June 2024 WISH Thread- Jumping into SUMMER ☀️🍉🕶️


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May 12, 2017

Welcome to the June 2024 WISH thread!

Happy to have you kick off summer with us!!! 😎🌊🦀

We're a group of dis-ers of all ages and geographic locations who are here to support and encourage each other in our healthier living goals. Whether you are looking to exercise more, lose weight, eat better, work on self-care or any other healthy living goal, please join us!

We have weekly volunteer hosts and typically follow a Monday-Sunday format:

Looking for hosts:

6/3/2024-6/9/2024: PAsFab5
6/10/2024-6/16/2024: ShannyMcB
6/17/2024-6/23/2024: Oneanne
6/24/2024-6/30/2024: PollyannaMom
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Happy Saturday Everyone!!

So sorry I am so late on this but my MIL and I yard sales early this morning and I have been doing shower prep since!

For Social Saturday I wanted to discuss a summer staple-vacations! Solo vacations, family vacations, couples vacations….what type of vacation do you typically take every year?

Do you switch up the location or always go to the same place?

What’s your most favorite vacation you ever took?

I grew up going to Ocean City Maryland with my family-all the time. Year round, extended family-immediate family-you name it! My grandparents owned a house there and I went from the time I was an infant until about 10 years ago when sadly it had to be sold AND torn down due to mold/structure issues.

However Florida and specifically Disney has always been my favorite vacation and we have been every year for 8 years and I went multiple times as a child.

This summer we are not vacationing since we went in January and DD and I are going to Disney in October. I am ok with it-looking forward to doing some things around here this summer!!
When our kids were younger, we cruised pretty much every other year. In the off years, we would do a land vacation where we tried new things. With the cruises, even though they were the same transportation type, we saw lots of different places and tried to plan based on ports we would be hitting.

My favorite would be hard to say because there were so many good memories along the way. If I had to name one, it would probably be our Hawaii trip with my sister's family and my mom. It was the first trip we all did together (we also did an Alaska cruise last summer) and it was great. We flew out there, stayed a couple of nights in Honolulu, went on a cruise around the islands and finished with a few nights at Aulani. It is the longest vacation I've ever taken and it was just magical all the way around. Everyone got along great and had so much fun together! When we went there, our kids were 19, 18 and 14 and my sister's kids were 11 and 8. Time sure does fly!

Now that our kids are older and we don't have so many activities based around them, DH and I tend to take a trip in late February and late October as well as our summer trip with any kids that can go with us. I don't know how long that tradition will last, but I'm enjoying it right now.
Hooray for Sunday!!!

Will you be like Kermit and relax today or do you have plans? Self care plans? Family plans? A mix?

I planned on sleeping in but I was awake at 5:45 so I got up and did my Bible reading/journaling and yoga. I am about to take a walk so self care ✅

Going to 930 church then this afternoon we have our family ultrasound of baby girl! Can’t wait!!

Speaking of baby girl…the shower was beautiful yesterday! Turned out exactly how I envisioned it 🩷 sharing some pictures

The shower pics are so cute @PAsFab5 !
Today is the color run so that will be the opposite of relaxing. But it’s a beautiful day so will be good for the kids to be outside.
BUT I slept past 7 today! It was amazing. The kids were exhausted by the time we got home from the fireworks so they slept like Little Rock’s until just before 730. I can’t remember the last time I slept this late while they have been home.
Beautiful shower pics!

Today is definitely a relaxing day for me (after I get a little work done). I went to church this morning, but my niece is playing in a tennis tournament so my mom and my sister's family went to that. Where I live, this weekend is the yearly duck blind draw, so DH and DS went to that to draw for some friends and family that hunt. That means I have the house and most of the day to myself!! That doesn't happen too often, so I kind of enjoy it when it does.

After church, I worked on my closet which has needed an overhaul for awhile. I put together a big box for donation as well as a large garbage bag to pitch. Why do I keep things so long that they are in too bad of shape to even donate. If they're that bad, I should have gotten rid of them earlier lol! I looks so much nicer now!

I also just did little odds and end jobs that have been waiting to be done. Now, I'm catching up on here and then probably taking a short little nap for a bit. After that I'm not sure. I actually think I'm going to play the piano for a bit - I don't play much when everyone's home because you can hear it all throughout the house and I hate to interrupt what everyone's doing.

After that, I'm not sure. DH and DS will probably be getting home before too long after that, so we'll just see what the evening holds!
Welcome to the first Monday in June!!

What is motivating you this Monday to live healthy during the month of June? Any particular goals?

I am motivated by this amazing weather we are having-little to no humidity yet but warm and lots of sun!! I have been doing about 6 around the block walks during the day the past 2 weeks which comes out to about 2 miles. This week I am going to try and make it 7 around the blocks!!

Make this Monday a great one!!
My motivation this week is to put last week's bad eating week behind me! I don't know what my problem was last week, but it just was not a good healthy choices week. This week will be better!

We've also been having very nice weather - it does make the days more enjoyable!
Hooray for Sunday!!!
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Will you be like Kermit and relax today or do you have plans? Self care plans? Family plans? A mix?

I planned on sleeping in but I was awake at 5:45 so I got up and did my Bible reading/journaling and yoga. I am about to take a walk so self care ✅

Going to 930 church then this afternoon we have our family ultrasound of baby girl! Can’t wait!!

Speaking of baby girl…the shower was beautiful yesterday! Turned out exactly how I envisioned it 🩷 sharing some pictures

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Thank goodness the weather forecast for this week is finally turning around, so that has me motivated to get outside doing yard work and walking.

Plus, it is a short work week as I'm taking Friday off for my pre-birthday celebration. My Neice and I are going to a neighboring town, one I haven't explored yet, to get facials and have a fancy lunch. I've really been working on my skin and feel like it is starting to pay off... I'm interested to hear what the esthetician says.

And today starts the week off right with very few meetings, so I'll be able to buckle down and get some administrative things done.

Happy Monday everyone.
My goal is to keep moving! The 5k is this weekend and after taking Sunday to do nothing my goal and motivation is to keep moving. While I do not feel I have gained much tone or really lost weight these little extra blips of exercise have got me feeling physically and mentally pretty good.
I am blocking out time during my work from home and days to remind myself at least twice a week to do an indoor run/walk workout. Hopefully it will get me primed for vacation!

Welcome to Tuesday!! We made it through Monday-that’s something to celebrate for sure!!!

My social media has been filled with “Summer reading lists” So I wanted to ask the group-what is your favorite book you have read recently or your favorite book ever? You can also share both!!!

My favorite book I read recently is Then She Was Gone by Lisa Jewell. Close runner up for recent reads is Stranger On The Beach by Michelle Campbell.

Excited to hear about everyone else’s favorite reads and if you don’t read that’s ok-what’s your favorite show you recently watched?
I used to read all the time, but don't too much anymore. DD1 is a huge reader - she's in a book club where she lives and is just always reading something. I asked her to get me a couple of books this year for Christmas, so they are the last ones that I read. She got me Colleen Hoover's It Ends with us and It Begins with Us. They were easy and enjoyable reads.

When I read the first one (It Ends with Us), DH had earned a work trip that we were on. It was at a beach resort, so I spent some time in a lounger by the beach or pool reading it and so many people came up to me and started taking about the book! I never would have thought a book could be such a conversation starter lol!

Other than that, I've read mostly self-help type books - not too long ago, I read Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley. It's a book about how remaining active is one of the most important things you can take with you into retirement and your older years. There's a specific one for women, but I didn't know that when I first started the original book.

I recently bought The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins - I haven't read it yet, but it was recommended over and over in a group I belong to. It's about breaking down investing for it to not be overwhelming. My SIL is a financial advisor, so we've always used her - we still have her available and will continue to use her, but it's a subject I'm interested in and now have more time to devote to it, so thought I'd read through the book to see what it has to say.
I really struggle with reading on a regular basis, even tho I can feel how good it is for my brain when I do it. I'm currently three books behind on my quest to read a book a month this year. Next up is "Braiding Sweetgrass", which I've had for several years and know will be life changing I just need to get started.

At this point I'm feeling battered and betrayed by the weather, as it looks like we are not going to have Spring at all this year. Currently another windstorm is blowing thru, and my brain refuses to acknowledge that on the 4th of June the heating stove has had to be turned on. The forecast still says it'll get better this week, but my confidence is shaken. It is good reading weather tho, isn't it?
Been reading books here and there but not much I have really enjoyed recently. I will share “bossy pants” by Tina Fey is great if you are a fan of hers.
If you don’t mind some questionable language I highly recommend Christopher Moore’s books, specifically his early stuff…I have lost track of how many times I have read “Lamb.” Also “Good Omens” is a fun read.
I used to read all the time, but don't too much anymore. DD1 is a huge reader - she's in a book club where she lives and is just always reading something. I asked her to get me a couple of books this year for Christmas, so they are the last ones that I read. She got me Colleen Hoover's It Ends with us and It Begins with Us. They were easy and enjoyable reads.

When I read the first one (It Ends with Us), DH had earned a work trip that we were on. It was at a beach resort, so I spent some time in a lounger by the beach or pool reading it and so many people came up to me and started taking about the book! I never would have thought a book could be such a conversation starter lol!

Other than that, I've read mostly self-help type books - not too long ago, I read Younger Next Year by Chris Crowley. It's a book about how remaining active is one of the most important things you can take with you into retirement and your older years. There's a specific one for women, but I didn't know that when I first started the original book.

I recently bought The Simple Path to Wealth by JL Collins - I haven't read it yet, but it was recommended over and over in a group I belong to. It's about breaking down investing for it to not be overwhelming. My SIL is a financial advisor, so we've always used her - we still have her available and will continue to use her, but it's a subject I'm interested in and now have more time to devote to it, so thought I'd read through the book to see what it has to say.
It ends with us and it begins with us are great ones!!! I took it ends with us on vacation a few years ago and read through it SO FAST I had to get It begins with us delivered from Amazon to the Airbnb 🤭
I really struggle with reading on a regular basis, even tho I can feel how good it is for my brain when I do it. I'm currently three books behind on my quest to read a book a month this year. Next up is "Braiding Sweetgrass", which I've had for several years and know will be life changing I just need to get started.

At this point I'm feeling battered and betrayed by the weather, as it looks like we are not going to have Spring at all this year. Currently another windstorm is blowing thru, and my brain refuses to acknowledge that on the 4th of June the heating stove has had to be turned on. The forecast still says it'll get better this week, but my confidence is shaken. It is good reading weather tho, isn't it?
I am so sorry about the weather. I can relate to feeling defeated when the cold just seems to drag and drag. I use it as an excuse for everything and then I get down on myself…hopefully you get your spring and summer soon!! Also, I am the only person in my 5 person household who reads…and in my large extended family it’s only me and my mother in law that read! Everyone else loves a good tv series though-which I am always up for!!

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