Joelyfaithsmommy's Journal to Freedom! (Comments Very Welcome!)

thanks everyone for the congrats...i think i'm really going to love this teaching job! :)

sorry i haven't been getting to other's journals's not that i don't care I DO CARE SO MUCH, life has just kind of gotten in the way these past couple weeks...i'm off work the rest of this week so i plan to stop by journals between today and friday :)

reporting in for this morning:

BREAKFAST: Honey n Oats bar + 1 c skim milk :)

scale was steady this morning (BUT NOT UP)...

exercise will be walk away the pounds today! :) and maybe something else...we'll see!!!

ok everyone JUST KEEP SWIMMING :fish: ;)

Jen :fish: ;)
Holiday World sounds like fun, Miss Jen! (do we have to call you that now that you're a teacher? ;) )

Congrats to you and congrats to Mr. Gator!!

I can't eat McDonalds' burgers anymore...they make me sick think I used to love those artery hardeners...**shivers**

Many hugs to you, Miss Jen! Keep on rockin' and swimmin'-at the same time!!
It's ok about not visiting journals Jen, we get it.. you don't care anymore!!! Waah! Waah! Waah!
(jk lol hehehehehe! :rotfl: )

Very excited to see how your new jobs goes!! I bet you will be great!
Hope you are having a great night!!!

Mike :goodvibes
Hey Jen!

Congrats on the new job!!!! :jumping1: Before becoming a SAHM, I was a fifth grade teacher and I loved teaching! :teacher: I'm homeschooling my DD this fall and I'm so excited about it! :Pinkbounc I hope you enjoy your new job! :goodvibes

Just keep swimming Jen! :fish: The scale will cooperate with you soon! ::yes::

Take care and have a wonderful week! :sunny:
Sorry you weren't feeling well Jen. I have noticed that since I've stayed away from foods that the first time I have tried them since the last time I did they upset my tummy and just don't taste good to me - that happened to me the first time I had chicken fingers after not having them for a while. Good thing it doesn't happen with chocolate because once in a while I have a bite sized almond joy to get some sweet and choco in and so far so good!!!!! Hope you are feeling better!

Hang in there - the scale will move again and release all that water you probably gained!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
well i had a change of plans last night and ended up walking 3 miles around the track at the school with gator and my was a good workout! :)

lunch yesterday was tuna salad made w/ff mayo on a few ff crackers, an apple

SNACK: pineapple sherbert 1/4 c, and 1 cc granola bar (lf)

DINNER: 2 chicken fajitas (small) NO SOUR CREAM..just chicken, onion and salsa on a flour tortilia

WATER: 48 oz


A GOOD DAY! Down 1/2 pound this morning ....maybe more tomorrow! :) oh i should say todays eats are:

BREAKFAST: 100 calorie bag of oreo crisps

SNACK: handfull of pretzel sticks

LUNCH: 2 turkey burgers w/ff cheese (1 slice total) and tomato and onion + A FEW tomato pieces.

DINNER WILL BE??????? don't know yet

no exercise yet today, i'll get on that sometime and report in of course!

jen :fish: ;)
Hi Jen!

Hope you're having a great night and ended up with a yum-tastic dinner!!
Congrats on getting a good 3 mile walk in last night, so proud that you keep that up so well with the gator man! Hope that your 1/2 pound loss today is quadrupled tomorrow! hehe!!! :cheer2:

Have a happy & healthy eve!
Mike :goodvibes
You're doing so well, Jen. I've enjoyed reading your journal. I have a lot of weight to lose, too, so you're a great inspiration!
Keep up the awesome job, Jen. You are doing great! Hope the new job organization is going well!

Have a great day!
Hi Jen,

How is the new job?? Do you like it?

Hope you are having a great day!

Keep up the good work!
well i was down 1.5 this morning :) i was happy...i thought i reported that already, but maybe i didn't LOL

eats today:

BREAKFAST: 2 small bowls cheerios w/skim milk and 1 banana

LUNCH: pb&j light on lf/lc bread --1 glass skim milk

DINNER: mesquite chicken breast, baked sweet potato, and salad w/ff honey mustard dressing...1 slice bread.

WATER: 48 oz

EXERCISE: lots of lifting loading and unloading yard sale things to my mother in laws house...i'm POOPED! :(


keep on swimming....catch me if you can ;) hehe :fish: ;)
:cheer2: :cheer2: Congrats on the 1.5 pound loss! That is awesome!! :cheer2: :cheer2:
Your dinner sounds yummy! I always just have frozen dinners, mostly because I am following the eDiets Jenny Craig diet, but I might have to start looking at your dinners instead!
Keep up the good work and have a great weekend! Here's some pixie dust for more weight loss! :wizard:
Hi Jen!!

Congrats on your loss!!! That is great!! Sounds like you have been very busy lately, thanks for taking some of your time to visit us! You rock!

Have a happy & healthy day!
Mike :goodvibes
hi guys, sorry i've been a no show for a few days...the kids started back to school on monday, and it's a NEW school for them, so things have been hectic to say the least....reporting in for today though, here's my day:


LUNCH: 1 chicken burrito + 1 chicken taco

DINNER: 1 light pb & j sandwich + 1 apple

SNACK: 1/2 c ff pineapple sherbert

WATER: 48 oz

EXERCISE: walked 3 miles with GATOR

THAT'S IT FROM HERE FOLKS!!! hope you are all having a good week! hugs! :)

jen :)
Hey, Jen! Miss you, kiddo! Hope your days are going swimmingly ;) and that you are loving your new job and the kids are loving their new schools!

Take care and keep up the great work! :grouphug:
Great job on the loss!!!! BRAVO on the scale moving!!!! Sorry your life has been busy but your food choices look like you are still doing good and that's great!!!!!!

Keep on :banana: :banana:
another loss this morning

walked 3 miles last night with gator

here's my eats for yesterday

BREAKFAST: 1 bowl frosted mini wheats

LUNCH: 2 small chicken fajitas

DINNER: 1 small chicken fajita (these were all home made)

WATER: 48oz

FINALLY GOT MY GOLD!!! :teeth: :fish:

I'm so excited! I got my Gold this morning! I was down another 1.5, making my total loss 13 wks. Not as fast as I'd like for it to be, but I'm SOOO NOT complaining! :)

My second summer goal is 30lbs by sept 22...i'm half way there

My DEC 1 goal is 50 lbs, I have 35 more to go!

I'm now looking onward and DOWNward to the 50's!!! :)

just sharing! :)

hugs to you all
and JUST KEEP SWIMMING! :fish: ;)

Jen :fish: ;)


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