It's Payback, European Style! A trip to Bavaria & Austria for DIS friends! - A Drive Along the Danube 9/9

DISCLAIMER: I don’t know Austrian customs, terms, and other such details. I write things from my simple American perspective and make no claims that the information contained in this Trip Report is accurate. You read this at your own risk, and you can request a refund if you don’t get your money’s worth.

So we had just finished our lunch of cake and ice cream, and it was time to head down to our boat.


We went down this steep stairway to get to the river.


As we climbed down these steps I joked that the “ramp” next to the stairs was the wheelchair route. Haha! I can make those jokes having spent so many years traveling with someone who truly needed those ramps.


We crossed the street to the dock and waited for the ship to come in. This ship was decorated with about one million Swarovski crystals.




We snagged an inside table by the window where we hoped it would be shady for the most part. Ignore the glare in the windows of some of these shots.




Notice the netting there? I think it's actually chain link fencing. Karin told me that they had some fierce storms recently and many trees were uprooted. The government hires folks to go in there and remove the fallen trees, but there are just so many that it takes a lot of time. Those nets are to keep the roads from getting clogged up with the fallen trees.


So many picturesque little structures!


We ordered some beverages. Our server was not the best. She took a long time for anything. Why they gave me a straw with my wine was beyond me?


We saw lots of pretty scenery.



I took a walk around the ship for some pictures. See the crystals in the stairway.




No one was on the lowest level.


This was the upper level, where we were seated.


There were “Medieval Toll booths”, (so to speak) on the sides of the river. They would string Iron chains across the river so boats could not pass without paying a toll to the king.


It got way too hot on our side of the ship, so we moved up near the Captain's area in the front and middle of the ship, it was much cooler.


Once we got off the ship, we took a much easier route back to the parking lot. Not as steep of a hill. This was a super old walkway, I think it was from Medieval times.


Then we headed back to Austria.

Because today was a holiday, Karin couldn't find any restaurants in the city of Linz that were open in the evening. Evidently after the morning labor rallies everyone goes to lunch and then the restaurants close down and let their employees go home and spend the day with their families.

So we were about 20km outside of Linz at a restaurant called Donau Hof. Our beverages.


It was an Italian restaurant. By this time I was getting better at reading the menus. This was one of the easier menus to read as a lot of it was written in Italian. As I tried to figure out what to eat, I came across Spaghetti con Vongole, I read the description and it said that it would be prepared “mit Weiswein oder Rotwein”. Sold! That's what I had, and I chose the white wine preparation. So good! I joined the Clean Plate Club.


Karin and Tom ordered pizzas and they were very happy with their choices as well.


I had profiteroles for dessert, and they were quite good. Again I almost ate it all, but there was just way too much whipped cream, I couldn't finish it all off.


And then we headed back to drop me off at the hotel. My stats for today.


I’m glad you got to go on the crystal river cruise. We had a lot of fun on it and the scenery is great! Your dinners looked great!

Jill in CO
OK, spill it!
In 2004, I went to Germany with my Dad. We were taking the train, I think from Nuremberg to Frankfurt. Dad was 72 and not as fit as he once was, but had worked construction all his life and still quite strong. I sit at a desk, but was a lot younger and fitter back then.
I spotted an elderly lady who probably weighed around 100lbs soaking wet, and around five foot nothing tall. She was standing on the platform in front of the train car door we were going in. She had a duffel bag at our feet. I don't remember if she asked for help or if we just offered... but either way, we wound up carrying this itty bitty l'il ol' lady's bag onto the train.

I have no idea what she had in there, but even with the two of us struggling to carry this thing, we just barely managed to get it on the train. It had to have weighed over 200 pounds! :eek: We got it inside and dropped it there. Someone else (someones?) could take it from there. No idea how she managed to get it as far as she did.
:sad2: I would be afraid that it could be like yellow snow. Not sure I'd want to put ice from outside in my water bottle.
Just watch out for the whizzicles... :rolleyes:

Yeah, I'm not sure if you could.....
"Try this. It's bad coffee."
Me: "Okay..."
"Okay try this. It's good coffee."
Me: "They taste the same."
Funny story. The first movie that I remember seeing in a theater was the Aristocats. My friend's mother picked us up from Summer School and took us directly to the theater. Know what she fixed us for lunch?

PB&J - it was the first time I'd ever had one. For whatever reason I liked my sandwiches just how Fran used to eat her Peanut butter foldovers. Butter on one side, peanut butter on the other side. I gagged when I tasted the combination of peanut butter and Jelly. 🤮 I don't remember if I just tossed it or what, but I don't think I've tried one since!
Don't let @Captain_Oblivious here you! He won't let you read his reports and ban you from Delaware!

Wait... that sounds more like a reward... hmmmm...
Is it worth watching? I have a loooooong list of movies I need to see!
hmmm... worth watching...
It's funny. But not something you "must see". Still... it's part of the social fabric enough that a (terrible) sequel was made.
Roll the dice and take your chances?
DISCLAIMER: I don’t know Austrian customs, terms, and other such details. I write things from my simple American perspective and make no claims that the information contained in this Trip Report is accurate. You read this at your own risk, and you can request a refund if you don’t get your money’s worth.
Is this a full refund, or only a partial refund since we're already part way through the TR?
So we had just finished our lunch of cake and ice cream
You mean chocolate Petit Four, Sacher Art and ice cream?

it was time to head down to our boat.
Row, row, row your boat...

We went down this steep stairway to get to the river.
Lots easier if you hop on a skateboard. Or a wheelchair. Quicker, anyway.

More painful... but quicker.
As we climbed down these steps I joked that the “ramp” next to the stairs was the wheelchair route.
I make that joke too!
This ship was decorated with about one million Swarovski crystals.
Holy cow! :faint:
Whoaaaaa! I had no idea those ships were that ornate! (Or at least this one.)
Nice shot of you. :)
Planning on taking a few souvenirs home by grabbing a handful of crystals?
Ignore the glare in the windows of some of these shots.

Actually... won't comment on every photo, but... really pretty scenery!
Notice the netting there? I think it's actually chain link fencing. Karin told me that they had some fierce storms recently and many trees were uprooted. The government hires folks to go in there and remove the fallen trees, but there are just so many that it takes a lot of time. Those nets are to keep the roads from getting clogged up with the fallen trees.
Huh! I noticed when you pointed it out and my first thought was of falling rock. I've driven quite a few places where that's the case.
Why they gave me a straw with my wine was beyond me?
Now that... really weird. That can't possibly be local custom?
See the crystals in the stairway.
I didn't at first... I think the vases flanking the stairway are crystal too!
No one was on the lowest level.
Of course. Steerage. That's where a lot of the Titanic victims were, you know.
This was the upper level, where we were seated.
Very impressed with the ship.
There were “Medieval Toll booths”, (so to speak) on the sides of the river. They would string Iron chains across the river so boats could not pass without paying a toll to the king.
I think that's fascinating.
It got way too hot on our side of the ship, so we moved up near the Captain's area in the front and middle of the ship, it was much cooler.
That's cool.

This was a super old walkway, I think it was from Medieval times.
Love the cobble road. :)
Evidently after the morning labor rallies everyone goes to lunch and then the restaurants close down and let their employees go home and spend the day with their families.
I like that. :)
I came across Spaghetti con Vongole, I read the description and it said that it would be prepared “mit Weiswein oder Rotwein”. Sold! That's what I had, and I chose the white wine preparation. So good! I joined the Clean Plate Club.
I was so surprised you went white. When I read Weiswein oder Rotwein I immediately figured you'd go red.
Karin and Tom ordered pizzas and they were very happy with their choices as well.
The pizza looked really good, too.
I joked that the “ramp” next to the stairs was the wheelchair route.
I feel like you would have had a runaway on your hands with that one!

This ship was decorated with about one million Swarovski crystals.

I know another place decorated with loads of Swarovski crystals ;)
Why they gave me a straw with my wine was beyond me?

Well that is just very odd indeed
See the crystals in the stairway.

Although this could be a lot more, wow!
There were “Medieval Toll booths”, (so to speak) on the sides of the river. They would string Iron chains across the river so boats could not pass without paying a toll to the king.

Well that's too cool, Europe is just mind-boggling old sometimes
They forgot your ice ;)
and forgot the cheese!

What a nice day!
I’m glad you got to go on the crystal river cruise. We had a lot of fun on it and the scenery is great! Your dinners looked great!

Yes, it was a very nice and relaxing way to spend the afternoon!

I was happy to enjoy Linguine and Clams for dinner that night! One of my favorite meals!
In 2004, I went to Germany with my Dad. We were taking the train, I think from Nuremberg to Frankfurt. Dad was 72 and not as fit as he once was, but had worked construction all his life and still quite strong. I sit at a desk, but was a lot younger and fitter back then.
I spotted an elderly lady who probably weighed around 100lbs soaking wet, and around five foot nothing tall. She was standing on the platform in front of the train car door we were going in. She had a duffel bag at our feet. I don't remember if she asked for help or if we just offered... but either way, we wound up carrying this itty bitty l'il ol' lady's bag onto the train.

I have no idea what she had in there, but even with the two of us struggling to carry this thing, we just barely managed to get it on the train. It had to have weighed over 200 pounds! :eek: We got it inside and dropped it there. Someone else (someones?) could take it from there. No idea how she managed to get it as far as she did.

Yikes! That's pretty crazy.

Just watch out for the whizzicles... :rolleyes:

:eek: :eek: :eek:

"Try this. It's bad coffee."
Me: "Okay..."
"Okay try this. It's good coffee."
Me: "They taste the same."

Yup, that's pretty much it!

Don't let @Captain_Oblivious here you! He won't let you read his reports and ban you from Delaware!

Wait... that sounds more like a reward... hmmmm...

:laughing: I may actually be in town to visit him in about a year and a half.

hmmm... worth watching...
It's funny. But not something you "must see". Still... it's part of the social fabric enough that a (terrible) sequel was made.
Roll the dice and take your chances?

I'll think about it. It seems the only place to watch it "for free" is Netflix and I canceled that about a year ago cause I wasn't watching it. Reminds me. I need to cancel HBO and sign up for MAX.

Is this a full refund, or only a partial refund since we're already part way through the TR?

Actually you'll have to speak to accounting about that. I'm in charge of the creative department and don't work with the finances.

You mean chocolate Petit Four, Sacher Art and ice cream?


You are too funny! :laughing:

Row, row, row your boat...


No. :sad2:

Lots easier if you hop on a skateboard. Or a wheelchair. Quicker, anyway.

More painful... but quicker.


I make that joke too!

You're going to "you know where....." :laughing:

Whoaaaaa! I had no idea those ships were that ornate! (Or at least this one.)

And as Allyson pointed out in exactly one month from today I will be checking into another place decorated with Swarovski crystals.

Nice shot of you. :)
Planning on taking a few souvenirs home by grabbing a handful of crystals?

Nah, I've got quite a few earrings with Swarovski crystals. I even wore them at my wedding....and now I'm going to cry.


Actually... won't comment on every photo, but... really pretty scenery!


Huh! I noticed when you pointed it out and my first thought was of falling rock. I've driven quite a few places where that's the case.

Yes, I've seen plenty of falling rocks. Rarely trees.

Of course. Steerage. That's where a lot of the Titanic victims were, you know.

Yup. Trapped in there. We were lucky our ship didn't hit an iceberg.

Love the cobble road. :)

Lots of those in Europe.... :rolleyes1

I was so surprised you went white. When I read Weiswein oder Rotwein I immediately figured you'd go red.

I've never eaten Linguine and Clams in a Red based sauce. Always white wine or cream.
Yikes! That's pretty crazy.
Probably just a dead body.
I may actually be in town to visit him in about a year and a half.
I saw that. :)
I'll think about it. It seems the only place to watch it "for free" is Netflix and I canceled that about a year ago cause I wasn't watching it. Reminds me. I need to cancel HBO and sign up for MAX.
Don’t sign up just for that.
Actually you'll have to speak to accounting about that. I'm in charge of the creative department and don't work with the finances.
I’ll get my friend Karen on it. :rolleyes:
You're going to "you know where....." :laughing:
oh I already know that.
And as Allyson pointed out in exactly one month from today I will be checking into another place decorated with Swarovski crystals.
Curious to see….
Nah, I've got quite a few earrings with Swarovski crystals. I even wore them at my wedding....and now I'm going to cry.
Yup. Trapped in there. We were lucky our ship didn't hit an iceberg.
I've never eaten Linguine and Clams in a Red based sauce. Always white wine or cream.
Try it sometime and let us know.
I feel like you would have had a runaway on your hands with that one!
Yeah, in reality it would be very scary.
I know another place decorated with loads of Swarovski crystals ;)
::yes:: In just four short weeks we will be preparing for our Lavender Fields Treatment :goodvibes
Well that is just very odd indeed

Like who sips wine through a straw? :confused3

Although this could be a lot more, wow!

Maybe they ran out before they could finish!

Well that's too cool, Europe is just mind-boggling old sometimes

I know it really is.

They forgot your ice ;)


and forgot the cheese!

Sure looks like it!

What a nice day!

It was a great way to spend my birthday!
Probably just a dead body.
Don’t sign up just for that.
No, I can rent it on Prime for $3.99. Or even better yet, I think my Dad has Netflix and I'm going to visit my parents starting on Saturday. I could watch it at their house!
Try it sometime and let us know.

Nah, doesn't sound good at all. Just like I like New England Clam Chowder and not Manhattan.
Day 8

Today we were staying around the city of Linz. I had set my alarm for 7AM, but my phone started chirping before 6AM, with Jenny & Jill chatting before their bedtime. I finally woke up at 6:15AM and started chatting with Allyson who was also getting ready for bed. I turned off the 7AM alarm and started getting ready.

Once I was dressed I decided to try the mini Linzer Torte that they had given me yesterday. Both of them (K&T) had told me it was dry, and they were right. When I sliced into it to cut a piece, part of it crumbled.




They were right. It was OK, but nothing I really had to try again.

Wanting to get rid of the not so great taste in my mouth, I decided to try my Karamel truffle from the day before. Now THAT was tasty! I decided that I'd get some more of those when we went back. Karin did say we were coming back for cake later in the week.

Today we were using public transport to get around. Karen & Tom had purchased me a transportation pass for the day and sent it to me in a text in case I got lost or separated from them. They had told me that I was to meet them on the bus which would pass the stop near my hotel at 8:32AM.

It worked out just fine and soon we were all on the bus. After a couple stops we transferred to what they called a tram. In Boston, my Grandmother would have called it “the street car.” In LA we call it the metro. If you have one, what do you call it where you live?

We exited just past the actual City Center and headed towards our breakfast location, Brandl. Evidently this is one of the premiere bread making shops in the city. They told me that on holidays (the kind with a feast associated with it) people line up at 5AM to get their bread for their holiday meals.

So here is the coffee menu, or “hot drinks”. It took me a few days to figure out which one was going to give me the biggest zing for my Euros!


Today we got the same traditional meal as the day before, except here it came with an additional roll, a brioche which was being demonstrated by a baker in the demonstration kitchen at the front of the shop. Here is a platter of those rolls proofing.


Today I got a potato roll in addition to the traditional roll. My choice of hot beverage today was a Cappuccino, which turned out to be a mediocre choice for breakfast. It was tasty enough, it just didn't have the kick I needed.


As a result I had to get another cup of coffee at the coffee shop next to Starbucks, where they sell bras in addition to coffee.



After breakfast (and my second coffee) we walked towards the main square.


The previous day had been May Day and we had seen maypoles all over. I had heard about these as a child, but never really seen one. They didn’t look at all like I had imagined.


This is the largest and oldest city center in Europe. I’m not exactly where I heard that, so it may or may not be true.


We purchased a ride on the city tour train for 11AM. Here is the tram we would be riding on.


We had a little time to kill before our ride on the tram so we walked around the square. On the tour we learned that in Medieval times people convicted of crimes were placed in the very center of the square in stockades and the town’s people threw rotten fruit and vegetables at them.

Sometime in history, there was a terrible plague, and there were also wars. Following these wars and plague the people of the city wanted to build a monument to honor those who had died.

The people did not have the money to fund such a monument, so they went to the mayor for support, they also went to the church, and to the Emperor to get the funds to build it.

The resulting monument is three sided. Each side faces the old city hall, the church, and the castle to honor the patrons who funded its construction.



Here is a map of where our tram tour would be going. Our tour would be the red line on the map. The front car had an English translation of the city tour, so we sat in that car.


I didn’t take any pictures on the tour. Well I did take pictures on the tour, but because we were moving, none of them came out any good. I did take pictures of the same areas later in the day when we walked much of the same route, so I’ll show them to you then.

For now, we finished the city tour and then took some kind of transportation to the Pöstlingberg. I’m still trying to get the hang of taking selfies!


Here is the conveyance that took us from the City Center to the top of the Pöstlingberg.


This is the view of the city from the top of the hill.


We also went to this church and took a look inside. Karin said that it is very popular for weddings because of its location and beautiful interior.




Down here they store the nativity scene when it is not the Christmas season.



I’m going to wrap this up here for now. Next up we meet some gnomes, dwarves, and a dragon.
It worked out just fine and soon we were all on the bus. After a couple stops we transferred to what they called a tram. In Boston, my Grandmother would have called it “the street car.” In LA we call it the metro. If you have one, what do you call it where you live?
I think I'd call it a trolly?
As a result I had to get another cup of coffee at the coffee shop next to Starbucks, where they sell bras in addition to coffee.

LOL this is TOO funny!
The previous day had been May Day and we had seen maypoles all over. I had heard about these as a child, but never really seen one. They didn’t look at all like I had imagined.
I picture little girls in pretty dresses dancing around a poll, wrapping long ribbons around it
We purchased a ride on the city tour train for 11AM. Here is the tram we would be riding on.

I'm super literal sometimes, so I'd call this a little train
You match and fit in the sign perfectly!

Karin said that it is very popular for weddings because of its location and beautiful interior.

I can see that! I bet you'd get some nice pictures on the stairs!

No, I can rent it on Prime for $3.99. Or even better yet, I think my Dad has Netflix and I'm going to visit my parents starting on Saturday. I could watch it at their house!
Let me know.
Be prepared. It's the opposite of high-brow humour.
Nah, doesn't sound good at all. Just like I like New England Clam Chowder and not Manhattan.
I had to look it up, just to make sure I knew which was which.
I've never had Manhattan, so can't say if I'd prefer it or not. I do know that I love my Boston (New England) clam chowder. Yum!
I had set my alarm for 7AM, but my phone started chirping before 6AM, with Jenny & Jill chatting before their bedtime. I finally woke up at 6:15AM and started chatting with Allyson who was also getting ready for bed. I turned off the 7AM alarm and started getting ready.
Who needs an alarm when you have this??
Both of them (K&T) had told me it was dry, and they were right. When I sliced into it to cut a piece, part of it crumbled.
Nope. Way too many almond slices for me.
I decided to try my Karamel truffle from the day before. Now THAT was tasty
That sounds good!
Karin did say we were coming back for cake later in the week.
You know they're a keeper when they say there'll be more cake.
They had told me that I was to meet them on the bus which would pass the stop near my hotel at 8:32AM.
Were you nervous about that? Or had they given you enough assurances that it would all work out?
After a couple stops we transferred to what they called a tram. In Boston, my Grandmother would have called it “the street car.” In LA we call it the metro. If you have one, what do you call it where you live?
Do you have a picture? Or is it the one you posted later on?
Evidently this is one of the premiere bread making shops in the city.
Heck ya! I'm in!!
So here is the coffee menu
You know what I'm ordering...
a brioche which was being demonstrated by a baker in the demonstration kitchen at the front of the shop.
My choice of hot beverage today was a Cappuccino, which turned out to be a mediocre choice for breakfast. It was tasty enough, it just didn't have the kick I needed.
Follow it up with a Red Bull.

As a result I had to get another cup of coffee at the coffee shop next to Starbucks, where they sell bras in addition to coffee.
Of course! The perfect combination. You had a pair of coffees which fits in nicely with a pair of... umm...

The previous day had been May Day and we had seen maypoles all over. I had heard about these as a child, but never really seen one. They didn’t look at all like I had imagined.

My dad put one up, once upon a time.
This is the largest and oldest city center in Europe.
Really! I had no idea. Huh!
I’m not exactly where I heard that, so it may or may not be true.
It's gotta be true. I read it here.
Cute little tourist buggy. :)
On the tour we learned that in Medieval times people convicted of crimes were placed in the very center of the square in stockades and the town’s people threw rotten fruit and vegetables at them.
Maybe we should bring that back... :rolleyes:
The resulting monument is three sided. Each side faces the old city hall, the church, and the castle to honor the patrons who funded its construction.
That's kinda neat.
Perfect. :)
I’m still trying to get the hang of taking selfies!
I think you did pretty good!
Here is the conveyance that took us from the City Center to the top of the Pöstlingberg.
Is that what you were talking about earlier? We don't have those, but I'd call it LRT, I think.
Very pretty. :)
I need something strong when going bra shopping!
Ooops! I missed this before I posted the next update!

What a beautiful picture! The whole ship looked lovely and so open; really pretty with all the sun shining in.

Thanks! It was a beautiful day! In fact I really lucked out on the weather. There was only one day that wasn't lovely.

I'd like those crystal stairs in my house LOL

I live in a single story house, but I would hate to be cleaning up cat puke from the stairs all the time! :laughing:
After a couple stops we transferred to what they called a tram. In Boston, my Grandmother would have called it “the street car.” In LA we call it the metro. If you have one, what do you call it where you live?
We have this argument when we visit New Orleans!! My grandma taught us to call it a street car. My husband insists it's a trolley!

As a result I had to get another cup of coffee at the coffee shop next to Starbucks, where they sell bras in addition to coffee.
Well, how's that for a one stop shop!? LOL

Ooh, fun!! This looks sort of similar to transportation they have in Milwaukee, WI, except theirs runs on tracks right on the street level. They call it "The Hop!"
I get that! I'm having a hard time keeping up!
And here I am, just popping up for air again a couple of weeks later!

Too bad you have the high falutin job and don't have the time anymore. :laughing:
Stupid job. And they say state workers don't do anything.

Well, you know.....the 2026 Band Convention just happens to be taking place in Philly....perhaps I can make a detour or something! It's over Memorial Day weekend, but I was planning on extending my stay afterwards.
:scratchin Now this is an interesting development!

We could certainly come up to Philly as well and would love to see you however it works out! Keep us posted and let us know if there's stuff you really want to see in the area.

Oh, I think you two have said enough to each other! :lmao:
It's nothing compared to what we've said about each other. :rolleyes1

Don't let @Captain_Oblivious here you! He won't let you read his reports and ban you from Delaware!

Wait... that sounds more like a reward... hmmmm...
Not if I send her to New Jersey.

As a result I had to get another cup of coffee at the coffee shop next to Starbucks, where they sell bras in addition to coffee.
FINALLY! I have been begging for this in the US.
So, it's a lazy and far too hot September Sunday in Bavaria and soon it will be half a year since your trip to Germany and I finally get around to catch up on your trip report!

Dinner was served while I watched the movie. There wasn't a choice on the first courses. I ate the artichoke hearts with feta cheese but I just kind of shoved the other stuff off to the side. The salad had absolutely no flavor. If there was Balsamic in that dressing, I couldn't taste it.

I remember you telling us about this tasteless salad! It does look good, but no flavour in the dressing is what can kill any salad!

Figuring out how to get to the train station took a little bit of effort, but I just went up to the information booths and asked questions. People pointed me in the right direction. I had to take a shuttle from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1 because the train station was attached to that terminal.

It had been such a long time since I had to get to Terminal 2 that I wasn't really sure how easy it was going to be. And then when we flew to Japan in June we had to do the same trip. OMG, I was shocked at how inconvenient it was! Especially coming back from Japan, so the direction that you were doing on arrival, we waited for the shuttle for ages. Then the shuttle goes who knows where before going to Terminal 1. We were really hoping to make the earlier train as we did not want to wait for an additional hour in Frankfurt and I was nearly losing my mind. Luckily DB cam through and delayed the train for 20 minutes so we were able to just catch it. But I was thinking of you and how well you managed it. But I also understood why you never had time to start looking for the DB lounge at the train station.

It was also a bit confusing to figure out where on the train platform to wait. But Magdalene had me download the DB app for the train. I found the part of the app where it showed my train car and that I would be boarding from the “A” section of platform 4. I was even able to roll with the punches when they moved my train to platform 5 cause the previous train was still occupying platform 4.

Same thing happened in June to us and I helped out several tourists who were utterly confused by them changing platform twice - and both trains going to Munich, but on different routes, one via Nuremberg and one via Stuttgart. I was so happy when you told us that you were able to figure it all out and even helped some other people find their car!

I turned Fran’s phone on with the SIM card that Magdalene had got for me. I was able to use that as a mobile Hotspot for wireless for my tablet and my cellphone. I was texting with Michael and Magdalene. Michael was scheduled to meet me at the train station when I arrived to get me to my hotel.

I remember how relieved I was once you were on that train heading to Nuremberg!

a box of my favorite chocolate covered biscuits

I think it's funny that you like these cookies so much. The Leibniz Butterkeks (btw, the German word Keks for cookie/biscuits is a German writing of the English word Cake and originally they were called Leibniz Cakes in the late 19th century - Leibniz as the mathematician as he is the most famous son of the town Hannover where the biscuits are from) is considered the basic biscuit that mothers have in their handbags for the toddlers to snack on. So absolutely nothing special. The version with chocolate is from the 1990s. I think this knowledge alone makes me kind of less interested in those biscuits as they are considered plain. But now writing about them I am considering getting a package soon (I prefer them without chocolate) as they are quite tasty!

When I got back to my room, I found a cigarette butt on the floor. It wasn't next door, they were smoking in my room!

I am still in shock about this and how this could have happened!

You also don't get an ice bucket in the room and an ice machine down the hall. So imagine my surprise when a fellow American (I assume since we are the only ones crazy enough to put ice in our beverages) asked the front desk staff for some ice in his refillable water bottle. This became my morning and nightly ritual.

Hotels that cater to American tourists (i.e. any bigger town in Germany and especially all American chains) will have a way to get ice for you somehow. We have only encountered very few that didn't give you ice (my American husband needs ice wherever we are). But sometimes we get the ice in funny containers: usually they give you a glas with ice cubes, but sometimes you get a bucket. Once we got this huge bowl where you could have several champagne bottles in it!!

I settled in, turned on the TV, and found out that the only English channel on the whole TV was CNN. Michael had alluded to this several years ago, but it didn't really sink in until today.

I was going to know more about the “Hush money trial” and the Supreme Court cases than I cared to by the end of this week. I turned the volume down to 3, and promptly fell asleep.
My father gave Michael a radio and CD-player for his birthday in July and it has been a godsend! So much less CNN! Unfortunately we now als get CNBC and now that is playing as a change and I have to say my interest in the stock market has gone down since I have to constantly listen to people babbling about it!


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