Kardiebelle's Journal comments welcome!!


Jun 4, 2005
I am new to the W.I.S.H journals and I know this will help me drop the weight that I need to. I am doing the diet that my husband want me to do. By just taking smaller portions. I the past 5 years I had 3 children and curently weigh 198 pounds :earseek: . I don't feel great anymore. I am pretty tall thought at 5' 10.5'' I went to go shopping the other day and had to get size 16 & 18 pants. This is the first time that I am tell anyone anything about my weight. I am nursing my son who is almost 9 months now so I can't completely lose all the calories but I am sure that I eat more then the recomended nursing intake of 2300. :mickeybar :mickeybar :mickeybar This is going to help me out. I need help from other people.
Welcome to WISH! Best of luck to you on your journey!

Journaling is a big help--it really helps you focus.

You have a beautiful family--what a great motivation!
Welcome Kardiebelle!!!!!!! WISH is great and I know you will love it.

A few tips:
pirate: Drink your water!
:Pinkbounc Eat your veggies!
:moped: Read other people's journals!

And a cheer, as is customary and par for the WISH course!

:cheer2: Kardiebelle!
:cheer2: That's right!
:cheer2: Good luck tonight!
:cheer2: Yes you can!
:cheer2: WISH is great
:cheer2: It keeps you on track
:cheer2: Motivation is key, what an adorable fam-i-ly
:cheer2: We've got your back!
Welcome to Wish! You CAN do this, and everyone here is wonderful help!

Thanks for the support I think this will change my whole family not just myself. I didn't get the chance to do my walk today. I need to make time to do that. It is so hard to care for three kids and husband works 80 hour a week. (Peds. Intern) but here it goes

Breakfast two cold pieces of Pizza 323 Calories :sad2:
this was before the wish board changed my mind. :goodvibes
lunch salad and a 1 bowl of soup
dinner salad, 1 serving white rice with 2TBSP of gravy, 2servings of chicken, corn and greenbeans
snack peanutbutter and jelly sandwich

I was going to count my calories at the end of each day but I seem to have forgot what the calories were now I am going to keep a pad of paper each day on the fridge and record the calories there then transfer it here. But I feel like I ate less then I uaually do.

I will not be reporting tomorrow because I am taking the kids to wisconsin dells for the day. I am sure that I will get my walking in there. Talk to everyone soon.
I didn't get a chance to write in this journal yesterday because I was so busy and tired. Me and the kids went to Noah's ark in Wisconsin Dells. I got really burnt on my right leg. I put sunblock on too. But at Noah's Ark I managed to get my walk in and didn't eat munchies.

Breakfast cereal and water
lunch hot dog and shared a lg. fry with the kids. water
snack handful popcorn
dinner McDonald's Double cheesburger and small fry with water

Breakfast Cereal with fruit water
Lunch 1/2 of a turkey sub sandwich with small baked chive fries water
dinner Salad and 3 beef tacos with lettuce and tomatoes. water

I need to start to really get in my dairy. I don't drink any milk but I should.
I had a whole thin typed and I went to sumit it and it went to a error messege and I lost my whole message.

Breakfast cereal with fruit and water
lunch McDonalds Big Mac without sauce with light mayo, and med fry and couple drinks of DH orange Soda
dinner cheese ravoli with meat ragu sauce 2 garlic bread
snack small piece of cake

DS is getting Baptized tomarrow need will power. :wizard: wish me luck
Oh my you don't even want to know what happened today. No will power at all. It like when the food is there you eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat eat.
What to do. I feel so bad too. I am just so chubby and flabby. You don't think when you eat it but now that I have to tell all you it bad. :confused3

breakfast McDonalds sausage mcmuffin without egg
LUNCH sloppy joe chips jello with coolwhip 2 small pieces of ham
after lunch kept picking at everything on the table and piece of cake
dinner culvers butterburger deluxe and some fries

no exercise a all. :sad2: :sad2: :sad2:

I need a hug :grouphug:

Tomarrow is a new day and DH said tonight that he is going on a diet to. But my DD who is 4 said a intresting thing after my husband said that. she said the only girls go on diets which is starting to make me think that i am saying to much is front of her. She shouldn't know that girls only do that. I have to watch myself now. Talk to you later.
Sounds like you've had a trying few days. :grouphug:

The best thing you can do for yourself is to try again (and again, and again, and again!) Not every day will be perfect, but if you keep at it you will succeed!

Sending :wizard: for a good day!
hello, and welcome to WISH!! :flower: we are here to support you, even when you fall, even when you wash out, even when you TOTALLY BLOW IT, we've all been there, we've all done that!! but if you JUST KEEP SWIMMING...you'll change your mind, body and soul for the better, forever!!! Never give up, and never stop keeping on....as long as there's tomorrow, there's a chance to turn it all around! :)

HANG IN THERE! :sunny:

and welcome again!!! huggies!
Jen :earsgirl:
I had a much better day today. I took my 20 minute walk with the kids. We walked to the park I let them play and we walked home. It is so hard to get in exercise because DH works 80 hours a week. Treadmill are so EXPENSIVE!
Well here is my food intake for today.
BreaKfast toasted bagel with butter 350 cal., peach, and yogurt 170 cal and water
afternoon snack small piece of cake 100cal
lunch Water and 2 pieces of pizza 290 cal
Dinner Water
Glass of Milk 90 cal
Salad with dressing 60 cal
half Turkey sub sandwich 200
baked fries 120 cal

TOTAL TODAY 1380 I would like to get more calories in then this because I am restricting myself from the things that my body need to nurse my child. But I felt that I was full and didn't need anymore. I think I fullfilled the groups of food wis makes me feel good too. Considering what happened yesterday I was still full. Today was a new day. I feel good. talk to you tomorrow Thanks Jen for the support I am going to "just keep swimming".
Smile it always makes you feel better. :goodvibes :goodvibes :goodvibes
Hi everyone, yesterday after I typed in and shut down the computer I had the urge to go to the kitchen and eat something. I open the fridge the grab a piece of cold pizza put it to my lips and almost take a bite. Then I stop and think to myself and ask myself do I really need This. I tell my self no and I put it back. I open the bottom and see a green apple and I ate that instead. :flower: I had a good day I feel good. Dinner was a little bad but my Calorie intake was still o.k. But I officially got on a scale today I made DH :love2: go out and buy a good one but the official weight was 201.5 :sad2: :sad2: which is more than what I thought it was in the beginning. But I am not going to let this number put me down because that is why I am here for. Today I didn't do great in the exercise but I went to the stairs while the kids were playing and the baby was sleeping. You get a good workout though. I have to find time to go out by myself and exercise. talk to you tomarrow.

Breakfast bowl of cereal 160 cal
lunch tater tots 200 cal
hot dog 150
bun and ketsup 150
snack handful of Target popcorn ?
Dinner Sweet and sour chicken with white rice I didn't eat the sweet and sour sauce just the chicken and rice also I split my dinner with the 2 kids.

Total for today 660 plus the popcorn and dinner my guess would total 1500. because the chicken is deep fried.
Keep it up. A great tool that may be good for you is www.fitday.com You can use their database of foods and it will calculate your calories and nutritional needs allf or you. :) Give it a try its free to do online or for $20 or so you can download the program for your puter. ;)

Oh and I think 1500-2000 calories will be sufficent to give your ds proper nutrtion from breastmilk. I know WW typically puts you around 1300-1500 and for nursing moms they recommend upping that by 500 calories. I have read that 1500 is the min. nursing mom should take in. Good luck and get out and walk and walk that and the calories burned by nursing will get you going. :cheer2:
You're doing GREAT!! Especially with your little ones and DH work schedule. WOW!!!!

Congrats on taking the apple instead of the pizza. WHAT a WIN!!!

Hang in there and take one day at a time. You can do this. Enjoy your little ones, they grow into Big Bad Teens and WAY too soon!!! :teeth:
Thanks everyone for the support. I will mak sure that I check out the website. But here is my intake for yesterday june 22, 2005 I didn't get to it yesterday because I didn't want to turn the computer on just for it.
Breakfast 2 sausage links 140
1 waffle with 1TBSP of syrup 55
Lunch bread 140
cheese 140
butter 60
soup 140
Dinner salad with dressing 50
1.5 pieces of lasagna ?
snack apple 80

TOTAL: 805 cal plus what the lasagna is I think I did great. I will talk to you all later with my intake for today.
What a beautiful family you have! Congrats on getting started & deciding to change you way of life. Its not easy. I've been struggling big time too. It seems like everything we do centers around food. I'm struggling to change that. You've taken that first big step. Hang in there!
hi everyone, doing great. www.fitday.com is a great website thank for the advise. Today was not very hard I stayed out of the kitchen. Although I gave the kids a small piece of cake and It smelled so good. I have yet to exercise though. I has been so hot out here. today was in the 90's with humidity in the 90%. It sucks all the energy out of you. Everyday I keep up with this it make me feel better about myself.

Breakfast fried egg sandwich 226
1/2 green apple 37
lunch 1 piece of lasagna 218
snack 5 pieces of teddy grams
Dinner glass of sieria mist 123
caesar salad 502
grilled chicken 231
TOTAL 1337 :flower:
hey everyone, The longer the diet goes the less I wish for food. I is amazine how much food has a hold on one. Sure we need food to live but do we really want to let food control us. When we go out for dinner you don't realize how large the portion are until you start to measure them out yourself. I really believe that I am giving the kids larger portions then they need. It all comes down to me. If I prepare it and I serve it then their weight problems are on me. I am not saying that they are overweight or have any health problems but if they ever did it is on me. I continue to make large portions of food and my 4 year old will eat it even when she is moaning that she is full.

Breakfast 2 small pancakes 150
1 TBSP syrup 55
lunch 3 pieces of pizza 450
dinner 2 cups of chili 500

TOTAL: 1155 plus 3 crakers with chili and 6 pieces of pretzal
hello, I'm back with the daily report. My day was great. My husband went to the store to get groceries today. I didn't have to go. But when he got home he had ice cream. That is my down fall. I crave it all the time. But when he showed it to me I was very proud of him. He said that he was wishing for it and he knew I was on a diet and the bought a no sugar added, kind, it was made with splended. The is still calories to it but not as much as regular ice cream. I will eat some but I will watch my portions thats it. I am building great self control. We went to a mexican resturant today and you know how their portions are. I order individual items instead of plate meal. DH said he was very proud of me. It feels very good to have support from the one that knows you best. Talk to you tomarrow.

bagel margarine 2 boiled eggs water
bean tostada, mexican rice and beans shared with son o 1 cup a soda
potato baked chicken patty greenbeans water

total 1302 :cheer2:
Hi I was gone all day yesterday. DH and I went to his intern graduation. Of course what do they have there is FOOD! Desert was a chocolate fountain!
I am not sure my calorie intake but I will put it in fitday.com and add it later on.
Breakfast 1/2 of a burgerking sausage egg, and cheese croussant and a couple of hashbrown circles.
lunch salad, chicken marsala wirh veggies, and fruit without the chocolate added to it but I was so tempted. Water
Dinner--bacon wrapped hotdog and 1 1/2 silces of pizza and chips :sad2:
my sister was trying something new with the grill yesterday. She sliced hotdogs 2/3 of the way down the center longways and put cheese inside it and closed it by wrapping it in bacon secureing the ends with toothpicks. Then she placed on the grill. But after a while the bacon made the flames go high and start the toothpicks on fire. But I believe that you should probally cook it on foil or a alum. tray then place on grill. Also she put her circle stoneware on the grill and cooked a pizza. The pizza was so good. It gets hotter on the grill than in a oven. And the bottom gets crispy. You have to watch it close cause it can burn very easy. The hot dog could have been better everything was burnt. talk to you later.


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