit (on the run back to school)
Lunch - bowl of froot loops
PM snack - peanut m&m's (too many)
Supper - Bertolli penna & chicken (not great, but had to use it up)

Goals today:
1. no eating after 8:30pm
2. accomplished most of what I had wanted

The patch that needed to be refinished on the dining floor is done. We thought we could buff the floor to help with the shine, but the flooring guy says no. Basically, we need to use a very very fine sandpaper to rough what finish is left and then recoat with finish. Not what I wanted to hear. There are floor restorers that are supposed to go on basically like waxing a floor, but that is not recommended. Unfortunately, this will be a project that will wait until after the holidays, so I guess we throw the rug over it and get by tell then. Fortunately, it is mainly the dining area that needs to be done, possibly the living room, so not bad, and fortunately it wouldn't be a full restoration like we did 10 years ago. Well, one less thing to do before Thanksgiving.:woohoo:

The guest bedroom bedding came to day as well. :yay: Now to go grab the paint for that room. Fortunately, it is small so shouldn't take long. If I can get DH to put up the trim we will have that room about done.

Not much else going on. Talk to you later.
Sending lots of :wizard::wizard: your way to help with your to do list. I'm glad to hear that you were able to get a nap in yesterday. :goodvibes

Hope you have a great day!:hug:
After shampooing the carpet one last time yesterday, I decided that I really didn't need to paint the walls before Thanksgiving. They need a wipe down, but still look good and after all, I have plenty of other things to do. So we will move in the furniture and let it go until later. The new bedding will work with the color in the room, so I just need to add a few pics to the wall. Of course, there are a few other things, but they can all wait, the room will be functional and still look decent.

That got me to thinking about focusing on what is important and let somethings be for the moment.

Today was a busy one. Worked on Cub Scouts, ran errands, did research at the courthouse (always fun to discover new family info), and dropped stuff for donation. I am really enjoying these productive days.

Food wasn't so great. Breakfast was a fried egg, ham, english muffin, 1/2 c grapefruit juice, 1 c milk. Missed the AM snack. Lunch was McD's 1/4 lbr w/cheese, fries & tea. PM snack - 2 choc chip cookies & milk. Supper was basically the tops of pizza (I burnt the bottoms, getting used to the new oven) and a sm can pop. Just ate a bowl of froot loops and string cheese. Water was maybe 20 oz.

Better get going. I was up too late last night and really need to get sleep. Have a great day tomorrow.
This past weekend was a very busy one. Saturday, we tried to sell popcorn at the bank, but it didn't go as well as expected. Then the cub scouts took mulch down to the park to put around the playground equipment. DH put the ceiling tiles back in the guest bedroom and other odd jobs. Kids and I did other things around the house, but I can't remember. By days end, I was so exhausted, it wasn't funny. Food was reasonable and well portioned from what I remember.

Sunday I cleaned the kitchen, put the guest bedroom together after DH and DD12 cleaned and moved all the furniture back in. It really looks nice. Probably the nicest room in the house now. ;) Ok, I still have to decorate it, but the bedding looks great against the existing wall color. DMom, DAunt, and I went to a craft fair but it was quite sad. Not much there at all and the one lady that I buy cutout cookies from every year ran out and this is her last year.:eek: At least I was found a couple of gifts for Chirstmas. Went to an open house with various vendors and was able to pick up a few Christmas gifts. Food was good until I ate about 12 bite size brownies w/frosting, caramel sauce and a candied peanut. :rolleyes1 Yes, not a good thing.

Most of my weekend was spent putting my calendar and to do list on my new phone. Finally, I can have everything in one place that is easily accessible. Actually it has helped alot so far. Just being able to see the tasks is a plus. No more notes on top of notes.

Today, I painted.......the ceiling and walls in the dining room. At least it is done. Now we can move the furnishings back, hang picture, and curtains!:banana: DH spent the day doing odd jobs and putting the new chairs together. (His new phone is helping him keep track of his to do list also.:love:) I would like to paint the corner built in, but I think it may wait until after Thanksgiving. The main thing is to now get the rest of the house clean. Focusing on what is important since I can't get it all done at once.

Food today was ok.
Breakfast - 1 fried egg, 1/2 english muffin, ham, 1 c milk, 1/2 c grapefruit juice
AM snack - missed
Lunch - chips (sm bag).......then some HC fresh mixers pasta w/cheese
PM snack - Twix & 6 oz pepsi (not good, not thinking, just in the painting mode)
Supper - hamburger and mac & cheese
Also ate 4 of those brownie bites (they are gone now) and 2 bowls of froot loops. (mainly because I am tired and am trying to stay up.

Well, at least I have been very productive. That in itself is a positive thing.

Everyone have a great day tomorrow!
Wow Leslie!

You've been super busy!! Way to go getting all of that stuff done!:thumbsup2 It sounds like everything is coming together quite nicely in your home. :goodvibes

Are you having Thanksgiving at your house this year?

I hope your Tuesday is a good one! :wizard: Don't forget to take some time to relax! :goodvibes
Thanksgiving was great! We had my DBro and family down for a few days. DMom, DAunt, DBIL, DH and all 4 children were also around for Thanksgiving. It was nice to have room to entertain. In fact, I think we stayed in the new kitchen/dining more than we have in the past. The openness of the room really worked well for socializing as a larger group. Much better than having everyone split off into various small rooms.

The day before, DH and I were really working hard to get things done. He pretty much cleared the basement. I had forgotten that we had so much room. Earlier this year I had seriously dejunked, but then afterwards we started the remodel so the basement filled up quickly. So nice to see that we have room again and can soon start finishing the family room off.:rolleyes1

I sent DD12 off to do some odd and end cleaning projects, while I focused on detailing the dining and kitchen.....getting windows scraped and cleaned, curtains hung, floors cleaned, furnishing aranged, etc. Brought in the plants (surprised they lasted so long outside) and trimmed them up. Then started preparing food for the next day. It was great to get so much done, great to see my house start to really fall back into place. Now the smaller projects look more manageable and I can tackle them one at a time.

Food that day was not great, some chips, some pizza, but reallly not a lot of either. Just to busy. Thanksgiving day, I was proud of the fact that I only had 3 bites of appetizers while putting dinner together. Also, I only took one plate for dinner and even though there were a number of items on it, they were all for the most part portions that allowed only 2-3 bits. So other than the potatoes, and gravy, it was a sampling. I noticed that I was full, but not overstuffed and that really helped keep the energy level decent for the rest of the day. A little bit of grazing later in the night.

Yesterday, we met DSis and family for lunch at Olive Garden. I really don't care for the place and neither does my family, but DSis loves it. I had cheese stuffed manicotti, but only at one (they served 2), some salad, 1 bread stick, a bite of bruschetta, and a bite of fried lazagna. Well controlled. Poor DS7 ordered cheese pizza and not only was he the last one served (they forgot to bring it out...I think they forgot it actually), but he didn't like it at all. They use marinara sauce and had a ton of it on and only a few strands of cheese. :sad2: Later in the day, I had some turkey, potatoes, and blueberry pie.

Today, we went to Julmarknad (Christmas Market) in the Swedish town of my childhood. Lots of fun. DD22 needed some help in making contacts down there so she could start preparing for her senior thesis. So it worked out well that the whole family went (except DD20, who was working). The kids were able to do some crafts, we stopped at a bakery, and did a little shopping as well.

Food today:
Breakfast - bowl of cheerios
Lunch - qtr lbr w/cheese, fries, and water (better than the pop, cut cal where I can)
Supper - 2 slices of pepperoni pizza and 1 slice taco pizza, pop (stopped at PH)
PM snack - sparkling pear juice, almond candy bar (European chocolate, so worth it;))

The carpenter is back and trying to finish up the details. Doors are being hung back one on, the back of the island is now in place and some of the molding is in place. Definitely adding to the final finished look of the kitchen!

Better get going. Everyone have a great day tomorrow!
Happy New Year everyone!

Time to get real......I have much to lose and I am tired of battling this. The only way that I can get back the image that I see in my mind and not the one that stares back at me in the mirror is through dedication to a program. There are no more excuses. All they do is allow me to continue on ignoring the fact that I am failing myself......and my family.

We got a Wii for Christmas along with the Wii Fit. After seeing DD12's and DH's Wiipeople plump out after recording their info on the wii fit, I was afraid to get on. I know I am the heaviest in the family, not alot more, but heavier is heavier and I am tired of being larger than my husband. When no one was looking, I entered my wii fit...........Shocked when it told me that I was 233lbs.:scared1: That is 3lbs over my heaviest and I before Thanksgiving, I was not that heavy. I think I gained well over 10lbs in a month.:scared1: Too much stress with DD22 and DD20, plus feeling like I am running ragged with trying to get the house back in order after the remodel.

I had to double check with my scale......:sad2:.....yes, I had gained more.

Watching the family enjoy playing the wii fit, I am beginning to feel left out. Not that I should, but I guess I am feeling a bit inadequate. Mainly disappointed in myself for allowing me to gain so much.

Yesterday, I began life anew. I purged alot of junk from my office and put things away that had accumulated due to lack of proper place during the remodel. Still some work to be done. But I can feel the difference in myself just seeing the possibilities of what my office could be. I want that feeling back in all phases of my life.

So to continue in last year's tradition, I am going to finish tweaking the things that are in closets and storage around the house. We haven't missed anything that we got rid of last year (and it was alot), so a little more and I think we will feel very comfy. Also, I am going to continue simplifying life by backing out of various organizational duties that truly do not bring me joy. It so far has made a huge difference and I want to continue.

Lastly, I am going to continue to finish various projects around the house which will help keep me active. Maybe we will all be able to enjoy living more.

New goal for this year is to take off the weight for good by eating better, getting proper rest, and exercise.

Sound like alot? Maybe, but I can't keep doing this peice meal. It's just not working for me.

So onwards towards making my life simpler, more enjoyable, and downwards towards the real me.
:hug: Lesli,

I've been doing a lot of thinking this morning about all of the things I want to change too: our finances, my weight, the clutter in the house, and becoming more organized. I started to get overwhelmed, but realized that I need to just go for it. Push through the doubts and the negativity in my mind. These are issues that have been lingering with me for years and I am so tired of battling them day after day, year after year. :( But you know what? This is OUR year, Lesli! We CAN do this!!:cheer2: It's going to take time, effort, and baby steps, but we CAN do this!:cheer2: I'm cheering you on to VICTORY, WISH sis!:cheer2:

Hope you have a wonderful day!:hug:
This is our year, Tracy! It is nice to know that I am not the only one who is overwhelmed and tired of the battle. Ok, you always know you're not alone, but it sure feels like it sometimes.

In the morning, I will be back to update and do some serious goal setting. Time to drop down to a new me.


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