January 4, 2003!!!!

Hey Tink33....WE HAD AN AWESOME TIME!!!! Didn't want to get off the ship yesterday. All the kids kept saying yesterday about the new group of people onboard was......they will be doing the life boat drill, now they will sailing away, now they will be having dinner now, etc.

I have been doing laundry all day today and tomorrow I have to drive my DD back to college (3 hours away), so eventually I will post my pics and a trip report.

It was great meeting everyone in Promenade Lounge. I kept running into a few DIS'ers during the week but not as many as I had hoped.

We had the best server team of Girish from India (server), Beckie from Canada (asst. server) and Alen from croatia? (head server). Beckie was the absolute best assistant server we have had on our 7 DCL cruises. I would request her again in a heartbeat!!!

I took Barb's advice and did the Cozumel Jeep Safari and it was the best excursion I ever did. I got to drive the jeep and had sooooo much fun going offroad!!!!

Our group pretty much closed down Carlos and Charlies on Tuesday night into Wed. So much of the crew was there and kept telling us they could tell how much we fun we were having at Carlos and Charlies and then Senor Frogs. I think we got back to ship about 4:30 am....some of the crew was out later than that. They were so happy to have some time off!!

Hope the other 1/4 cruises post soon with their experiences.

It's so difficult to look at the clock and think "Last week at this time we were in Key West..."
We had a great time and are anxious to begin planning our next so that we can begin another countdown (don't think we'll do January again, though, it wasn't nearly as warm as I needed).
It was wonderful meeting the Dis Board gang. Barb and Tony were actually our tablemates, making it that more special (as well as Robert, Becky and Sarah from St. Louis).
Today, my daughters are missing Adrian - our server. I kept sitting down at the dining room table, but no food magically appeared, no ginger ale waiting for me, no dessert to justify trying....
Our cabin was on deck 2 and we never took the elevator - I think that helped to keep the extra pounds at bay (that as well as the time spent in the Rainforest Room).
I'll post a report later. Tonight I must help pack up my eldest to return to school in Colorado - I am not very good at this emptying nest thing. We're off for one more day at Disney tomorrow, then she flies out of Orlando Tuesday morning. So, I am suffering a bit from post - vacation and pre - bidding adieu depression. DU - I'm sure you'll be hearing from me soon!!!!

Take Care All,
Dawn Hope
but we booked for Aug 2004. It was a little chillier this time around in Jan that I had hoped. The past 2 Jans were much warmer. Hoping to be able to go ashore in Grand Cayman in '04.

We will be sailing over my DD's 7th birthday, so that will be special. She loved this trip. Everything was just as magical the 3rd time around. We also had Adrian as our server. She just loved him and Joyce ( when she was awake at dinner). Next time around we will have early seating.

I saw a few of you around the ship. Never did catch up with Kajunswty. Hope you had a great trip. I hope you all had a wonderful time and made it home safe and sound. Anyone else looking forward to a future cruise?
How many of us booked onboard? I know 4 families booked the very next cruise...I am sooo jealous! Hoping to go back in March...Did anyone get great deals, if so drop me a line. We are at -12 celcius and snowing...and I was complaining that I was cold in Florida????
We were really late boarding (almost 2) so my ressie scramble and lab registration ran into the lifeboat drill. So, we had to go back to the lab because they were closing. At the sailaway I saw a few DIS'ers with their name tags on and realized I missed the meet. I wish we would have exchanged pic's ~ I did see Barb and Tony a few times but I felt weird just walking up to them.

crusnprincesses ~ we booked onboard too! I think we got a great price. We booked land/sea (3 day sea) for next Feb for $2800 (secret porthole).

I can't wait to go back ~ we had the most incredible (Magical) time!!
My husband offered to drive back to Florida this morning. We could make the 1/17 cruise. It is cold here - I had to make my own coffee this morning and there were no hash browns and bacon.
Hello Everyone!

It seems the time just flew by this past week. It was great meeting everyone in the promenade. I wished we were able to spend more time together. But, at least I know a few faces to place with the names! The day we disembarked I came down with a horrible cold. By the time the plane landed in Arizona I was pretty miserable. I am so thankful that I didn't get sick earlier! We had a great time. Disappointed to miss Cayman, but I guess that just means we'll have to go again. As usual the kids were sad to be leaving. They can't wait to go again. But next time we will go when it is definately warmer. Hope everyone made it back okay. I guess I'll go back to bed now, so hopefully I'll feel better tomorrow!!

Hello everyone,
I am writing this simply because I know each of you would want to know this sad news about someone who was on your cruise - in fact the one that started this thread - Fawn aka Joanna - I just received an urgent letter from Joanna telling me she was on her way back to Florida - her father had an accident and he is struggling with a lot of odds -
Please keep she and her family in prayer especially her dad - She and Ernie just got married a week ago - a day before the cruise.
Will keep each posted as to the outcome of this sad circumstances.
Blessings to all
Sending prayers and pixie dust to Joanna and her family!!!! We were fortunate enough to meet Joanna and Ernie and be at their wedding at the Radisson. Shirley, you and Sherrie did a beautiful job marrying them!!!! I hope all will be well with her father, again we will definitely be keeping them in our prayers!

We had a wonderful cruise. DD was crying as she went to bed Friday night because part of her didn't want to go home and another part of her was suddenly missing our dog Belle very much - DD was very tired from having so much fun all weekLOL. Seeing how we missed Grand Cayman I just told DH that we need to go again!! We did book for Thanksgiving week 2004 so that we could take advantage of the $200.00 shipboard credit but I'm not definitely sure we will stick with that week, but at least we will be cruising with Mickey again sometime hopefully not in the too distant future.

It was soooo hard to go back to work today and I'm still digging out from under the mountain of laundry. I wish I was back on the Magic!

Lynda....your DD is Shaylee, right??? My son Brian and his friend Kyle hung out with her quite a bit and said she was a very nice girl. He also hung out with Dani and enjoyed her company as well! They all had a blast and did not want to come home and go back to school in the 17 degree temps!!!

Shirley, please keep us posted if you hear anymore news on Fawn's father. I will keep her and her family in my thoughts and prayers.
oh, I forgot to ask, how did Dani'sMom aka Laura and her family make out on the cruise? I am hoping that Dani felt well, and that everything went well and that they were able to have a trip of a life time.
Yes Shaylee is my daughter. She mentioned that someone she was hanging out with was the son of someone on the dis board. She just didn't know your name. She had a wonderful time. She got along very well with Brian and Kyle. Which one is your son? The one with blonde hair? She also got along very well with Dani. They're cabin was right across the hall from our's so it was easy for them to keep up with each other. Well, time to do more laundry. Talk to you all soon.
Sue, it was nice meeting you and your family at Joanna's wedding! Wasn't it a nice ceremony? How was your cruise on the Carnival Pride? How did the ship compare to the Magic? I know most of the Ports you were at were the same ones we were at but if I remember right you were also going to Belize, how was that? I hope your family had a great time and I hope your mom is doing well!

Hi Cheryl! It was terrific to get together at Fawn's wedding and meet your family. We had a very nice time on our cruise. We were in Key West and Cozumel the same days as the Disney Magic. I took some photos of the Magic docked at Cozumel, so i will have to send them as well as photos from Fawn's wedding.

Take care! Sue
Hi Everyone

Sorry I haven't posted until now. We just got back late last night, and my computer time in Florida was extremely limited.

Sadly, my Dad passed away on Friday. He suffered severe brain damage in a fall he took on the 12th, and he never regained consciousness. He passed peacefully and with no suffering, and for that we are extremely thankful.

My son, Freddie, shipped out again on Monday am and was not able to attend the funeral...it was so hard for him. I am glad he had a chance during his leave to visit in the hospital before we lost Dad.

I'll probably be spending a few days every week in NJ for awhile helping my family with personal and business matters. I will try and get to a trip report when things have settled down a bit.

It's hard to believe I haven't spent more than two days this whole month at home. It feels as tho our wedding were a year ago instead of just a month. Is it too early to say that I need another vacation???

Thanks for everyone's kind thoughts and prayers...they mean the world to us! I'll try to stop by when I can.
Fawn....so good to hear from you and I am very sorry to hear about your dad passing and your son shipping out again.

I hope you guys had as much fun on the cruise as we did!!! When you get a chance check out the many 1/4 trip reports on the trip report page...mine as two pages of photos so you can relive some of the 1/4 memories!!!

Again, sorry about your loss and stay strong!!!

Hey Fawn....I'm so sorry about your loss....but....I'm glad you had your dad for your wedding......blessings for you and your family....
oh, Joanna, I am so sorry to hear about your Dad. I know it's hard right now... kind of like being in a dream. Everyone says it will be better.. Well, it will get easier, but not better.

I lost my Dad a year ago, and I still cry for him everyday.. I guess that's my way of it getting easier for me....

Jeanny :-)
I'm so sorry for your loss. We lost three grandparents between November and mid-cruise week. Hold onto the joy of the memory and the promise of the future with your wonderful new family. Our prayers go out to your son, also.

With Affection,
Dawn Hope


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