Jean's return to healthy living plan ( friends welcome anytime )

Well, I finally made it back to my signature clippie today after a little struggle with my exercise in the beginning of Sept. I am now again at 155 with my ultimate goal being 135-140. It drives me crazy that some of you can lose 40, 60, 80 or 100 plus pounds and I can't even stay OP long enough to lose the 15-20 pounds that I need to. Believe me though, you all motivate me tremendously to keep trying.

For me, exercise is definitely the key. When I exercise consistently, the weight comes off (and stays off). So I just have to remind myself that it is as important to me as brushing and flossing my teeth and other things like that. I have 24 hours given to me each day to use as I wish, so taking 1 hour to workout should not be a big deal. It is really a gift that I give to myself, because that one hour affects all the rest of the day. I feel so much better when I wake up in the morning knowing that I exercised the evening before, (even though this 45 year old bod is a little stiff)...but the jeans aren't quite as tight and that makes me feel GREAT!!

I'm also lifting some heavier weights which I'll post next time to document my progress. So much strength is improving too...all baby steps in a positive direction!

Hope everyone has a great and healthy day!!:Pinkbounc :Pinkbounc

You absolutely have the right attitude towards exercise. If I don't, I feel like I have shortchanged myself for the day. Thanks for putting things back in perspective.

Have a great day, and congrats on regaining that clippie,
Well, I should have known that it was too good to be true...the sore throat I've had for the past 2 days has turned into a dreaded head cold. I'm all stuffed up now and feel tired and feverish, even though my temp is normal...I ate very little today, no real appetite, I was sucking on those zinc lozenges, and they really took away my appetite. I had to work 10 hours today too, so I was pooped when I got home. I gave some money to my son to buy pizza for everyone, but all I could stomach was some chicken and rice soup with some bread, and skim milk. I took a nice hot bath and now I'm sitting in my pj's feeling bad because I don't think I'll reach the 1000 minute mark if I skip tonight...

Oh well, I'm drinking my water because I know I need fluids too. Maybe I'll just sleep late tomorrow and see how I feel about working out tomorrow.

Anyway, here's my weight training update:(number = pounds)
- Squats 15
- Dead lifts 20
- Straight leg dead lifts- 20
- Lunges- 15
- Calf raises 20
- Step Ups 5 (knee feeling much better, minimal soreness doing this exercise...and stairs are getting easier for sure)
-One arm dumbbell row 20
- Shoulder shrugs 20
- Upright row 15
- Lateral raises 10
- Front raises 8
- Chest presses 15
- Dumbbell flys 15
- Bicep curls 15
- Triceps extensions 8
- Crunches 45-50

I can see that I'm definitely getting stronger again...I'm pretty much at the weight level I was at the gym. I wish they made 17.5 lb. dumbbells for women! Going from 15 to 20 lb. weights is really impossible for arm exercises....I've never been able to do a biceps curl for instance with a 20 lb. dumbbell....

I think next month I will buy 12 lb. dumbbells for me and 25 lb. dumbbells for my son...he needs the heavier weights, being a guy.

Hope everyone has a healthy weekend. I will see if I can get back on the exercise track tomorrow (if my nose isn't running so much that I have to dope myself up with medicine...:rolleyes: )
Well, I'm better than I was the last post, but now my head is all clogged up and I keep coughing all night. I hope I don't end up with sinusitis...that is the worst. I don't think so though...I have a good feeling that I will be feeling better soon. Unfortunately, both my kids are sick and I feel so bad that they have to drag themselves into school...I hate colds...maybe this will be it for the year.

I need to get back into exercise but not tonight. I will definitely plan on tomorrow. When I got home from work today, I cleaned the two bathrooms and did my son's bed linens. I will do my daughter's stuff tomorrow. Time to hit the sack!
Hi Jean!

I hope you and your family are feeling better soon! Take good care of you and please listen to your body. Have a great weekend!

Well, I blew off the first week of the exercise challenge...I really could have probably restarted a few days ago, but anytime that I let a few days without working out turn into a few more days, then I'm in trouble....thank goodness for WISH...reading the threads and some journals always gets me more motivated! So today I am rededicating myself to reaching my goals...

I got a good workout in today, even though my eating was out of control....but one thing at a time. My weight today was stable...I am still at the same weight where I earned my 5 lb. clippie. With determination and consistency, there is no reason why I cannot earn my 10 lb. clippie by the end of October (and finally complete an exercise challenge) and maybe even grab a 15 lb. clippie by the Thanksgiving challenge or definitely by Christmas. These are NOT unreasonable expectations, but I have to put the work and effort into making this a priority for the next few months....

I have to try and fit my workout in before it gets too late in the evening. It's easy then to put it off, especially as it gets dark much earlier now. I just want to get into my PJ's! My family will just have to wait for supper a little longer, too bad! Of course, some evenings I have no choice but to exercise later, such as when my DS's soccer games don't get over until around 7:30 or 8:00pm! But as I've noted before, there are 24 hours in a day , so taking one hour a day to work out should not be considered an unreasonable luxury, but a necessity and an investment in my health!

So hopefully at the end of the next week, I will have a nice chunk of minutes to report on the October exercise challenge!

My best to all!:wave:
Good Morning Jean :wave2: and thanks so much for posting in my journal! :)

I think the goals you have set for yourself sound really attainable! Sometimes it can be sooooo hard to get into (or get *back* into) the swing of things, can't it? I looked over the poundage you use diuring your weight work, and I think it's just great--you're building lots and lots of muscle, getting stronger and really revving up that metabolism! Way to go, Jean! :cool1:

I hope you're having a wonderful start to the week and I wish you all my best as you work towards all your goals! :sunny: :sunny: :sunny:
Hi Jean,

I think your goals are definately obtainable. You have a plan, and I know you can do it. On the days that your DS has soccer, can you walk around the field? You sould watch and exercise at the same time.

Just a thought,
Unfortunately, the public is not allowed to walk around the track during school year. It's varsity, so they use the big field with the track around the periphery. Usually alot of the cross-country members are using the track during our games. The high school athletic director goes to the games too to keep an eye out as well. Anyway, I'm usually too busy trying to get pictures during the game since it's the last year DS will be playing soccer. He's been doing this since he was 6, now he's a senior, so this is it because he doesn't want to play in college.

Thanks to everyone posting in my journal. I will eventually get to everyone's. I like to read all the journals, but the longer ones will need a good few hours to read, which I often don't have, especially once I'm back to work. But I will keep trying!::yes::
I have not exercised for a few days because I have a very painful pulled muscle around my left shoulder blade. I have no idea how I did this, but I think it has to do with the crunches I was doing on the ball last week, I may have leaned back too far and when I crunched up I must have strained it. I didn't notice this when I was exercising, but I was sore there over the weekend, and I was in agony Monday night. I couldn't sleep, all positions were uncomfortable, even with the heating pad. Yesterday at work was really tough, I couldn't help move patients at I broke down and asked a fellow CRNA for a shot of IV Toradol, which is an anti-inflammatory like Motrin or Advil. It worked great, which convinced me to take some of my Ibuprofen this morning when the Toradol wore off. So I took 400mg. which is definitely helping some. I hate to take it, but Tylenol wasn't helping at all. I had a few slices of toast this morning with my coffee. I lost a pound since 2 days ago, because I've had no appetite with the pain. I'll take it but that's not the way to lose weight. I'm trying to sip on water today...and maybe do some Nordic Track tonight just for a lower body/cardio workout until my back heals fully. I'm off today but will be working 6 days a row come Sunday so I want to be all better by then!!
Gentle :hug: Jean,

Please be careful with your back. We nurses need to have healthy backs. just take it slow and listen to your body.

Congrats on losing those pounds. Please make sure you are getting enough to eat.

Ok, Mom mode is off. Have a good day.
I didn't know you were a CRNA. What a great job!

I hope your back feels better. Have you thought about getting scripts for a muscle relaxer along with vicodin? I was on 3 different medications for my back injury in April and it helped so much. Very painful though so I feel bad for you. Watch yourself so you don't injure your back more.
Hi Jean!:wave2:

Oh, I'm so sorry you're in pain! I've had exercise-related injuries before, and like a doofus, I tried to work through the pain. Duh--not the brightest idea. :rolleyes:

You know, I've felt the same way as you when I've lost weight due to illness, but you're right on to take it any way you can get it! :)

I sure do hope you're feeling better soon, Jean! :hug:
:wave2: Hi Jean,
Found you at last!! i was looking for a post with jean instead of
AuroraluvsPhillip! silly me!
Thankyou for taking the time to post on my journal. I hope your back gets better soon, i have suffered similiar in the past & its not nice. Try to take it easy, Tracey XX
Hi Jean,

I just was wondering how your back is doing? I hope you are feeling better, so you can enjoy your weekend.
Been reading a good book by the Prevention Magazine team that I got out of the library. It's called "Fat to Firm at any Age". Lots of great eating and exercise tips. One of the things that jumped out at me was that in order to remain motivated to exercise, you need to do something you really love. Well, for me, that's running. I started running the first time after I had my DS when I was 27, quit smoking at the same time. I remember my first jog was maybe a half a mile or so...I died!!!

The most I ever ran was a 10K on my 30th b-day. During my early to mid-30's I probably averaged 3-4.5 miles three or four times a week. I felt great!

Then I went back to full time school...gained about 15-20 pounds, stopped exercising for 2 years. By the time I was in my late 30's, early 40's, every time I tried to run again, it knees, my hips....even with new running shoes...I was so bummed, figuring I was too old to restart. I joined a gym for about a year when I was 42 and lost the weight doing the elliptical and strength training but got bored and stopped going.

So here I am, 45, and frustrated with a stalled out exercise program. I have decided to try running again...but this time I will ease into it much much more slowly than ever before. The last few times I tried, I would go out and jog a mile...this time I'm not even doing the Couch to 5K for, even slower than that. For two weeks I am doing only 10 minutes every other day, 1 minute walking, 1 minute jogging. Lots of stretching afterwards too, something I have never done before...If I feel ok, I will add two minutes to my routine each week until I get to 20 minutes. Then I will slowly increase my jogging intervals, 90 seconds, two minutes, etc...Any pain will be a hint not to increase yet. I'll stick with where I am for another week.

I'm planning to be very patient with myself this time. A friend at work has inspired me. He started jogging about 4 years ago and has gradually built up his time...he now runs an hour and a half several times a week...about 40 miles per week! Needless to say, he looks great! I am so proud of him, especially since he had knee problems when he first started. So I am telling myself that there is no rush to do this...I would eventually love to jog the Disney half marathon...what better place to run? Maybe in a few years it will happen, who knows?

Sorry this is so long...just putting down some thoughts. Thanks for listening, guys!:wave2:


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