Just the three of us...Final thoughts


Earning My Ears
Oct 8, 1999
The last day our flight left at 7am so TTC picked us up at 5:15. What a terribly early way to start our day....but we did it and made it back to the land of snow and cold just fine.

In all, we had an amazing trip. The difference was huge...although we didn't see nearly as much as we can when I have a plan and a schedule, we were so relaxed that we enjoyed ourselves more. The Disney Magic comes through much more for us when we slow down and take in the details.

Good things:
Disney as a bonding trip - We have precious memories. Austin will remember this trip with his Papa for a long time and I was able to spend time with my dad in a place that just makes me happy.
Kali River Rapids - though next time I will buy a poncho!!!
DL - as always
TTC - SO MUCH better than Mears!!

I mean no offense to anyone with this - but WHY are the bus stops at the parks for DL and PO always the LAST ones? IMHO, they should be in order of how much the rooms are...I don't have a problem walking farther than the people staying at the Grand Floridian, but it's awfully frustrating when all of the All-Stars are closer than the stop for DL. Maybe the fact that my dad had such a hard time walking as we were leaving the parks made me cranky about this!

Get a PS for character breakfasts late in the morning. They switch to lunch around 11:30 so you can have a little of breakfast and a little of lunch!
Make time for realxed touring if you can. The things we enjoyed the most - like the fountain at Epcot, the wonderful water pod things at DD, people watching while eating milkshakes at MGM - are all things we never would have allowed time for.
Buy kids around Austin's age their own disposible camera. Austin had a great time deciding what he wanted pictures of, and I got some great shots of him taking pictures...face all scrunched up in concentration. I can't wait to get them developed!
Spring for separate rooms if you travel with your dad. The snoring just about did me in...and he probably would have liked a break from being around a rambunctious 5-year-old. We did fine...but in retrospect it probably was a little too much "togetherness" :)

Thanks again for all of the tips and help here - and for letting me relive our magical little vacation!!
Dear Dawn, thanks for sharing your vacation with me. I have a 2 year old that we brought with us in September and I can't wait (I really can wait) for him to turn 5. I just pray that his experiences will be as magical as your son's.

Great tips for the late morning CB's. I will use that one next year. Treasure the time with your dad. Make every day count. God Bless,

Adam aka Big Dude
Great trip report. Thanks for sharing.


It's so nice the three of you had this magical time to bond. I'm sure, no matter what, you'll always cherish the memories. :)

I enjoyed reading your trip reports. Those are some great tips.

Lisa :)

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