Jennifer’s Journey to lose 200 pounds (comments welcomed and appreciated)

Oh, honey, you need a hug :grouphug: . I'm so sorry life is getting in the way, I know how that can be. It sounds like this new plan might be a good kickstart. My only advice is to remember that sometime doing something good for yourself is the best way to manage stress. And being good to your body by eating well and losing weight is a great thing to do. (This is coming from someone who copes with stress by eating, so I'm not sure my advice is exactly the easiest thing to do!). I bet the exercise is also a good stress reliever too. It is for me, sometimes.

8 miles over the weekend? And you say a 1/2 marathon is out of reach :) You are amazing! Good luck, and let us know how it goes!
I've just found your journal, and I'm trying to read though all of to page 11 so far and just want to tell you how awesome I think you are! Your commitment and dedication is really inspiring. I'm sure I couldn't keep up with you. And I love the idea that you hired a personal trainer...I think thats so smart, and it must be so very helpful to have someone working to help you lose weight and exercise regularly and safely. Good for you! I know you'll achieve your weight loss goals with the tenacity you have. Hang on in there, and thanks for letting me share this journey with you!!

:goodvibes Beth
I've just found your journal, and I'm trying to read though all of to page 11 so far and just want to tell you how awesome I think you are! Your commitment and dedication is really inspiring. I'm sure I couldn't keep up with you. And I love the idea that you hired a personal trainer...I think thats so smart, and it must be so very helpful to have someone working to help you lose weight and exercise regularly and safely. Good for you! I know you'll achieve your weight loss goals with the tenacity you have. Hang on in there, and thanks for letting me share this journey with you!!

:goodvibes Beth

Hi Beth,
Thanks so much. I just love this forum. :love: Everyone is so supporitive. Thanks for reading it means a lot to me. :hug:
Oh, honey, you need a hug :grouphug: . I'm so sorry life is getting in the way, I know how that can be. It sounds like this new plan might be a good kickstart. My only advice is to remember that sometime doing something good for yourself is the best way to manage stress. And being good to your body by eating well and losing weight is a great thing to do. (This is coming from someone who copes with stress by eating, so I'm not sure my advice is exactly the easiest thing to do!). I bet the exercise is also a good stress reliever too. It is for me, sometimes.

Thanks for stopping by Bekki. :hug:

8 miles over the weekend? And you say a 1/2 marathon is out of reach :) You are amazing! Good luck, and let us know how it goes!

You are so right. Exercise really helps manage stress. Eating unhealtly does not make me feel better just worse. I'm going to have to try to remember that for the next time life gets a little hard. :guilty:

I'm still thinking about the 1/2 marathon. :scared1:
Well, I survived my weekend of charity walks. Thanks everyone for your support. It means a lot to me. I am over my bad patch and am ready to start my 11 day detox.

One of the walks was a little disorganized. We only ended up doing 7 miles between the two races. We walked for a total of 150 minutes. Not my best time, but I was having trouble sleeping and did each walk with about 4 hours sleep. Saturday was a beautiful spring day and Sunday was cold and rainy. I’m glad we did them. It feels good to raise money for a good cause and get in a good workout to.
Great job with your walks this weekend, Jennifer!:thumbsup2

Is today the first day of the 11 day detox? You CAN do this, Jennifer!:cheer2: Just remember to take it step by step and day by day and it will be done before you know it!:hug:

Have a great day!:cool1:
Today is my first day. I’m a little bit nervous, :scared1: but if I just take it day by day I think I will be fine.

Here are the foods allowed:

-All fruits in any quantity
-All vegetables in any quantity, expect:
NO white potatoes
NO avocados
-Brown rice- 2 cups cooked rice per day
-2 cups low fat or soy milk per day
-As much water as you would like
-Oatmeal- 1 cup per day
-All herbs and spices
-6 ounces low fat yogurt (twice per day)
-4 egg whites per day
-2 cups of herbal tea per day
-3 tablespoons low fat dressing per day

I think I will be fine. You eat 4-5 meals per day. Anywhere from 2-4 hours apart. I’m a little worried about getting enough protein. I think though with the milk, yogurt, and egg whites I’ll be fine. I’m also going to eat meatless sausage for the tofu. That should be plenty of protein.

Wish me luck. :wizard:
Wow, Jen! You're doing AWESOME!!

I'm so impressed! Even though you had a 'rough patch' you're doing wonderful!

Good luck with the 11 days! You have so much discipline!!
Hi Jennifer, that sounds like a healthy plan, you can do it! Sometimes you need something new and fresh to jumpstart you back. Its hard to maintain the motivation and excitement for the long haul, so don't feel bad. The good news is that you are starting something new you are excited about and have kept up the hard work through money stress. Which frankly is the worse kind to have as it spills over into every other area of your life. Believe me I know about that one! Good luck, you are doing GREAT!!!
Hey Jen!

Just checking in to see how things are going. We're here if you need us, whether it's a big hug, congrats or a place to vent :)
Thanks everyone for the encouragement. :hug:

Well, I tried the detox. It was not for me. I didn’t have enough energy to exercise as much as I would like. I will just eat my way and exercise to my hearts content. I do have a good food plan.

Exercise has been good. I’ve been drinking more than a gallon of water. I’ve also been doing well with food. Calories are on track.

10 minute walk outside
10 minute bike ride
15 minute walk away the pounds video
25 minutes on the elliptical
20 minutes walking the track
30 minutes on the treadmill
35 minutes of weight training
145 total minutes

10 minute walk outside
15 minute bike ride
15 minute walking the track
30 minutes on the elliptical
30 minutes on the treadmill
50 minutes on the trail by my house
150 total minutes
Jennifer: Wow those minutes of exercise really add up! I really like how you track and add up your exercise time throughout the day...too often I'll tell myself that doing 10 minutes of exercise just isn't worth getting up from the desk to do, but then on your journal I can see how it adds up.

I've been tracking my food intake like that, but not my exercise, so you've inspired me to do that. Though, I don't think there's any way I'm going to get in as much time as you're pretty amazing. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!
Jennifer: Wow those minutes of exercise really add up! I really like how you track and add up your exercise time throughout the day...too often I'll tell myself that doing 10 minutes of exercise just isn't worth getting up from the desk to do, but then on your journal I can see how it adds up.

I've been tracking my food intake like that, but not my exercise, so you've inspired me to do that. Though, I don't think there's any way I'm going to get in as much time as you're pretty amazing. Have a great Memorial Day weekend!

Thanks Beth,

Most of the exercises I do together. The walk outside is my walk to the gym I use that as my warm up as well as the bike. Then I work at my target heart rate on the elliptical and treadmill. I then do the track to cool down.

I did the walk away the pounds after dinner for a little boast. Same with the trail walk. Other wise all my exercise is done in one session.

I certainly didn't start out being able to do this much. When I started in Jan. I could only do 25 minutes. I also am a stay at home wife and have plenty of time to exercise. :cloud9:
Well, I decided today was the day to face the music. I have not weighed in since 5/5. I had way to many bad eating days and was expecting and hoping to stay the same. But I have a loss 2.7 pounds! :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: I’m now at 312.5 with a total loss of 26.7. I’m so glad I didn’t gain any weight during my couple of rough spots the last few weeks. I also get to change my clippie.

Today we finally get to do the double digit dance. 99 days untill Disney World. :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay: :yay:
What a great day Jennifer! A nice weight loss & 99 days 'til Disney! :cool1:

I skimmed your journal & you are doing great! Keep up the good work!

Thanks Collen :)

I had a good holiday weekend. Got in a lot of exercise. I managed to eat pretty well also. Looking forward to the new week. :goodvibes
Wow you are doing awesome. I am so proud of you for sticking with it. I haven't had a chance to read the boards in a while, life getting in the way, but you are amazing and very inspiring. Keep up the good work!:woohoo:
Hi Jennifer,

Sorry for being MIA last week, life was totally crazy!!!! You are doing such a great job!!

Way to go....that loss is awesome!!! Keep it up.

I see that as of a few days ago you had 99 days left until Disney, if I can talk DH into Disney again this year (I am still trying) we will be there at the same time! We would be going 09/02-09/14.....

Keep up the great work!

Have a good day :)
2.7 pounds lost and the double digit dance for WDW..... Sounds like it's time to celebrate! party: Way to go Jennifer!:woohoo:
99 Days to WDW and a nice weight loss to boot! Sounds like a winner combination! All weight loss journeys have their peaks and valleys. The important thing is that you weathered that valley, still lost weight and exercised a ton and didn't give in! Now its onto the next peak! You are doing so well, look how far you have come. And I can NEVER do those type of detox plans either. I know they work for many but not for all. You gave ita try which makes it another learning experience under your belt. Keep it up Jennifer!


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