Joelyfaithsmommy's Journal to Freedom! (Comments Very Welcome!)


I create beauty through photographs...
May 17, 2005
ok, on a whim I've joined WISH, and I'm changing my life, isn't that exicting? :earboy2:

I'm sitting here today, (at work) not sure what I weigh, but it's a lot! (guessing 290)...I'm 5'6.5" tall

So I guess when I get home I'll weigh, and officially post my start weight!

I'm excited to do this though, I've needed to for a long time, but I knew I could never do it without support and after looking around here for a few days, reading posts, and basically NOSING ;) I just know I've found my weight loss "home" :wave2: THANKS for all the encouragement you've given me already guys! AND I HAVEN'T EVEN ACTUALLY TALKED TO ANYONE ON THE BOARD! lol :rotfl:

I know I can do this though...I just know it...I'll go into a bit of my story sometime (when I have time) and I'll post some pics of me here soon!

So day one is nearing an end...and it's not been TOO bad...can't wait to buy NEW SMALLER clothes! YAY

thanks again everyone....doin the "i'm so glad i'm here and going to lose weight" dance :cool1: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :cheer2: :Pinkbounc :cool1:

Hi~!~!~ :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :wave2:

Welcome to the journals, Jen! These are a great help to get you started. Read others journals, ask questions!! Those challenges are a great way to get you in gear. I know you can do this!! A cheer for luck!

:cheer2: J
:cheer2: E-N
:cheer2: Yes you
:cheer2: Can!
:cheer2: We're here to help
:cheer2: Weight loss is what you need
:cheer2: Do your best
:cheer2: You will succeed!

Make sure to exercise, eat healthily and drink your water. Those three tips will help you more than ever!!

Good luck on your journey.
Welcome to WISH!

I think that's got to be the most enthusiastic first post I've ever seen! :teeth: That spirit will take you far and help you get through the ups and downs of the journey ahead.

Best of luck to you! You can do it!!! :cheer2:
Breakfast: Cup of coffee, sugar/cream :rolleyes:

Lunch: Fried Chicken Breast Sandwich, 3 Zingers, Diet Big Red :guilty:

Dinner: Salad with Fat Free Italian Dressing, chicken breast cut up on it, WATER, + 1 c cut up strawberries and bananas :bounce:

ok, so my day didn't start out that great, but I didn't decide to do this til AFTER tomorrow the whole day will be AWESOME! Also, I weighed and I was a little off on my weight...I am 299, not 290 :( so add 9 more pounds to my larger than life amount to lose...and I'M STILL GOING TO DO IT!!! :cool1: oh yea!

I'll report in again tomorrow!!! HUGSSSS!

and thanks for the words of encouragement and support, you guys are AWESOME! :wave2:
Here I am :goodvibes DAY TWO :cool1: and ready to get this thing rolling! :moped:

I'm at work today, so I brought food with me (to avoid the dreaded cafateria and/or the vending machines)....

Soooo in a bit I'm going to have some breakfast: BANANAS & STRAWBERRIES cut up YUMMIE :teeth:

For lunch I brought Tuna Salad Sandwich made with WHITE tuna, onion and fat free miracle whip (minimal used)...on low cal bread. :flower:

Not sure what I'll be doing for dinner tonight, probably salad...I'll figure that out when I get home, or at least on my way home!

And I signed my hubby on board as well...we're going to do this thing together...YAY US! :Pinkbounc He has not posted here before, but I set him up a user name "4gator" and he said he'd come check things out...I know this board could be great encouragement to him as well...and I'm encouraging him to journal, so say hi to him if you see him post PLEASE!!!!! :teeth:

Thanks again for your kind words guys...only YOU GUYS can know what they mean to me! :)

Keep up the good work Jen!! You are well on your way. I try to look at my overeating like an addiction...just take it one day at a time. There are days that I completely obsess about a certain food until I get my fix and unfortunately will gorge myself on it until satisfied. I realized that I'm going to have to do other things during times I would normally over eat.
My "other thing"? The DIS boards!!!! And planning our next trip to WDW.

hugz back at cha!
Ok, work is nearing an end for me today...I'm going to stop by the store on my way home and buy some chicken breast, and we are going to grill those on our gas grill, and I'm going to fix some squash/zuchinni/mushrooms sauted in alittle olive oil and seasoned...sounds yummy doesn't it? :)

I'm going to go walk after dinner, and try to drink some more water (only two glasses so far today) :( I'M TRYING GUYS! ;)

oh and i'm chewing sugar free gum, does anyone else do this? :) :flower:

Jen :earsgirl:
Breakfast: cut up bananas and strawberries (approx 1 cup)

Lunch: Tuna salad sandwich on light bread, fat free miracle whip (small amount) and onion.

Dinner: Grilled chicken breast with a little mozzerella cheese and onion on it. + squash/zuchinni/mushrooms sauteed in olive oil and seasoned. :)

***water to drink for all three meals, however I'm not getting enough water yet.

You sound like you're doing AWESOME!!!!!!

:cheer2: :cheer2: Nice job.

Sounds good, but I am not a veggie person. Chicken sounds scrumptious!
Thank you so much for the comments...I just know this board is going to pick me up and swoop me through this whole weight loss experience. The only other time in my life that I lost a significant amount of weight I did it with SUPPORT from others going through the same thing!!! THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!

Even though tomorrow's the weekend I'll be on here posting, and I'm going to put a foot in dh's butt since he hasn't posted yet today and he said he was going to ;) lol

hugz to you guys!
Jen you are off to a great start. Remember this is a journey, not a weekend vacation. Every day brings new challenges and new successes. If your hubby does this with you I know you will both succeed. The support is great!

Have a great weekend. You will make it !!
THANKS!!!!!!!!!! :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

I'm sure it's a journey and not a weekend :) cause if it were just for the weekend my stomache would be loving it next week LOL

seriously though, tonight I'm pretty hungry, I think it's a mind thing. I haven't given in though, and I'm not going to. :flower:

The encouraging words only help me, so keepem' comin! thanks!!

Ok, day THREE!! YAY

I haven't been up long this morning, I'm getting ready to jump in the shower and go for a walk. I didn't get my exercise in yesterday. WAs going to do it after Jayt's baseball game last night, but it was so late, and I was so tired, I just fell asleep.

This morning I have a breakfast cassarole in the oven

It's made of: egg product, lite polish sausage (small pieces) some shredded chedder cheese, and the low fat cressont rolls from the dairy section that you bake....going to have a piece of it when it's done.

Ok, getting off to a good start, after I shower I'm going to go walking then eat, and I'll be back to post more later guys!!!


Sounds like you're doing great, Jen!

Keep it up and you'll be seeing a difference in no time!

I've only been on the board about 2 weeks and absolutely love it. Everyone is so wonderful and supportive. I've found it really helps to read other journals to get food ideas and great diet tips. It even helps to realive that none of us are perfect and we will all have an off day every now and then.

I'm sure your headache is a withdrawal headache. I stopped drinking soda about 5 weeks or so ago and the first few days were bad. I took it slow, cutting my soda down until I could cut it out completely. Now, weeks later....I don't even want it anymore.

You seem to be progressing nicely. Take it slow and be confident. We are here to help!!! Consider everyone family!

GOOD LUCK!! :banana: :Pinkbounc :cool1: :bounce:
Thanks so much! Yes I'm sure that's what the headache is...I'll just "deal"...and hopefully it'll be gone by Monday :)

Ok, here we go:

BREAKFAST: 1 c strawberries, 1 yogurt

snack/lunch: 1 c frozen strawberry yogurt, no sugar added

Dinner: 1 chicken breast, mozzerella cheese/onion, 1 c frozen strawberry yogurt, no sugar added.

OK, so I had a bit of a sweet tooth today. :guilty:

I also walked .5 miles today, not much, but more than I did yesterday!!!



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