** Kat & Pauls Wishes Wedding 3.8.11 WG/AG/DP @ UK Lochside **

Super excited today as when I got home from work I had an email from both our DJ and videographer! Woo! :banana:

So our DJ is Steve Dunlap and our videographer is Kirsten Burris (well she sent the email!)...anyone heard of either of them? I'm sure they're both great but any info you can give is much appreciated!

We've already got a phone call scheduled in on Thursday afternoon with Kirsten and we've got a questionnaire to fill in and return to the DJ.

It's all coming together now!

DF has also sorted out the suits although he did have a bit of a hissy fit yesterday when he realised he couldn't get a cravat from Carolyn Allens. He then complained he wasn't getting anything he wanted and started moaning about our colour scheme! Honestly, men right?! I told him he could buy the waistcoat and cravat over here but he had trouble finding the right colour so I think he gave up. I kind of wanted to say 'well if you'd sorted your suit out in April when we were there we wouldn't be having this problem now!' But I bit my tongue and he got over it so it's all good now. He's just going to have a normal tie!

I am still however waiting for him to sort out the car hire and I'm really starting to lose patience with him about it! :mad:
We had a call with Kirsten on Thursday about videography. She sent us an email after our call to gather a bit more info but we've not been through it...yet!

We need to pick 4-6 songs we'd like to use. I've picked 1 so far...Taylor Swifts 'Today was a Fairytale'...I originally wanted to have this song at our reception, last dance or something, but DF said no. Luckily he was happy to have it in the video! :thumbsup2 I'd also quite like 'Ever Ever After' by Carrie Underwood but I haven't asked about that one yet!! :laughing: I'm hoping to sit down with him later and pick our songs as Kirtsen wants everything back 2 weeks before the wedding and we leave in 4 weeks (4 weeks today we'll be on the plane! woo! :woohoo:) so we don't have long to sort it all out! Luckily she gave us her personal email so we can email her the songs instead of sending them in the post as that'll take a while!

We've also got to fill in the forms from the DJ and get those sent back too. I tried to do it the other day but DF got annoyed about it as he was busy playing black ops (I hate that game!! :headache:) so maybe I can pin him down tonight and get them done!

I've also finished making all the luggage tags now so that's another job done! I've made one for DF and I for when we fly over for the wedding and for when we come home too. I'll post some pics later.

My mum has also arranged dance lessons for my dad and I and we start next week! I'm quite looking forward to it :) My aunt is coming up on the 19th for my hen night and as she used to ballroom dance she's going to teach DF and I a few steps so we should all be able to do something more than just a shuffle on the day!! :laughing:

DF has also FINALLY started looking at car hire too, although he does want a mustang! :rotfl: I'm happy just getting something small and cheap...it's only for the 2 of us after all but we'll see what he books!! ;)

Disney also took their final payment on Thursday! We had trouble with our bank as they declined the payment first of all but DF got it sorted out (after spending over 1 hour on the phone to them!) so that's all good now too! And Carolyn Allens also took half the money for the suits too. We're really getting somewhere now! :thumbsup2
Since I posted my to do list I've got soooo much done! There's hardly anything left to do now...

* Put ceremony music on ipod
* Learn to dance - I've got lessons with my dad booked, we start tomorrow! And my aunt is giving DF and I a quick lesson on 19th!
* Photography must have list
* Print logo on welcome bags
* Post newsletters/accomodation info to guests
* Send back questionnaire for DJ
* Send back questionnaire for videographer (can't do this until we have received the sample DVD from them!)

...and thats it!!

Obviously the list of things to do when we get to Florida still needs to be done but other than that we're all done! And it feels good! :)

We have just 4 weeks until we leave for Florida! Where has all the time gone?! I'm sooo excited!!

We've decided aswell that on the 26th (we leave 28th) we're going to have a get together with all our wedding guests. It gives everyone a chance to catch up and a chance for us all to get really excited! We're calling it our 'what shall we do when we get there' party?! :rotfl:
Oooo I'm so excited! :hyper: I mentioned to my mum a while ago that I was on the hunt for a very British thank you present for Carol. She suggested something from Whittards...some English breakfast tea with some biscuits or something similar. But today she really hit the nail on the head when she sent me a this...


I totally love it and want one for myself!! :goodvibes It's not out to buy yet but should be avaliable this week so I'm going to order one nearer the end of the month and I'll just have to carry it in my hand luggage! So worth it though as I really think it'll make a great thank you present! Who doesnt love Wills & Kate eh?! :thumbsup2

I've heard lots of people buy presents for their wedding planners...but what about their floral planners?! :confused3
OMG Kat please please tell me where that biscuit box is from!!! It's amazing!!!
Oh, that box is *wonderful*!! What a great gift!

You asked about gifts for the floral planner ... we're definitely planning on something for ours because she's been such a doll to work with and the decor will be such a big part of our day. :thumbsup2
OMG Kat please please tell me where that biscuit box is from!!! It's amazing!!!

Joanne its from is www.biscuiteers.com ! They do all sort of fab biscuits on their site! Sooo worth a look!

Oh, that box is *wonderful*!! What a great gift!

You asked about gifts for the floral planner ... we're definitely planning on something for ours because she's been such a doll to work with and the decor will be such a big part of our day. :thumbsup2

Thanks! :) Do we get to meet our floral planners do you know?! If not I guess I can just give his gift to our WP and she could pass it on!?

That is a WONDERFUL gift!! Love it!!!

Yeah me too!! :goodvibes
Thanks Kat - I figured it may be biscuiteers but couldn't see it on their website. Perhaps it is not on there yet.
Funnily enough, I was looking at their 'London' tin for my planner, but I must admit the Royal Wedding one may be better. As we have different planners, would you mind if I stole your idea?
You are getting so close now!!! You must be all excitement!!!
Thanks Kat - I figured it may be biscuiteers but couldn't see it on their website. Perhaps it is not on there yet.
Funnily enough, I was looking at their 'London' tin for my planner, but I must admit the Royal Wedding one may be better. As we have different planners, would you mind if I stole your idea?
You are getting so close now!!! You must be all excitement!!!

No of course i don't mind! It's supposed to come out some time this week and it's £35. I think the WP's will love it!

I think 'excited' may be a bit of an understatement! I'm practically bouncing off the walls I'm so excited! I just cannot wait!!
That tin is perfect for a planner gift! Its so cute! Heck, I want one!!

:rotfl: I have to admit I'd quite like one too!! But it is a little on the pricey side so I'm not sure DF would be too happy if I bought another one! :) They ship internationally though! And I have to say the biscuits are yummy! :thumbsup2
I love the gift you picked for your planner. It is great! I so forgot to add the planner gift to my list. One more thing off your list. It must feel great.


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