Just Back, Few Things I Observed (11/12/17 - 11/18/17)


Earned Me Ears
Jul 13, 2005
Just got back from a trip and figured I would share a few things I observed that may help you on your next trip.

Mobile food ordering is a timesaver
If you are going to order food and if it is available to use MDE app to order, do it! It saves a lot of time. We were able to use it to save 20 minutes or so when ordering Dole Whips and also save us 45+ minutes (after waiting 4 hours in line for FOP) at Sa'tuli Canteen. I tried to tell others about it too where it would help them. As of now, you can not use AP discounts or Dining Plan credits with it, but if this does not affect you, take full advantage of it!

Flight Of Passage wait time can be greatly innacturate
Seems like Flight of Passage is still going through some technical issues. We got in line where it was supposed to be a 60 minute wait, but ended up waiting for 4 hours! This was due to multiple theaters on the attraction going down. The ride is incredible, but not ride is worth a 4 hour wait in my opinion. They did give us 2 fast passes each that could be used on any attraction at WDW, except for FOP, that expired in 48 hours. This did make up some of the time. However, just know if you are going to attempt stand-by for FOP there is a good chance it is going to be longer than the posted time.

Plan for security
Sometimes security screening was quick, but most of the time it added 15-20 minutes to getting into the park. On one day it was over 30 minutes. You will hear people complain, complain, and complain some more no matter the length of the security lines. I don't understand the complaining. They are trying to keep us safe. Just give yourself a little extra time, and it shouldn't be an issue.

People like to spit on plants, even if they are fake.
I didn't see a lot of rude behavior as some have reported, but I did see something every time I went in to Pandora: people spitting onto the fake plants. I find chewing tobacco not so pleasant, but I understand some enjoy this vice. Okay, it is a free country, enjoy it. But I do not understand the need to spit into plants that has been set up as beautiful scenery, especially when a portion of them are not even real and someone will need to clean your crud off of them! Why not just carry a bottle or something? It was the rude thing that I noticed the most, and it bothered me to know an artist took his/her time to make this beautiful place and somebody just wants to spit all over it.

Touringplans.com was off this trip
I am a major planner, and decided to user touringplans.com to help me with this trip. Their estimated wait times seemed way off this trip. I am not sure why, but there were many rides that were double the wait time that was predicted by them.

Going with the flow is more fun and enjoyable than sticking to a plan
My first couple of days I was bummed, because it seemed like all of the plans I made were coming through. I was not able to the attractions I thought I would be able to do that day or something else I planned would not happen correctly. I was actually wondering if I was going to have a good time or not. I then decided to throw the plans out the window (even skipped some FastPasses we had) and went with the flow as best as we could. I started to enjoy it a lot more and had a lot of fun! I will probably still plan in the future, but I need to remind myself it is okay to throw the plans out and just run with what has been dealt to you for that day.

FastPass+ Still Stinks
I am just not a fan. There are several ways I think it could be done better, but as they are now, I am just not a super fan of them. Added stress of planning even more (see above) and being disappointed in not being able to get your FastPasses that you want just starts things off badly IMO.

Staying offsite is possible
Up until this trip, we have always stayed on site. We love being in the Disney bubble for a week. This time however, we took a gamble and booked off site. We found a 3 bedroom condo for only $90/night that was only a mile or so for WDW. For the price, it was incredible. We did have to pay to park everyday at the parks and we did lose a little bit of that Disney magic by not having the theming and music as you walk around your resort, but it was still good. We had plenty of space, two bathrooms to get ready in, full kitchen and dining room, and more. We will probably still stay on site from time to time, but the condo is a great option as well!
Thanks for the review, we are considering this week for our fall 2018 trip. Just out of curiosity what condo did you stay at? We have been staying at bonnet creek the last few trips and love it there but sounds like you got an amazing deal!
Thanks for the tips. I look forward to trying the mobile ordering on our trip in January. We are doing mostly counter service this trip so I need to remember to use it.
Having finally visited Disneyland, I have to say that I really wish Fastpass+ worked more similarly to MaxPass. I really dislike the feel of booking rides literally months in advance, and with MaxPass (though we did have to pay for fastpass-by-phone privileges) it felt like the playing field was still pretty level because you could only reserve a fastpass if you were actually in the parks -- it was everything I'd liked about legacy fastpass with the added convenience of skipping the physical kiosks. I'm very much a go-with-the-flow visitor when I visit the parks, and I can't help but wonder what the big benefit to Disney is to do this three-per-day-in-advance deal instead of sticking to day-of fastpass reservations and simply using the MagicBand technology to facilitate a MaxPass-style system.
I think he means that there was not enough staff to make the lines go faster ie maybe only 3 out 5 were open because Disney was being cheap? (just a guess)

Btw I am set in the plans but I also have been stressing so much that after my bday, the last 5 days I am thinking of telling the fam ok just the main fp+ if we want them and our adr's. otherwise just stroll.

I do have most of the main big rides and shows or meet greets the first 4 days)

ty for the review. I hope touring plans is not so far off but I am prepared that it may not work as well as I wanted.
Thanks for the report! Sounds like you had a good trip, but 4 hours in line?!?! I could never last that long.

Welcome home. :)
People like to spit on plants, even if they are fake.
I didn't see a lot of rude behavior as some have reported, but I did see something every time I went in to Pandora: people spitting onto the fake plants. I find chewing tobacco not so pleasant, but I understand some enjoy this vice. Okay, it is a free country, enjoy it. But I do not understand the need to spit into plants that has been set up as beautiful scenery, especially when a portion of them are not even real and someone will need to clean your crud off of them! Why not just carry a bottle or something? It was the rude thing that I noticed the most, and it bothered me to know an artist took his/her time to make this beautiful place and somebody just wants to spit all over it.

Ugh ugh ugh. I am having trouble finding anything to like about people anymore. This is the grossest rudest thing that I hadn't even considered a possibility.
Wow spitting chewing tobacco on the plants. That sounds extremely gross and unsanitary, to say the least.

Thank you for the trip report.
I think the fast pass thing should be re-visited too. I think it’s awful. Honestly if they did away with fast pass and everything was stand by, all line wait times would be cut in half.

The fast passes make it miserable for anyone without a fast pass. Added to the fact that you only get 3 and only can use them once. Terrible.

I was in the Navi river line that was supposed to be 1hr and 45 mins. Because all of the fastpasses were done for the night the line moved exponentially faster. We were on the ride in 30 mins.
Thanks! This is so useful, I'm also a military planner - but have learnt planning rope drop and then going with the flow works much better.

Also the spitting thing is so gross and I would have to say something - like, this is how Tuberculosis is spread.
I am a critical facilities emergency planner for Homeland Security/Emergency Management and there may be several reasons for slow downs at the security check in. High security facilities like WDW do recieve Homeland Security Threat updates regulary. These periodic updates contain threat levels and any possible known threats that may impact the parks. When these updates are delivered, security check procedures are intensified. I have also noticed in my trips to WDW that when people walk up to the scanner, they have not followed the posted instructions such as-have your bags open for full viewing access. This means, unzip every pocket. Also, people not offering all of their bags to be checked which causes them to fumble about, getting the bags up on the table and then opened for inspection will case delays. Many people have their bags packed so full that it takes a bit of time to go through those bags for a thorough inspection. Under certain threat levels they also have more people walk through the scanners which can also cause a delay. I was at the Magic Kingdom on Monday, 11/13 and saw that almost everyone was being sent through the scanner. If everyone was to realize they are doing this to keep you safe and just followed the simple instructions, your process of going through the security check would be easier and faster.
I have to admit, I saw a marked improvement in the check in process thanks to the change for the boats and monorail security checks. I have not walked in so fast in the previous 10 years like I did this past week. Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
I think the fast pass thing should be re-visited too. I think it’s awful. Honestly if they did away with fast pass and everything was stand by, all line wait times would be cut in half.

The fast passes make it miserable for anyone without a fast pass. Added to the fact that you only get 3 and only can use them once. Terrible.

I was in the Navi river line that was supposed to be 1hr and 45 mins. Because all of the fastpasses were done for the night the line moved exponentially faster. We were on the ride in 30 mins.
While it is true that once the park hours end there are no more fast pass people they would know that and correctly update the wait time. The truth is they don't want people getting into that line just before park closes so they inflate the times of all the major attractions to deter people from entering.
Thanks for your thoughts. I really appreciate the go with the flow comments. I am having less fun in planning even trying to think about where we will be at each point in the day, so am trying to keep it very general and only be beholden to our 3 FPs and 1 TS per day. The rest of the time we'll let the kids decide where to go.
Thanks for your trip report. We have been thinking about booking at Windsor Hills condos, but haven't done it yet. We usually stay onsite, but the nice amenities of a condo might sway us. We are getting older and the thought of a nice recliner or couch at the end of a busy park day sounds like heaven:)
Would you expand a little on why you liked Windsor Hills and your stay? Thank you!
30 minute security means WDW is too cheap to staff it properly.

All of the lines were open on the 30 minute day. We were at Epcot in the morning, right before opening and a lot of people were coming in. It was just a lot of people at a peak time of people coming in. You do not staff for only those peak times, but for the entire time. If the average wait all day is only 10-15 mins with a few times peaking at 30 mins, it seems well staffed to me. Then again, these things do not bother me as much. I know it is such a small percentage of my day that at the end it does not matter. They are trying to keep us safe.


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