Just got back -- good and bad


Earning My Ears
Dec 1, 2014
Mutli-time WDW and WDL fan, just got back from our mid Nov 2014 WDW trip. It sadly will be a long time before we go back.

I know there is always good and bad in most things, and while the overall takeaway for us this time was negative, we did have some positive fun moments. I will break it out good and bad.


1- My Disney Experience smartphone app:
I work in the technology field, and probably have more of a detailed opinion than others, but will stay with the summary. I felt the app was extremely helpful, fast, responsive, effective, and think Disney hit a home run with this app. I had other 'WDW' apps by third parties on my phone, but found myself using the Disney app more, and towards middle of trip, exclusively used the Disney app. I changed my FP+ on the fly, received emails about a ride going down, changed FP+immediately, found nearby quick serve restaurants via the map feature, and even changed my table service meal twice using the app. I couldn't be happier with the app, and feel this is a game changer for amusement parks.

2- Magic bands:
We found the bands very helpful, love they could be used to get into the room. We probably came in and out of our room 100 times over the week, and loved the fact any of us in my family could just simply scan arm to get into room. For someone that travels often, and knowing you usually have two cards (wife has one , and I have one). You always have to give kids one if they go ahead of you, always looking for the card, and sometimes have have lost cards. This alone was a HUGE upgrade on the vacation experience. We also LOVED they could be used for payments in quick service lines...HUGE upgrade. We felt it made the food lines faster as well, not waiting for people to pay with different cards from wallet/purse. This was VERY helpful in shops, and think again Disney hit a home run.

3- Disney over the phone customer service
I had to call a few times before the trip to get general questions answered about our reservation, and once during the trip to clear up some minor issue / question we had. Working with customer service industry in my job, and call other companies for personal issues (cable bill, amazon ordering, etc) I can say I have never had more pleasant experiences then calling into Disney reps. They were extremely helpful, very nice, and while not the most PC thing to say, were all onshore American very well spoken individuals. I actually left the calls telling my wife how nice and helpful they were. Whatever Disney is doing for the phone customer service, they need to keep it up. I would argue it is the best in the world.

4- FP+
We laid out all our FP 3 months out, and changed some on the fly. The older I get the more I hate standing in lines, and so we used FP every single day. We even made it a point to only use FP to ride rides on most days. I don't believe we ever waited / walked through a FP line more than 5min, the entire trip (except for rides being down - see below in BAD). We loved the speed, loved not having to wait, and loved being able to schedule in advanced.

5- New Mickey attraction in MK
I am not sure when they added this, but it is new to us. The last day there, we changed a FP (because we didn't want to wait around for it), and looking at MK for another thing to do, saw this meet and greet with Mickey. We did it almost as a 'whatever' item. However, when we got to the 45min wait line, our FP got us into see Mickey in 5min. This character costume was like the other Disney characters, but the Mickey talked. He sounded exactly like he does in the movies and cartoons, and really responded to my daughter. It wasn't a canned static answer either, he really interacted with her and us. This was a big highlight for my daughter, and recommend Disney try doing something similar with other classic characters like Donald, Minnie, Goofy, etc.

6- Fast Track
We had done Fast Track on every previous trip, and our last trip we came away with thinking it was very dated. This time, I didn't even want to do it, but worked out with our table service meal at EP, so we went for daughter. I came in seeing they totally updated the queue, and the ideal of creating your own car was awesome. We all really enjoyed that. I feel Disney took an outdated ride, and really updated it for our benefit. We loved it, and wish they would do that on some of the other terrible outdated rides.


1- Construction
We were blown away by the amount of construction going on, and how it affect the 'magic' of our Disney experience. Pretty much every park had something going on. MK had a huge deal going on right in front of Crystal Palace, next the main gathering area close to Cinderella's castle. Downtown Disney was a mess, they seemed to have huge walls up over half the area doing construction. The worst was when we specifically took a day to just visit the other resorts. We knew the Poly had construction, but remember how cool the Wilderness Lodge was, how amazing it was out back with boulders, stream, and geyser. We really looked forward to that. So we used the bus system specifically to go to the Wilderness Lodge. Even though we were there mid to late Nov, we were bummed while our Disney Hotel and parks had Christmas decorations up (e.g. we had done MK Mickey's Christmas even) the WL didn't have ANY Christmas decorations up. That was really a bummer, but we ate, then thought we would make it up going out back. We walked out to see the entire back of WL was covered with these big 8' construction walls. We couldn't see the stream, couldn't take pics there, couldn't see teh geyser. It really ruined our trip to the WL, and left us feeling we just wasted 2-3hrs.

2- Buses
Now I know this is a common item to hit on, and something we have noticed in previous visits to WDW, but this time seemed worse. Because we knew how bad the bus system was; we specifically didn't use the buses but 4-5 times. One time, we went to Downtown Disney to get on another bus to go to a resort. That line had no bus, and we waited for 10min. Then a bus showed up, but the driver came out to end his shift, and seriously waited for 10min for his replacement to show up. That person finally showed up, did his check, and turned the light on for a DIFFERENT resort (then what was supposed to be in this line)....because the wrong bus was in our line, other buses probably passed us. Finally after 25min, we went to get a Disney cast member, and they radio'ed for a bus. We then noticed a bus leave a line next to our line, and NO ONE got on that bus, AFTER that bus pulled away, they changed the sign, and it was for our resort....AGHHHH
Finally after 45min (seriously), our bus came to take us to the resort we wanted to go (Wilderness Lodge). The sad thing about the experience, is the line next to us was for Old Key West, and we counted 7 buses show up for that line during our time waiting. That is uncalled for, and Disney needs to step up, and fix that system. I won't mention the other times, but we had at least 2 other bad experiences as well.

3- Crowds
We had subscribed to WDW sites that track crowds (e.g. touringplans.com), and both sites told us this week in Nov, the avg crowd would be 3 out of 10, and three of our days would even be 2 out of 10. However going down there, we encountered crowds every single day. It wasn't to the point the parks shut down at noon to new guest, but it was crowded every day, and key rides in all the parks always had 45min-1hr wait times. We felt without a FP, we probably wouldn't have rode many rides. We seemed rushed every day, and just wasn't your 'magical' experience. I saw old videos on youtube of Walt talking about making it 'magical', and remember going in years past. It just seems Disney has moved from a model that makes sense for people that get into the door, to a model that is more 'most we can pack in the doors, and get more money out of it'. Now I am all for a business making money, but with record profits, and $$$ ticket prices, do you really need to pack another 1,000 people in the doors? I feel most people we talked to felt same, were rushed, talked about crowds, and didn't have that 'magical' experience. I think there is some number of people that is ideal to make it best for those people inside the park, and clearly Disney doesn't care about that. I sadly think that is no issue for Disney, and they are just looking into getting even MORE people in the park, and raising ticket prices. This bummed us out, and really left a bad taste in mouth. We specifically waited all year for this time, because it was a 'low crowd' week. I can't imagine going during a 'high crowd' week.

4- Messy
Because of #3, we feel the parks overall were messy and/or outdated. Don't get me started on HS. That park feels really outdated, and after doing a few rides, we left the park. The entire back lot seems dead. Luckily we didn't have to use the restrooms in the parks, but hear they are awful. I think Walt would be SHOCKED to see how the company has moved to packing more people in, vs going with a number that makes sense, and putting cleanliness at the top of the list. I hear all the time how people going 20-30 years ago talking about ashtrays being aways super clean, or even for me 10 years ago seeing more people around sweeping up. I saw a few trash cans packed, and not changed. I think that is such a sad thing to see; knowing this is supposed to be DISNEY. We left thinking the parks were no better than a Six Flags. I am not sure with record profits, why the company can't hire a few more janitors, and make it a priority to have clean streets and restrooms.

5- Broken down rides
We have been to WDW and WDL in past, as I said, and maybe we were just lucky, but I have never been in a line for a ride that broken down. However during this one trip we were in three FP lines, when the rides broke down. I stress they are FP lines, because that would normally take just 5min. All three times we got up to the ride to the point of getting in, and bam the ride breaks down. This happen in MK, HS, and AK. HS does'n't have a great list of rides to begin with, but we went by to ride the top 2-3 rides. We came to visit the ToyStory ride for our daughter, and it was down. We went to eat, and came back to use our FP, and it was up. We got all the way to get in the cars, and started to go through the ride, but the screens didn't come up. We had to then ride through the ride without being able to shoot at the screens. It was a HUGE bummer, and left us even more upset with HS. The cast members seem to give you not 'I am sorry', and all seemed to be part of the part time college hires, who really weren't invested into the process.

If that wasn't bad enough, the worst was at AK. We specifically came that day to do a ride on our FP, we had never done before (KRapids). We bought ponchos specifically for the ride, and walked that LONG distance in to get to the ride, changed clothes, checked out locker, etc.....we get through the FP line in 5min, and right before getting in the boat, we noticed no one is moving. We stood there in our ponchos for 10min, and finally got hot, we took them off. Then after 15-20min wait in the FP line, we finally go in the boat. We started to go up the climb, and bam the ride goes down again....so we are sitting in the heat in our ponchos, and really frustrated. After the ride finally ended, we were so upset, we left AK after only doing that ride.

Again after the experience, no one said 'sorry', no cast member made ANY attempt to apologize or compensate us in some way (another free FP or something small). I can't imagine people traveling 1,000s of miles, spending a years savings, and having to put up with this. Again this is DISNEY, this isn't our local Six Flags. I don't fault the cast members, because again I think it is related to part time help with people that aren't invested. I think Disney should hire more full time workers, including maintenance. ANY ride that goes down, Disney should walk through and apologize, had out FP to people in FP line, and find some other way to make up the experience.

6- MK time / distance from parking to get into park
Now I know this was issue from past, but think it is even more clear when you add in heavy crowds, and a new extension to Fantasy Land. MK is clearly the best park, and after doing AK and HS one day, we had no desire to go back that week. We could spend every day in MK or do EP two days. However MK if you drive, you have to park, walk to tram area, wait for tram, ride the tram to ANOTHER station, then ride the monorail to get to the MK. Then you have to walk about 1/2 mile to get to station to check bags, then walk to scan band, and FINALLY you are in the park. This really is something you notice after doing MK 3-4 times in same weekly trip. I am not sure how Disney can fix this, but was so annoying. Not everyone has money to get into Bay Lake Towers or $400/night to say at Contemporary. However that is the only thing that makes sense for visits to MK imo. You can take the bus system, but we talked about that before, and even the bus drop you off, and you have to walk a mile to get into the park. To me, that is clear evidence you are trying to get too many people in the park. If you have to spend 30min, and do multiple steps JUST to get into the park, then something is wrong with the process.

6- Vinylmation
This is minor, but very annoying. We started collecting Vinylmation characters during our 2010 visit to WDW. EVERY park and resort had them for sale, and EVERY park/resort had the neat black box you can trade for a mystery pick. Our 5 year old LOVED that, and so was really excited to come back this time for the same deal. Now while we found MOST place sold Vinylmations, only a few places in ALL of WDW did the trade in. We specifically went to those places a few times just so daughter could do the trade. The figures still sell (clearly if they are selling them), but we sort of felt again the 'magic' is missing. I mean how much does that cost to add the trade in boxes every place Vinylmations are sold. None of the resorts did that, and we found that really annoying (esp when we and other are buying $$$ of them). We bought 1-2 for daughter every day, and you have to go out of your way to trade one now if you dups.

7- Weather
Ok...this one is a stretch, and clearly nothing WDW can do about this one, but I will list it because it did screw up 1-2 days of our trip. First two days it was upper 70s, in the sun we were hot, had to do sun screen, and buy a fan/mister. Then the next two days it was in 40s, rain, wind chill in some cases took it into high 30s. We had to go to sweatshirts, and even buy one specifically for those few days. Nothing is worse in cold weather then rain, and the day we had to eat in Downtown Disney, we had to walk all the way to TREX, and it was pouring. We also didn't do much shopping on that night in rain and cold. I am sure some can argue that is our fault for going in Nov., but again we went during that time, because it was the only time we were supposed to have lower crowds. Again not Disney's fault, but just added to the overall feeling of a negative experience at WDW.

I think part of my issue was building up Disney for close to a year (booked trip in May, went this Nov). I started getting hooked into the DIS, and watched every weekly podcast going back to May. However the construction, cleanliness, broken down rides, and feeling of herding cattle crowds vs. a 'magical' experience left both the wife and I with a bad taste in mouth. Sadly I left thinking it was no different in many way then going to Six Flags. Few things I can say for certainty, but one is that we won't be going back to WDW in a long time.

With all that said, I will say the DIS app/video podcast is VERY fun, honest (holds no punches or loyalty to Disney), and extremely helpful to us planning our trip.

Hope this helps someone
Take care and God Bless
and we feel much the same way, sadly! We went 11/18/14 to 11/26/14. I know, I know, that is the 2nd most busy time of year but we went with kids/grandkids while they were out of school the week of thanksgiving. My husband and I usually go alone on "slower" times of the year. I know we will never go this time of year again. We usually go first 2 weeks of Nov, or early December. I am amazed to hear of the crowds you encountered in early Nov.:confused3
We noticed the dirtiness too. On the que to ride Haunted mansion, there were a lot of Kleenexes, paper towels, on the floor as you go single file to get on the dunebuggies. No One, I repeat, No One was bothering to pick them up. This was not a few papers, there was a lot of trash! Very disappointing. Also noticed more trash at the resorts onsite too.
Broken down rides were frequent. We have always had a breakdown on HM every trip. But this trip, it broke down 3 times while we rode it once. It was beyond sad. TSM broke down while we were riding it. We had to be manually removed from the cars, lead out, and given fast passes to use later. We had our coveted 7dmt fp for our last day, and it wasn't working due to weather. Never did get to go back to it due to weather.
A lot of the CM's had bored expressions, and didn't do their Story line stuff. For example, on the haunted mansion it was very noticeable. No one was into their character. The only ones we noticed that kept to the story line were at TOT.
So, overall, the whole thing is sad. I hope Disney wakes up and hires people who care to turn this around.
The crowd levels our first 2 days were supposed to be 2. I would say they were at least 6's. This is the first time we've come home and not talked about when we will go back. We usually go once a year. We will see. I hope you write to Disney with these concerns. I am going to write with my concerns. They don't know how we feel if all we do is complain on Dis or other sites, so Please write to them.
Sorry to hear that your trip wasn't very magicl - though glad you did find some good to highlight as well. I agree that the app is very good (much less impressed with the website).

It does appear that there are no "slow" times - or at least much fewer and there are just more crowds - though not sure what Disney can do about that unless they limit the number of people in the park.

There is quite a bit of construction going on and the fact it is on the Hub in MK really does take you out of the bubble a bit. But on the other hand, they aren't museums and progress has to take place so while it kinda stinks while it is going on at least it is to make things better in the future

The two big areas that you note that I really think Disney can do something about is the cleanliness and the CMs investment/attitude

There is no excuse, zero, for the Disney parks to be in the state that many people have been reporting (especially the bathrooms) - I mean, one of the main reasons the utilidoors were built in the first place was that Walt didn't like seeing CM's carry garbage bags

As far as the CMs go - I have to say that we encountered a lot of good ones our trip and many that were into their rolls (one that was really into character in line at the HM that spent time with my daughter while we were in line really stands out). Saw some that were less interested but overall I guess we got lucky b/c you are not the first to cite this. I think the attitude of some in the college program is part of it (though, at the same time, some of Disney's biggest fans and the best CMs are in the college program) but some of it is the crowds too and them feeling they can't handle them.

I do think less crowds would help a lot of the "bad" you cite, but not sure what to do about it other than lower the limit of # of guests in the parks each day and/or build a 5th gate
You can read my post, Disney on thanksgiving week and see I mirror your feelings for the most part. I've always considered myself to be a Disney nut and after my trip last week I'm very disappointed. It felt no more magical than going to our local 6 flags. If they don't fix this and re-introduce the "magic" (customer service, cleanliness, etc.) they will end up losing a lot of their loyal following, me and my family among them.


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