Jennifer’s Journey to lose 200 pounds (comments welcomed and appreciated)

Yes--the Animal Kingdom Lodge was very romantic. For my birthday we dined at Jikos. Amazing. We had a blast, and enjoyed the scenery. I would reccomend it to any couple, or even a family with older kids. They have bunk beds in some of their rooms.

Have a great day!

I have added two new goals to my plan. I consider Saturday the first day of my new week of weight loss. Saturday is my free day with calories, but I always exercise on Saturday. It helps to offset the extra food I eat that day. Today would be day two of my new goals.

Goal one: Drink one gallon of water a day
Goal two: Eat 25 grams of fiber a day

I have succeeded on both days for both goals. And believe it or not I don’t even have to use the ladies room that often.:rotfl2:

My exercise goal to do 3 miles in 55 minutes was almost met today. I did 2.85miles. I walked at 3.2 for 41 minutes today for a total on the treadmill of 55 minutes. My average calories for today and yesterday is 1690. I’m right on track there. Two exercises sessions and two good calorie days’ sound like another good weigh in is going to happen.:banana: Four days to go!!
Isn't it fun when we're able to get our way :) DH had said no more disney until after we had kids, but well, I have to do the marathon, and it just happens to be at disney....I'm so sneaky LOL.

Either way though, it sounds like you guys are going to have a great vacation!

I think my husband secretly loves Disney as much as me. He just won't let on. He may be afraid of what that power will do to me.:rotfl:

Good job geting another trip in.:banana:
Hi! Former 300 pounder here myself. I'm on the journey with you. As you can see by my ticker I've lost 23 pounds and counting, and with my mate's help and encouragement, I'll get to my first goal of 50 lbs with out many set backs.

Don't get discouraged, I know that's hard to say, because like you, I've spent much of my life dieting. I've done a lot of back sliding and a lot of looking at the scale in dispair. However this time, I'm speaking my desire to the Universe, I'm telling the universe My want, It's not to be thin. It is to be HEALTHY. And I know that I will be successful. I didn't get fat overnight, so I know I won't get thin.

If you need a friendly ear, or a shoulder to cry on, Give me a shout. I'll be there.


PS you're already doing better than me on the exercise!
Hi Jennifer,

Way to go on the weight loss again this last week!!! You are going to need a new clippie in no time!!!!!

Your goals look great too!!!

Keep up the good work!

Have a great day :)
I think my husband secretly loves Disney as much as me. He just won't let on. He may be afraid of what that power will do to me.:rotfl:

I agree! My husband will admit he loves going there. I have used it to my advantage! I guess that is why we go every other year! From Michigan with 4 of us, it takes lots of cash and we like to have extra for those 'extras' you don't plan. Last time we splurged and did a fireworks cruise from the Beach Club. Way cool. Kids still talk about it!

Have a great day!

I met my water and fiber goal today. Calories were a little bit over, but my weekly average is at 1769. I walked on the treadmill today for 55 minutes. I did 2.72 miles. I was tired today and did 3.1 instead of 3.2. I also did some weight training. I’m meeting with my personal trainer again on Thursday to put together a full body workout with weights. I’m feeling a bit run down today.:headache:
Last time we splurged and did a fireworks cruise from the Beach Club. Way cool. Kids still talk about it!

That's sounds great. I've wanted to do it, but I wasn't sure it's worth the money. We went to see La Nouba instead. Now that was worth the $200 spent. It's unbelievable.
You are going to need a new clippie in no time!!!!!
I hope you are right. I always get nervous when it's time to weigh in. I do everything right, but I think it won't work. I'm amazed when the pounds come off.
Hi! Former 300 pounder here myself. I'm on the journey with you. As you can see by my ticker I've lost 23 pounds and counting, and with my mate's help and encouragement, I'll get to my first goal of 50 lbs with out many set backs.

Don't get discouraged, I know that's hard to say, because like you, I've spent much of my life dieting. I've done a lot of back sliding and a lot of looking at the scale in dispair. However this time, I'm speaking my desire to the Universe, I'm telling the universe My want, It's not to be thin. It is to be HEALTHY. And I know that I will be successful. I didn't get fat overnight, so I know I won't get thin.

If you need a friendly ear, or a shoulder to cry on, Give me a shout. I'll be there.


PS you're already doing better than me on the exercise!

Hi Dianna,

It’s nice to hear from a former 300 pounder. I hope to be one soon myself.

You are right it very easy to get discouraged. I’m just trying to be healthier also. I figure if I eat better and exercise I am making a difference to my health. I’ve never been thin so I don’t even know what I’m missing. Right now I’m healthy and I want it to stay that way.
That’s the most important thing to me. That and fitting into my blue skirt.:thumbsup2

My success with exercise partly comes from the fact I belong to a heath club. I’m the fattest person there. Always. I feel like I have to prove to everyone that fat people can change. They can become more active and live a healthier life. I won’t be a quitter. I read a study stating that 90% of people that join a gym in January have quit by April. Well, I’ve made it past the three months and I’m here to stay.
I won't be walking today. My legs and knees are still sore from this week's actives. I've already exercised three times this week. If I do tomorrow and Friday I can still meet my goal of five times per week. I did shovel the driveway for a half an hour. Not a great idea the day after weight training. Ouch!:sad1:
Hi, Jennifer! I am so sorry I haven't visited your journal sooner. Your story is so exciting and your enthusiam is infectious! I am really impressed with your dedication to exercising and journaling your food. Really awesome habits for a lifetime change, as opposed to a diet. :goodvibes:

. . .One thing I especially want to fit into is a blue skirt I bought from Lane Bryant 3 years ago. I only wore it one time. I started gaining weight right after I got it. It’s a size 24. I so badly want to wear it on my cruise.:beach: I only need to lose 28 pounds to fit in to iit.

I was going to mention that since you are walking so much, you may find that that skirt fits you a bit sooner than 28 pounds! Be sure to try it on occasionally or you may find it has gotten too big for you!

Thank you so much. Your very kind.:flower3:

Being committed to lose weight for me means you want it more than anything else. I want to look and feel better more than I want a hot fudge sundae. There are times when I would rather eat unhealthily and not exercise. Obviously that’s how I got to this weight. I’ve recently come to the realization that life is fragile. Anything I can do to make to improve the quality of my life I’m going to do. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it.

Fitday is great. I used the online version for a while. I bought the software a few years ago. It is so worth the money. It's a lot easier to use and has a lot more features. I love it!:love: It has a lot more foods in the database which makes it a lot easier to enter it your food. It takes forever when you are just starting out. I pretty much eat the same things all the time so it’s quick now.

Reminds me of a saying by my weight watchers leader -- "Don't give up what you want most for what you want now." The other one I really like is "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

BTW, I'm glad you are enjoying fitday. I think it is similar to sparkpeople, which I use and love!

Looking forward to sharing your journey, Jennifer! You are already doing so great. :woohoo: Keep up the great work!
I forgot to comment on a couple of things in your journal. :rolleyes:

I know you said you like tomatoes and you were looking for ways to add protein to your diet – how about tuna on a tomato? I have a fat free mayo called smartbeat that is great with tuna on top of a tomato.

I also meant to say that it is realistic to look at the average amount to be lost each week, rather than to think that you must lose a certain amount every week. I find that my body loses in cycles and I might not have a significant loss one week, but my body often catches up the next week.

As for looking for music for working out – definitely check out the WISH Events/Competition forum. At the top there is a thread I started called “Anyone willing to share music for marathon weekend?” I had started the thread before the 2006 WDW 1/2 Marathon and now people post all sorts of great workout songs on that thread when they think of music or hear something that is fun to work out to. The lists can be daunting. :eek: But I have gotten all sorts of ideas there for music to add to my ipod.
Update for yesterday. I didn’t exercise yesterday. I took a break to rest. My calories were 1450. That puts my weekly average at 1692. I didn’t get all my water in, but I did get in all my fiber. It was a good day.

Update for today. Well the cruise is officially canceled. We are now booked for 11 nights at the Caribbean Beach Resort. I even splurged to get a king size bed. We decided to cancel our January trip to Disney and go for longer in September. I could not be more excited if I won the lottery. :woohoo: :banana: :woohoo: :banana: :woohoo: :banana: :woohoo: :banana:

I exercised today. I finally made the 3-mile mark. :yay: I did it in 57 minutes. I did 3.3 for 41 minutes for a total of 57 minutes on the treadmill. I also did about 20 minutes of weight training.

I had my session with my personal trainer today. I now have a full weight-training workout for the next four weeks. I will meet with her again in a month to get a new workout.

We also talked about my cardio. She feels like I’m not ready to walk on the treadmill 5 days a week. I have been doing it for over 3 months now, but she said it is too much for someone of my size. I think she may be right because my knees are starting to get a little sore from time to time. She also wants me to slow down. I’m usually maxing out at the high end of my target heart rate. She wants me to go more for the middle. My new workout will be weight training Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Swimming on Tuesdays. And walking on the treadmill Saturday, Sunday, Wednesday and Thursday. I guess that means I’ll be at the gym everyday. It’s only a five-minute walk from my house or about a minute in the car. I’m starting my new routine on Saturday.
Hi, Jennifer! I am so sorry I haven't visited your journal sooner. Your story is so exciting and your enthusiam is infectious! I am really impressed with your dedication to exercising and journaling your food. Really awesome habits for a lifetime change, as opposed to a diet. :goodvibes:

I was going to mention that since you are walking so much, you may find that that skirt fits you a bit sooner than 28 pounds! Be sure to try it on occasionally or you may find it has gotten too big for you!

Reminds me of a saying by my weight watchers leader -- "Don't give up what you want most for what you want now." The other one I really like is "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels."

BTW, I'm glad you are enjoying fitday. I think it is similar to sparkpeople, which I use and love!

Looking forward to sharing your journey, Jennifer! You are already doing so great. :woohoo: Keep up the great work!

You found me soon enough. I've only been here two weeks. ;)

Thanks for all the nice things you said. It sure does feel good.:hug:

I hope your right about the skirt. That would be awesome.:banana:

I like your quotes. My favorite quote is "Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiam." Winston Churchill.
I know you said you like tomatoes and you were looking for ways to add protein to your diet – how about tuna on a tomato? I have a fat free mayo called smartbeat that is great with tuna on top of a tomato.

Thanks for the suggestions. I really appreciate it. I don't like tomatoes anymore.:sad2: I'm a very picky eater and don't eat the same food for very long. I also am not a fan of fish.

I also meant to say that it is realistic to look at the average amount to be lost each week, rather than to think that you must lose a certain amount every week. I find that my body loses in cycles and I might not have a significant loss one week, but my body often catches up the next week.

I agree with this. I do look at the average, but it helps keep me focused during the week to think about the number I want to lose. The number right now is 1.75. I want to lose this much every week to meet my goal of 60 pounds by September 22nd. I’m giving this new healthily lifestyle 100%. If I don’t lose the 60 pounds like I want it won’t be a problem because I know I tried my best.
I met my fiber and water goal yesterday. My calories were over a bit, but as of right now my weekly average is 1687. Last week my weekly average was 1659. I had one more exercise session last week than this week. I still hope my weigh in is good tomorrow. Wish me luck.pixiedust:
We went to see La Nouba instead. Now that was worth the $200 spent. It's unbelievable.

I did La Nouba with a friend, which made it more affordable. It was great. I am hoping to see it again!

Sending you luck for WI!

I had a good exercise session today. I completed my first full weight training routine today.:banana: I did it today in place of Monday. I also walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes. My knee was really hurting on Thursday. It didn’t start to bother me until several hours after my workout. I was really scared:scared1: I had done some damage. I really need my knees in great shape for Disney. :) I was feeling better by Friday. I promised myself to not push myself so hard. I forget sometimes I’m a 300+ pound woman. I’m not always able to do everything the way others can. I’m definitely going to try to find lower impact exercise to incorporate with the treadmill. My health club has lots of aquatic classes I’m looking into.

I also had my weigh in today. I’m down .7 pounds this week. For a total of 19.2 pounds.I’m now at 320 pounds.I was hoping for more, but a loss is a loss. I know I had a perfect calorie week and I exercised 4 times plus a little weight training. It is my TOM so hopefully it will even out in a couple weeks. I really wanted a new clippie this week.:sad2: Hopefully next week.;)


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