Last Trip? It was until we met Food & Wine -- Recap 2/12

Finally getting over here Kathy!
Prayers for all of your family and friends. You will be in our thoughts for sure!
Prayers for Nicki as well.
So, as you know, we have baby fever at my house too. So was your grand neice born on the 8th? That is Gracie's b-day. It is also Claire's best friends b-day and she was over the moon that the baby was born on the same day.

I hate when people give you their opinion on how to run your life. If you wanted to know what they thought, you would've asked them.

So glad you got the extra pixie dust at check in ...and your extend AP. Jon sounds like a wonderful CM. And I think AKL is one of my favorite resorts. I really want to get back there again in the near future.

And of course ...YAY!!!!! :cheer2: fopr Mark finding a job. I bet he will be wonderful there as he is seems so friendly.
I hope Alisha gets the relief she needs.

I do too; I hate to see her suffering.

Congrats to Mark with his PT job! I worked for Target as seasonal help years ago and it really was a good job. I thought for retail, Target took care of their people. The discount is nice too. :)

Thanks, Jill. That is good to know.

Jon really is the best CM ever! What awesome pixie dust! Way to kick off your trip.

Jill in CO

The best in my book for sure!

Oh boy, you have me tearing up with your "stuffed Cookie" :littleangel: on your pillow picture. How I wish we had one of Simon and of Holly for Cass. :sad1: That is so sweet. I can still smell his scent on his blanket and every time I do, I burst into tears. Don't know what I will do if the scent ever goes away.

Awww...honey, I didn't want to make you cry. I picked that up at our local zoo a few years ago; they have a pet store with almost every breed of dog. Not a day goes by that I don't think of Cookie; I know you feel the same about Simon.

What a beautiful view from your room and congratulations on the pixie dust! Nothing like having a permanent smile from ear to ear on your face for the rest of the day - as if you weren't already beaming from just being at Disney to begin with. As soon as that plane touches down and that first palm tree is spotted... hello perma grin!! :teeth: There's nothing like it.

Thanks, Tracy. You are so soon as you see that first palm tree, the smile just stays. :)

I'm thrilled for Mark securing a part time job and SO agree that he has "done his time". I feel the same way about my Mark, but as he says, "he'll retire to his grave". Live to work and work to live. My sympathy to you about your mom. :hug: You are all in my prayers. I'm sure Alisha will be just fine once the right medication is figured out. I know it can be frustrating. Sounds like she needs a hug - bless her. And, oh my gosh, what an adorable baby!!! I just want to pinch (gently) those little cheeks. Love her! Had to snicker at your, "dysfunctional family" comment. Can relate to that, yup.

Who knows...Mark may change his mind and want full-time when we get to Florida. I would prefer we both work part-time at that point. And my boss is already talking to me about working for him from Florida.

Looking forward to reading more, especially since you've said it may be one of your best trips yet. Wow!

It definitely was one of the best trips ever.

So sorry to hear the news about your Mom, Kathy - I will keep her in my prayers for a full recovery and that she goes through treatment well. So sad to hear about your son's friend - praying for his wife and family. Such an adorable grand niece! I agree with everyone - what a perfect name!

Thank you so very much. Mia Rose is precious and I love the name too.

Such great news about Mark - I agree that working part time seems perfect especially since he will be turning 62 before too long and can still work part time and coach. Things happen for a reason (which I don't always understand but they do). I'm 61 and interviewed for Disneyland Reservation Agent in March this year but was put on a wait list then turned down. Well yesterday I received an invitation to come in for another interview. I think the position is part time but CM's I've spoken with say you usually get a min of 38 hours plus commission. So maybe things will work in my favor this time around.

I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you that it works out this time. Please keep us posted.

Loved that you got the best CM ever for your stay at AKL! You and Mark truly deserve tons of pixie dust! Such a beautiful room and the view is amazing :love: Can't wait to read more! You guys are the bomb (as my grandson says lol He says it's a good thing lol)!

Jon was outstanding and the pixie dust just blew us away. I do love those rooms the most of all of the places we have stayed. And thank you for saying we are the bomb...I've heard that phrase before. We are old bombs for sure.

:hug: Back at ya Kathy! Glad your Mom is responding well :thumbsup2 Sorry Alisha has to deal with drama..that ALWAYS affects how we feel. I had to separate from my parents to stay healthy and sane. Bless her that she has fab in laws that are the bestest :lovestruc

Thanks, Jeanette. Alisha has been dealing with that drama for years, including when her and Mark started dating and then got engaged. Her mother was NOT happy about it (she thought Alisha should have gone back to her old boyfriend because she liked him better...despite the fact he cheated on her three times while they were dating. She is my girl and I am tired of seeing her hurt by her mother.

:cool1: for Mark! My MIL works at Target and woohoo for her employee discount. He will get all the hours he wants until January guaranteed! I hope he gets a great group of coworkers!!! :dance3:

I'm sure he will; there's not many people Mark doesn't get along with.

I LOVE CM Jon!!! As much as I love your villa!!! He was wise enough to recognize how awesome you & Mark are...and :hug: love little Cookie :lovestruc

CM Jon rocks! Isn't my little Cookie adorable? :)

Oh, congratulations on Mark's new job! That is fantastic! And who doesn't like Target?

I know I love Target.

I'm glad Alisha is getting some answers. I hope they are able to help relieve her pain.

Two more appointments...she goes back on Monday and then again on Thursday.

Okay, LOVE your view at AKL. Someday I'd love to stay there. Such a beautiful place. I can see why you like the bathroom so much!

Thanks; I hope you would love it. I want that bathroom in my house.

What an awesome awesome CM. That's a great way to start your trip.

Jon was definitely THE best.

Looking forward to your first park visit!

It was a short visit, but a very special one. :)
I hope the additional MRI's provide even more answers for Alisha and I am glad that at least so far it seems like things that can be dealt with. That must be tough for your family (or at least some members of it) to be causing issues when they should be the ones doing all they can to lessen issues. Will definitely continue to pray for her

Thanks, Phil. I wish I knew more about medical terminology as Alisha gave me the log in information and I'm reading the reports thus far. She'll be here tomorrow and I'll have her explain it to me. Trust me, it is NOT my family, it's HER mother. She told Alisha flat out today that there is no such thing as depression; Alisha makes herself miserable. of these days....:furious:

Yeah for Mark getting a job! Your thinking makes a ton of sense to me and I would think that those 20-30 hours a week at Target plus the umpiring at times during the year will definitely keep him busy enough but also let him spend time on other things! Congratulations!

I is the perfect fit for him.

What a great start to the trip! John sounds amazing and that really is the Disney touch that you love CMs for - such wonderful pixie dust! (and I agree with John - you definitely deserve to celebrate 31 years!) And yeah for getting your room request and for it being ready :yay:

He was amazing. I was having a lot of issues with CM's the last couple of trips, and Jon restored my faith. And they said it wouldn't last...and here we still are 31 years later. :)

So, um, yeah, I guess you might get to see a giraffe at some point during your stay :rotfl2:

One or two perhaps. :lmao::lmao:

Oh my, that bathroom is huge! I tend to love all lighting features at Disney, but AKL really hit the motherload with amazing light fixtures.

I LOVE the light fixtures at AKL in the rooms and throughout the hallways and lobby. They are spectacular.

Finally getting over here Kathy!

:wave2: Jen. Always happy to have you here.

Prayers for all of your family and friends. You will be in our thoughts for sure!
Prayers for Nicki as well.

Thank you very much; we all appreciate it.

So, as you know, we have baby fever at my house too. So was your grand neice born on the 8th? That is Gracie's b-day. It is also Claire's best friends b-day and she was over the moon that the baby was born on the same day.

Yes, she was born at 10:09 p.m. on the 8th (same birthday as her Aunt who turned 19 that day). Gracie, again, is beautiful. And how fun for Claire's best friend.

I hate when people give you their opinion on how to run your life. If you wanted to know what they thought, you would've asked them.

I agree 100%.

So glad you got the extra pixie dust at check in ...and your extend AP. Jon sounds like a wonderful CM. And I think AKL is one of my favorite resorts. I really want to get back there again in the near future.

It is tied for my favorite resort. It's just stunning. I hope you get back there again real soon.

And of course ...YAY!!!!! :cheer2: fopr Mark finding a job. I bet he will be wonderful there as he is seems so friendly.

He loves people and this will be perfect for him; thanks!
I'm so glad Mark's found a job! He is so sweet and he (and you) deserve the best.

I'm sorry that Alisha's going through what she is. Such a shame. I can't believe her mother told her there was no such thing as depression. At least she has wonderful in-laws and brother in law and a loving husband supporting her.
:cool1: On the good news on the job front.

Jon sounds like the experience you needed right then, an extra dose of pixie dust pixiedust:
AKL...Kidani Village...aren't they just wonderful! We have never stayed at Kidani, well not yet;) Love the one bedroom, it's gorgeous and to have 2 balconies...heaven!!! I don't think there is any better sight than waking up in the morning or coming into the rooms in the afternoon and seeing giraffe's....LOVE IT!
:wave2: Ms. Kathy! Trying to get all caught up everywhere and I knew it would take a while when I made it over here. Just glad I have been keeping up with everything you were also posting on FB, or I would have been :eek: :worried: :scared1: :sad: :eek: the whole time I was reading! Thankfully even though I haven't been around the DIS much lately, I have been able to read along and keep everyone in my thoughts and prayers!

Sorry to hear about your Mom, and hope Alisha gets the best possible news as she continues to run through testing! Have read up some on the FB posts and links about Andy's friend! That is always so sad at any age, but when you add in how young he is, his wife and new daughter, that just breaks the heart even more! :sad: I agree with everyone who has already said it.....cancer SUCKS!!! And of course, thoughts and prayers for Nicki and Todd with the loss of her Grandmother! I've been thinking about them ever since you first posted about it. :hug:

Congrats on the Grand Niece! What a beautiful baby! Hope all is well there! And :woohoo: on Mark's part time job! Sounds like the perfect fit, and hopefully it will continue after the holidays!!! :thumbsup2

Kidani looks like a super place for you guys, one of my favorite resorts and it looks like you got the perfect room location for seeing your beloved giraffes! Aren't one-bedrooms just the best...... and with your "mini-me" Cookie holding a prominent place in the room! :goodvibes So happy that with everything going on all around you lately that you two had such a great experience with Jon and so much pixie dust related to the room!!! I have always had a great experience with the CMs at Kidani! :love: Can't wait to visit it again through your TR! :banana:
Ohhhh the pictures are STUNNING. I really hope I can save enough money to stay in AKL one day. It's just BEAUTIFUL, and Squeaks' favorite animal is a Zebra. :D
It definitely was one of the best trips ever.

I'm so glad that it was one of your best trips, after all you've been through this year. :) We just decided our dates for next year and I am so happy to have something to look forward to... if I'm not in a straight jacket by then. LOL

Awww. Please don't feel badly about making me cry. :hug: I still cry over him every day at some point. With all that's happened this year it's overwhelming and his absence (and Holly's) makes for some very lonely days. Hopefully trip planning will keep me preoccupied. I sure know that learning about magic bands and fast pass+ stuff will keep me busy as I know NOTHING about any of it and I am not a fan of change! :rotfl:

I hope you had a wonderful weekend with Alisha, Mark, and Rolo. We had our Thanksgiving dinner today. Feeling most thankful that mom was able to be there with us. :cloud9:

Next update please. :beach:
I'm so glad to hear about Mark's new job! Hopefully that good news will be the start of a trend for your family.

Loving the report! We've never stayed at AKL, but I've visited the resort. Your view was spectacular! And what a great CM at your check-in. Mostly all CM are great. But when you have that one who goes that little extra it's even more magical!

Can't wait for the next report; I need s Disney fix!
Hi Kathy! Yay for Mark getting a job!!! :dance3: That is wonderful news!

Your pictures of AKL ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! How amazing that you can see all of those animals at your resort. Makes me sooo much more excited to stay there someday!

Wow what a view from your room!! :cool1:

And Jon seems like the best CM ever, pixie dust is awesome!

Really happy that Mark got a job, you must all be happy! :thumbsup2
I somehow missed that you had updated. I'm sure that Mark is happy to be working again. Even if it is part-time, it's like you said, he can get out of the house and gets out of doing more work around the house. ;)

It sounds like they are narrowing down what they believe are Alisha's issues. If part of it is mental, I know that you and Mark will do your very best to be there for her and help her through. As you know, John's family situation isn't the best (and I haven't even revealed the worst parts of it) and it's tough but with a good support system, you can get through it. As for the physical aspect, hopefully, they can figure out what needs to be done and work out a plan for her.

Now, on to the Disney part of the update. Holy crap! $5.00 a point? That's incredibly generous of your friend! How amazing that the CM was able to schedule more FP for you! This is turning out to be an awesome trip.
Congrats to Mark on the new job! I hope he enjoys it. I've always said I wouldn't mind being a Wal-Mart greeter in my retirement.

Hopefully, things will be better for Alisha soon. How is your mom doing?

AKL is just lovely! Great pictures! How nice of your friends to be so kind and give you such a great deal! CM John sounds like a real sweetie.
Hey there!!!
Back Dis-ing this morning. I will say it here too CONGRATS on the target job! i am sure he will love working there!

I have to say I just fell in love with AKL.. I was never a fan. Until you just posted those pictures. O.M. LOVE that is one BEAUTIFUL room! the view the BATHROOM! all of it is beautiful!!!

Looks as though i might have to save up for a stay there...:scratchin
Hi Kathy! Still sending over those healing vibes for Alisha. Hopefully you guys hear some good news soon!

Congrats for Mark on the Target gig!! So awesome that he will have some work and still be able to coach! As a coach myself I know how important that is, so I am overjoyed for you guys!

I really have to get over to AKL this trip to check it out! That view... :lovestruc I've only ever seen pictures on the DIS so I need to make sure to get over there and check it out in person!

John the CM sounds wonderful!! I'm so happy for you that he was able to provide you with all the pixie dust that you guys DESERVE!!! :wizard:

Can't wait to read more!
First of all, great news on Mark's job! I think your rationale is very good; why start a brand-new full time job with a Florida move in the not-too-distant future. Sounds good to me! :thumbsup2

You did get cast member gold with Mr. Jon! Awesome!! And your room is the BEST. Love that view. I love AKL anyway but the bathrooms in those rooms are the best in DVC, I think.

Your Mara meals look very good! I've always been very happy with that I've gotten there, they have a good selection. Yum!
Congrats to Mark on his new job! I'm glad he found something that will work well with his umpiring work in the summer.

I hope that Alisha gets some answers and gets everything straightened out soon.

As for the trip... yeah, you definitely had some pixie dust. After my FP+ frustrations and ranting, I almost feel bad. Almost. Any chance Jon might be working at AoA in December? :rotfl2::rotfl::lmao:

I'm glad that you were well cared for on check in, and of course, got to see your giraffes.
That is great news about Mark's job!

How awesome about the bonus FP+s! Lucky you!!

What a great view you had, and that bathroom does look awesome!
HI there! I'm new but and jumping in to say that I am loving your TR so far! Also, Im sorry for the struggles you have gone through recently! I'll keep you in my thoughts! :)


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