JULY 2024 WISH Thread - Sunny Summertime โ˜€๏ธ


DIS Veteran
Jun 29, 2017
Welcome to the July 2024 WISH thread!

Happy to have you enjoy summer with us!!! โ˜€๏ธ๐ŸŒŠ๐Ÿšขโ›ฑ๏ธ๐Ÿ•๏ธ๐Ÿ›ถ๐ŸŽ†๐Ÿ‰๐ŸŒฝ

We're a group of dis-ers of all ages and geographic locations who are here to support and encourage each other in our healthier living goals. Whether you are looking to exercise more, lose weight, eat better, work on self-care or any other healthy living goal, please join us!

We have weekly volunteer hosts and typically follow a Monday-Sunday format:

I'm starting the holiday week still happy about all the stuff that left the house yesterday and I'm looking forward to continuing to clean and organize the back porch. End goal is to make it into a crafting space as it faces south, so is nice and sunny, and looks out to the backyard where the pots around the patio are looking mighty pretty.

I'm taking Friday off, so this is a super short work week and somehow, we've scored warm sunny weather for the week! I had to blink and double check when I saw that in the forecast. I really want it to feel like a holiday week, so I'm planning on beach walks each evening. I have a massage appt midday Thursday but need to come up with something fun to do afterwards, as well as Friday. Saturday I'm going on the all-day whale watching tour and Sunday will be a chill around home day.
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So very sorry for my absence!!

@Summer2018 do you want me to take the last days of July/first days of August? And thank you for starting this month out ๐Ÿฉท

I closed out my month yesterday with perfect exercise/movement/stand rings on my Apple Watch! It was a tough one because it was about 100 yesterday and the humidity was unbearable and I knew the only way to close them out was to take a walkโ€ฆI waited until about 730pm and went out and did my best and I did it!!

I believe I will keep the same goal for July and see how I do, so modivated to keep things going this Monday. Also going to eat *perfect* Monday-Wednesday because we are hosting a bbq Thursday and I know I will want alllll the things ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿคค

I hope everyone enjoys this Monday!!
So very sorry for my absence!!

@Summer2018 do you want me to take the last days of July/first days of August? And thank you for starting this month out ๐Ÿฉท

I closed out my month yesterday with perfect exercise/movement/stand rings on my Apple Watch! It was a tough one because it was about 100 yesterday and the humidity was unbearable and I knew the only way to close them out was to take a walkโ€ฆI waited until about 730pm and went out and did my best and I did it!!

I believe I will keep the same goal for July and see how I do, so modivated to keep things going this Monday. Also going to eat *perfect* Monday-Wednesday because we are hosting a bbq Thursday and I know I will want alllll the things ๐Ÿ˜‹๐Ÿคค

I hope everyone enjoys this Monday!!
No. Iโ€™m good. I want to make up for my time away while I still have time to myself. Things will quickly get nuts at the end of August.
At the end of April, I was on track with my weight loss goals.

In May, the bottom fell out and I lost my brother. Itโ€™s been really painful. I havenโ€™t been taking care of myself, and I gained back a lot of the weight I lost. Iโ€™m not surprised, but Iโ€™m really disappointed in myself.

I knew exactly what I was doing, and frankly, I didnโ€™t care. I do care now, and I wonโ€™t let this escalate any further. In 19 days, Iโ€™ll be on vacation, and I will want to eat whatever I want. So until we go, I promise myself to eat healthier and do my best to take care of myself.

I canโ€™t let this temporary failure stop me from being successful.

What has your journey to success been like? How has failure affected your success?
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Failure is a complicated subject for me, probably for a lot of people. Having gone thru most of my life without the self-knowledge of my neurodivergence, I felt I was generally failing at life because I just couldn't get the most basic things "right". When I gained that knowledge three years ago, it was a 100% turn-around and a realization that I actually did really good most of the time, all things considered.

This life experience makes me look at "failure" differently, partly in that what feels like a fail may not be, maybe it is just something that doesn't align with your expectations, maybe it is a closed door you aren't meant to go thru, maybe it is a delay that actually puts you on the best schedule.

Having a piece of celebratory chocolate cake may feel like a failure against healthy eating goals, but is it really? or is it just a peice of cake?
What has your journey to success been like? How has failure affected your success?
When I was a kid, the "right" things came easily to me (schoolwork, being quiet, following the rules...) and the things I struggled with weren't things I actually needed to do - so I leaned into the easy stuff and avoided situations where I was likely to fail. In the long run, I think that lack of practice with things being "hard but worth it in the end" made me kind of timid. I'm successful at a lot of low-risk things.
WOO HOO! I got out of the house early today to pick up some last minute items for the 4th, and made a point of walking for an hour in the process.

WOO HOO! Even though DD has to work on the 4th, she took the 5th off so we could enjoy tomorrow evening, not rush off to bed early, and extend the celebration into Friday.

WOO HOO! In spite of being surrounded by celebration food, I'm using self-control right now and saving the goodies for tomorrow and Friday.
Helllooooo friends!!! What a strange week this has been, for me at least. Itโ€™s been quiet because so many people in our agency are out for the week, but also busy with people โ€œfilling inโ€ for others and coming to me for guidanceโ€ฆtomorrow is a holiday for me and Friday is my day off so that is my whoooohooooo!!!!!

My journey to success in life has been filled with ups and downs, for sure. I feel like I am finally getting to a place where I am making healthy relationships/friendships, creating a healthy life and taking care of my health the best I can.

I go through days (tomorrow will be one) where I have cake, pie, ice cream, cookiesโ€ฆI donโ€™t view it as a failure as I would have before and drive myself into a state of non stop terrible eatingโ€ฆI just view it as a special day and get back on track the next day!


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