Leaving the hubbies and kids behind - A May 2010 PTR, TR has begun!

That's right...did you decide what you want to do that last morning or are you just going to wait and see what you feel like?

I got my packing mostly done yesterday. Today I'm going to some pampering so it's done for tomorrows interview. that just leaves a few odds and ends to take care of. How are you coming?

We're just going to wait and see what we feel like doing at the time.

I'm pretty much the same as you. Got everything packed yesterday except last minute stuff, got my hair done too. Today and tomorrow will just be organizing paperwork, charging electronics, going to the bank, stuff like that. I'm ready!!!
We will probably MK it that day, too! And stay until the last possible second...our plane doesn't leave until 2:00 Sunday so plenty of time to sleep in!

Come on to Tony's, then! Meet us on the porch after Wishes. :)
Good Luck on your interview tomorrow! I know you'll knock them dead!!!
Hey girl! Have a great time! So excited to read all about it when you get back! :)

Hey Dawn! It's about time you showed up ;)

We're just going to wait and see what we feel like doing at the time.

I'm pretty much the same as you. Got everything packed yesterday except last minute stuff, got my hair done too. Today and tomorrow will just be organizing paperwork, charging electronics, going to the bank, stuff like that. I'm ready!!!

Sounds like a good last day plan! Just some odds and ends to take care of but really...I'm just ready to go! I may start counting the hours :idea: 47.25 :lmao:

Come on to Tony's, then! Meet us on the porch after Wishes. :)

I may just have to do that! It would be a great way to end the trip!!!


Good Luck on your interview tomorrow! I know you'll knock them dead!!!

Thanks Jen :goodvibes
An interview and a Disney trip all in the next two days! Wow! Good luck tomorrow, and afterwards, if someone asks you, "Now that you have interviewed, what are you going to do?" you can say, "I'm going to Disney World!" :rotfl:
An interview and a Disney trip all in the next two days! Wow! Good luck tomorrow, and afterwards, if someone asks you, "Now that you have interviewed, what are you going to do?" you can say, "I'm going to Disney World!" :rotfl:

Love it!! :upsidedow Good luck tomorrow. Say hi to Mickey for me. And Pluto. Goofy too. Oh and Chip and Dale if you see them. Oh boy, can't forget Tigger... you get the point.

Have a great time!!!! :goodvibes
Aw Katie I'm so excited for you!! I hope your interview was awesome and make sure you have a great trip!! :wizard:We'll all be thinking about you and looking forward to hearing about allll the fun you'll have! :goodvibes
Good Luck at your interview!

Excited for your trip! Have a fabulous time!

Thanks Janell! I'm feeling a bit stressed right now but I intend to go and have a fabulous time!!

An interview and a Disney trip all in the next two days! Wow! Good luck tomorrow, and afterwards, if someone asks you, "Now that you have interviewed, what are you going to do?" you can say, "I'm going to Disney World!" :rotfl:

:rotfl: LOVE IT!!!! :thumbsup2

When it rains it pours I guess!

Love it!! :upsidedow Good luck tomorrow. Say hi to Mickey for me. And Pluto. Goofy too. Oh and Chip and Dale if you see them. Oh boy, can't forget Tigger... you get the point.

Have a great time!!!! :goodvibes

DANG! I forgot to make that "C says Hi" t-shirt ;)

Aw Katie I'm so excited for you!! I hope your interview was awesome and make sure you have a great trip!! :wizard:We'll all be thinking about you and looking forward to hearing about allll the fun you'll have! :goodvibes

Thanks Jess :goodvibes
So I seem to be on overdrive the last couple days! I have done everything on my to-do list so far including some of the things that were “if I have time” like scrubbing the stovetop and cleaning the fridge (why these are necessary, I don’t know but for some reason it was something I wanted to accomplish)

One (possibly big) monkey wrench was thrown at me yesterday. When I picked Patrick up at school, he announced he needed a pair of overalls for a field trip on Wednesday. They are visiting a one-room schoolhouse and want the kids to dress for the time period. First, I’m a little peeved at the idea of buying him a pair of overalls that I’m certain he will never wear again (and yes, I already checked e-bay for a used pair…no luck). Second, I wish they had let us in on this a bit sooner!! If I had time, I could go scrounge Goodwill or the like but frankly, I just can’t squeeze that in too. I guess I’ll hit the farm store in town and cross my fingers! The second choice would be to see if I can find a pair of suspenders he can wear with pants but frankly, this town doesn’t have a ton of shopping options and I’m skeptical. Worst case scenario I guess is I leave it for Greg to look in Des Moines after dropping me at the airport on Saturday but that won’t be fun while dragging both boys around.

Update on weather forecast…

Depending on which source you believe, temps will be in the high 80’s-low 90’s for the first half of my trip then cooling just a bit for the second half. Accuweather indicates no strong chances for significant rain but weather.com says scattered thunderstorms late week. I would prefer mid80’s and sun the entire week but I guess we will just take what happens!

So let’s see if I have everything….

Gifts for the boys all wrapped up and ready to go (have been put in gift bags with mickey head labels for each day with a little note)


Mousekeeping and luggage services tip envelopes printed


Autograph cards printed (these are just some of them)


Luggage is packed except for the last minute things. I did my final pampering yesterday instead of waiting for today. Later today I can check in online for my flight.

So that leaves running the last minute errands (which is a growing list), vacuuming and 2 loads of laundry. Then of course there is that all important job interview this afternoon. When the boys come home, we will make a run to the library to make sure they won’t have any late books while I am gone. This evening, we will pick out their school clothes for next week in hopes the mornings will go a bit more smoothly for Greg. We are going to make May Day baskets and partly fill them. They will just have to pop the popcorn and deliver tomorrow afternoon.

I have made a checklist for Greg of things to remember including if Patrick needs to pack a lunch or not, what Daniel has to bring to school on what day and reminders like piano lessons and what nights I will call them on Skype

After they go to bed I will double check everything and hopefully get some sleep tonight. I can’t believe I leave tomorrow!!!!
Katie -

It never, ever occured to me to make special housekeeping envelopes - Oh Wait.....I am staying DVC....LOL.....they don't come until the end of the stay anyway! :lmao:

You are super organized. Since I have a million last minute things to do, and will probably be doing laundry all night, I decided to check in now and wish you happy travels tomorrow.

Oh......and, you too, Tracy.....cause I know you will be checking in here today.

quick update on my end.....My DH and my friends are thinking about going to Daytona for a day (being back at dinner time). I told them to go either Weds or thursday. I warned them that if they go Weds I will probably go all Cinco de Mayo on them and might be comatose when they get back....kidding....must do EE that night!

If they go thursday I told them they MUST be back for Ohana. I think I will go to HS that day and I think maybe, just maybe, I will try out for AI. I've got my song picked out! :laughing: I would be psyched to get into a show and I have no chance of making the final, so I am sure dinner plans will not be disturbed!!!!! :rotfl:

So that's my story. Podsnel (Ellen) from the Dismoms is leaving this morning. I get a text on Wednesday that she was all packed and ready to go. I will be thinking about her all day and thinking about you guys tomorrow!

Keeping my fingers crossed that all goes smooth here on the homefront between now and departure day. :thumbsup2


ps - that overall thing - ridiculous - I HATE stuff like that. Can't he just put a straw hat on and wrap a bandana around his neck? :rotfl2:
Update on weather forecast…

Depending on which source you believe, temps will be in the high 80’s-low 90’s for the first half of my trip then cooling just a bit for the second half. Accuweather indicates no strong chances for significant rain but weather.com says scattered thunderstorms late week. I would prefer mid80’s and sun the entire week but I guess we will just take what happens!
That overall thing is crazy!:headache:

Cute gifts!

I have to make envelopes. That was on my to do list and I forgot about them!

Weather forecast looks pretty good to me compared to the HIGH 90s I had last year. It is supposed to be warm here this weekend too so it won't be such a shock to go from here to there.

:wizard:Goodluck today!!!:wizard:
Here's a bit of pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust:pixiedust: for the interview today. Pray it goes well and then you can relax and completely enjoy the World. :goodvibes
Have an amazing trip Katie...wow you have been productive, when your trip is over want to come and help me get ready to move!!!!!! Good luck at your interview today!!
Good luck with your interview today!

The overall thing is ridiculous, I'm sorry, but I would protest and send my child in regular clothes. I wouldn't go out and buy something special last minute, especially if I thought he would never wear it again - but that's just me......

You are super woman Katie! I'm leaving Don to his own devises, no notes, reminders or anything - he's a big boy he should be able to handle things for one measly week, I do it all the time when he is gone. (Of course, I may send a few text message reminders for the important stuff, just to be sure he doesn't forget..... :rolleyes1 )

Love your mousekeeping envelopes & autograph cards!

Have a safe trip. Maybe I'll see you tomorrow!! :yay:
Katie , it sounds as if you have it all under control! Can you believe that you leave tomorrow? :banana: I hope you have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to hear about it when you return. :thumbsup2

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