Labor Day Weekend, a labor of love?

Maybe you could have mini disney celebrations like disney movie nights and themes to countdown your days.

That is an excellent idea! I think that part of my problem is also the amount of work I have been doing. It makes it kinda hard to be overly enthusiastic about anything (even Disney :eek: ) when I am so wiped out.

As for shopping, I still have a good bit to do. For your pj situation, I'd check out Wal-Mart. They have some cute disney t-shirt and shorts combos and I've also seen disney tank and shorts combos and disney short sleeve sleepshirts.

I am always amazed at the selection of Disney items they have there. Sometimes things go on clearance for almost nothing too. (that is where I got the eyeore and pooh bags). I just wish that shopping there was not such a challenge. The one nearest to where I live can take forever to get through a check stand. I get so irritated to sit 20minutes in line to buy only a couple of things, especially when there is only 1 or 2 people ahead of me. Still, I can brave that ordeal if it means a good deal on a Disney related item! ;)

As for when to pack, I am thinking I will start around the middle of July since that will be about a month before we leave. I won't put in what we use all the time but just kind of start sorting things and getting them set. That way I won't be freaking out at the last minute trying to get everything together. This will be the first time I have packed for 4 people for that amount of time. Normally it's just me and the trips I have taken with the family have been short so this one will take a lot more planning.

That is only a few weeks from now! :woohoo: I think I will follow your lead. About a month out sounds perfect to start collecting things that need to go. It does make it a big more complicated to have to worry about what everyone else is packing. I really only need to worry about Zoe and I when packing this time. I know Kira will likely help with Zoe's bag. Last time, I was running around last minute making sure my boys had everything. We went for 11 nights and my poor youngest son (age 14) thought to only pack 3 pairs of underwear. THREE!!!! :eek::eek::eek: Needless to say sometime being mom and packing are a stressful combination.

I have a question for you cause it's something I keep thinking about and can't seem to come up with a decision. What size shampoo are you taking on your trip? It seems to me that taking the little bottles would not be enough for the time we are there. So should I take the big bottle or a bunch of little bottles? I mean it all seems to add up to be the same price either way. Just wanted someone else's opinion.

In a nutshell, both. Typically, I rely mainly on the hotel shampoo. Kira brings sample sizes of hers. Dh usually brings a full size bottle. The boys..well? All I have to say there is... shampoo???? Do they use it? :confused3 I know...that probably didn't help at all. I guess for me, the fact that I don't have a set brand I use influences this. I get what is on sale. Now, I do prefer some brands...but for the most part I can use whatever. Hence why I can use the hotel shampoo. If however I had a set preference, I would likely bring a big bottle. Air travel means checking it..and checking it means it is important to put it in a ziplock baggie. I would assume though that you do not have quite the same trouble on the train.

I love your new bag and the print is so cute! I think you will be very happy with your choice. :goodvibes

Thank you.. I got the idea to look at Target, from you. I think we got the same bag just different prints. I did not see the one you got. I think yours goes so well with Pop Century theme.

I think you will be happy with your changes. I have done two ADRs in one day and it worked out very well. I also think the QS day will be great since you will be able to eat when you want at both times so you get that freedom of eating when you're hungry instead of having to make it to an ADR time.

Thanks! I think this will be better too. :goodvibes The day we have to qs, will be a very long day that the park is open. My mom will be able to take a break/nap before dinner and then we can go back for the parade and fireworks without her feeling too beat.
Just 10 weeks from now I will be on a plane, anxiously waiting to land. It is funny to think I booked 7 weeks ago. In just a couple of weeks it will be longer since booking till when we leave.

Ok, so I am a little excited again today. :rolleyes1
So since I seem to be set for a while with the trip plan, I decided I should really hit the planning of my dd wedding hard.


Let me first say, my dh and I did not have this much trouble. It was 20+ years ago. Things seemed to be different. There was not concern for the guests. We set a date. We went to the church to set it up. We sent out invites and we pretty much went with it. I did have a formal gown and the guys were in tuxes. We only had (what we now know is called) a champagne reception. Now, some of the lack of planning was due to my mom. She was always stressed out. (I think this is where Kira gets it) I was going to college at the time and dh was working full time. We just wanted to be married and that was the extent of it.

Fast forward to today, and there is color concern, venue concern, favor concern. With thoughts of whether or not there will be enough food and beverages for the guests. It is all very overwhelming. I want to help as best I can, but I think I get hung up on the ridiculousness of it all and the fact it is all for just ONE day. And this said from someone who plans the heck out of disney vacations :rotfl:

The only thing that anyone agrees on is the honeymoon. That will be the easy part. I wish that is the only thing I had to contribute planning for cause I know I could have that tackled in a heart beat.

So right now, we have to book a venue for the ceremony/reception. With our weather so unpredictable an outdoor wedding seems to be a bit unrealistic. Kira will not go to a lodge (as in elk or moose) that has "dead things" on the wall. Although we are Catholic, Kira's fiance is not. He is not even baptized. So a church wedding is out. There are some castles but they are well outside our budget. This does not leave many options. We are leaning toward an old home or an old theater. Both have pros and both have cons. Personally, I like the theater due to cost and uniqueness and the fact it is in the town we live. (other options are at least an hour away) It however does not have a center aisle. This could be a deal breaker. I think we could make it work. Girls could go down one side and boys down the other. The other idea is to go with a smaller venue and cut the guest list in more than half. :eek: I am not certain how well that would work.

Anyway, so that is the newest of the my news....
Sorry I have been missing in action for a while - ................ real life!!! :sad2:

But now I have finally caught up again! Love your plans and your purchases. All those bags look fab!

It's interesting to read about wedding planning in the US. I have not had to deal with it, so please update us on your plans and decisions! :goodvibes
Just 10 weeks from now I will be on a plane, anxiously waiting to land. It is funny to think I booked 7 weeks ago. In just a couple of weeks it will be longer since booking till when we leave.

Ok, so I am a little excited again today. :rolleyes1

10 Weeks!! Woohoo!!!:cool1::banana:
Just caught up on your PT report. We are also staying at POP. I got all excited this am when CSR opened up for free dining. But I couldn't bring myself to make the call and spend the extra money.

I do find the rooms a tad small with 4. But we did it last year. I keep shoping for the trip also it seems to give me something to do.
Just caught up on your PT report. We are also staying at POP. I got all excited this am when CSR opened up for free dining. But I couldn't bring myself to make the call and spend the extra money.

I do find the rooms a tad small with 4. But we did it last year. I keep shoping for the trip also it seems to give me something to do.

Thanks for joining!

I hear ya on not spending the extra and worrying about the size of the room. This will be our first time at a value. With POP doing the refurb, I am both excited and nervous. The rooms look great and have a couple neat features (the privacy curtain for one), but the tv/dresser is less usable in the new rooms. In the older rooms, I would be able to use the top of the cabinet for storage. The dresser itself then would have more drawers so there again; more storage. I like to stay organized when away from home. I know my mom and Kira both like to live more casually out of suitcases, but that is just NOT for me. I think it is easy for many of us to look at the room and say "how much time are we really gonna spend there". Normally this is the case. When we stayed at Yacht Club, we were barely in the room and I had to force some time in to enjoy the pool and it was ever so briefly that we did. With my mom coming though, I foresee a bit more "resting time". I know she will be happy with whatever the room is like, but my thoughts do sometimes wander, taking me to a place of "maybe we should look at POR or...".

Then back to reality and I think... we can eat at (insert some restaurant) and pay oop or use that extra money to buy something at DTD. In the end, I just haven't broken down and changed resorts..even though I have seriously thought about it on occasion. :rolleyes1
Just a quick note to tell you I'm here- now back to the beginning to read! :yay:
I just wanted to check in. Aside from working way too much, I have done some shopping. :woohoo: As if there is much else for me to do at this point.

What did I get...

First, there is the signature album for Zoe. I will have to post a pic, but it is very cute. It was on sale/clearance too. Zoe has yet to get character sigs. She has always been a bit too young. This time I thought it might be fun for her. I know there are cute ones in the park, but between the cost of this one and the fact it is the same pink princess that I have got for her swimsuit and goggles...I knew I had to get it.

Next, a Toy Story 3 activity/sticker book for the plane ride. If there is one thing that I do, it is find sales and bargains. In my purchasing, you will always see this theme. Items are on sale or a good deal or bargain of some kind. That being said, it should come as no surprise then that I had a coupon for said book that made it free. :dance3:

Then I got an email today that mentioned having a sale. I have often thought of buying at least Zoe a pair of "Disney" crocs. I hear that they are a good shoe to have in the parks.. I think since it will be so warm and humid, the idea is even more appealing than normal. I assume they will breath well, and if they get wet, will dry easily. So not only was there the 20% off coupon, but free shipping AND low and behold some Disney ones in the outlet/clearance section. I ordered a pair of tinkerbell ones for Zoe and yes, a pair of black and red mickey ones for me. When they come I will make sure and post pictures. I just hope they fit.. I also hope they don't look to goofy on me. (haa haa goofy :rotfl:)

Okay so I am obviously a bit tired if I am able to make myself giggle. I should get some rest. On my to do list... post pics of the first two items, make a top ten list of what I am looking forward to (thanks Ali for the wonderful idea) and make a countdown calendar with the girls. (thanks Flamestarrdust for the motivation to get my girls involved in the planning).
Because I have to tinker with EVERYTHING regarding this trip, I thought to take a look at our flight. I was hoping to maybe change the return to the next day. With the cost to change though, it really doesn't make sense. If I didn't have much of a fee, it might have been nice to stay an extra night. AK has EMH the night we leave. (the only time in the entire time we are there) Plus the extra night would mean one more TS. Since I will be paying oop for one TS, the cost of the extra night would have almost been a wash. (gee wish I would have thought about this when I booked the flight) Oh well, I do have a meeting for work scheduled on 9/9 so I really shouldn't miss it. (but I could :rolleyes1)

Anyway, the point to my rambling is that in my search today I found that our return flight had already been changed. :eek: Now it is the return flight only and it is only moved up a tad...but I received no notification. Makes me wonder how much they can change a flight...without letting the passengers know. I couldn't even get in to retrieve the the reservation since the flight had changed. I called and the cs redid it so now I can view it. Still... strange.
Because I have to tinker with EVERYTHING regarding this trip, I thought to take a look at our flight. I was hoping to maybe change the return to the next day. With the cost to change though, it really doesn't make sense. If I didn't have much of a fee, it might have been nice to stay an extra night. AK has EMH the night we leave. (the only time in the entire time we are there) Plus the extra night would mean one more TS. Since I will be paying oop for one TS, the cost of the extra night would have almost been a wash. (gee wish I would have thought about this when I booked the flight) Oh well, I do have a meeting for work scheduled on 9/9 so I really shouldn't miss it. (but I could :rolleyes1)

Anyway, the point to my rambling is that in my search today I found that our return flight had already been changed. :eek: Now it is the return flight only and it is only moved up a tad...but I received no notification. Makes me wonder how much they can change a flight...without letting the passengers know. I couldn't even get in to retrieve the the reservation since the flight had changed. I called and the cs redid it so now I can view it. Still... strange.

This happened to my friend on our last WDW trip. Since he hates booking things online and gets easily confused, I booked his US Airways flight via expedia. His flight was for around 7:55am or something like that. The airport near his home is small so he showed up at the airport around 7:00 or 7:15. Once he got there, he was told his flight was already on the runway about to take off. The flight time had been changed to 7:15 instead of 7:55. The ticket agent told him that the airline should have called him to inform him of the change. However, since the flight was booked through expedia, he didn't get the call. Fortunately, this happened to a few other travelers and the airline booked him on the next available flight and he only ended up arriving at MCO about 30-45 minutes late giving me time to explore and enjoy the shops at MCO.
This happened to my friend on our last WDW trip. Since he hates booking things online and gets easily confused, I booked his US Airways flight via expedia. His flight was for around 7:55am or something like that. The airport near his home is small so he showed up at the airport around 7:00 or 7:15. Once he got there, he was told his flight was already on the runway about to take off. The flight time had been changed to 7:15 instead of 7:55. The ticket agent told him that the airline should have called him to inform him of the change. However, since the flight was booked through expedia, he didn't get the call. Fortunately, this happened to a few other travelers and the airline booked him on the next available flight and he only ended up arriving at MCO about 30-45 minutes late giving me time to explore and enjoy the shops at MCO.

I booked directly with the airline... Glad to hear it worked out for your friend. That would be such a hassle.
Airtran changed our flights and we were able to leave a day early. It was a nice bonus. There was no fee for us since they changed it.
Airtran changed our flights and we were able to leave a day early. It was a nice bonus. There was no fee for us since they changed it.

That is cool. We are flying Alaska and I am pretty sure that they will not bump us back. The flight is pretty empty as of right now. I just wish they would allow us to change without incurring such cost since the next day the flight is empty as well. Oh well, that is what I get for booking a nonrefundable flight.
Just caught up on your PT report. We are also staying at POP. I got all excited this am when CSR opened up for free dining. But I couldn't bring myself to make the call and spend the extra money.

You did decide though, right? I read on another thread that you had booked CBR? How cool will that be???? That is one of the resorts I had thought about.
Aside from wedding planning we have been working toward getting my oldest son enlisted. Yesterday was a rough day. Zach has been hoping and wishing and planning to join the military for as long as I can remember. He has had a plan longer than most kids. His plan actually interfered with his school career because all he could see was his military future. He just couldn't wait to enlist. We agreed he could "early" enlist when he turned 17. A couple weeks ago he went through the process and was all set to be sworn in when the school district got stinky and held on to him for 2 extra days. Those 2 days meant he had to wait to be sworn in. We were disappointed, but did not have worries since he had passed all his mental and physical challenges and was approved on all accounts to enlist. He was set to be sworn in yesterday. (well, dropped off yesterday and then sworn in with the new group today) We received a call (just before we were to leave) stating he had been disqualified. In the extra couple of weeks, a second doc had looked over his file and decided that his childhood asthma was a problem and washed him out. It was like the rug was pulled out from under us. He no longer can enlist, from what I understand..ever.

We have regrouped a bit and we are deciding on a new plan for him, but it is heartbreaking in a way to see the hopes and dreams of my child crushed. Both he and I though, are firm believers that all happens for a reason. Maybe this keeps him out of harms way? Maybe he is suppose to do something in the civilian sector that he would not have been able to had he been enlisted? Who knows. We have to have faith that he is suppose to be on a different sad as it is to leave the one he was on. :sad2:
So since I seem to be set for a while with the trip plan, I decided I should really hit the planning of my dd wedding hard.


Anyway, so that is the newest of the my news....

Haha, I totally know what you mean. There is so much involved with planning a wedding nowadays. It's like guests expect so much more than just a toast and a few hors d'oeuvres. I had a wedding planner and I still felt as if I needed more help! LOL :cutie:

I think the theatre idea is pretty neat! It's unusual setting would probably make for some dramatic pictures, and you probably won't need too much in florals!

I have a pair of croc sandals, they are not the usual clog-looking ones, but are open toe and have straps across, however I think I bought the wrong size because they felt a bit tight after using them for a few hours. however, the material is really comfortable on, so it's probably why I didn't immediately realize I bought the wrong size. I think you have to size up a bit as they are meant to be worn loose. Everyone else I know that has them loves them. :lovestruc

I hope things work out for your flight! Sometimes it pays to just to call and ask. If they changed the flight on you without you knowing, you might be able to wrangle a change of plans for free since they were the ones who ultimately changed your flights.

Anyways, all caught up now! Yay! :cool1:
You did decide though, right? I read on another thread that you had booked CBR? How cool will that be???? That is one of the resorts I had thought about.

Went with CBR for 1 day. When I told dd yesterday she was upset. So we are back with pop with free QSDP. The upgrade even after a fridge rental was 750.00 because we wanted to keep the QSDP. This trip is for her birthday I thought she would be excited for CBR not even the pool would change her mind. I'm just glad they still had pop open for my dates. I'm not really upset about changing back it must be because of the $$ I'm saving. The other thing is our trip is paid in full now. So I will be ordering our MNSSHP tickets soon.

I was so worried about changing my reservation back I forgot to order crocs for the girls yesterday. I would like to each get them a new pair for our trip.
even after a fridge rental

Have you thought about looking at one of the fridge swaps? I am not sure on your exact dates, but it might be worth looking into. Right now, on the one that I am on there is someone penciled in for the week of 9/23 (is that your week?) If they end up not confirming it might be open. You would have to contact the moderator.


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