Leleluvsdis weightloss Wish Box


DIS Veteran
Jan 24, 2007
Inspired by a rider on the coupon train, I have decided to start my own wish thread, however, I am calling mine a wish box instead of thread. For my 16th birthday I recieved a necklace from my aunt called a wish box. The story of it was to hold it to your heart, say your wish, and it would go into your wish box, and help you make it come true. Well as cliche as it sounds, I still have that necklace at 24 almost 25, and I have it hanging on a nail in my office. Whenever I see it it makes me strive for my dreams, and give me reassurance that I can achieve them. My reason for wanting to start a wish box on the dis is simply because I need accountability. I have been doing a health journal, but I have no one to hold me accountable. To be honest, I catch myself lying to myself about what I've eaten or how much I've worked out. My hopes with my wish box, is I will be held accountable, and maybe we can encourage each other along the way.

My story:
I was always bigger growning up. I always wore plus sizes or size e for anyone who shopped at sears. In high school I became very involved in exercising and playing tennis and soccer. I ran daily and loved the way it made me feel. I always had plenty of energy. After I graduated high school, I was a size 9 or 11 in juniors. I was exstatict!!! I started working at curves and got to wear I could wear an 8 in some clothes what was definetly a solid 9 across the board. I could not have been happier. This is when I met my now husband. We met at the rescue squad, and I started becoming more involved there and less involved and attentive to myself. Long story short, I have gained about 70lbs and 4 to 5 dress sizes since DH and I first met, and would love to be the size I was again. DH has given me the goal that if I get back to where I want to be, I can run the princess 1/2 at disney. I have always wanted to run a marathon, and I figure what better place right? He has also promise me a prize when I reach my goal, a Tiffany's necklace and bracelet. I have wanted a Tiffany's necklace for so so so long, and he has made it even sweeter and added a bracelet to the mix. So I know you thinking... what are you waiting for right?? Well, I have dieted lost 10 or 12 lbs, then rewarded myself for doing so well with a splurge, or either gotten into the mind set, well I've eatten so well today one little thing won't hurt, but then in turns into an everyday thing.

My goal:
I wish to exercise minimum of one hour 3 times a week to start with. I have gotten 2 of the biggest loser DVDs, a tae-bo dvd, and I have a fluidity bar, and pilates dvds. I am going to stop dieting, but rather being more conscious of what I eat. Have a colorful plate, and start eating fruits and veggies as snacks instead of chips and junk.

On an ending note, I graduate from college in 11 months, and my brother comes home from afghanastain in 9 months. I would love nothing more than to be back to the sister I used to be when he gets back , and to be the girls my DH fell in love with when I graduate in december and hopefully start my new job.

I look forward to anyone joining in, and joggin the path with me :hug:
Good luck to you. I need to at least start walking. It is sooo hard to find the time. You have inspired me to start up something.
Thanks for joining me... it's going to be a long ride, but it will so be worth it in the end!!!
I am soooo far behind!!! DH and I have been sick for going on 3 weeks now. We had that nasty respiratory virus that's been going around at least here, I don't know about everywhere else, but we stayed in the bed for a week straight just sleeping and coughing. We have finally rejoined society lol but still have a nasty cough. Anywhoo... needless to say it put a damper on the exercising, but I did lose 6 pounds since I couldn't eat anything. I only gained 1.5lbs back so I am THRILLED with that. I have even more incentive now... DH and I are going to get pictures done for our 3 year anniversary. We've never had pictures of us done professionally with the exception of photopass at disney, and our wedding pictures. I've been wanting to have pictures done of us since we were engaged, and we've just never taken the time. I really want to lose some weight before then, and I have only 4months until our anniversary. Time to get the ball rolling. I am hopeing to do an hour of pilates today, but it's going to depend on how much school work I get done first. I have midterms this week and they are due at midnight tomarrow night, so they are a must right now, but hopefully I can get enough done today that I can get atleast 30mins but I am hopeing for an hour. Hope everyone is well, and fingers crossed a couple more people will join in...

Have a great day!!!
Ugh... so this is a rant more than anything... I just found out that I can't graduate in December because I have to many transfer classes and not enough upper level classes taken at my university. I will be 2 classes short in decemeber, but I will definetly graduate in May though. On a happy note. I am soooo happy the time has changed and it will be light out later, so hopefully I can start walking when I get off work. I have to go for my annual dr appointment tomarrow, and I know he is going to fuss about my weight... ugh... but i will start working on it. I have to start working on it.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful week!!!
So in my quest to lose weight and get back in shape, I have started walking instead of my exercise DVDs especially since the weather is SUUUPER BEAUTIFUL!!! I walked last week and the sides of my legs near my ankles cramped to where I couldn't hardly bend my ankles. This week I switched shoes, and everything was fine until today, and it was worse than ever. Has anyone else ever experienced this, and if so, what did you do to fix it? I'm wondering if maybe it is a shoe issue since my shoes are now 3 years old. Thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated!!!
It's official!!!

DH has given the go...

We are going to disney in OCTOBER 2011!!!!

I am sooooo excited!!! We weren't planning on going until next december b/c I'm going back to school, but my mom and dad have a timeshare week that needs be used and mentioned going to disney this year instead, and DH just said yes!!!! Right now I have OKW 2bedroom on hold October 14-21st. So now I have a huge instintive to lose weight and get back in shape, b/c our last trip pictures I look HORRIBLE, and I really don't want to have to buy new cloths for this trip, b/c none of my summer cloths fit errr
Who here likes okw? It was the only 2 bedroom open, but I've heard nothing but good things about it... any tips??
Hi! I was reading your posts and I have not stayed in a DVC but we are going October 16th for 4 nights. I haven't actually booked the trip yet as I'm a Disney freak but this will be our first trip with our little girl who will be 13 mos at the time of the trip. So I'm a little nervous to travel with a baby that young! I have about 6 pounds of baby weight hanging on but still is not my optimal weight! Another 10 after that would be great! Good lick on your journey!
Hi! I was reading your posts and I have not stayed in a DVC but we are going October 16th for 4 nights. I haven't actually booked the trip yet as I'm a Disney freak but this will be our first trip with our little girl who will be 13 mos at the time of the trip. So I'm a little nervous to travel with a baby that young! I have about 6 pounds of baby weight hanging on but still is not my optimal weight! Another 10 after that would be great! Good lick on your journey!

I think that will be such a fun age!!! You will have a blast!!! I don't have kids of my own, but in doing stuff with little cousins and nieces and nephews, that is my favorite age!!!

Good luck on your journey as well!!! Keep me updating on your planning, are you doing a PTR?
So after finally getting new shoes, I went back to walking today. OH my word it felt soooo good to be exercising again. I have only been full force walking 3 or 4 times a week for 2 weeks now, but b/c I needed new shoes and hadn't been able to get to the store in about a week, and we've had yucky weather, I haven't been able to get out and walk, until today and it was absolutly heavenly. I even jogged about 4/10 of a miles which is huge for me since I haven't ran much less jogged in about years and 50lbs ago lol On the weight loss front, I have lost back down to 6 lbs. Yea I know not huge, but hey... that's 1lb more than a bag of sugar, and it's a step in the right direction. Now only to get through the easter with no huge slip ups. I'm beginning to find, my biggest down fall is work. We celebrate for everything, and by celebrate I mean eat, and good stratch made junk too ugh... I will drink my water and I will be happy!!!! Only 64 more lbs to go and 6 months to so it in.
I am up and off for my first walk of the week!!! I haven't been walking since Thursday, and I soooo need this, I ate HORRIBLE this weekend, but as of this morning, I only gained 1lb so hopefully I can get it off plus a couple extra this week. I have a wedding to go to next weekend and would love to lose 5 or 10 lbs before then, but looking more at the 5lb mark.
Have a great Monday everyone!!!​
Happy Thursday Everyone!!!

No progress thus far on the dieting end, but I have lost 5 lbs (but I think it's stress), we have been so busy with work, and school, it has been a grab what you can take with you. Work has been terribly stressful recently with tons and tons of changes occuring with a hurry up and wait mentality from administation... :headache: so frustrating. Anywhoo.. Monday I am starting the 17 day diet.

Has anyone ever tried it?


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