Just when you think you have a strategy...

Are you planning to stay mainly in studios or 2BRs? Then I think Riv direct with the current incentives pencils out well enough. It’s more than I was willing to spend but I don’t think it’s crazy.

If you think you will mainly stay in 1BRs, then I implore you to please either buy resale or just rent points. Even with the incentives, it’s hard to make the math work for 1BRs.
Have you seen the "well the resale contracts you buy are restricted to just the OG 14 so technically those points are restricted too"? I thought that was a compelling argument and used it on my husband and he shot it down real quick.
When I was looking to add more points I weighed that into my plans. I figured it was still worth buying resale on the OG 14 excluding the 2042 resorts( to short imo). What I came up with was you lost 5 resorts in 2042 right now (BC /BW/ HH/BR/VB. OKW extension gives you a extra 15 years. So while you might be losing 5 resorts you also gain because you dont have those resale members competing against you on the other 9 resorts you can still book at (SS/AKV/OKW/GC/BLT/AUL/GF/PVB/CCV).
Resale usually is around 120 right now, and direct is around 158 with all incentives and MB for 300 points.
Clarifying, that is pricing for existing members. Brand new members get 300 for $162/pp 😊

OP, we were in the same boat as you. We looked at resale but at the end of the day, and especially for our first contract, I wanted to be able to book ANYWHERE I wanted.

Even if you just do 150 pts at RIV to start, with the new Visa promo and sell back MB it comes to just over 175pp which ain't bad at all.

When I calculated out the price per year for our points over the life of the contract compared to a comparable resale, the difference was like $1 per point or around $300ish per year. That to me was worth all the extra benefits and not being locked out of anywhere I would ever want to book.
I'm curious, for those with direct at Riviera and the rest resale.

Do you feel like this situation caused you to buy more points than you otherwise would have at RIV because of the restriction from using any of your resale points at RIV?
This is for current members with welcome home and visa offers. You can do magical beginnings starting at 150 points for an extra $20 off in exchange for your first year of points
Thanks for all this super helpful info! We are staying at Riviera soon and might try to take a tour. We currently have resale and are considering 150 direct at RR. I have two (probably amateur) questions:

Do the tours ever offer additional purchase incentives or is the visa credit likely the only add on? (Plus WH/MB)
For direct purchases do they let you put it on a credit card so you can get CC incentives? Or is there a fee?

Thanks to anyone who might know these answers! And sorry to OP that I don’t have more helpful info! You’ve got us thinking now haha.
I'll buy any gift cards that are over 5% off all day! My best credit card gets me 4.5% effective on dues so the 5% off target deals, and others like it seem like a bit of a wash to me personally.
Which creditcards if you dont mind me asking pls?
Which creditcards if you dont mind me asking pls?
Oh geez, I’d have to look as my spouse does most of that. I know we have some that gives us double points so like 2% cash back on everything and then if the purchase is labeled travel we have a card that I think gives us 4% back so I’m wondering if we can use it for the purchase and factor that in to our price per point calculations.
Thanks for all this super helpful info! We are staying at Riviera soon and might try to take a tour. We currently have resale and are considering 150 direct at RR. I have two (probably amateur) questions:

Do the tours ever offer additional purchase incentives or is the visa credit likely the only add on? (Plus WH/MB)
For direct purchases do they let you put it on a credit card so you can get CC incentives? Or is there a fee?

Thanks to anyone who might know these answers! And sorry to OP that I don’t have more helpful info! You’ve got us thinking now haha.
We did the tour in April and the only incentive was the Welcome Home, nothing extra. We are purchasing entirely with credit cards, no additional fees.
I'm curious, for those with direct at Riviera and the rest resale.

Do you feel like this situation caused you to buy more points than you otherwise would have at RIV because of the restriction from using any of your resale points at RIV?
I ended up buying more because it was a much better deal, I was able to get some fixed weeks, and because RIV has a higher point chart than the other older resorts I have. If there was a really good sale on just 150 points I likely would just have bought that for direct benefits. But now I get to use the rest as unrestricted SAP+ points in the future as well.
Which creditcards if you dont mind me asking pls?
I use the Chase Sapphire Reserve. Earns 3% cash back on travel, which DVC purchases and dues count as. When using the points for travel (flights, rooms, etc) you get 150% value or 1.5x so it ends up being 4.5% effective back. It has a high fee per year, but you get a lot of benefits including $300 credit back on any travel so that is super easy to get back out of the fee. I also combine it with my chase freedom unlimited which is free and earns 1.5% on everything, so when I transfer those points to the Sapphire Reserve and use them, it makes the lowest cash back I get on anything 2.25%. It can be very nice if you travel a lot, otherwise it may not be worth it due to the high Sapphire Reserve fee. There is a cheaper card the Sapphire Preferred, but it only gets 1.25x when using for travel
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I'm curious, for those with direct at Riviera and the rest resale.

Do you feel like this situation caused you to buy more points than you otherwise would have at RIV because of the restriction from using any of your resale points at RIV?
We’ll, we bought 150 for blue card/ future resort use and we could have gotten by with that because we like split stays but….we have fallen so much in love with RIV that we are adding on a 50 point resale specifically for a yearly Flower & Garden festival weekend trip. That way it doesn’t mess with my original plan.
I ended up buying more because it was a much better deal, I was able to get some fixed weeks, and because RIV has a higher point chart then the older resorts I have. If there was a really good sale on just 150 points I likely would just have bought that for direct benefits. But now I get to use the rest as unrestricted SAP+ points in the future as well.
Got it, that makes sense.

When I plan my trips, I think in terms of getting room X at 11 months, and then if I want to go big I can bring any of my other points to bear at 7 months. In the case of resale everywhere + direct RIV, only the RIV points are usable at RIV, so I could see myself buying more than I would have otherwise, so that I could book larger villas as needed.

I'm thinking of another 150 at RIV, or perhaps a FW. I would probably do FW7, which I believe is 153, since I have a Feb UY.

OTOH, I'm intrigued by Poly, but most of all interested to see what will come of Reflections. I can really see myself buying Reflections points if they ever build it.

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