Julie's continual struggle (WW thread - comments VERY welcome!!)


<font color=black>BL6 Black Team Co-captain<br> <f
Jan 29, 2004
I've tried, failed, tried, failed many many times!

I originally started WW in Jan 2003 - did fine losing until March when my MIL died of cancer - she was my VERY BEST friend for about 25 years. I was doing so - so thru the summer - managed to go from 198.8 to 162.

Then in Oct I go the phone call that my mother 81 had fallen and broken a hip. She also had alzheimers, and other ails. It was the day after my DH birthday and I stood at the counter talking on the phone making plans to drive the 10 hours to OK from NM - many times over to help out - and DH leftover B'day cake was there - I ate almost the whole thing without even realizing it.

From mid oct to right before thanksgiving when my mom died, I drove to OK 10x and sat in hospitals for days. And, gained about 13 lbs back. I was miserable, my kids were miserable and mom's passing was a blessing. Then December, my SIL died from cancer - another trip.

My DS is a gymnast so we travel from Dec - May almost every weekend. I rejoined WW in Jan, in March and then after vacation in July of 2004. Each time I managed to stay 'on track' for only a few weeks, then life kept me from making meetings, etc.

Jan of 2005 I joined again at 185.6 - at least I kept a bit off from originally. They had a new meeting time that was perfect for me. 6 wks later, they cancelled the meeting b/c we had only 17, not the required 18 in attendance.

Since then, I've been not able to go twice.

Then stress kicked in again. My son's coach is being a real 'jerk' and has not hidden the fact that he wants my son gone - that is another story, but is getting worse - coach has guilt over son's injury he ignored and won't get over it. The board I was on at the gym was "fired" and the gym owner is trying to get his hands on over $15K of parents money.

My DD's school principal called her in to juvenile auth. for absences - DD had appendix out the 3rd day of school, then fractured leg in PE. Principal insisted that one note was needed from DR. EVERY day she was gone and therefore counted ALL of her absences at Unexcused. She's an honor roll student, no discipline prob, etc. We had to get the superintendent involved and the principal refused to return his calls. Super finally had to send his secretary over to physically bring the principal to his office. Finally resolved after many sleepless nights.

Then on the 14th, my sister - 10 yrs older and more like my mother than my mother ever was - had her dog put down and found she had a "90% chance of cancer" breast lump. She is in FL and I'm here in NM. Same night my 19 yr old w/ a heart valve defect was in ER with severe chest pains - will likely need a valve replacement much earlier than expected. Also overheard that is is using "recreational" drugs of some sort - I suspect marijuana, but not sure. That he dropped out of college b/c of his grades, and I started getting mail that he's bouncing checks. UGH!!!!

So, for a stress eater like me, I having a TERRIBLE time. I'm trying to get back on track, but not succeeding.

Today was my sister's biopsy, and I didn't bother to step on the scale and had 2 cookies - 4 pts for breakfast.

I'm hoping that MAYBE if I journal here, and PLEASE leave feedback if so inclined, not just in my food journal, MAYBE I'll have more success.

TIA for all your support.

Julie (sometime I'll find time to update my info below!!)
Ok, I've made it to lunch w/ no cheats, so I"m doing good for me. I forgot to weigh today which is just as well.

Went to WalMart for Groceries and found this really yummy new version of the "flat out" bread. Has FIFTEEN grams fiber each. WOW!!! It's italian herb, so tastes good too.

Hopefully I can make it the rest of the day. so far 6 pts.
Hi! Welcome to the journals! :wave:

Joining up here is a great first step in making it stick this time. There are wonderful supportive people here who will cheer you on and help you get back up and dust yourself off if you fall.

Sounds like you've reached your stress quota for the year! Don't forget yourself in the middle of all these crises! Your family is very important but your health and happiness is important too! Take time to take care of your self.

I've seen that flatout bread in the store and it looked really good. I may have to pick some up today!

Hope you have a great day--you can do it! :cheer2:
Today wasn't horrid, but it wasn't great, either.

I was doing fine until I looked at my calendar and learned that once again I won't be able to do the 9:30 WW next Thurs as my DS has his cardiology appt at 10 about 1/2 hour away and we have to BE there by 9:30. GRRRRRR!!!!

I've gone about 4 pts over today and have ALMOST consumed all my water. I used to be SO good about it, but just can't seem to drink anymore.

On the positive side, I finally pulled out all my MD formulations stuff and used it tonight. I need to use it faithfully as I am getting very dry skin (we live in a desert, duh!) and age is beginning to take it's toll.

My house is still a wreck from trying to dig out all the summer stuff for ebay and get pics taken, so hopefully after I do groceries in the morning I can get my act together.

I'm also planning to dig out the WATP tapes and do at least the 1 mile.

I just have to remember each day is a new beginning.

93 days til DD and I get on the train to head to FL for my nieces wedding and 3 days at HRH. I REALLY want to be at least to 162 by then as that is the lowest I got on WW. Today was 176.5 on my scale.
Wow you have put the S in STRESS. This board has some of the most supportive people I have ever met and I am sure you will find what your looking for here. When things get bad just try and remember to smile.

goldcupmom said:
93 days til DD and I get on the train to head to FL for my nieces wedding and 3 days at HRH. I REALLY want to be at least to 162 by then as that is the lowest I got on WW. Today was 176.5 on my scale.


Welcome to WISH!!

I think you've set a VERY reasonable goal for yourself to be 162 by the time you go to FL!! Just remember to look at this as a DAILY battle...the "big picture" can be discouraging...just take baby steps, day-by-day...check in here for support, it can really make a difference!!

Day 3 - so far so good.

I went grocery shopping EARLY and stopped at starbucks - 6pts for my decaf nonfat caramel macchiato, but worth every point.

I'm addicted to the lo carb flat out bread that has 15 grams fiber, so lunch is a roll up with that and turkey for 6 pts.

DH is home today so exercise may not happen. He is the MOST unsupporting possible - believes that it is impossible to lose any weight after 40, that WW is just a money making scheme and doesn't work, etc. He actually makes fun of my efforts when given the chance. Even my teenagers are better! Oh well.....

I did manage to do my skin care this morning and at sams made sure I walked every aisle pretty fast - I do it just to look for closeouts ending in .x1.

Off to do ebay and then clean house.
:grouphug: Hi Julie...and welcome to WISH! You have a lot that has gone on in your life...I, too, am a stress eater! I joined WW online a few weeks ago.

Good luck to you...take each day one at a time...baby steps. You can do this. Sorry to hear that your DH is not so supportive.

Take care of you!

Yesterday was an easy day to stay OP. This mornings weight was 175, so I'm on my way back to where I was when the trouble started again. I'm still hoping to get exercise in, but not real sure today will be the day. I had lt yogurt w/ 2/3 cup kashi go lean for bkfst - VERY yummy for 4 pts. Lunch will be another rollup with the flat bread. I think the fiber really helps.

I'm off to keep cleaning and make a 32 oz bottle of water.

Tonight I have to do taxes and stuff Easter Baskets. I don't do one for myself, so if I can keep from nibbling as I go I'll be fine. I try to buy candy that DH and kids like, but I don't.

TTFN - 91 days til DD and I board Amtrak for our 3 day journey to FL. I can't wait!! Three days of total relaxation - can't do anything but rest - (and I'll throw her off the train if she bugs me to play games the whole way :flower: )

Welcome to the WISH journals! :wave:

I understand how stressful it can be to live in various states from family when things go wrong. It can be very hard, especially when raising a family. But, you have made a first step in releasing some of your stress by making a plan to take care of yourself and become healthier. The journaling will help you stay on track with your eating and exercise as well as allow you to "get things off your chest". In fact, you are already off to a great start. :cool1:

Keep looking forward to that trip to FL. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I'm BACK!!

I've been out of the loop since last SAT and have eaten almost all of my points in Chocolate, but between stress and PMS, oh well. I've stayed within points and haven't gained, but haven't lost.

DS went to cardio today and will do more testing next week, but I don't have to go and will be able to go to WW. YIPPEE!!! But I may have to rejoin. UGH!!

Yesterday I managed to fit in the 1 mile WATP and today I walked the mall for about 30 min and I will do WATP again here shortly.

One step at a time.

My sister's surgery is next Tues a.m. in FL. She has inflitrating ductile carcinoma, and they are hoping for just a lumpectomy and that it hasn't spread. time will tell.

more later.....
Welcome Julie!!!

Sorry about all the bad things that have happened!!! You will find great support here! :grouphug:
You got it, just one step at a time! You will get there, even if you indulge in some chocolate now and then. The most important part is that you remind yourself that you are just as important as everyone else who needs you right now and keep pushing yourself back to your plan as often as you can. ;)

Praying for you and your family and hopefully your sister will have better news. :grouphug: ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I WILL make it through the weekend cheat free and I WILL exercise.

Yesterday I managed to do my WATP again. I wanted to do a 2nd time, but ran out of time.

It is going to be beautiful here in NM today and I'm going to make DD go for a long walk with me as well.

TOM hit, so my weight jumped, but at least I know it is temporary.

More later. 84 days until we board the train for FL!!


My sister's spirits are good - she says she never would have dreamed she'd be HAPPY to tell people she was going to have radiation & chemo. All in perspective!

You're doing great! :banana: Glad to hear that your sister's spirits are up. ::MickeyMo ::MickeyMo
I just finished my WATP 1 mile and filled my new water container. it holds 2.3 L - 77 oz, so if I can just manage to remember it each day, I'll definitely get in my water. Breakfast was lt yogurt, 2/3 c kashi crunch + 2 strawberries - 4 pts.

Off to list ebay.....
Good morning! Happy Monday! :flower: I hope you have a great day and week!
Very busy day headed here, but I managed to do the 2 mile WATP this morning - YIPPEE!!!

Breakfast was a wheat E muff w/ rf pbutter & a smidge of jelly - 4 pts.

I'm almost thru with 1/2 of my 77 oz of water.

Off to list ebay and get my taxes ready to mail. I've NEVER been this late before. Oh well.......

One day at a time. Just talked to sis and she is running errands trying to keep busy before her surgery tomorrow.

Thanks for all your encouragement!
Glad to hear that both you and your sister are trying to stay busy during this time. I see you list alot of ebay. Are you selling personal items or items for a business?

Keep up the great work. ::MickeyMo


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