Korissa's Magical MAW/GKTW PTR....4 HUGE Big Give (2-18-11)..page 40

Glad that you posted here since I don't have a facebook account! Great picture of the children in front of your villa! Who got the highest score at Toy Story Mania? Have a great day at DHS!
We are on our way to LAX!!!


Having a great time. We are at DHS today.

Waiting for Toy Story Mania

:woohoo: Great pictures. :cool1:
WOW I got behind and missed sending you a HAVE A GREAT TRIP! message... so I hope your trip is goign well and thanks for the photos!!:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana::banana:
Only time for a Quick note ( I am cooking dinner). Oh my gosh I was surprised to see you posted, I LOVE the photos!!! I will be back. :goodvibes

Hi everyone
We are having a great time.... Exhausted though. I can't believe tomorrow we leave GKTW:( today we went to Busch Gardens. That was a fun place. Tomorrow we are heading to IOA. Unfortunately Kylee stomach is not been great and she is tired.. So she has been little on the crabby side. Sad that we had to leave before the Wishes fireworks on DW day. All the kids were exhausted. Korissa just couldn't walk anymore.

The exciting part of the trip was meeting Mary(Maroo), Teresa(Taylor and Sami) and family, and Josh(mitodad). They are all super nice. I'll try to post some picture in next post.
Disney World

SeaWorld day yesterday

Today... Busch Gardens

Kylee at Busch Gardens... Not feeling to great

On way to Sea World

Eating dinner at GKTW... Christmas night... See theme.. Poor kiddo

Other than the small bumps we are the time of our lives.
SO glad you guys are having a great time... and perfect weather too!!

I can't wait to hear all about it! :goodvibes
Glad that you posted here since I don't have a facebook account! Great picture of the children in front of your villa! Who got the highest score at Toy Story Mania? Have a great day at DHS!

Scott.. He got a high score of 158,500
Happy to hear you are having a great time....sorry Kylee isn't feeling well, hope tomorrow will be a better day for her!

so great you got to meet up with the other families!
Thanks for the pictures from your trip this week! Can't believe that your stay at GKTW is over tomorrow! Poor Kylee looks so tired from your busy days at the parks. Hoping that she'll be feeling better with some rest for the remainder of your trip!

Love the picture of the children with Aladdin and Jasmine! Kylee looks so pretty from her BBB visit!

That was super that you got to meet up with Mary, Teresa and Josh with their families!

It'll be great to read everyone's trip reports when you all get back home!

Glad you are enjoying your trip so far!
Hi everyone,
We are having the time of our lives. Kylee is doing better. Though she is still having belly pains. Yesterday we went to Island of Adventure and today we went to the beach. We were going to go to Daytona but after talking with some lady at Arbys we decided to try Seista Keys. It was a drive but so worth it. We took the scenic route and it took 2 1/2 hour but the drive was beautiful. The water was so clear and the sand was white. Tomorrow we are going to Universal Studios.

Island of Adventure

Siesta Keys Beach

Eating at Cracker Barrel after beach
happy to hear Kylee is feeling better!

Yay for a wonderful beach day, looks like Kylee is getting a bit of a tan!
Looks like you guys are having a great time. It's too bad that Kylee hasen't been feeling great. Glad she felt a little better today. The beach looks beautiful.


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