Journey back to ME!!- I'm getting bugged!!

This week has been tough for me....again....but what is new!

Let's see......Found out that DS19s car is history...well, at least the engine. It is running for now, but is throwing a rod. rebuilding it will be about 6k. so, we've now found a NEW engine from GM for about $3700 + $700ish to install + $200ish for shipping. and he MAY have to have a new hood to accomodate it which would be another $450ish. Still cheaper than a rebuild & more reliable as it will have a factory warranty. Like I really have the money right now, but it has to be done. I have an empty credit card & it will now be his to make payments on. If only the bug would sell, it would cover the engine stuff & then some.....Pray hard! But with the economy, it doesn't bode well for classic car sales. It's book value is somewhere between $6700 & $12000 & he's asking $6k & will take $5500 or maybe even $5k.

amy, I think we need to close down that I-25 corridor to all hormones! I'm SO tired of this journey!!

Eating has been surprisingly under some control this week. WW today I was down 1.2. today is my free eating day & I ended up having taco bell ( they goofed & didn't give me the low cal gorditas & I ate them anyway) but I don't use my flex points, so 1 day a week is ok.

I swam this morning & only made 48 min. Yesterday I did the WATP 3 fast miles & then decided to do Biggest Loser Weight Loss Yoga. It kicked my rear!! I am SO SORE from the yoga today!!

Hope everyone has a good weekend! More later....
Congrats on the loss!!! :cheer2: Bummer about the car situation, but sometimes life just throws you those gems... We had a similar situation last year with our a/c. $7k for a new unit, but it's not like you can live without a/c in AZ!!

Great job keeping on track with your eating through all the stress this week. You are doing great with your workouts too, keep it up!:thumbsup2
great news on the loss Julie :)
sorry the car is going to cost so much :(
Have a great weekend :)
Congratulations on your weight loss, Julie!:cheer2:

I'm sorry to hear about your DS19's car. :( I hope the Bug sells for him soon!pixiedust:

Have a great weekend! :hug:
Wow, what a pita with ds' car! It is always something isn't it?:sad2: I am praying somebody buys that Bug very soon!

Congrats on losing the 1.2, that's a decent loss! Taco Bell is my fave too. I am bummed they took off the volcano tacos. Loved them! A free day is a good thing, glad you enjoyed it!

Keep up the good work and thanks for doing the exercise challenges!!:)
Congrats on the weight loss Julie! Now if you could only eliminate the stress that you constantly deal with, you'd probably be at your goal in no time. You are good about getting that exercise in also. Have yourself a great week!
somehow days & weeks get away from me!

Friday after I posted, DD texted me from school in severe abdominal pain(appendix already gone). There are NO bathrooms unlocked at the school...think small college campus with 7 buildings to go between. To Pee you have to leave your class, go to the admin building, stand in line to sign out a key, go to whichever building the key is for, then go back to admin & sign the key back in & return to class. With 10 min between classes there is NO time & during class teachers won't allow it cuz it takes like 15 min. So, she had to pee bad but sat thru most of a calculus test, ended up turning it in unfinished (not allowed to finish) & then couldn't pee easily & in severe pain. took her to Dr & had white cells in urine. started antibiotics. Monday they called & no infection, but still pain. Back to dr who THINKS cystitis in bladder & a probable ovarian cyst. So, she is home today again & miserable. The won't do any other testing til at least next week if it persists. Poor kid!

But on the up side.... yesterday I called the engine place to have them arrange the shipping for the new engine & talked to the guy in charge of 'muscle' & high performance cars. They BUILD custom engines & said to rebuild DS19s w/ a 3 yr warranty would only be $1600+ tax!!! DS19 of course wants some better than stock parts, but it will still be MUCH cheaper!!!! So, DH & DS19 are headed there when DS19 is out of class to make arrangements & get prices on the stuff DS19 wants. Plus, once they are in the engine, anything under the hood is no extra labor, so they will be able to put in a new power steering pump for about $100 part, instead of over $500 everyone else wants!!!!! WHAT A BLESSING!!!! And to top it off..... I found a COUPON for $50 off!!

DS22 is still constantly overdrawing his account but insists he isn't & the bank is wrong. GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!! But, he is at least employed. Now if I can only get DH to see that by paying all living expenses for DS22 we are, in essence, buying the drugs, alcohol or whatever he is spending almost $1500/mo on. Makes me SICK!!!!!!

There are actually 2 jobs advertised I am going to send resumes in for. Unfortunately, both are for tribal entities & give preference to native americans, qualified or not so qualified. One is for a Home School liason between tribal parents & district, the other is for an event coordinator for tribal events throughout NM. Doubtful, but if it is where God wants me, it will happen.

Need to make my mammo appt as I'm due on the 19th. Everytime I think about it I get nervous, but oh is necessary.

Food has been surprisingly ok. A few uh-ohs, but mostly good. Exercise is going very fact I'm starting to WANT to exercise!!

Still no BodyBugg, but we did supposedly get the money refunded to the credit card. Meanwhile Asset Protection from 24 hour fitness emailed to get DH phone number so they can talk to them about the person he ordered from. We actually received the wrist monitor & a box of chips back in Dec w/ an "on backorder" notice, then nothing. They haven't called DH, but I have a feeling they shipped that stuff BEFORE the lady paid them for mine & several other bodybuggs she sold. OOPS!!!!

I've been working my way thru various WATP Dvds & my weight loss Yoga. I will probably drop the gym beginning of March until fall. I don't swim much over the summer anyway as I'd rather be outside & I can buy a pass for the aquatic center for 15 visits for $35 - good for 3 mo. don't know! What I do know is that the Yoga tape kicks my rear!!! I'm doing week 1 & 2 and realizing I have NO upper body strength!

Off to exercise. More later.......
Glad that something worked out financially better for ds' car! And that is awful that dd's school has that UNACCEPTABLE bathroom situation. I hope she feels better soon and that its not a ovarian cyst. Keep us posted.

I also hope you convince dh that allowing ds22 the means to buy things like drugs and alcohol you are not doing him any favors. Man, parenting is tough, remember when all you had to worry about was what preschool and playdates to put them in? Those were the days. Prayers said for this situation,hang in there!

You have a good attitude about the jobs. At least you are sending out resumes, that is something!
Great news about the car engine Julie :)
Good luck with the job applications - if you dont try you never know :)
Well done for getting all the exercise in...AND enjoying it :)
Great news about the car, Julie!:cheer2:

How's your DD feeling? I hope she is feeling better soon!pixiedust:

Sending some pixiedust: for those jobs opportunities as well.

I'm sorry to hear about your DS22. Sending lots of prayers your way....

I hope you have a great day! :hug:
Thanks for checking in, everyone. Today has been something else!!!!

DD has now been in extreme pain since last Thursday. Been to Dr twice & see her primary tomorrow. So, today, thinking MAYBE they could do an ultrasound or something, which I know she needs, I took her to urgent care. They did urine....still white cells, & blood....looked ok. And told me she needed a pelvic ultrasound. DUH!!! But, because I HAVE insurance, they won't do it, I have to make an appt with her primary & have them schedule it!!! Said if I came in with a broken bone, they couldn't even xray. NOT!!! Then, they did a pregnancy test on her, a minor, without consent or knowledge...another big no, no. And gave us an RX for 600 mg I'd fill it when she can take 3 advil & get the same dose?????

So, came home & called primary. They said to schedule an ultrasound & tell them I will hand carry the orders. Sorry, no appts until MARCH 7th!!!!! I finally got an appt at the hospital in Albuquerque for 5:30 tomorrow.....about 40 min away, but worth the trip if they can figure out something. She is miserable!! The think it is likely an ovarian cyst. I just pray the ultrasound will show the problem.

I managed to do a WATP tape for 69 min this morning, but had ice cream & peanut m&ms for dinner.....but still only 5 pts over & don't usually use my APs or FPs so I should be ok.

And then the engine place was coming to tow DS19s car from the shop that it has been at and the shop LOST THE KEYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say I was not in the mood to hear that & let them have it!! If they don't have the keys by morning I told them they will have to completely RE-KEY the car as one of their employees not only has the keys, they have our address! This has not been my week!!!

Exercise has been good, but my weight has been up. Not sure what Friday's WI will be. Monday I did a 53 min WATP tape & 47 min of Yoga. Tuesday I did 16 min WATP jogging tape, 30 min WATP Fast Firming which is strength &
then 200 crunches. Today 69 min 5 fat burning miles WATP tape. Today should have been a swim day, but not with needing to pick up the car. Tomorrow I will have to do tapes again & crunches, then hopefully Friday I can swim. Having to haul DS19 to/from the bus messes up my schedule! And having DD home sick is even worse!! The weather has been beautiful, but no time long enough to get in a nice long walk outside like I would like to. Oh well, at least I have plenty of DVDs to work with.

I'll try to update tomorrow. With any luck I'll be able to sleep well tonight.
Julie, please keep us updated on your dd, I hope she is feeling better soon poor kid. That has got to be beyond frustrating.

Good job getting tough about those car keys, what a hassle.

And very good job getting all these workouts in! You will make February's challenge easily at this rate!:thumbsup2

Hang in there.:grouphug:
:hug: Julie,

I hope they found the car keys for you! :eek: If not, they should re-key the car for you.

Sending lots of prayers and pixiedust: your way...How is your DD feeling? Please keep us updated on how she is doing.
Wow, you are having a bunch of things to deal with all at once! I hope everything works out. And if WI is not ideal stress is a likely culprit!
I saw a shirt on a lady & I need it! Says "All stressed out and no one to CHOKE"

Called the car place, no keys.

Took DD to her normal Dr who I trust & is a friend from gymnastics. She says cystitis as well as ovarian cyst or cysts. Gave us 3 meds & said if not showing improvement by Monday then ultrasound. Given DH family history, I think she is probably right.

Dd is now sleeping & I'm hoping to get a quick walk in with Sashi before I have to pick DS19 up at the bus. Hopefully that duty will be over in a couple of weeks!

More later as I will have time since DH is working late.....
well, DD is WORSE this morning! Waiting on call from Dr. Pain the same, but now very very dizzy, lightheaded & nauseous. We got in some quality time around the porcelain throne last night. I don't think either of us slept more than a couple of hours.

I am SO tired & SO frustrated with this right now! And, of course, it's the weekend....again! She missed 2 classes last Friday, 2 on Monday and all of Tues - Friday this week. Plus work last night & least. UGH!!!!!!!!!!!

Haven't weighed yet. Hoping to get to WW just to weigh. Need to go to the gym & swim to try to unwind, but that's not happening. I did get in 70 min WATP 5 fat burning miles yesterday. About to pick a tape for today.

Will try to get on more later.....
Hey, Julie! Sounds like your household is still hectic. Sorry to hear that your DD isn't feeling well. Hopefully she will be better soon and the medicine works. My prayers are with you :grouphug: as I know it is not easy to deal with a child when they have to go through so many tests to find out what is going on. Hopefully, you will have the answers soon.

Try to at least grab a few minutes to rest where possible so that you can keep yourself healthy. ::MickeyMo::MickeyMo
WI was scale said down 1.5, but at WW it was only .6. After 800 crunches, almost 400 min of exercise & I stayed withing FPs & APs. UGH!!!!!!! But at least it was a loss.

Yesterday I did my 200 crunches, but nothing else. I was totally worn out. I did sleep ok last night, but still tired. DD is still my bed, but I'm not optimistic that she is any better. Dr took her off the pain pill & said to restart it tonight to see if that is what is making her so dizzy/nauseous. I think it's the diflucan for possible yeast problems, but the both can cause it. Monday I need to call & reschedule the ultrasound just in case.

My DSis is almost ready to book the same cruise I have booked, but I'm still not positive we will be going. My true desire is to ALL ALONE take the train to FL in mid july, spend a week or so there, then have DH, DD & DS19 come down, do the 6 day cruise, then fly home. Not sure if it will happen or if DH will want to. The price keeps dropping, tho, so it really is cheaper than doing just about anything else. Either way, I am determined to get a week or 2 in FL alone to unwind....(which may not happen either, but I NEED A BREAK!!!) Time will tell....... Right now it all feels like such a remote possibility that I'm not even in the looking forward to it stages.

Today I need to get to Sams, WalMart & the groceries for sales. Our WalMart has stopped price matching all but ONE grocery. GRRRRR!!!!!!

I'm hoping the wind holds off til later tonight so I can get in a LONG walk. Sashi & I both need it.

Off to sneak in to my room to get dressed & go. DH & DD are both sleeping still. Hopefully more later.....
CONGRATS on the loss!!! :cool1:

I hope your DD starts feeling better soon. That is BS that your insurance will not allow the ultrasound at urgent care...

I also hope you are able to work out your relaxing week in FL! We all need some time to decompress, you are way overdue!
Glad to hear that you got a bit of rest. Anything is better than nothing.

I have also been looking at cruise possiblities or even tripping to Europe. There are some really good deals out there. Here's hopping that you get your trip.pixiedust:

Walmart not price matching is definitely a sign of the times.:sad2: I wonder how long before everyone else stops.

Hope the rest of your day is a good one. ::MickeyMo::MickeyMo


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