Jamie's Journal (comments welcome please!)

Hello All,

How is everyone this fine day! Hopefully happy and healthy!!! Today is a pretty good day so far. I feel great and I feel that I am starting to look great. I do still need to get a scale. Can you tell that I am a little scared about that!!!! I am still just so worried about my DH....sometimes he can be so darn pushey. I am going to go look at them tonight at Walmart though. So who knows...I may just pick one up! One way or another I am going to weigh myself tonight! Wish me luck!!!!

Yesterday was a pretty good day too. The only exercise that I got in was walking to and from work and then I took the dogs for a 15 minute walk. Monday was a late night and there was no way I was getting up early!!!! So I didn't work out in the morning. My water intake was great...96 oz YAY ME! :cheer2: :cheer2:

B at 5:30 two pieces of toast with very little butter
S at 8:30 1 Nature Valley granola bar
L at 11:45 turkey and cheese sandwich with goldfish crackers
S at 3:30 1 Nature Valley granola bar
D at 6:30 2 turkey fat free hot dogs

So not a bad day I don't think.

Don't mean to cut this short, but I have to get back to work,

Have a healthy and happy day!!!!
Okay...I did it. I bought a scale. I got on it today and I weighed less than my first post. I had said that the last time that I weighed myself I was 220, that was in January. I weighed my self tonight and I weighed in at 210. So that is the weight that I am going to start out with. Since I was too chicken to buy a scale before now. My DH was not really interested....thank fully. I was a little worried, but I told him that I was just not comfortable with my weight yet and he understood. YAY!!!!!

So I am going to make Wednesday's my weight day. I think that is a good day!

Since I am here I will post how I did today. Pretty good day. I did have a snack attack about 8:00pm or so but I resisted. It felt pretty darn good!

B at 5:30 1 slice of toast with light butter
S at 8:30 1/2 cup of strawberries and blueberries -YUM!
L at 12:30 chicken fingers - left overs
S skipped....I was in meetings all afternoon.
D at 6:30 turkey bacon sandwich. Not too bad!

I got in about 80 oz of water. Pretty good! I did get up this morning and got on the elliptical for 20 minutes. I upped the resistance this time....that felt pretty darn good! I walked to and from work from the parking garage about a mile round trip.

So al in all, pretty good. I just need to find some different receipes. I eat pretty much the same thing over and over!

Well I am off. Hope eveyone is well tonight!
Mykelogan said:
Hi Jamie!

Sounds like you had a great weekend!!! I'm sure it was exercise keeping up with your nephew. Very cool that you got to see him!!
Congrats on keeping making those healthy choices for yourself, that is awesome too! I bet the water and the yard work helped a lot. :flower:

I see you went to Sonic, that is one place I am happy we do not have around here. I see their commercial for their milkshakes, smoothies, icees, etc. and I want to dive into them! hehe! I am definitely a milkshake guy so thank goodness they do not exist here or I would pitch a tent in their parking lot! hehe :goodvibes

Have a great day!

Ya know Mike, Sonic is BAD BAD BAD. It used to be my favorite place to eat. But I have given that up for the most part. The one thing that still gets me and I don't know if I would have the will power of not, is their ice cream. OH MY how I love the oreo blast. It is so a party in my mouth :rotfl:
Thankfully my DH has not tempted me into getting one in a while. But I did pretty good when we went Saturday. I got the chicken and didn't really eat many fries. Not ideal but what do ya do!
Sounds like you did a great job at Sonic Jamie! The only thing I think might save me if I was at one is that I might not be able to make my mind up on which shake I would want before they closed for the night! LOL

Hope that you are having a happy, healthy day so far!
Mike :goodvibes
Hi All,

Well yesterday was a very busy day for me here at work, so I am sorry I didn't get to journals. I really just wish that things would slow down a bit! But I don't see that happening any time soon. Oh well....I love my job so being busy is okay!!!

So yesterday was a good day. I didn't get up and exercise like I should have, so when I got out of the shower, I kept telling myself that I HAD to do it that night. That is tough, because I hate working out in the evening. It is so hot in the house and then I get even hotter. But enough complaining....I do what I have to huh? LOL So after dinner, about 8:15 or so, I headed to the elliptical and worked out for 20 minutes. I busted my butt last night. I don't know what was different, but I really worked it! I felt great afterwards too!
I got in almost 100 oz of water too. That was great. I think I only had may 2-5 oz left when I fell asleep. YAY ME! :cheer2:

B at 5:30 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk
S at 8:45 2 hard boiled eggs, whites only
L at 12:00 1 can of Healthy Choice chicken and rice soup YUM!
S skipped, don't know why really.
D at 6:30 2 fat free turkey hot dogs on the grill.

I walked my normal walk to and from the office to the parking garage, about a mile.

I think starting Monday I am going to start some weights. Give my workout a little more kick! We have a bowflex and I used to use it. Then I just stopped for some reason. Not really sure why....lazy maybe. I just don't think that I could convince my DH to get up at 4:00am instead of 4:20am. When the alarm goes off, he is up and he does not need to get up until 5:30. Sometimes he gets back to sleep but not usually. So I don't know when I will do it. Maybe after dinner.....we'll see I guess. but I know I am going to do it!

Well I am off to work. Have a great and healthy weekend everyone.

Hi Jamie,
Thanks for posting in my journal, thought I'd return the favor. You are doing a great job at the journaling, isn't it amazing how it helps you make good choices each day?
Hey, what kind of motorcycles do you have? My SIL lives in Commerce City, CO, just bought herself a big ole Kawasaki 1300 V-twin I think it is. I used to ride long ago, sold my bike to buy my wife's wedding ring. She and her family are very anti-motorcycle, so I haven't pushed it, I miss it tho.
Keep up the good work!! Bananas for you!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:moped: :moped: :moped: :moped: :moped:
Hi Jamie!

Way to go getting your workout in!!! :cool1: Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

Have a wonderful weekend! :flower:
Hey Jamie!
Getting caught up and wow! I am so proud of the way you tackled your exercise and did not just say "Oh, I'll do it tomorrow!" Go you!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: I have no doubts that if you put your mind to it you'll find a way to add the Bowflex!

have a happy & healthy Saturday!
Mike :goodvibes
DisDon said:
Hi Jamie,
Thanks for posting in my journal, thought I'd return the favor. You are doing a great job at the journaling, isn't it amazing how it helps you make good choices each day?
Hey, what kind of motorcycles do you have? My SIL lives in Commerce City, CO, just bought herself a big ole Kawasaki 1300 V-twin I think it is. I used to ride long ago, sold my bike to buy my wife's wedding ring. She and her family are very anti-motorcycle, so I haven't pushed it, I miss it tho.
Keep up the good work!! Bananas for you!!
:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:
:moped: :moped: :moped: :moped: :moped:

Hi Don!!!

Ya know it is amazing how much journaling helps. I don't want to make bad choices and then have to come here to confess!!!!! So I try not to make the bad choices so that I don't feel bad. But every once in a while, I do....we all do. Just move on huh!!!!

My DH rides a Yamaha R6 and R1 and I have a Honda F4i

I love it. I live in Brighton, not too far from Commerce City CO. We actually were going to buy our first house in Commerce City, (not sure if you are familiar with the area) right next to the arsenal. But we backed out because the builder was a pain in the you know what!!!!
Mykelogan said:
Hey Jamie!
Getting caught up and wow! I am so proud of the way you tackled your exercise and did not just say "Oh, I'll do it tomorrow!" Go you!!! :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: :cheer2: I have no doubts that if you put your mind to it you'll find a way to add the Bowflex!

have a happy & healthy Saturday!
Mike :goodvibes

Thanks Mike! Ya know I read it somewhere, maybe here, that exercising is something that you start to crave! And since I have been exercising for a while know it is additive. I know that sounds funny, but I almost crave it. I just don't feel right if I don't have it.

My DH is trying to get me to do one week on the elliptical and one week on the bowflex and start doing that. I don't really know if I want to do that. I want to do both. He thinks that may be too much exercise...but I don't think so. I am going to try and get on that maching tonight!!!
Hi Jaime! I'm back from vacation. Wow, you have a Bowflex AND and elliptical? Now I am REALLY jealous! :goodvibes

Congrats on getting the scale and all of that exercise in! I know it is tough to change up the routine when you are so used to working out in the morning, but didn't you feel great after making that evening workout? Good for you!

Have you ever considered alternating days on the elliptical and weights? Like do the elliptical on MWF and weights on TTh or a similar schedule? The most important thing is to keep it up, whatever you decide!!
Okay, so today has finally slowed a little and I can post my weekend. We get so busy, especially this weekend and then with my husband being in school it really makes it tough. But I make sure that I keep a notebook with me so I don't forget!

So I think this weekend was okay. Sunday could have been better but that was then and this is now. I made better choices today! I didn't on the elliptical Sunday, but I did a ton of other stuff to make up for that!


B at 5:30 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk or a little less
S at 8:30 two hard boiled eggs - no yolk
L at 12:00 turkey and cheese sandwich with 1/2 serving goldfish crackers
S at 2:45 1 nature valley granola bar
D skipped. :sad2: I was at a neighbors house all evening and by the time I got home it was 9:45pm and that was too late to eat.
I got in almost 100 oz of water. YAY me! :cheer2: :cheer2:
I got my 20 minutes on the elliptical plus my walk to and from work. I also walked to the neighbors house which is not very far. Farther than across the block though! So all in all pretty good day.


B at 6:30 1/2 cuper cereal with 1/2 cup milk maybe a little less
S at 9:30 1 sting cheese
L at 12:30 turkey and cheese sandwich with sliced strawberries with Splenda. OMG that was so good. I told my DH that I had to be careful...I could eat all the strawberries with Splenda right there. They were so good!
S skipped
D 2 BBQ turkey hotdogs

I exercised on the elliptical for 20 minutes, then I went outside and helped DH gid up one of the sprinklers. Then it feels like I ran a marathon back and forth from the backyard to the garage adjusting the sprinklers. It was crazy. Good exercise though. I can't remember exactly how much water I got in, I stopped writing it down after 80 oz. but I know that it was a ton more than that.


B at 8:00 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk maybe a little less
S skipped - we were at Home Depot all morning it seemed.
L Sonic hotdog with tater tots
D 2 slices of cheese pizza.

Not the best, but we were at my in-laws helping them replace a cooler. I skipped the ellipitcal yesteray, but I feel I got a lot of exercise in helping replace the cooler. Holding that darn thing up and running from outside to inside was crazy. I also mowed the lawn in the morning.

Not the best weekend, but better than what they used to be. I could have eaten 3-4 pieces of pizza and not even thought about it. But I did pretty good.

Well I better get back to work. Have a healthy and happy day everyone!
lovinaz said:
Hi Jaime! I'm back from vacation. Wow, you have a Bowflex AND and elliptical? Now I am REALLY jealous! :goodvibes

Congrats on getting the scale and all of that exercise in! I know it is tough to change up the routine when you are so used to working out in the morning, but didn't you feel great after making that evening workout? Good for you!

Have you ever considered alternating days on the elliptical and weights? Like do the elliptical on MWF and weights on TTh or a similar schedule? The most important thing is to keep it up, whatever you decide!!

Hi Amy,

Did you have a good time? I sure hope so!

Yes, we have both. I got on a weight loss kick about 2 years ago and I told DH that I wanted a bowflex and I used it for about 6 months and then I got lazy! But not this time!

Ya know I was thinking about alternating days this morning when I was working out. I was thinking the MWF the elliptical and TThSat the bowflex.Great minds must think alike!

Thanks for the splenda idea. I bought some strawberries and peaches this weekend and I also bought some splenda. I sprinkled some splenda on the strawberries and that was a party in my mouth!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
I so loved that. I was great. My DH looked at me like I was crazy, he loves his sugar, but oh well. I was so excited to pack my lunch today, because I was having strawberries, and then so sad when I remembered that I was taking my team to lunch! Oh well I will have some tomorrow!
Hi Jamie!

It sounds like you had a good weekend with plenty of exercise! :banana: Keep up the good work! :cheer2:

I hope you have a wonderful day today! :sunny:
Hi All,

Hope everyone is doing good today!

So yesterday was a great day. I felt good and I ate good!!!! I took my team to lunch and I did well I think!

I don't really have much time as I was reading and posting in other journals before this, so this is going to be short today. Hopefully I can get back on later today


B at 5:30 1/2 cup cereal with 1/2 cup milk
S at 8:30 2 hard boiled eggs, no yolk
L at 12:00 1/2 grilled chicken, no bun, light mayo and no cheese. I picked at a few of the french fries, less than 1/2 pickle (I was so bummed, I was looking forward to the lunch that I packed! :teeth: )
S at 3:00 stick of string cheese wrapped in a slice of turkey with mustard. YUM!
D at 6:30 2 fat free BBQ turkey hot dogs. It has been a little hot here and when it is hot, I don't cook in the house. That makes it so much worse. I am sure that you can all relate!!!

I exercised for 20 minutes on the elliptical and I did my normal walk to and from work. I felt great. I got in a little over 70 oz of water so that was great!

Hope everyone has a great day!
Oooh, I think I will have to try that string cheese wrapped in turkey w/mustard! That sounds good!

I'm glad you liked the Splenda. I just had some strawberries w/Splenda with my lunch - yum!

Did you start your alternating workout schedule? If so, how is that working for you? I did elliptical yesterday and am doing Pilates/weights today, then elliptical Wed & Thu, Pilates/weights on Fri. That's the plan anyway :teeth: You are doing so good on your eating and exercising, keep it up! Aren't you getting sick of turkey hot dogs yet? Hee hee ;)
keep up the great work jamie...it's working, you'll see that goal in no time at all~

jen :) AKA "gator's girl" AKA "Ms. Swimmer to you" ;) :fish:
eeyore25 said:
My DH rides a Yamaha R6 and R1 and I have a Honda F4i

I love it. I live in Brighton, not too far from Commerce City CO. We actually were going to buy our first house in Commerce City, (not sure if you are familiar with the area) right next to the arsenal. But we backed out because the builder was a pain in the you know what!!!!
Man, those are crotch rockets!! Suicide machines!! :teeth: My dream bike back in the day was the ZX-11 Kawasaki. I'd be better on a goldwing now, maybe after the weightloss I'll think about the hot rods again.

We actually lived on the east border of Thornton for about 3 years in the late 90's, been to Brighton a few times. Colorado is nice, we miss the buck-a-scoop chinese food, better than a buffet.
Keep on rollin'!! :moped: :moped:
Great job on a good day Jamie! :flower:
I must've been picking up on your good vibes when I made my lunch. I had turkey wrapped around cheese with mustard with my salad. hehe

Have a great night!
Mike :goodvibes


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