IT'S 6 IN THE MORNING! A 24hr, SWW,Birthday Adventure--Updated 1/25x3!!!-FINISHED

I don't know how I'd feel about that balloon ride, but at least you were in good company!

I don't think I'd like that Elvis cupcake.... Candied bacon? hm. But i WOULD like that margarita!
what a fun evening! I've always wanted to do the Characters in Flight - good to know it was worth it

man, imagine if those giant margaritas were $5?!?!? Although good thing they weren't since you would have gotten 10 and you couldn't even finish 1 :lmao:

Glad you had a good time with Danielle and her parental unit!
:lmao: That does look like Yoda!

OMG those selfie pictures with the balloon overhead!!!! Genius!!!!!!!!

And YAY, Hi Danielle!! Plus Papadon!!! :worship:

Characters in Flight is definitely on the bucket list. Always wanted to do that. What a view! :cloud9: You know, some of the photos remind me of Mickey's Fun Wheel in DLand.

Ugh, seriously? A cast member really said "thanks for taking a picture of the picture”? Like somehow this comes out of his/her pocket?


What a super terrific way to kick start a trip. Wow.
Hi Katt! I'm here for this one, too! Sorry if I stink at comments here lately... I've been working like crazy and when I get home, it's time for dinner, baths and then bed for ALL of us!

Those were the first pictures I've seen of the balloon from up in the air and it looks awesome!

Yummm margaritas! Those were HUGE!
Katt, what an awesome and fun update!

I am so happy that you got to hook up with Danielle and her parents over dinner and then the balloon ride. Mark and I have always wanted to do it, but the price tag kept us away most times and then the one time we were going to take the plunge it wasn't going up because of the weather. :(

Those are some HUGE margaritas...and how sweet of Danielle to treat you girls.

I liked the cupcake until you said peanut butter...I'm not a peanut butter fan so I'll be skipping that one.

What a great way to start your vacation!


It was a great evening, and I was super happy that we got to meet up with them again during the trip, they really are a blast! Awe man! That sucks! I didn't think it was that expensive? Lol, maybe they've changed the price or I'm just crazy? Lol

Hahaha right?! A little too much for us in the end, but the thought was great!

Awe man! PB is like, my LIFE! I absolutely love it and everything to do with it! Lol

I don't know how I'd feel about that balloon ride, but at least you were in good company!

I don't think I'd like that Elvis cupcake.... Candied bacon? hm. But i WOULD like that margarita!

Hahah I was a little nervous about it, but it worked out completely fine!

Lol, the bacon was pretty sparse, so that was nice, but I definitely wouldn't eat it again, too many other things that I could treat myself with, such as that margarita!! Lol

what a fun evening! I've always wanted to do the Characters in Flight - good to know it was worth it

man, imagine if those giant margaritas were $5?!?!? Although good thing they weren't since you would have gotten 10 and you couldn't even finish 1 :lmao:

Glad you had a good time with Danielle and her parental unit!

Totally worth it! I loved it!! I'd definitely do it again as well!!


And yes! They were fantastic and lovely in every way and I was super happy we got to see them a few times this trip!

Those margaritas though...they look amazing. Remind me when I go back to get one.

Right?! They were super delicious!

:lmao: That does look like Yoda!

OMG those selfie pictures with the balloon overhead!!!! Genius!!!!!!!!

And YAY, Hi Danielle!! Plus Papadon!!! :worship:

Characters in Flight is definitely on the bucket list. Always wanted to do that. What a view! :cloud9: You know, some of the photos remind me of Mickey's Fun Wheel in DLand.

Ugh, seriously? A cast member really said "thanks for taking a picture of the picture”? Like somehow this comes out of his/her pocket?


What a super terrific way to kick start a trip. Wow.

Hahah, yes! I think they just needed a little less greeney lego to make him with!

Thank Jenna for all that brilliant thought! She's the selfie pro lol! It was a great time with Danielle & co! It was a great ride, and fun thing to do with amazing views! I'm super glad we did it!

Lol right?! It didn't really bother us too much, but hey, we're cool like that!

Joining in! Cannot wait to hear about the 24 hour party! :mickeyjum

Hi! Glad you're here, it was a lot of fun!!

Hi Katt! I'm here for this one, too! Sorry if I stink at comments here lately... I've been working like crazy and when I get home, it's time for dinner, baths and then bed for ALL of us!

Those were the first pictures I've seen of the balloon from up in the air and it looks awesome!

Yummm margaritas! Those were HUGE!

Lol, no worries!! At least you're here to share along with the adventures!!

Really? It really wa sa great time! and the margaritas were yummy!







Oh right….Disney was doing this amazing and awesome thing where Magic Kingdom was open from 6 am til 6am, a full 24 hours of amazing magic, and we were going to be a PART OF IT ALL!! We had some cute Disneybounds going for the morning half, and after we had our nap, we had costumes to change in to for the evening. Reason being: we’d planned the trip out with all the Disneybound’s before we knew we could wear costumes, and number 2: it’s really frackin hot in Florida and no one wants to be in a stuffy costume all day in the blazing sun!

We got ready pretty quick, and headed down to the bus stops….where we SURPRISE (it is Pop after all) found a HUGE line of people, I’m talkin, the queue was FULL, and the line extended back all the way to the DHS bus stop by the point we got in it. I’m assuming at this point the first bus hadn’t actually come, so I wasn’t too worried. We waited for a bit in the line, and I noticed a familiar face headed to the back of the line!

Our friendly & amazing Frump Kristen!! We’ve been following along with each other on Instagram & Twitter & the like for a while (plus her TR’s on here are amazing!) and it was great to actually meet her in person for once! She’s super sweet and friendly and it was a GRAND way to start off our 24 hour day!

Time passed…we were waiting…and still waiting…and I was getting worried, so I did end up calling a cab to Pop, knowing that might take a while as well, we half staying in the bus line until I got a little worried, and we booked it over to the cab pick up area instead. One or two did come & go, and each one was a large van, and only picked up 2 or so people, so I turned to the group beside us who had called around the same time as us and said “if the next one’s a van wanna just split it?”

Yeah, I’m nice like that.

Also huge mistake.


One of them was nice enough, but her sister/friend was kinda snarky, might’ve just been that it was so early in the morning, so I’ll give her some slack. They of course also said “to the Magic Kingdom” which us veterans know, you’ll end up at the TTC, and there was NO WAY that I was getting in line for a boat or monorail today….so I corrected them to head to the Contemporary & walk from there. Cabbie of course took us ALL the way to the ENTRANCE of the hotel, so needless to say, Jenna & I booked it after paying to get the heck out of that tight squeeze.



I took some time to message Danielle again as she was meeting up with us for breakfast that morning, and Jenna & I decided that seeing the rope drop show was more important for us than actually getting into the park right away. The space between the “turnstiles” and the train station was pretty full, so they’d held everyone in lines and not great viewing places, but we had a center stage view!

And yes, it totally was still dark out, and I totally felt for those performers in the show today! Like, a rope drop show is NORMALLY got to be an early call time, but if the show’s at 5:45, I’m sure they had to be at work for like, 4:00am….meaning most of them probably got up around 3… the morning…


The show was absolutely amazing (duh) we squealed with joy (duh) I may have been holding back some tears (duh) and we made our way through the turnstiles, the tunnel, and INTO TOWN SQUARE. Guys I’m totally tearing up right now (surprise) because this was really a magical moment, I mean, walking into MK is amazing each & every time, but this was the FIRST time of the trip, it was my first time being at 6 am, and it was Jenna’s FIRST TIME EVER. Naturally, with me being the best friend ever, I started video-ing a little bit, and got her to slow right down, and then look up right when we walked around the bend and the castle came into view. If you haven’t gone to watch our trip video yet, just go watch the first like, 2 minutes right now where her reaction is. #dead She stopped and awwwwee’d, her eyes got all big & lit up, and she said “it’s so beautiful” and I was dead.

It was serious perfection, I mean, that place is serious perfection, and it was very magical this morning. The very important thing to do that moment was of course to have a photo shoot!

I figured the main things to hit up during the first wee hours of the morning would be in Fantasyland, and what’s better to do first thing in Disney than walk right through the castle, right?!

We didn’t quite yet see any characters out and about, so we kinda just wandered past everything up to the walls at the entrance to New Fantasyland, where I stopped and wondered to myself “what ever is this GIANT line for?”

….and then promptly realized it was for THE FREAKING MINE TRAIN!!!!!

I freaked out, told Jenna we were totally getting in line, and we turned around right into Danielle & the parentals! They clearly also wanted to ride the NEW ride, so we all jumped in the line together!

Okay, I even got teary-eyed reading your description of your entrance into the MK, etc. I think catching a cab was the perfect idea! And I love all of the pictures of you and Jenna on Main Street! And I love that you got video of her seeing the castle for the first time.

Walking through the castle...nothing better. found Danielle and all got in line together for the Mine Ride. :)
sounds like getting the cab and then going to the Contemporary was the right cal - congrats on getting there for the welcome show!

got a little teared up reading your description of entering MK and Jenna seeing the Castle for the first time .... "she said “it’s so beautiful” and I was dead" would also have made for a good TR title :thumbsup2

oooh - Mine Train! And Danielle and the Parentals!! Exciting!!! Exclamation points!!!!!
:thumbsup2 to getting that cab! It really looked like you avoided quite the rough morning right there.

Awww, what a great first morning in MK! I hope that Jenna knows that's how it is EVERY SINGLE TIME you see the Castle. I still am in awe and get chills the first time I see it. Love all the photos you got with it! Seriously, best way to start your day. :goodvibes

YAY MINE TRAIN TIME! Can't wait to hear what you think of it! :mickeyjum
Okay, I even got teary-eyed reading your description of your entrance into the MK, etc. I think catching a cab was the perfect idea! And I love all of the pictures of you and Jenna on Main Street! And I love that you got video of her seeing the castle for the first time.

Walking through the castle...nothing better. found Danielle and all got in line together for the Mine Ride. :)

Awwe! It really was a magical experience!! Thank you so much!!


sounds like getting the cab and then going to the Contemporary was the right cal - congrats on getting there for the welcome show!

got a little teared up reading your description of entering MK and Jenna seeing the Castle for the first time .... "she said “it’s so beautiful” and I was dead" would also have made for a good TR title :thumbsup2

oooh - Mine Train! And Danielle and the Parentals!! Exciting!!! Exclamation points!!!!!

Definitely! I'm sure we would've made it on the bus but I was just worried lol! Awe, yeah, it was definitely amazing and I'm super glad I got to share it with her!


:thumbsup2 to getting that cab! It really looked like you avoided quite the rough morning right there.

Awww, what a great first morning in MK! I hope that Jenna knows that's how it is EVERY SINGLE TIME you see the Castle. I still am in awe and get chills the first time I see it. Love all the photos you got with it! Seriously, best way to start your day. :goodvibes

YAY MINE TRAIN TIME! Can't wait to hear what you think of it! :mickeyjum

I think it definitely could have been fine, I just didn't want to risk it! Lol, yes, the magic is definitely still there every time!

Yay DISmeet!! We had so much fun with you guys.

OMG, I totally forgot that Jenna thought Dopey was Yoda. "That's Dopey..." "No it's not, it's totally Yoda! Look his ears...." :lmao:

Hahaha, Katt's freakin' out!

Who takes a picture of a picture? You're welcome.

Goodness sake, I wish those margaritas really were $5. I'd totally buy them again though.

Whoops. Sorry bush, you can finish my margarita.

I got the king cupcake too. You're right. It wasn't that good.

Four in the morning. I didn't feel like I had slept at all that night.

It is a beautiful sight. And Jenna totally got it, which made it AWESOME.

All I remember from you is getting this text and all it said was........



Awww YAY Frump Meet. Great way to start!!! No deer face though... bummer, lol

That moment when Jenna saw the castle for the first time in your vid in still in my head. Just a perfect moment.

And pixie dust right off the bat with Mine Train AND the Danielle troop!!! And the day just started!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome report & pictures! :thumbsup2 really enjoyed reading this TR - now, I'm especially looking fwd to my first Chef Mickeys breakfast reservation now!!! Of course, seeing the look on my little one's faces will be what I'm looking fwd to the most :cool1:
Yay DISmeet!! We had so much fun with you guys.

OMG, I totally forgot that Jenna thought Dopey was Yoda. "That's Dopey..." "No it's not, it's totally Yoda! Look his ears...." :lmao:

Hahaha, Katt's freakin' out!

Who takes a picture of a picture? You're welcome.

Goodness sake, I wish those margaritas really were $5. I'd totally buy them again though.

Whoops. Sorry bush, you can finish my margarita.

I got the king cupcake too. You're right. It wasn't that good.

Four in the morning. I didn't feel like I had slept at all that night.

It is a beautiful sight. And Jenna totally got it, which made it AWESOME.

All I remember from you is getting this text and all it said was........



Awe, I'm so glad ya'll had fun too! You guys are such a blast and so much fun to hang out with! Can't wait for next time!! :)

Aahahaha yiiiaaas that picture is perfection, awe man, ridiculous! Yes!! I feel like if partying was in the game, the margaritas would definitely come in handy!

Not in the LEAST, wow it was early!

Ugh, all the feels

Ahahaha hey! I knew it was important!!


Awww YAY Frump Meet. Great way to start!!! No deer face though... bummer, lol

That moment when Jenna saw the castle for the first time in your vid in still in my head. Just a perfect moment.

And pixie dust right off the bat with Mine Train AND the Danielle troop!!! And the day just started!!!!!!!!!!!

YAY!! It really was exciting!!

Hahaha, yeah! But no worries! We'll see each other again in August!!

Yes! She truly was amazed by it and I'm SO happy I caught it on video! RIGHT?!!? IT WAS AMAZING!!

Awesome report & pictures! :thumbsup2 really enjoyed reading this TR - now, I'm especially looking fwd to my first Chef Mickeys breakfast reservation now!!! Of course, seeing the look on my little one's faces will be what I'm looking fwd to the most :cool1:

Thank you so much!! Chef's really is a good time, I definitely want to try it out for breakfast one day, the characters are a lot of fun!

Happy Thursday friends! So much is happening here! We're 26 days away from the Villains Unleashed trip and a mere 45 DAYS away from our halloween trip, so naturally, we have no life since money is tight, bahaha, but are getting very busy & prepared for the trips to be a blast! Keep updates on the Dec trip report (in the signature) as it's going to be moving faster now to get finished by August! Also just wanted to share with you the picture Danielle took during the hot air balloon ride when I was "freaking out" because it's hilarious...

And now on with the update!


The outdoor queue moved by pretty quickly, and they had the fans blowing in full force enough that Jenna was getting a little chilly, I mean, the sun was barely up, there was no need for that much wind! Bahaha! The outdoor queue was the more “boring” part of it, you moved into a sheltered area, and then inside into the “vault”. However, as many of you are sure, there are TONS of interactive parts of the queue, and I’ve always been a little awkward with the interactive queues, like, do I wait for the person in front of me to stop playing with it and we all continue? Whenever I stop to play or take pictures, I know I’m STOPPING to do so and don’t care if anyone goes around me, and most of the time, I’ll be polite and wait for the quick picture and continue in the order we were in.

Well, with 7DMT wasn’t even officially open, so clearly everyone wanted to play, and wanted to take pictures, and for the first little bits, we were more than happy to stay put and wait for everyone to finish up, even though the line was moving REALLY steadily, like….constantly….

Jenna was getting a bit irked by it, and when the family in front of us stopped, solid, AGAIN, for like, 3 pictures, AGAIN, and the Mom took a couple, then asked “do you want one with your camera too?” and they passed over ANOTHER camera, the two of us exchanged a look, and moved on past them. Of course, my philosophy on interactive queues is not the same as this woman’s as she snarked at us “there’s a line!” as we moved on past her….yeah…and it was MOVING lady….we waited all we could…we wanna get on the ride.

Danielle was laughing at us I’m sure as we had gotten split up (turns out her family are just nice people bahaha) and luckily as we moved onto the loading dock, we were split from the snarky lady, which was an added bonus as she was definitely the time to keep snarking at us until we disappeared from her view, lol. And for the record, we waited TWENTY minutes (eeeeeekkkk) for the Mine Train even though they were telling us it would be a TWO HOUR wait when we reached the outdoor sign…..also we would have waited something like TEN if it wasn’t for everyone stopping to take pictures & play every 2 seconds… sigh #disneyproblems.

The ride was SUPER freaking awesome, I am a little sad it wasn’t more thrilling, and I expected the carts to rock a heck of a lot more, but was VERY happy to see that we slowed right down on the interior parts to see the AMAZING animatronics in there!

Overall, it was an incredible experience, and to get on it in a soft opening was even greater. Like, it’s Jenna’s first day in MK EVER, we were there at 6 in the morning, it was open for 24 hours, with special characters out, and we waited only 20 minutes to get on a ride that WASN’T EVEN OFFICIALLY OPEN!! BEST! DAY! EVER!

I also GREATLY appreciated the use of the animatronics from Snow White’s old ride at the end, way to come full circle Disney!! On our way out of the ride, we re-connected with Danielle & the parents, had a good laugh about everything, and then I spotted some familiar faces waiting to get on the ride! It was Sam, Brittany, Alicia & Andy! The Yolo Crew for those of you who have read their trip reports or youtube videos (and if you haven’t seriously, go watch a video or two, they’re amazing) I shouted and waved over to them & they all waved back! I hoped we’d get a chance to meet up later on, or even later in the year, Alicia’s an entertainment cm, Andy just started I believe at AKL, and the other two start their DCP’s in August, meaning they’ll be down during my program so I’m hoping we’ll get to hang out then!

With the whole group of us in tow we ended up wandering towards Peter Pan’s Flight, Jenna wanted more rides, and this was probably the shortest wait we’d see all day, so we hopped into our pirate ship!

As you can tell, I ACTUALLY GOT DECENT PICTURES ON IT (also known as: thank you Mac’s for having photo editing bahaha!) We all enjoyed our flight over Neverland, somewhere either before or after Danielle ran into some Instagram-ers that I didn’t know lol, and I THINK at this point, her parents split up from us as they had a breakfast reservation over at the GFlo (?) and Jenna requested more of a thrill ride, so we passed by a fabulous washroom

And ended up over in Frontierland where we braved the wildest ride in the wilderness!!

I really do love that ride, I enjoy it the most out of all the coasters in MK, yet I find I go on it the least! I don’t really get along with Frontierland (Danielle mentioned that she remembered me freaking out over the birds, so that clearly happened today lol) and that BTMRR is just so FAR from everything else. Oh well, we enjoyed our ride today, and our path back into the Kingdom took us through a land of Adventure where we decided we wanted to explore a whlole NEW world.

Yup. We did THAT. It was cute, super hilarious that we got spat on a good like, 3 times during our flight! Bahah. Nice way to start the day. I’m pretty sure there was an attendant out in the area so we asked about Aladdin & Jasmine, but they weren’t due to be out yet, and we had breakfast so we couldn’t wait long enough to catch them.

Well…what does one do when there’s time to kill in a Disney park?! MEET ANOTHER CHARACTER OF COURSE. We checked on the Fairy Godmother, but there was some kind of HUGE kerfuffle going on there, seriously though. I had a friend who was supposed to be attending with her, but she got moved to load over at Grotto, and then got moved back, and the placement for FGM, Suzy & Perla, and the Tremaines was moving ALL over the place…..#headacheandahalf So we headed to see a lovely stinker instead…..



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