Ladies, need (inexpensive) wedding ring advice/input

I think it's very romantic and that you should contact my DH and suggest the same thing to him for me, I would love it :cool1:

Are you planning on having someone take photos/video? For me, personally, I would LOVE that, to have a nice family photo of the day as a memento.

I still think that the symbolism of a ring (I would have it engraved) would be nice, even if it was a very simple one.

I love the idea! I will trust you if you say she’ll be ok with the surprise. I think if it’s just your family and the pastor then I agree. (If there were a lot of guests and arrangements I might not, lol.)

I also agree with something different than a ring. Personally, I love nice bracelets and that would be my preference, but a necklace would be ok (only because I have certain necklaces I like to wear but only rarely, whereas bracelets I wear every day and I have a lot of different styles and colors), too. I do like the birthstone idea but it would have to be something I really liked or (truthfully) I might not enjoy wearing it. (Not that I am a bling person, either, because I’m not, but what I do wear, I want to really like.)

I have seen some interesting and different family birthstone products on Instagram and Pinterest, but they’re still not my favorite things. But maybe look around.

What about (and Ik I’ll probably get flamed for this because I know you’re looking for jewelery) a really nice framed wall hanging that has a beautiful saying on it that represents what you want to say. I would really like that (and have quite a few around my house that talk about life and family, for instance, and I have gotten some in special places). Just a thought to add to the discussion. To me, I would see that every day multiple times a day and it would mean a lot. If you find a framer who would do a nice job you could add some couple and family pictures too.

Good luck with whatever you decide!
My wife does not wear jewelry so I would really struggle with what to get her in a situation like this. She'd also likely kill me if I surprised her with this as well. I don't know your wife so it may not matter but really think long and hard about whether she'll like and enjoy this surprise.
My SIL did this for my brother for their 10th anniversary - surprised him with a vow renewal. She chose to do it a few months early when we were all together at Disney (they live in the UK) and got DH to officiate a simple ceremony in our SSR villa.

She decorated the living room after he went to sleep, preparing a bacon bouqet etc. So he got a lovely surprise when he woke up. Then we all got dressed up before doing the vow renewal. They didn't do personalized vows though and DH did most of the (short) talking. After that, we walked to the Photopass studio and took family and couple photos before they went out to lunch while we took their DD to DHS. In the evening, my teens babysat while we adults went out to Le Cellier together.

I am currently planning a 20th anniversary party with my DH next year. Haven't decided if I want a vow renewal yet - we are still talking. I'm not so sure I want the formality of it.

That said - for your situation - I would not like to be surprised with a vow renewal where you have the chance to prepare personalized vows and I don't, kwim? If neither are personalized then I'd be ok. That said - I am a planner (which is why I hang out here haha) and prefer not to be surprised. I like the fun of planning.

DH tried to surprise me for my 40th but didn't do much planning. Finally a week before he told me what he wanted and I had to scramble to get all the planning done in a week - for 40 ppl! I tried to back off and let him handle it...but my event planner self could not handle not having themed decorations, loads of food, etc etc. Ended up with an awesome party :)
As far as a ring... I think a nice band, engraved, would be lovely! That is something simple and meaningful, and would be nice if she doesn't always want to wear bling. I like me some bling!!! But, this is what would be best for her. If her engagement ring is a solitaire then a nice jacket might be nice. But, I am thinking her rings are already fancy
I hope this isn't wrong to say this. I would think really hard about the surprise. I really feel like a vows are between two people and should involve two people. That is not something you just spring on somebody and that really might put on some pressure. that might be like expectations. A vow renewal is something you do with somebody, or share with somebody, and not do to somebody. I have been in situations where control was problem. Doing something this big and this personal and meaningful, all on your own, might bring up some feelings or de-ja-vous that might backfire. If you want to celebrate and renew your love for her, then that is wonderful and lovely!!! But, I just worry about a vow renewal, with some custom vows, and she doesn't even get any advance notice. I know my husband might want to surprise me with a brand new fancy car... but, I might not be happy, or might even be upset, if I walked outside and this car was sitting in the driveway, and I didn't even get to help pick it out. I might be kind of upset.
I've had great luck with Ebay. Just check feedback and ratings. I buy alot of Tiffany & Co and have yet to be burned. Good Luck and Congrats!!
I agree that you should not surprise her with a vow renewal. Instead, buy the ring and use it to propose the vow renewal to her "Will you marry me again?" That way she has a chance to get excited about it and write more personalized vows.

Also, don't get silver. It's too high maintenance and tarnishes too easily. Stick with white gold or platinum. I'd recommend a simple "anniversary band" for her right hand. Have your CURRENT wedding bands engraved as a symbol of your ongoing commitment, and re exchange them during the ceremony. is an excellent online jeweler with great customer service and high quality pieces (I used to be a GIA diamond grader...this is one of the best online jewelry retailers).
Of course the OP knows his own wife best and I hope they have a lovely day. I must say though, your idea is adorable!! :lovestruc
I haven't read this whole thread but I'd get her a claddagh ring. Mine had celtic knots on the sides instead of the hands but both are beautiful, most are silver and they can easily be had for under $100.
I do not know what your price range is.
You mention something more inexpensive.
For this kind of occasion, I thought about an eternity band.
Does it have to be real diamonds? Here is a 14ct White Gold with Swarovski Cubic Zirconia, so not cheaper metal or silver. Gold#fn=sp%3D1%26spc%3D160%26ruleId%3D78%26searchPass%3DmatchNone%26slotId%3D13

Oh, I would also warn you about a 'surprize' vow renewal.
Just for me, personally.... Nooooo!!!!!
I'm not a jewelry person either. I have an expensive diamond wedding set that sits in a box on my nightstand because it just isn't practical for me to wear it on a daily basis. I bought a cheap silver plated carved band at Claire's to wear in its place. The plating wore off, revealing the copper under it, which suits me perfectly. I would much rather have that $250 spent on dinner and a hotel room for the night. A nice picture frame with a picture from the ceremony would be a perfect keepsake for me
I would probably look for something she would be able to wear on her right hand. I have a gorgeous black pearl ring that my DH got for my birthday a few years ago that I wear on my right hand most days. Someone above suggested looking at Pandora rings - I would second that - their rings are gorgeous and aren't too expensive.
I wouldn't do a ring, I agree with some of the other OPs - do a bracelet, or possibly a watch with an engraved inscription, even a necklace.
For our 25th I got a band of diamonds to wear with my rings. I think they compliment each other nicely.

Like this. My wedding band is on one side of my engagement ring and this is on the other.

Costco has good prices on nice jewelry.

Good luck with the surprise. You’re braver than me. She’d kick my butt if I tried that. It would boil down to her saying she would have wore something different or did her hair different or invited someone.
I think the surprise is nice. If my DH did this, especially if we had gone through difficult times, I’d be touched. The only part that would make me feel a little badly would be hearing him recite some lovely personalized vows and me not being able to come up with anything lovely and personalized “off the cuff”.

I’d probably work with the pastor to tell him all the things that I wanted to say and let him incorporate it into his words. And then come up with a personalized vow that you could say to each other. Something along the lines of “ Mary, Having weathered some of the storms of life together, I want to once again proclaim my love for you and our commitment to our family. I, John, keep you Mary, to be my lawfully wedded wife”... and continue with the rest of the classic marriage vow. Then she could repeat the same thing back to you.

Your wife sounds like me (well, other than the exercise part...LOL!). Im not flashy. Don’t wear a lot of jewelry. I have a necklace and bracelet that DH gave me that I pretty much wear all the time. So for me, for the ring, I’d love a simple channel ring with the 4 birthstones. If you look at Zane’s jewelers, they have some nice ones for under $250. Or I’d love a simple silver band that could be either put next to my wedding set or worn on my right hand.
For our 25th I got a band of diamonds to wear with my rings. I think they compliment each other nicely.

Like this. My wedding band is on one side of my engagement ring and this is on the other.

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I like the anniversary band idea too. If the budget is smaller, he can get one that only has diamonds on the top section vs all the way around. Diamond Direct seems to have good prices.
I can't even imagine a wife being ok with a surprise vow renewal. It doesn't even make sense to be. It's too personal and both sides should be involved. Are you going to pick out her vows to you as well? She'll want to pick out her clothes not to mention look her very best for the occasion even if it is small. If it were me, I'd also want to pick my own ring.
Best place to the dollar general. Nice rings under $10.00. With what you'll save by 100 share in a good S&P fund.
My diamond earrings to this day are my favorite gift from my DH. I wear them almost daily. I do not think the OP would be able to even get a tiny, cloudy pair for $250 though.

I like the silicone ring idea. I have several that I use for the gym. Enso has a nice good quality selection AND you can get them engraved. You could get a matching set for the gym.


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