It's gotta be - all about me!


Earning My Ears
Dec 26, 2008
I can get pretty wordy- so bear with me

I've done this before, lost weight or toned for a specific event. It's always a wedding to go to, or a vacation with a 2 piece etc. Not any more. This time, for the first time, it has to be all about me. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not overweight by any means. I'm just not happy with the way my body looks at the current time. I'm okay with the weight- it can stay where it is, but the excess skin/fat etc. needs to find a new place to live, because it's being evicted from it's current location. It has no choice but to move onto another space. Far far away from here.

so the stats- since they are important I guess.

5 foot 8
151.6 lbs according to the scale I just stepped on
24 BMI
1481 BMR
2311 Harris Benedict Equation
2000 Daily caloric intake (my number I figured myself)

the plan -

I just completed the sparks people membership I started about this time last year. put in a strength training plan, did that this morning. today was abs and upper body, completed the following:

2 sets of 15 each
crunches with twist
modified pushups
isometric sholder hold with towel
back extension
wall pushups
alternating dumbbell curls (2lb weights)
dumbbell lateral raises (2lb weights)
one-arm dumbbell rows (2lb weights)
dumbbell shoulder press (2lb weights)
crunches with twist (did this start and finish)

Then following that I did 30 minutes of Wii Boxing. Broke a sweat cause I did a lot of dancing and weavin to keep from getting hit LOL sorta looked like this :banana:

I have ordered the Wii my fitness coach, and will incorporate that into the routine as well. On alternating days I will do lower body and abs as well.

I did the couch to 5K this fall, and completed it. Then winter set in, and I was way to lazy and cold to run in Vermont winter. Felt good when I did it, but I did not incorporate any strength training, or diet into the running. I consumed crappy food, because I was running and used that for an excuse.

usually, when I need to drop a few pounds, I do Atkins for a few weeks and I have very good results with it. Though I have never combined exercise and diet together. There would be the problem. Atkins is easy for me to start, and do for about a month, then I go back to drinking my carbs in my Michelob. :) It's my vice what can I say.

I'm considering buying a treadmill, and have started doing some research on them, but am not convinced I'm going to yet. It is certainly still winter here, and I do walk a lot at work, (work in healthcare). I would like to think I'd use it, but know to well most people end up using it for clothing storage :)

to say that I don't eat a well balanced diet would be an understatement. My work schedule helps screw that up even more. I work 3 nights a week 7p-7a, so my eating schedule gets thrown off each and every day. I'm hoping to go to days, which will make my schedule more of a normal persons. I've got to research eating a balanced diet. I dont want to restrict what I'm eating, or drinking for that matter. My soft drink vice is Pepsi One, which I drink 2 of each day. Coffee, thats an addiction, though I do drink 1/2 decaf 1/2 regular, I use splenda and coffee mate low fat creamer. I believe that if I make small changes, it will have the biggest pay off, and be the easiest to maintain. that was the problem with atkins. I slice of bread can throw you into a serious carb overload. We won't go down that road again. I'm wondering about WW, and will look into that as well. I know it's points, but its basically calorie counting, with a fancy name. Will have to see whats what when I do a bit more research.

Starting with the exercise, cutting out the crap, and then moving into a structured sort of eating plan I think will work the best.

thats it for now, time to shower



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