Jon and Kate Plus 8 Official Thread - Part 6

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I agree the Hailey spoke for Jon since he wasn't allowed to do his interview. But Kevin and Jodi had the same info about the timeline and Jon is not too fond of them.
But when they spoke, they said Jon came to them with the info. So he may not be fond of them now, but he used them to get stuff out IMO when they did the interview. I think it might have backfired on him a bit though.
I know Jon & Kate are not the average couple splitting up. But Jon sounds like the average old guy in a not happy marriage who tells the pretty young thing "it is a marriage in name only. We are only together for the kids"

You do not hook up with a married matter what the story is.

The marriage maybe in trouble but it might survive. Then you are the reason (true or not) that mommy & daddy are not married.

I feel sorry for Haley she is very young.
I know Jon & Kate are not the average couple splitting up. But Jon sounds like the average old guy in a not happy marriage who tells the pretty young thing "it is a marriage in name only. We are only together for the kids"

You do not hook up with a married matter what the story is.

The marriage maybe in trouble but it might survive. Then you are the reason (true or not) that mommy & daddy are not married.

I feel sorry for Haley she is very young.

Yeah I think she is a little wrappd up in the attention from Jon. When reality sits in for her and she realizes she is with a man with 8 kids and all the responsiblites that come with it, I dont think she'll stick around.

She says they hooked up because he was sad and bored and she was home and bored. There was no mention about how much they had in common or anything like that. It was more of a convience romance to me. She even said when he is out, she is home waiting for him. I'm sure Jon isn't complaining with this one. :rolleyes1
But when they spoke, they said Jon came to them with the info. So he may not be fond of them now, but he used them to get stuff out IMO when they did the interview. I think it might have backfired on him a bit though.

What I want to know & think it is strange.... if Kate said the marriage is over? WHY? What is the big mystery. Jon, Jodi or Haley have never said why. Did something happen? Was he doing something new she could not deal with. Was she just tired of dealing with him?
Did she meet someone else?

INQUIRING minds want to know.:surfweb:
What I want to know & think it is strange.... if Kate said the marriage is over? WHY? What is the big mystery. Jon, Jodi or Haley have never said why. Did something happen? Was he doing something new she could not deal with. Was she just tired of dealing with him?
Did she meet someone else?

INQUIRING minds want to know.:surfweb:

Good question.

It was stated that Jon wasn't happy and she tried doing everything to help him find happiness. Maybe she said Ok it's over thinking that is what he wanted and he took and it and ran with it.

Doesn't matter...there will always be 2 sides to this story I'm afraid.
What does everyone think about the whole Kate Majors thing??? They played a part of her interview when Hailey was speaking last night.

Do you think she is "coo coo" as Hailey put it or do you think there is at least some kind of truth to her "story"???

I think Kate Majors is definitely strange and I think there is truth to what she says. Jon may have had his fun with her while they were away and she read more into it.

She is "coo coo" to go after a guy with Jon's kind of baggage...he is immature, selfish, has a girlfriend, soon to be ex-wife, 8 kids, paps following every step, etc.
Good question.

It was stated that Jon wasn't happy and she tried doing everything to help him find happiness. Maybe she said Ok it's over thinking that is what he wanted and he took and it and ran with it.

Doesn't matter...there will always be 2 sides to this story I'm afraid.

I'm very curious about this too. If its true that Kate was trying to keep the separation under wraps and gave Jon permission to cheat to keep the show going, why would she end it? I only started watching the show recently (watched the entire series during the hiatus) so I wasn't keeping up with the tabloids then so maybe I'm missing something.
What I want to know & think it is strange.... if Kate said the marriage is over? WHY? What is the big mystery. Jon, Jodi or Haley have never said why. Did something happen? Was he doing something new she could not deal with. Was she just tired of dealing with him?
Did she meet someone else?

INQUIRING minds want to know.:surfweb:

The original rumor was the bodyguard. Jon said she wanted a career most recently. My opinion is that whatever the reason, it was Kate who was done (and it was a long time ago), but she wanted to keep up appearances to keep doing the show. I think TLC wanted them to pretend as well.
I'm very curious about this too. If its true that Kate was trying to keep the separation under wraps and gave Jon permission to cheat to keep the show going, why would she end it? I only started watching the show recently (watched the entire series during the hiatus) so I wasn't keeping up with the tabloids then so maybe I'm missing something.

The theory is she did end it, Jon was allowed to do what he wanted (all have denied 'cheating'), and everything was reasonably fine until Jon was seen out with Deanna. Then the you-know-what hit the fan and the story unraveled.
The theory is she did end it, Jon was allowed to do what he wanted (all have denied 'cheating'), and everything was reasonably fine until Jon was seen out with Deanna. Then the you-know-what hit the fan and the story unraveled.

and you know what? that Deanna person just sort of went away, didn't she? LOL
lurker here but I come with questions --

what was the "recent events" that caused Kate to file? Have we ever heard what that big announcement related too?

Doesn't the recent news about the timeline of events support their old crew being re-assigned to another show because they couldn't handle the deception?


Going back to lurkdom now.
lurker here but I come with questions --

what was the "recent events" that caused Kate to file? Have we ever heard what that big announcement related too?

Doesn't the recent news about the timeline of events support their old crew being re-assigned to another show because they couldn't handle the deception?


Going back to lurkdom now.


I don't believe we ever found out the event that forced Kate to file, as she said. Of course, Jon has been acting like a rebellious teenager of late, so there are many things to chose from that may have angered Kate so she filed for divorce.

I've wondered many a time what the reasons were for the old crew to have switched to the Duggar's show instead. It does seem realistic to think they moved because J&K's fighting, etc. However, we just don't know for sure. I kind of always thought Jen and Kate clashed in the clips where we see them interacting so perhaps Kate asked for a new crew. All of that info. about the crew leaving and why came from Kevin & Jodi's confession. But I take that with a grain of salt...they'd been off the show for awhile before the old crew left so I'm wondering how they'd (Kevin & Jodi) even know that.:confused3 Ah, so much drama, so much drama!
and you know what? that Deanna person just sort of went away, didn't she? LOL

Kind of strange, especially considering that Deanna was at the bar (the now famous Legends) with Jon and also with him in Utah on Kate's b-day. If they were 'just friends' as Jon insists, then why are they no longer just hanging out? :confused3 Perhaps Deanna was the catalyst that launched Jon's newfound freedom where he could be himself. :confused3 It's interesting to note that most of Jon's new friends, girlfriends, babysitters are 22-23 years old. That must be the age he wishes he was!:laughing:
What I want to know & think it is strange.... if Kate said the marriage is over? WHY? What is the big mystery. Jon, Jodi or Haley have never said why. Did something happen? Was he doing something new she could not deal with. Was she just tired of dealing with him?
Did she meet someone else?

INQUIRING minds want to know.:surfweb:

That's a great question - I'm sure madge will add it to the list we'd like answered and maybe DMRick can ask Kate when she's at Disney with her in a few weeks! :goodvibes Then maybe more things would totally make sense and we'd be able to give J&K better advice!!

Why yes we do!!! I'm thinking (just my personal opinion) that Kate's working on another sort of book on her "off" days when she's not with the kids. It just seems like something she would do. I could see either a spouse or kids "how to cope with divorce" type book in the future. I think she'll wait awhile to write a tell all if she does. My other thought is she's writing a book about herself (like an autobiography type book) or some kind of "behind the scenes" for the show.....I'd have to say I'd probably read any of them so hopefully she's writing! (just because I'm nosey like that!!)

and you know what? that Deanna person just sort of went away, didn't she? LOL

Yup she sure did. What a great friend Jon had. He either totally used her to start the gossip wagons rolling, she ditched him because her job was in jeopardy or she realized he was a creep or he has no time for "friends" now that he's with Hailey all the time. (did we ever find the vomit smiley face??)

So I watched the part of last night's show that I missed (the very beginning). WHY do these people not have their girls pull their hair back out of their face??? That's a huge pet peeve of mine! It's ok to have long hair, just keep it out of your face!!! Ok, rant over....sorry guys! I thought the way Jon interacted with the girls was kind of weird - Cara seemed more into the day they had but even when they first got home it was more like your friends coming home than your kids who you haven't seen for like a week. I just thought it was a little odd.

I'm also surprised more hasn't come out since the "incident" on Thursday (I think it was Thursday right??)....other than the pictures of Kate with the kids on Friday, they didn't do anything all weekend? Are they finally holed up in the house or has someone put a stop to the paps hanging out at the house all the time?? It just seems weird that we went from something every day to like four days without anything. I'm not saying it's bad, it's just out of line with what we've come to expect recently.

Also, (last question I promise!) when is their season done?? They're only in like six shows so far right (Crooked Houses, Announcing divorce, beach, kitchen reveal, boy's day and the "recap" special thing they did). TLC ordered 40 episodes correct? Will they go back to showing two each Monday or can they change what they ordered? I have no clue how that works.....
I completely agree that is beyond tacky for her to mention anything to do with Kate. Really really poor taste if you ask me. Kate is Jon's soon to be ex and mother of his kids. What could she possibly know about any of that, she's only 22!

Here's a thought.....Since Hailey is 22 then she was 12 when Jon and Kate got married...only 3 years older than the twins......WHAT IN THE WORLD IS JON THINKING???
Obviously Jon's "dating life" is nuts, but I don't see the age difference between he and Hailey as a huge deal. If Kate were dating someone 44, I don't think that would be a problem. Jon is only 32...and did I mention nuts? ;)
My dad is married to someone four years older than my brother (who is also his son!). She has a son younger than my oldest! Don't you just love family!:rolleyes:
But maybe for TLC so they would have an episode? Hailey also confirms Jon's story. Has anyone confirmed Kate's?

Nope -- nobody has confirmed Kate's. But I'm not sure she has talked about a timeline -- she said there was one point where he said he had a lawyer and she had better get one too, but I don't think she ever said when that was. When asked about this in one of the interviews, she said they had different views on this obviously.

What does everyone think about the whole Kate Majors thing??? They played a part of her interview when Hailey was speaking last night.

Do you think she is "coo coo" as Hailey put it or do you think there is at least some kind of truth to her "story"???

It was a weird interview to watch -- she didn't actually say anything had happened between them, just hinted at it. Seems to me like there is more to do with the tabloid she "used to work for" than what she is letting on, JMHO.

What I want to know & think it is strange.... if Kate said the marriage is over? WHY? What is the big mystery. Jon, Jodi or Haley have never said why. Did something happen? Was he doing something new she could not deal with. Was she just tired of dealing with him?
Did she meet someone else?

INQUIRING minds want to know.:surfweb:

Kate has said they have different goals. Jon said it was something about her career. In a weird way, it sounds like they're saying the same thing. Coincidentally, it was in October that the book tour for Kate's book was decided against.
My kids used to love that show and now they are even sick of it. To be honest, they should show a little of the difficulties that go along with being a divorced parent of multiples to make it more of a reality show. Life is not easy, but they sure make it look like it is.

Life is kind of easy when you have unlimited money/freebies and a full staff of help. (not necessarily a good life, but easy...yes).

About the ratings, :). I think since they can be followed in real time, their real life is overshadowing the made for tv one. How will they come up with 30 some new episodes that people want to see?
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