Ladies, need (inexpensive) wedding ring advice/input


DIS Veteran
May 19, 2016
Next month, DW and I will celebrate our 20th anniversary. Hard to believe, it seems like just yesterday. DW and I are working very hard on our relationship, as we have had plenty of rocky times...mostly because of me, which I am striving very hard to improve. She is an amazing wife, mother and woman and I want to be sure she knows that every day and I can only hope to be half the person she is. As the saying goes, I far outkicked my coverage when I married her. :D I thought it would be wonderful for us to renew our vows. About a year and a half ago, my wife found a church we really like (and that's a big step for me to say because I don't have a religious bone in my body). We both really like the pastor, and I've arranged for him to do the ceremony for us. We're not talking anything fancy here, this is literally going to be a 15 minute exchange of vows on a weekday afternoon outside of the church (in a scenic spot) with just DW, myself and our kids.

Oh, I forgot to mention...THIS IS A SURPRISE. She does not know and will not know until we get there.

Here's where I need help. I want to get rings for both of us. She already has a rather nice, and expensive, engagement ring and wedding ring. We're also tight on our budget, so I really don't want to spend a ton of money anyway. I'm thinking under $250...the more under, the better. It may help me that she isn't a huge "bling" person. She doesn't wear yellow gold much at all, she much prefers white gold or silver. I have no intention or expectation that this ring replaces the wedding ring she wears now from 20 years ago. It can sit in her jewelry box and that wouldn't bother me, I just want it to be a token of the event. For me, I'll get something really inexpensive as I'm not a jewelry person...I wear my ring but that's it, I don't even wear (or own) a watch.

What suggestions would you have? Of course I can go to one of the big jewelry places in the mall, but I know their profit margins are insanely high, so maybe I can get a better deal elsewhere. I'm a clueless male, so any advice would be awesome.

Next thing I'll tackle after that is trying to come up with some good vows. The pastor sent me ones he has used before, but I want to customize them. Sigh...I'm not a poet. Ask me to write a good business letter, I'm all in...but romantic love verses, uh, yeah.....LOL.
Since she already has a ring, why not get a pretty necklace or bracelet instead? Just thinking out of the box. You don't want a replacement, and that way it won't sit in her jewelry box.

I have found my most favorite pieces are Tiffany. Now before you start seeing huge $$$ signs, know that my pieces are silver and not that expensive at all. My favorite necklace I think was $225. Very simple and timeless. And seeing a Tiffany blue box is quite memorable.

Good luck and Happy Anniversary! 🥂
Go to a local jeweler and get plain white gold (or silver) bands. You should be able to get both for under $250.

You can have them engraved with the new date inside with "Still in Love 9-12-19". You know... change it to the date this will all go down. :)

You obviously have some romance in you. My DH would never even thing of such a thing.
I needed a new ring because I've been on Weightwatchers but didn't want to spend a lot because I expect to continue to lose more weight. I found a beautiful Celtic style ring from Gaelsong in sterling silver for $55. If you go to their website look for the ring "Yours Only". It has "onli yours" engraved on the inside (it's old medieval spelling). I plan to buy another one of these when I am down another full ring size. Congrats on your anniversary!
Wow! That is incredibly impressive that you are doing all this. Macy's tends to have jewelry sales frequently with lots of discounts. I am sure you could find something in the $100-$200 range. Maybe something she could wear on her right hand as opposed to her left.

Obviously you know your wife better than me, but I have zero desire for a vow renewal. A nice romantic evening I would love, repeating wedding vows, I'm out.
I can’t really speak to the ring question - it’s all such a matter of taste, but I would suggest not buying an inexpensive ring if she is a high-end jewellery person.

If I may, I would urge you to reconsider a “surprise” vow renewal. It’s a lovely idea and obviously reflects your tender heart and commitment to moving forward in a positive way, but do her feelings line up?

Not asking for details but early on in our marriage things were very difficult between us. We attended a marriage retreat with many other couples we knew (mistake #1) and while it was ultimately helpful, it was very emotionally evocative. Near the end, unbeknownst to any of us, they sprung a group vow-renewal on us. Honestly, at that point - I just couldn’t. It was a painful and humiliating experience especially because it was witnessed by so many people we cared about (I’m thinking of your kids here).

On a happier note, by our 10th Anniversary we had put things to right and planned a lovely, meaningful vow renewal together. It was attended by some of those same people and our victory touched them deeply. We celebrate 24 next week!

Just something for you to think about. I wish you well. :flower3:
I would never go to a chain jeweler. Find someone local that you can trust, preferably with their own goldsmiths on site. If somet gets broken or loses a stone, you want to be able to obtain a decent repair precisely because it will be sentimental. I have a cheapish engagement ring that I got a great deal on because the place was local, and the goldsmith is a family friend.

Plus, genuinely you're likely to get better jewelery cheaper at a local place. What you get for cheap at a chain will probably be worse quality than what you get for the same money at a locally owned shop.
Thanks, I knew I'd get a lot of good input here! To answer a few things brought up...

Believe me, I've thought long and hard about how DW would feel about a surprise like this. Of course, nobody can ever be absolutely 100% sure when doing something like this, but I have a very high level of confidence that she would find it meaningful and be receptive to it. I'm going to have to trust my instinct and my ability to "read" my wife. Yeah, I know, most men are illiterate when it comes to reading their wives, LOL. :crazy:

She is definitely not a bling or high end jewelry kind of woman. Don't get me wrong, she likes to look very nice. I think she's a total knockout. However, she's not into flashy jewelry, she's more understated.

How do you ladies go about finding a local jeweler you trust? I knew and trusted the one that did our wedding/engagement rings, but that was 20 years ago and 800 miles away. Have no clue down here. Do you look at Google reviews, or are there other places to research?
We have several good pawn shops near us.

DH and I picked out an anniversary ring guard for me a couple of Christmases ago.
I wou
How do you ladies go about finding a local jeweler you trust? I knew and trusted the one that did our wedding/engagement rings, but that was 20 years ago and 800 miles away. Have no clue down here. Do you look at Google reviews, or are there other places to research?
You gotta talk to people. Find out where friends are sending their kids for engagement rings. Find out where other couples have bought their jewelry. Word of mouth will be much better here to help find the real hidden gems. Always vet via Google and help afterwards, but get names from people you know.
Honestly, I’d look online. Overstock dot come has some very pretty rings and covers a wide budget.
Thanks, I knew I'd get a lot of good input here! To answer a few things brought up...

Believe me, I've thought long and hard about how DW would feel about a surprise like this. Of course, nobody can ever be absolutely 100% sure when doing something like this, but I have a very high level of confidence that she would find it meaningful and be receptive to it. I'm going to have to trust my instinct and my ability to "read" my wife. Yeah, I know, most men are illiterate when it comes to reading their wives, LOL. :crazy:

She is definitely not a bling or high end jewelry kind of woman. Don't get me wrong, she likes to look very nice. I think she's a total knockout. However, she's not into flashy jewelry, she's more understated.

How do you ladies go about finding a local jeweler you trust? I knew and trusted the one that did our wedding/engagement rings, but that was 20 years ago and 800 miles away. Have no clue down here. Do you look at Google reviews, or are there other places to research?

I would suggest you go to Prospectors Pouch oh 41. They have a lot of great things in there. Locally owned been there for at least 30 years. Tell them what you are thinking about. They are very helpful. Place doesn't look like much from outside but you will be surprised at the selection. Just in case you don't know where it is. Go south on 41 into Kennesaw. Right past the cementary on the left in between the storage place and the old CVS on the hill is a small row of buildings. It is in there. Just go to the light at Jiles road and do a Uturn to come back
Actually Costco has an excellent jewelry section. My husband and I have been married 35 years. I hAve changed wedding bands a few Times starting with ultra cheap and moving up to a gorgeous diamond band he got me for my 60th birthday. Then last year he decided that I should finally have an engagement solitaire diamond ring. He got it at Costco. It was a few thousand dollars but would have cost twice that much at a regular store. They have a full range of jewelry items all at below what you would usually pay. And the quality is excellent.

As for a renewal we didn’t do that but about 12 years ago we got remarried in the Catholic Church, having both been divorced Catholics. It didn’t matter to me but it did to my husband so we both went through annulments. We had a lovely Friday night ceremony at our church with about 40 people who then came back to our home for a catered dinner. It was a lovely experience.

I had time to plan, buy a new dress, have friends play music, get my original maid of honor to stand with me and all our kids were there. It was all those things that made it special for me not just the event. So you seem to have a good idea what she would like but many women want to share these big events with dear friends and family and really celebrate. I’d just be very sure that she is ready for and will be happy with what you have planned.
I can’t really speak to the ring question - it’s all such a matter of taste, but I would suggest not buying an inexpensive ring if she is a high-end jewellery person.

If I may, I would urge you to reconsider a “surprise” vow renewal. It’s a lovely idea and obviously reflects your tender heart and commitment to moving forward in a positive way, but do her feelings line up?

Not asking for details but early on in our marriage things were very difficult between us. We attended a marriage retreat with many other couples we knew (mistake #1) and while it was ultimately helpful, it was very emotionally evocative. Near the end, unbeknownst to any of us, they sprung a group vow-renewal on us. Honestly, at that point - I just couldn’t. It was a painful and humiliating experience especially because it was witnessed by so many people we cared about (I’m thinking of your kids here).

On a happier note, by our 10th Anniversary we had put things to right and planned a lovely, meaningful vow renewal together. It was attended by some of those same people and our victory touched them deeply. We celebrate 24 next week!

Just something for you to think about. I wish you well. :flower3:
Oh my goodness, yes, this. I would absolutely hate to have something like this sprung on me. But I’m like that with a lot of things. If you’re going to “surprise” me you have to do it well in advance so that I don’t feel ambushed. Meaning, “I’m taking you on a romantic trip in two months” not “We’re getting on a plane right now!” Of course you know your wife best but if she’s not a typical surprise, romance person I’d be cautious.

As far as a ring, you could probably get a nice, white gold band engraved for about what you’re looking to spend. I agree with others to go to a real jeweler especially if you’re going to get it engraved. They’ll do in house while a chain will send it out.
I'm a guy, so take this for what it's worth.

The modern gift for the 20th anniversary is platinum. So, why not get your wife a platinum (over silver) ring for her right hand? You could have four, small birthstones inserted; one for your wife (on one end), one for you (on the other end) and one for each of your children (set between your wife's birthstone and yours). Inside the ring, you can have a simple engraving.


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