Jostens H.S graduation stuff question


<font color=green>I am the Pixie Stick NARC at my
Jul 15, 2003
Does anyone know WTH is the difference between the regular tassel that comes with the cap/gown; the mascot tassel, and the status tassel?

Or should I rephrase this - are the mascot and status tassels additional ways for Jostens to try to convince me to part with my money?

Lordy, Lordy - I can't believe the products that are available for purchase. And...who in their right mind wants to purchase "senior year wear". My DD - is "so past" high school - there is no way she wants any of that. (FWIW - should would rather have an UnderArmor jacket from one of the colleges she is interested in.)
Jostens == money-grubbing bandits.

If you're wise, you'll buy as little as possible. It's all a waste of money.
That is crazy and sounds like a money maker. What happened to having everyone look the same and allow the honor students to stand out subtly?

Next thing you know they will want to offer, for an extra fee, embroidery services for the gowns.
Jostens == money-grubbing bandits.

If you're wise, you'll buy as little as possible. It's all a waste of money.

So - are you saying buying my DD a "where you are going" ring and getting a free cap and gown is a bad investment????:rotfl:

The worst is - the stupid shipping and handling charge of almost $10. You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME.
We were careful to read everything and try not to buy anything extra but ended up with an extra tassel because they didn't say anything about including a tassel with the cap and gown. It did - there was no need to buy another.
FYI, sometimes families with more than one child attending a certain school will buy the "senior year wear" or as it's called in my neck of the woods "regalia".

Multiple uses of the garments make it cheaper to purchase instead of to rent.

I worked at a college and was amazed at how popular the extra graduation bling was. We worked with a couple different graduation vendors over the years, including Jostens and trust me they are all pretty much the same.........
Ask the school before buying-we got a "regular" tassel with the cap and gown and didn't need to buy another. The "mascot" tassel has a cheep plastic made to look like gold mascot vs the cheep plastic made to look like gold graduation year if I recall. We didn't buy any of that extra "stuff" but our oldest is a boy, I am sure DD will want something but I still won't buy it. A week after they graduate they won't want it because they will consider themselves to be "in college" and don't want to wear any high school stuff any more.
Our school uses Jostens, and I've been answering that very question for seniors for years:

When you buy your cap/gown/tassel set, you get all three pieces that're necessary for graduation. That is the tassel that you'll wear for graduation -- it's the one that'll match everyone else's. However, TODAY you're just ORDERING the cap and gown set. It won't arrive 'til spring. This set costs $9.99 and the shipping fee brings it up to around $14.

If you want a cool tassel TODAY to carry around school and show off that you're a senior, if you want a cool tassel TODAY to hang from the rear view mirror in your car, they sell those as well. I think they cost $7 or 8 and are available in several different varieties (mascot, bling number, whatever). These tassels are a little larger than the ones that come with the set -- they're meant for showing off; not wearing at graduation.

Yes, compared to the whole set, the single tassel is a poor bargain, but here's the behind the scenes info: The county "takes bids" to see who'll sell the necessary graduation items to our students for the lowest price. As long as the company sells the cap/gown/tassel set for a rock-bottom price, they're allowed to sell other items (scrapbooks, mugs, sweatpants) for whatever price they like -- the county is only concerned that everyone can afford the graduation clothing.

Two other behind-the-scenes scraps:

If students don't order with the group in the fall, the company doesn't have to give them the $9.99 price. Students who order later on their own will pay more. So in October/November, the group order people pay $9.99 . . . but the person who orders in December pays maybe $40 . . . the person who gets around to ordering in February probably pays $60 . . . the person who doesn't order 'til May or June may well pay over $100 AND will pay for Fed-Ex to deliver it to his house. This is no secret: Jostens tells the kids. The teachers tell the kids. It goes home in newsletters. Still, a good 40-50% of the seniors don't order at the $9.99 price, and then they complain that they can't afford the items. And parents are no better, saying, "With his grades, I don't know if he'll graduate this year. I'm not ordering 'til I see that he's in the clear." Why wouldn't you pay $9.99 now to avoid paying $100 later? Jostens accepts returns on unopened cap/gown/tassel units, or they exchange them for a next-year's set. I have no sympathy for people who've been told and have ignored the information.

The other thing to realize: When you get the Jostens paperwork, they promote three color-coded packages at the top of the page -- the cheapest is around $150. These include the cap/gown/tassel set as well as a large number of announcements and other items that you probably don't want (2012sweatpants, anyone?). The paperwork is designed to suggest that you must choose one of these big packages. Not so. Students can order JUST the cap/gown/tassel set and a couple announcements. Line-by-line orders are a choice, but they're at the bottom of the page and are written in small, B&W ink, so they don't stand out like those three big packages.

My daughter's a senior this year. At the end of the summer I helped her open her first checking account, and I gave her the money she'd need for all her school stuff: Class fees, parking pass, money for her lunch account, etc. If she'd needed college application fee money, I would've given her that. For her graduation items, I gave her $100 and told her she could buy what she wanted and keep the rest -- she bought the cap/gown/tassel set and a mug with everyone's name on it. We agreed that we're going to do homemade invitations. Since it was HER money, she found her desires greatly reduced.
DD's school sent a list of what was required. Beyond that was not a need but only a want. I purchased was was required and the least amount of annoucements. It was still $100. :headache:
Our school uses Jostens, and I've been answering that very question for seniors for years:

When you buy your cap/gown/tassel set, you get all three pieces that're necessary for graduation. That is the tassel that you'll wear for graduation -- it's the one that'll match everyone else's. However, TODAY you're just ORDERING the cap and gown set. It won't arrive 'til spring. This set costs $9.99 and the shipping fee brings it up to around $14.

Wow, the cap, gown and tassel basic set here is $29.99 from Jostens. And that was the original quoted price that I paid as soon as we got the paperwork last month, so no early bird discounts here. :sad2:

Last year, I had purchased the $150 package for my graduating daughter, but this one didn't want any of the extras. Honestly, everything that came in the big package was cheaply made and not even close to worth it.
Wow, the cap, gown and tassel basic set here is $29.99 from Jostens. And that was the original quoted price that I paid as soon as we got the paperwork last month, so no early bird discounts here. :sad2:

Last year, I had purchased the $150 package for my graduating daughter, but this one didn't want any of the extras. Honestly, everything that came in the big package was cheaply made and not even close to worth it.
Sounds like your school system isn't watching the prices for your students. We only get the $9.99 price because the county takes bids from all the companies: Jostens, Herff Jones, Balfour. Essentially our county forces the companies to consider the cap/gown/tassel set a loss leader. They make plenty of money from all the non-essential items.

Our stuff is also cheaply made -- definitely meant to be a one-use item -- but it is worth $9.99.
Sounds like your school system isn't watching the prices for your students. We only get the $9.99 price because the county takes bids from all the companies: Jostens, Herff Jones, Balfour. Essentially our county forces the companies to consider the cap/gown/tassel set a loss leader. They make plenty of money from all the non-essential items.

Our stuff is also cheaply made -- definitely meant to be a one-use item -- but it is worth $9.99.

Not all states have school districts set up by counties though. You have bulk buying power. If we had all of the schools in our county buy the same thing, we would probably get that same price, but school districts here are set up by towns. We paid $29.99 as well.
Sounds like your school system isn't watching the prices for your students. We only get the $9.99 price because the county takes bids from all the companies: Jostens, Herff Jones, Balfour. Essentially our county forces the companies to consider the cap/gown/tassel set a loss leader. They make plenty of money from all the non-essential items.

Our stuff is also cheaply made -- definitely meant to be a one-use item -- but it is worth $9.99.

The last thing our district worries about is the parent's pocketbook, LOL.

But, the cheap products I was referring to were the T-shirt, sweatpants, key chain, water bottle and whatever else came in the $150 package I purchased last year. Truly, it was all dollar store quality and the only nice things about the package were the announcements.
The last thing our district worries about is the parent's pocketbook, LOL.

But, the cheap products I was referring to were the T-shirt, sweatpants, key chain, water bottle and whatever else came in the $150 package I purchased last year. Truly, it was all dollar store quality and the only nice things about the package were the announcements.

Most people here skip those announcements and just do a photo greeting card type announcement, like you see for Christmas cards. Open house parties are the norm here so they are all wrapped up into one-announcement/open house invite.
Does anyone know WTH is the difference between the regular tassel that comes with the cap/gown; the mascot tassel, and the status tassel?

The regular tassel has the graduation year - I'd think that would be the one you'd most want to keep afterward anyway.
OP here - I am SHOCKED at the Josten's costs some of you are paying.

Our cost for the cap. gown and tassel was $42. Shipping and handling was an additional $9.45.
OP here - I am SHOCKED at the Josten's costs some of you are paying.

Our cost for the cap. gown and tassel was $42. Shipping and handling was an additional $9.45.

That's what I paid in October also for cap, gown and tassel. I also ordered a few -25 invitations and name cards. I thought DS would like to have the "official" invite as a memento--with the class song, colors, etc. Most years I do receive the actual Josten invitation from graduates around here, so that seems to be the norm sent out.

The Jostens rep did give me half off of the $15 shipping since our order was not so big--I think we still paid about $100 for it all.

We will make announcements if we need more than 25 invitations.
That's what I paid in October also for cap, gown and tassel. I also ordered a few -25 invitations and name cards. I thought DS would like to have the "official" invite as a memento--with the class song, colors, etc. Most years I do receive the actual Josten invitation from graduates around here, so that seems to be the norm sent out.

The Jostens rep did give me half off of the $15 shipping since our order was not so big--I think we still paid about $100 for it all.

We will make announcements if we need more than 25 invitations.

I only ordered 5 invitations (had to get the 50 stupid name cards though.) DD wants one, and I'll send one to my parents. I just didn't want to pay for more...and then toss them out. My average cost will be $5 per invitation (considering I'll need to toss out 45 of the name things.)

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