June 2018 trip report

View attachment 328312 View attachment 328313 A couple of interesting things I spotted around the Fort today:

Those of you here on Thursdays in June - free food and a cooking lesson.

I hadn’t seen these letters before but they were on all the bulletin boards. I wonder (hope) he lurks here.


As the chief cook, busboy, and dish washer in my family, this is an interesting concept (seriously). I am wondering how much beyond "Spam in a Can" it is.

With some pasta, sauce, and fresh parlsley I could fake the June 13th "Spam and Goat Cheese" dish (possibly).

Bama Ed

PS - bet your boys are growing up....
I was reading your post, KB, and thinking at first you were just braggin' about your hotel stays. But it sounds more like you were missing the Fort.

When EXACTLY is your tent camping trip? This month?

Good luck, man! I hope it's not too hot and rainy. A portable AC on rollers is about $300 at Home Depot in case you need to cool the tent down at night. I'm sure your nephew will appreciate your effort.

You are braver than I am. I have never been to the Fort in summer (Memorial Day weekend was the latest in the spring I've been) so I hope things work out for you.

Bama Ed

Damn, I forgot to say when we will be there didn't I?!? I guess I WAS too excited about my trip to the Fort. We leave the 28th of June & return on the 1st of July. I have a portable A/C arriving tomorrow along with a few other camping items I have purchased as it has been a while since I camped anywhere & I needed a few things. I sweated off about 10 pounds on our trip to WDW we just got back from so I am actually more prepared for the heat & humidity now than I was in May. Plus I live around the swamps of Southwest GA so I am a little used to the humidity, but I still hate it. But I should be good. Thanks for the well wishes, we may need 'em.

EDIT: Nephew can't go so now I am going Han Solo. But that is cool because I enjoy having some time to myself every 100 years or so. Tested out the new equipment, especially the A/C & it works great. Glad I did test it though as it was 95 degrees that day & I found out if the tent is in direct sun the air doesn't cool the tent very well until I covered it with a tarp. So now I got the kinks worked out I am ready to roll. Plus my wife let me get a golf cart from Kenney so I am really ready to roll. Only 2 days til my Wednesday Midnight ride. See you guys there.
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Been busy since I got back but the trip was fun. Wore myself out setting up that first day but it was worth it even with a tent pole that broke and a stubborn screen house that wanted to fight me when I was setting it up ( and yes, I tested and set up everything the week before I left with no problems). Rained a good bit Friday and Saturday in the afternoon so I didn’t get a chance to grill but got me some good grub around Disney, just didn’t get a chance to go to Trails End unfortunately. The storms got so loud Friday that while I was covering things with plastic in the screen house I almost jumped outta my skin from the first strike I heard. It was like that for a few hours so I rode it out in my tent with no leaks and an A/C that was awesome. When it slacked off I read they were letting people in Toy Story Land, a day early. So I hopped the bus there and got on the Saucers after a 45 minute wait. Went back on official opening day in the afternoon and it was too packed so I got the popcorn bucket and cup for Toy Story Land and headed out. The wrestling show Saturday night was awesome and got back to the site late but still packed a lot of stuff for my departure Sunday. Had a golf cart I rented from a Kenney and it was nice and served me well. I explored a little and had fun camping again and met some nice neighbors. Short trip and very hot & humid but still had a great time. Except for that damn squirrel that broke in and got in that pack of crackers I accidentally left in the tent, but I took care of the mess and had no other pest issues. Looking forward to my next Fort adventure.

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@KornBred, you accomplished a lot for a brief trip. You had a lot of extra room on your site which we are looking for later this year for our trip. Do you think your site would work for our stuff : 10x10 screen room and a 10x9 and 10x14 tent. Were you 2000 loop? Thanks for your help

For our readers who are tent campers and can travel in summer, do you have and can you post any pictures regarding the AC unit you had and how it was set up? Your tent was extra protected with a cover (we saw that) but it would be helpful to see how the AC was integrated into it.

That was a good looking campsite layout.

Bama Ed
@North of Mouse I got the lights at Lowes last Xmas. I just took the Santa hats off, which I can reattach when I want to.

@themojosupreme My screenhouse is 15 x 13 hexagonal. The tent is 12 x 10. The mat in front of the tent is 9 x 11. So I think your set up would work, just plan it out ahead of time like I did & it shouldn't be a problem. I was in site 2041.

@bama_ed Will do & thanks for the complement.

I do not have a picture of the set up for the A/C I used but I got a pic of the unit I bought. If you look at the picture I posted in my trip report that shows the front of the tent, you can see a white exhaust tube sticking out. I had that and the tube for water drainage hanging out and just zipped the door tight around it (continuous water drainage on these units is a must as the unit has to stay running to keep it cool in the tent or the cool will cut off and only the fan will run). The unit is on wheels so I had it sitting to the side of the door inside the tent & could turn it towards me whether I was in bed or in my chair. Worked pretty good. And the covers on the tent were just 6 x 8 tarps that I bungeed in place to help insulate the tent (kept cool air in better) and reflect the sun because without them the sun put in good amounts of heat and light through the canvas of the tent. It took 4 tarps, well 5 counting the big one under the tent. 1 on each end, 1 on top, 1 in the back. It stayed pretty cool in there and had no issues with insects getting in because I kept the door zipped very tight around those hoses. Hope this helps anyone looking to tent in the heat and humidity of Disney in June. :sunny:

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:thumbsup2 and props for that nice green DIS sign you had set out by the road. ED


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