Laurie's Quest Continues....two more marathons in one year!!

:goodvibes YAY!!! Congrats on the engagement ring shopping. How exciting!!!! And HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!

Laurie...I really have to commend you on being SOOO smart about your training with the knee issues that cropped up. I know how hard it was to back off the runs...but you really did the right thing. I'm really proud of how you handled your situation and it totally paid off. The XT kept your fitness level high and the time off from running allowed the knee to heal. You are going to do great at the marathon!! :hug: I hope I get to see you afterwards :).

I am really looking forward to meeting you and DBF. We are all set for 1 pm on Friday at Pecos Bills right???? YAY! This trip is going to be here before we know it. I'm getting really excited!!!!! :cool1:
Well, it has been a few days since I last reported on my training. That is because there hasn't been much training...I am still trying to rest my knee a bit and it was a crazy week going back to work, so not a lot of free time.

I did go out for an easy 3 miler this morning just to get my legs moving a little bit. THen I came home stretched, did some exercises for my IT Band and iced both knees.

Well, I am starting to get really nervous! I can't beleive that the marathon is just about a week away. This year went soooooooo.. fast, I can't believe it. Honestly, I don't think I could have done it without everyones support here...the disboards are AWESOME!!!

Stacie-You are going to do great in the 5k!! Don't worry, although I know the feeling right now! As for the engagement rings, it is so exciting that we went to look, but I am not sure DBF is planning on getting right yet. I think I will be waiting a couple of months...too bad!

Amy--YOu are soooo right, about it being hard cutting back on my training. That has been the hardest part of this whole knee issue. But I know I did the right thing in taking it easy the past few weeks, and honestly, if it wasn't for the encouragement from everyone here, I am not sure I would have stopped and Thanks!!!

I can't wait to meet you guys on Friday at 1pm at Pecos Bill!!!!!!!! I Can't wait!!!!!!!

Ok, time to get back to the Rutgers football game!! GO SCARLET KNIGHTS!!!
Hi Laurie!

I'm with Amy...Great job reacting to your injuries and not getting've trained so smart. Looks like you are prepped for an awesome marathon in one week :) Got any butterflies yet??

Have a great weekend
Good luck at the marathon, Laurie! You are gonna do a great job! We'll be cheering you on from Ohio!:cheer2: I can't wait to hear all about it when you come back.:banana:

Have a great week!:hug:
So, last night we headed over to our local fleet feet store to pick up a few things for the marathon. I wanted to buy a pack to wear on my waist to hold my camera, gels, phone, and whatever else i need. I found a great one that will fit everything, yet not be too bulky!! Very happy about that.

Then, I found some IT band straps, that i had been reading about online. You wear them above your knee and they are supposed to alleviate the pain of the IT band. So, of course, I bought two of those to wear as well. Then I bought some other odds and thing I knew I had spent about $70!

I wanted to test out the new IT band straps and my waist pack today, so I headed out for a run. I felt great, and ended up going 6 miles....and I ran the whole way!!!!!! I have been down run/walk intervals, but today felt great and I ran the whole way, with absolutely no pain!! So, hopefully the straps will be good and my waist pack worked great!

Also, today, I broke down and rented a car. Originally, we were going to rely on Disney transportation and Magical Express to get around and try to save some money. But my mom convinced me to rent a car. I spent about an hour this morning trying to find the best deal. I ended up finding an AWESOME deal (compared to all the others!) and got a car for $51 from Thursday night through Monday afternoon. I think it is just going to be easier for us to get around, so I did it.

I am so psyched for next weekend! I can't wait for it to get here finally!!! I feel like I have been training forever!!! I am a little nervous, but I am excited. Just think, this time next week the marathon will be over and I will be enjoying a great dinner at Le Celliar in Epcot...can't wait!!!!!!

Scott--Thanks! I do have some butterflies but they aren't so bad yet. I have been reading the disboards all weekend, just soaking everything in and trying to prepare mentally for the race! I can't wait!!

Tracy--Thanks!! We will be listening for those cheers down at WDW next weekend...I will definetely need it!!
:goodvibes Great news Laurie!! OMG...I'm sooo excited. I can't believe we leave on THURSDAY!!! Yay!! :banana: Wow....all that training comes down to just a few days now. Goodness!!! What a great weekend we're going to have.
Countdown time.... Great job on your run! I know that must really help boost your confidence! I know you are more than ready to do this!!!

This will be our first time relying solely on Disney transportation. Normally my sister has their car or we drive down w/ my parents. This time, it's just us, so we'll see how it goes! That price sounds awesome on your rental car!

Hope you have a great day!!! See in a few days!!!
Well, this could very well be my last post before the race!

All I can say is...WOW....what a year!!! A little over a year ago, I started out on this quest of mine, wondering at times if I would ever be able to finish a marathon. For years, I have dreamed about doing this, but just never committed to it, until last January. I signed up for the marathon and started my quest to complete this race!!!! Along the way I ran a few short races and tried desperately to keep up with my training. In the meantime, I relied so much on these boards to keep me motivated! There were times when I just wanted to quit telling myself that I just couldn't do it, there were times of panic when I worried that I hadn't done enough to get ready for the race, and there were times when I was scared of the unknown! What is it going to be like?? (I stilll wonder that!)....but this week, all that has gone away, and I am soooooooooooooooooooo... EXCITED!!! I can't wait! Now, I won't say I am not a little scared, nervous, etc...but most of all I am excited!

My goal for this race is to finish, to get to that finish line! I may have to walk, but I am going to do it!!!

Today, one of my classes brought me a bunch of Good Luck cards! A good friend of mine is their teacher and she knows I am running, so she had the kids make me was so cute!!! They were asking me about the race, they couldn't believe I was going to run that far...honestly, neither can I at times!! I almost started to cry when they gave me the cards, because it really hit home that it is only a few days away, but it totally made my day!!

To all of you that have read and followed my journal the last few months--you have no idea how much the encouragment has helped me along the way! I truly know that I could not have done this without all of you!!!!!

Amy, Scott, and Stacie---Can't wait to meet you guys on Friday!!!

We are leaving on thursday evening, so I probably won't be back on till after the race...and rest assured that there will be a HUGE race report!!!!
Laurie -

Don't know if you'll see this before you leave or not, but GOOD LUCK!! You've done an incredible job this year and you are going to have a great experience out there on Sunday :goodvibes: Just remember to take it all in and attempt to have fun (as much fun as one can running 26.2!)...I cannot wait to hear how it went and read that awesome trip report!

Great job, good luck and we'll see you on Friday!
Hi Laurie! Just wanted to say I hope you have a safe trip down to WDW!!! Only a few days left!!! :dance3: I know you'll do great!

I'm excited to meet you on Friday! See you then!

Well, this will really be my last post before heading to WDW! Still need to pack tonight, kind of stressed about that, but I did make a list to help make it easier. I am soooooo excited!!!!!! This time tomorrow I will be at the airport waiting to leave!! :cool1: :cool1:

So, I was listening to a song today and I about burst out in tears listening to it, the song is Go the Distance from the Disney movie so relates to the marathon and the upcoming days.... here are the lyrics that really hit me..and since I am quite an emotional person at times, I started crying when I heard them....

And I won't look back
I can go the distance
And I'll stay on track
No, I won't accept defeat
It's an uphill slope
But I won't lose hope
Till I go the distance
And my journey is complete

That is only one part of the lyrics, but it is something that I will keep in my head on sunday as I am running!! I downloaded the song and put in my marathon playlist for my ipod....I don't plan on wearing my ipod during the race, but if i get to a point and need a little boost, I am making a playlist with songs that motivate me...and Go the Distance will definetely be one of them!!!!! Just can't listen to it before the race starts or I might really break out in tears!!!!

Dona--Thanks so much!!!
Well, it is 9 pm...the night before the race!!! YIKES!!!! Oh my, I have become quite nervous the last couple of hours!!!!! I know inside that I can do this, but I guess I am scared of the unknown.

We arrived on Thursday night very late...didn't get to the resort till after midnight. We woke up early to head to the expo yesterday, so we could get over to MK.

Yesterday, we had our "journal" was awesome to meet up with Scott, Amy, Stacie, and Matt. It was great talking with you! Unfortunately, we didn't make to the WISH meet at POP...we got held up at MK and didn't make it back in time.

This morning, I headed out at 4:30am to watch the that was early! And I have to do it again tomorrow!!! It was so cool watching all the WISHers in the race..what an inspiration they all were! I was actually wishing that I was out there running with them, but that will have to wait until tomorrow. I didn't see Amy and is it hard to pick people out of the crowd. I know you all did AWESOME!!!

Ok...time to go rest and get ready for the morning....hopefully I will get some sleep...don't really see that happening, but I am going to try!

I will try to post a report on how the race went tomorrow.
I'm Back!!!! We just got back tonight and I wanted to post that this weekend was AWESOME!!!! It is an experience that I will never forget! It was easily the most difficult thing I have ever done in my life, but I MADE IT!!!!!! I finished in 5:28:35. I was very happy with my time and for the fact that I finished!!!! I will post a longer trip report tomorrow.

Amy and Scott--I was so glad to see you guys out there on the course on Sunday! You kept me going! Congrats on the Goofy!! YOU GUYS ROCK!!!!!!

BTW-I really think I am going to sign up for the Goofy for next year!
Congratulations Laurie!!!:cheer2: I knew you could do it!:thumbsup2 I am so proud of you!!!!:hug: You set a goal for yourself to run the marathon and you did it!:banana: You have set a wonderful example for your family and friends, your fellow WISHers, and for your students.:grouphug: Great job, Laurie!!!:cheer2: I can't wait to hear all about it!:banana:

Have a great week WISH sis!:hug: CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!:cheer2:
Tracy--Thank you so much!! You have no idea how it feels to say I completed that marathon! It is an amazing feeling and something I never ever thought I would be able to do!! Thank you so much for all your encouragement over the last year, you have no idea how much it has meant to me!!
Well, I am going to start my really long trip report!!

Friday, January 10th
We started our day by eating in the Pop Century Food Court before heading off to Wide World of Sports for the Health and Fitness Expo. We arrived at WwoS before the expo opened so they made us wait on line outside. Lucky for us the line was not that long so I was able to get my number pretty quick when the finally let us in. When the doors opened we headed right for the race number pick-up. There was only one person ahead of me. I got my race number, and that made it all seem so real that I was really going to do this! I tested my chip to make sure it worked then we headed down to the expo floor to get my race shirt and to look around at the different vendors. I bought a bunch of race apparel…spent wayyyyyy more than I had anticipated but hey this is my first marathon!!! We walked around for a little while more and decided we wanted to head back to the hotel to drop off my race stuff before heading over to the Magic Kingdom. Here are some pictures from the expo:




We arrived at MK around 11. We went on a few rides and walked around a bit before meeting up with Stacie, Matt, Amy and Scott for lunch at Pecos Bills. Lunch with everyone was GREAT!!!!!! We got to talk about Stacie’s 5k, Amy and Scott’s upcoming half, and our marathon. It was great finally to put faces with names! Here are some pictures from our lunch:



After lunch, we stayed at MK for awhile and did a few more rides before heading back over to Pop Century. Unfortunately, we missed the WISH meet, but luckily I got to meet some people later on in the weekend. We freshened up back at the hotel, and then decided to head over to Epcot for awhile. We checked out the World Showcase since Gregg hadn’t vistied the countries in a long time. After making our way around the World Showcase, we went on Test Track and Universe of Energy before heading back to POP for the night.

UP NEXT: Saturday and watching the half marathon!
Saturday, January 11th

I decided to head out and watch the Half Marathon on Saturday morning. I wanted to cheer on the WISH team and check out the spectator areas for Gregg to tell him where to go for the race on Sunday. It was so early when I got up!!! I had to be in the parking lot at EPCOT before 5am since they close the roads. When I got there, I checked out the Family reunion area so I could tell Gregg where to meet me after my race on Sunday. After that, I took the monorail over the TTC and watched the half from there. While at the TTC, I met some of the WISH team including Kathy, Susie and some others whose names I don’t remember right now (SORRY!). I stayed there for awhile and cheered on the WISH team that was running the half before heading over to the Polynesian to check out that area and cheer some more.

I had to head back to POP to pick up Gregg since we had breakfast reservations at Chef Mickeys later that morning. I picked up Gregg and we headed over to the Contemporary. Since we were a little early for our reservation, I showed him where to watch me on Sunday morning at the TTC. We then went over to Chef Mickeys and had an awesome buffet breakfast. I had a marathon shirt on and everyone was so nice saying Good Luck! I thought that was really cool! Here are some pictures from Chef Mickeys:




After breakfast, we headed over to Hollywood Studios ( I still want to call it MGM Studios!). We spent the rest of the day walking around there going on the different rides and attractions before our dinner reservation at 6. We ate dinner at Mama Melrose. I had some pasta to carb up before the race. After dinner, we headed back to the resort to rest .
Before going to bed, I got everything set for the race. I pinned my number on my shirt, put my chip on my shoe and got everything else I need ready to go so I didn’t have to spend time doing it in the morning. Then I layed in bed and rested. I finally fell asleep by about 10, even though I tossed and turned the whole night!

Laurie - Major :cheer2: for you! I am training for my first full marathon next month and have really been enjoying following your training. Can't hear about race day!



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