Laurie's Quest Continues....two more marathons in one year!!


DIS Veteran
Sep 26, 2005
Ok, so I never thought I would do something like this, but hey, reading all of the other WISH journals has made me more motivated than ever! For years, I have told myself that I want to run a marathon. My family tells me I am crazy that I would never be able to do it, but I know I can if I really train for it. So, last year at this time, I told myself I was going to train for the 2007 full marathon....but due to a variety of roadblocks early on in the year, it just didn't happen. Well, I am determined to change that this year. And my goal is to finish the 2008 WDW Marathon!!!! And I am trying anything to keep me motivated, including keeping this WISH journal!!

A little about me: I am 31 years old. I am a physical education teacher, who loves to play ice hockey for fun in my spare time. In high school, I ran track and I have kept it up on and off over the years. I consider myself to be in decent shape....not great, but not bad. I could spare to lose a few pounds, and I hope through this journey I can lose about 10 pounds. I have a dBF that is so supportive and is one of the few people close to me that really believes that I can do this and I truly believe he will support me the entire way!! I am trying to convince him to do it with me but not sure that will happen....but I will keep trying.

So, I started training this week. My goal for now is to just build up a base, since I haven't been running in the recent past. I started on saturday and I have done three workouts so far:

saturday: 1.92 miles in 21:08 min. (10:57 pace)
Sunday: 2.07 miles in 22:08 min. (10:41 pace)
Monday: REST
Tuesday (Today): 2.31 miles in 24:22 min. (10:30 pace)
wed: 2.3 miles
thurs: 2.3 miles
Fri: rest

After each of these runs, I have felt great, and not really that tired. But, I don't want to push it too fast. So, I am going to stick with around 2 miles this week and gradually build up. Right now my goals is to run 4-5 days a week. I found a few websites with different training schedules, I just have to figure out which one is best for me.

Ok, so I took the step! I am sooooooo.... psyched for this! This has always been a dream of mine, but now I have turned it into a goal, and I am more determined than ever to reach it! :cheer2: :cheer2:
Today I went on another run.

2.41 miles @10:06 pace

I felt great during and after my run. That may be because it is absolutely beautiful here in NJ today. I can't believe it is 60 degrees in January. It is crazy. I am not complaining though, as I HATE the snow. I hope this weather continues for awhile!!

I decided not to run yesterday, as I had planned, since I was playing in a hockey game last night. So, I still got in a workout. I plan on doing my next workout on saturday, and I plan on doing a slightly longer run than I have been doing.

One thing I am noticing is that I have a bit of trouble breathing at the start of my workouts but about midway through I can breathe much easier....I used to have problems with asthma when I was younger, but it hasn't been that bad recently. I used to have an inhaler that I used before exercising, but haven't had one in years, I may call my doctor to see if I can get one to use before running, hopefully that will help a little bit.

Does anyone have any suggestions of books that have good marathon training schedules in them? I know of a couple of websites, but I would like to see if there are any good books out there also.

Laurie it looks like you are doing great! I am so jealous of your weather! We have had temps in the mid 40's but there is still at least a foot of snow on the ground turning the sidewalks into slush and the streets into rivers as it melts! There is no way to run outside right now, unless you want to run in the middle of the street, and then you still have to deal with muddy, splash back! I bet that gravel would hurt! :rotfl:
It looks like you are running at a great pace. 10 min miles is my goal. I am, well I was, sitting at around 11, my best time had been 10:20. But as of right now I am sitting at 12 mins! :sad2:
Anyway, keep up the excellent work! I wish I could be more help on the Marathong traing books, I just know there are lots of them out there, including a Marathon Training for Dummies book! I'm sure you'll find one that fits you perfectly!

Good Luck
Another absolutely beautiful day here in Northern NJ....supposed to be 70 degrees here today!!! It is crazy, and great running weather for me.

I went out for a longer run today, I went 4 miles. I want to try to get into a habit of doing long runs on saturdays for once I start my formal marathon training. So here is what I did today:

4.02 miles in 43:09 @10:43 pace

I was very happy with my workout, it has been a LONG time since I have jogged that far so I am pretty excited. My body felt good, except for my hip which was a little sore towards the end of my run.

I have been using the Nike + shoes that link up with my ipod and I love it because it gives me updates on how far I have run and how much I have left. It is great, and very easy to use.

Nicole-I don't know what I will do once we get some snow here, I really hope we don't get much, because I HATE running indoors. I doubt this beautiful weather will last all winter but hopefully we won't have too much snow. Hang in there before you know it spring will be here!! Don't worry about the pace too much, it will come to you. Before you know it you will be back down around 11 and on your way to a 10 mpm pace.
I went another run today and felt great. Here is what I did:

3.01 miles 32:17 min. @10:42 pace

So, today I came up with this crazy idea that I want to run a marathon in 18 weeks! I did some research and found a novice marathon training plan that is 18 weeks long. It is a Hal Higdon training plan. And, lucky me, there is the New Jersey Marathon that weekend. Luckily, this marathon does not fill up to capacity and I can sign up till the last minute. So, I think I may try to follow the training schedule for at least the next month and see what happens. I really think I can do this! I may be crazy, but I just felt like a year was so far away to wait, and I wanted to do something before that. I still plan on doing WDW Full next January, but we will see how the training goes for the NJ marathon!

So, I will continue to see what happens over the next couple of months!
Good for you!!! I think that is a great plan! My sister swears that anyone who has any experience running can be ready for a marathon in around 14 weeks, if they are willing to put in the time and effort. I don't know if I agree with that for myself, since I need to lose so much weight, but from the look of your training log, you are a good runner, and I definitly think you can do it! Please keep posting your progress!!! Good Luck!! :banana:
Ok, so today was a rest day for me, but I will be back at it tomorrow with another 3 mile run.

So, after really thinking about my grand plan to run a marathon in 18 weeks, and really studying the training plan I had found, I came to the conclusion that I may be pushing it to much too soon! I really don't want to hurt myself by I have come back to reality and decided to do a half marathon at the end of I signed up today for the New Jersey Half Marathon, which is held in Long Branch, NJ on April 29....apparently it is a very flat course and has beautiful views of the ocean, as the start/finish line is right on the ocean!!!

So, my goal is to run the half marathon in April, then another sometime in September, with some other shorter races in between, and then I will go full gear for the WDW full in January. My dream has always been for Disney to be my first marathon, and I really want to realize that dream!!! So, in the meantime I will run in some other races, which I think will be good for me!!!

More tomorrow after my workout!!
Today, I decided to do a little bit shorter workout since I was pressed for time, but I decided to push myself a bit harder. So, here's today's workout:

2 miles
18:47 min
9:17 mpm

Mile 1: 8:55 min
Mile 2: 9:14 min

I was so psyched with this was pretty cold here today, and it was VERY windy, which made the workout a bit tough. My legs felt great, and we not too sore after the run. The cold wind made it a little bit tough to breathe but it got better as the run progressed. All in all, I am very excited with my progress, and can't wait to start my formal training for the half marathon.

Oh, I signed up for a 5k race for March 18, as part of the training plan I am following for the half marathon, so I am very excited about that.

Another workout tomorrow!
Those times are awesome! You are doing great.
I don't blame you for not wanting to do a marathon so quickly. If you injured yourself, who knows how long it would take before you were back to full strength, and it could even make you miss the WDW race! I can totally agree with wanting WDW to be your first marathon. I was originally only planning on the half, but as I kept thinking and reading about it, I think this will probably be a once in a lifetime thing for me, I will probably do half marathons, but this will probably be the only full, so I definitely want it to be WDW!
Keep up the good work!!
I decided to take yesterday off as a day of rest. I got home from work and I was completely exhausted. I have been super busy this week with my hockey schedule, work, and a trip to see the New Jersey Devils (my favorite team) play, but I have still managed to get my workouts in!! That meant I had to get in a run today.

Here are the details:

3.01 miles
29:32 min.
9:46 mpm pace

mile 1: 9:10
Mile 2: 10:16
Mile 3: 9:02

I am very excited about my times, I feel great during and after my runs! Tomorrow will be a 4 mile run, I will check in after I complete my workout!
Hopefully, the rain holds off till the afternoon so I can get my workout it, temperature should be nice.
Despite the rainy weather this morning, I managed to get in a 4 mile run between the rain. I was very happy about that, since when I woke up it was raining, and I was bummed because I was really looking forward to getting a run in. I waited about an hour and looked at the weather radar and it showed a bit of a break in the rain for awhile, so I quickly got ready and went out for my run!!! :cheer2: :cheer2:

So here are the details:

4 miles
41:27 min.
10:20 aver. pace

mile 1: 10:14
mile 2: 10:01
mile 3: 10:31
mile 4: 10:36

Pretty good workout, I actually found a really great running spot right near my apartment. There is a park about a mile away, so I ran to the park, completed a loop around the park and headed back home, which was my 4 mile run. While in the park, I realized that there is a running trail that goes along the river that runs through the park. I am going to do some research on this running trail, since it might be a great location for my longer runs!

Gotta take down the Christmas tree today, it has been up way too long!! and then, gotta play in a hockey game tonight out on Long Island!!! Tomorrow is a rest day, so next workout will be monday!
Today, I decided to head to the running store to get a new pair of training shoes. I went to a local running store called Fleet Feet Sports. I went in not really knowing what type of shoes would be best for running a half marathon and marathon, so I figured a trip to a running store would be best.

Well, let me tell you, I felt like a queen during my time in the store. I told the gentleman my story that i just started training and what my goals were. He measured my feet and away we went. He brought me several pairs of sneakers. I tried on each one and he checked it for size. He then sent me out to run down the street and back for each pair that fit right to see how they felt. I tried on Asics, New Balance, and Nike, and finally decided on a pair of Nike Pegasus. They just felt the most comfortable, and I have to say I am used to wearing Nike shoes and never had a problem with them.

Of course, after I decided on the sneakers, I decided that I wanted to buy some running clothes since they were having a good sale. So, next one of the ladies working helped me choose a variety of clothes. I ended up buying some running tights, a warm pair and a lighter pair for different weather conditions. So, when all was said and done, I spent a little more money than I had anticipated but it was well worth it!!!

For anybody that is new to this sport, go to a running store for the best treatment and to ensure you get exactly what you need for your comfort!

Back to training tomorrow!
Wanted to get my post in before heading off to bed!

Got in 3 miles today in 28:49 min @9:34 pace

Mile 1: 10:00
Mile 2: 9:28
Mile 3: 9:23

Weather told was very cold and windy, and the next few days don't look much better. It is going to be a challenge to get out for my runs the next two days, but I know I have to bundle up and get out there!!

I feel great during my runs, I don't really get that tired, and I don't feel like I am going that fast. I am excited about my progress so far. My only problem is sometimes when I am running, i wonder if I will ever be able to run a half or full marathon distance, it just seems so FAR!!!! I know that with the training plan I am following, I will be able to do it, but I guess it is more of a mental game for me!!

New running shoes felt great!! they were definetely a great investment.

More tomorrow as it is time for bed!!!
You are doing great! I definitely know how hard it is to do anything when the weather is bad! I am desperately trying to juggle my schedule around today so that I can get to the park for a quick outdoor run (myfirst since early Dec)! It seems to be the only place they are keeping the sidewalks clean. Everywhere else is to icy! Just hang in there and be careful. Make sure you bundle up!
Don't worry about the marathon distance. You have such a great start, and it is still a long ways off. Just stick with your training program and you will definitely make it. I know what you mean about the mental thing. It seems so intimidating to think of 26 miles! But all we can do is train hard and take it 1 mile at a time!
Keep up the good work!
Wow, you are doing great!! I understand about the cold weather here in PA, but I will be bundled up and out running tonight, so just know you have company!! Your motivation is an inspiration!
Laurie -- Your training sessions are awesome! You are already a very accomplished runner and you should give yourself a lot of credit for being where you are. Don't worry about the distances. You are meant to build up to them gradually, to give your body the time it needs to strengthen to withstand the distance. And your endurance will build up as well.

I am glad you found the Hal Higdon materials. I know a lot of WISH runners/walkers use his plans. I also really like John Bingham. I am familiar with three of his books -- The Courage to Start, No Need for Speed and Marathoning for Mortals, all of which are helpful.

Looking forward to sharing your journey through your journal and I can't wait to see you at next year's marathon weekend. :thumbsup2
So, today, I changed my plan and decided not to run, since I have a big hockey game tonight. My plan that I will officially start following on Feb. 1 has wednesday's workout as either running or cross, I figured I would not run today and rest my legs for my game tonight. But, I will be back at it tomorrow for 3 miles, with a 5 mile LR set for saturday.

Nicole-thanks as always for the encouragement! I know the mental aspect of this whole thing will be the hardest for me. And, you are so right about taking it one mile at a time.

FirsttimertoDiz---the cold weather is crazy. yesterday when I went out running i was so bundled up!! It is hard though, cause I feel like I get so bundle up but I don't want to wear so much that I overheat---is that possible in the cold weather? Anyhow, I always wear a hat and gloves and warm clothes. Tomorrow is supposed to be worse so I will be bundling up!!!

Cam-thanks for the kind words!!! I love the support that everyone here on the WISH boards offer to everyone. I am not sure I would be training for my races if it wasn't for all of you!! I have the Hal Higdon training info from online, but I think I am going to buy MFM since everyone on the weekly thread highly recommends that book.

Well, I missed a day of posting, so I will update for yesterday and today.

On Thursday, I went on a run in the snow!! This was the first time I ran in that kind of conditions, and I absolutely loved it!!!! IT was so pretty running through the park I run at with the snow falling. It actually had just started snowing so the ground was not icy just wet. Here are the details of that workout:

3.01 miles
29:15 min
9:42 pace

mile 1: 9:39
mile 2: 9:59
mile 3:9:31

Friday's workout: Today I decided to do my long run, since I will be spending the day with my two nieces and nephews tomorrow, and didn't think I would be able to get out to run, and sunday I have to work, so I knew I wouldn't get my run in, so I went out today as soon as I got home from work. It was a bit cold, but I felt great!! Here are the details:

5.01 miles
49:44 min
9:54 pace

Mile 1: 9:53
Mile 2: 10:02
Mile 3: 10:13
Mile 4: 9:58
Mile 5: 9:14

I am very happy that my last mile was my best, I didn't think I was going that much faster at the end, but I was excited to see the time when I downloaded the information from my ipod.

Today was the first day running with my new sneakers that I bought earlier in the week. I had ordered a lacelid, which is a little plastic piece that holds the Nike+ chip, and it came in the mail today. You lace your shoelaces through it and it holds the chip in place. My new shoes felt GREAT!! much better than the ones I was running in before.

Next run is scheduled for Monday, and I actually can't wait to run again.....I can't believe I am saying that!!
Your times are wonderful! It is great that you are doing so good, especially when your last mile is your fastest! I am glad the new shoes worked so well for you. I know I need to get some new ones. It always seems so hard to find just the right fit and style! Keep up the good work!
Nicole--like the others told me on the weekly training thread, go to a local running specialty store to get sneakers. I didn't really know what would be best for me and I went there and they measured my feet and brought out many different styles and brands of running shoes. I tried them all on, and even ran up and down the street to see which would be best. I left with a pair that I am really happy with so far!!

Enjoy the rest of the weekend!



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