Ireland Trip Report 2015

Your private photographer did a fabulous job. The pictures are gorgeous.

I think I'm going to do the same thing in Beijing with my daughter. Such a good idea!
Dromoland is awesome! And that Shannon airport is easy! I really enjoyed Killarney. Dublin was actually the least awesome part.... I agree with you Cousin O.

Shannon is so close. I didn't realize just how close when Kate and I were remarking how much we would love to return. Specifically to Dromoland! We were pretty excited once we found out the international airport was just a few minutes away.

Ack! Of course I've already booked flights from Miami to Dublin and Dublin to Budapest using miles. However, I could very well change that if it's worth it so I am looking forward to reading more on your experiences. I am glad to hear you say that about Dromoland since we are planning for at least two nights at Dromoland Castle and maybe two in Ashford Castle as well. Oh boy, County Clare sounds like it did to you what Scotland did to me. Great trip report! Can't wait to read more. Have fun!!!

Every place in Ireland we visited was amazing in its own right including Dublin. It's a cool city. I loved learning about the history, especially the 20th century struggles. Dublin seems to have a heavy history that it's built on, but there's this young vibe that's trying to reinterpret or define in their own way what it means to Irish. Food for example. Dublin has it's standard pub food which is great. Then there's entrepraneurs like those at Boxty that take the same food but push the quality to a crazy good level. Then there's young chefs like at One Pico that are taking that known hearty Irish food twisting and reinterpreting it into something their own, but still uniquely Irish. There's a lot going on.

For me, visiting western Ireland after Dublin gave me a similar feeling when I visited Scotland. I loved Edinburgh, but then I visited the Isle of Skye.

I have to agree. Dublin was cool but I absolutely fell in love with the gorgeous County Clare. Dromoland Castle was one of the highlights of our trip, the other was the beautiful, fishing village of Kinsale. Loving your trip report. :)

Yep. Agreed!

Loved Dromoland, too! Cousin O's report is bringing back wonderful memories from Ireland. Killarney is extremely beautiful but we also loved Dublin (don't count it out!). We loved the Museum there and had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant called The Winding Stair. We are going to London before our Christmas River Cruise (we did London/Paris last Christmas and loved that season in London) but we also considered going back to Ireland. The country is beautiful, the people are amazing, and the food is surprisingly fabulous!

Absolutely! The ABD Christmas cruise down the Danube? If you, you'll love it. Those cities (especially Prague) were so pretty at Christmas.

Your private photographer did a fabulous job. The pictures are gorgeous.

I think I'm going to do the same thing in Beijing with my daughter. Such a good idea!

Thanks. We got so many good pictures. We're sorting through them deciding which to print out and frame. I have no doubt we'll do it again in some city. It's a bit pricey going through, but they were really great and well organized. They have a referral program, so if anyone wants me to send them your email, let me know in a pm. They give a $25 coupon to use.
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Day 4 - Killarney

This morning we headed out to Muckross House by way of horse and carriage. It was a beautiful ride through the countryside. Mockross House was built in the mid 19th century. Soon after, Queen Victoria scheduled a visit. Mockross House prepared for six years for the arrival of the Queen. So much money was poured into preparing for the visit that they were ultimately bankrupted and had to sell the house. Queen Victoria stayed for a grand total of one night. The visit would have given great favor to the family except that her husband, Albert, died soon after and the Queen fell into such a depression that the family was all but forgotten. The House was sold to the Guinness family and later to an American before being given to Ireland to establish the first national park. The house and grounds are beautiful. We took a private tour of the house, and then rode bicycles through the grounds. The bike path went up to a stream and the group hiked up a short trail to visit a very pleasant waterfall.

We really lucked out with the weather today. It was bright and sunny. Lunch was served at the cafeteria at Muckross, but the food was quite good and there was plenty to choose from. We had a bit of free time to wander the grounds and do some shopping. They have a pretty good shop at Muckross. Kate purchased a hat - like a hat Lady Mary would wear into the countryside in Downton Abbey. It caught on after a day or so and before you knew it, a lot of the women on our ABD had purchased similar hats along the way. On our last evening everyone brought their hats to the dinner and got a fun group photo!

In the afternoon, we had a few hours to wander about Killarney. The town itself (or at least the shopping area) is a bit touristy. But it was fun to walk around for an hour or so. We got some awesome Ice Cream at Murphy's. We both sampled a variety of their flavors - including Brown Bread. I finally settled on two - Salted Caramel and Brown Bread - delicious!

In the evening we got back together as a group and went to Kate Kearney's. This is kind of long established pub/restaurant that has lots of traditional music. A little touristy (the gift shop is well stocked with Ireland souvenir staples), but there were some locals there as well. And the food was pretty good considering the amount of people they had to feed at once and music were great! They had a brother and sister traditional Irish dance team that shared their craft, a bunch of our group got some time on the dance floor, and our Irish guide, Jackie, even sang a bit. We had an awesome time and it was one of the highlights of the trip!
Day 4 - Killarney






The view from Muckross House



Biked and walked out to a waterfall



On our way back from Muckross, we were treated to a surprise visit to Ross Castle. I think we were ahead of schedule. It was a lovely, lakeside castle. We stayed there maybe 20 minutes and just walked around it.


Walking through Killarney…


and eating tasty ice cream!


Here’s the Hotel in Killarney - beautiful inside


They have a cool fireplace right as you enter the foyer


We had another hour, so we googled how to play billiards. Not really anything like pool we play in America. It was hard! We had to add a few “house” rules like getting three tries in a row before giving up your turn. But we had a great time.



On our way to Kate Kearney’s


And now for a special surprise. Our wonderful guide, Jackie, got up to sing for us...

ahh Killarney, brings back lots of childhood memories. I visited there alot as a child as my grandparents lived in Kerry. The waterfall is called Torc Waterfall, we climbed that many times, been to Muckross House and Ross Castle

You are right about that who area being touristy, its a local joke that especially in the summer Americans out number the locals 2 to 1.
Muckross house is great. I also visited the house in CA owned by the last owners (the ones who bought Muckross as a wedding present for their daughter). It's called Filoli and it's equally loveely, though smaller.
Looks absolutely amazing!! I'm loving all of the photos. It sounds like a great trip. My brother and sister-in-law want to take a trip to Ireland. Maybe I can talk them into an ABD
I *LOVE* the video of Jackie singing!! What a gorgeous voice. That must have been really special!

Muckross house and the area just looks gorgeous.

But wait! Where's the photo of Kate's hat?? I really want to see Kate's hat!

Jackie's Danny Boy is fabulous! Oh and Cousin O, are you gonna do Germany next year? I thought I saw you were. We've got the same taste. I'm doing Germany before Spain.
ahh Killarney, brings back lots of childhood memories. I visited there alot as a child as my grandparents lived in Kerry. The waterfall is called Torc Waterfall, we climbed that many times, been to Muckross House and Ross Castle

You are right about that who area being touristy, its a local joke that especially in the summer Americans out number the locals 2 to 1.

I can imagine Killarney get's crowded in high season. I loved the hotel, and think it would be a good base from which to travel out from. I'd love to go back and drive the Ring of Kerry.

Muckross house is great. I also visited the house in CA owned by the last owners (the ones who bought Muckross as a wedding present for their daughter). It's called Filoli and it's equally loveely, though smaller.

Yes, quite the wedding present! Kind of makes me wonder what the back story of that family is.

Looks absolutely amazing!! I'm loving all of the photos. It sounds like a great trip. My brother and sister-in-law want to take a trip to Ireland. Maybe I can talk them into an ABD

I'd recommend it! Great country to visit. I'd love to go back someday.
I *LOVE* the video of Jackie singing!! What a gorgeous voice. That must have been really special!

Muckross house and the area just looks gorgeous.

But wait! Where's the photo of Kate's hat?? I really want to see Kate's hat!


That's funny. When I was writing about her hat, I figured I had a picture of it. I guess I forgot all about it when picking out which photos to post. Haha! I went back just now and apparently don't have any pictures of it from Day 4. I guess she didn't actually wear it that day. She definitely wore it a lot during Day 5.... coming up.

Jackie's Danny Boy is fabulous! Oh and Cousin O, are you gonna do Germany next year? I thought I saw you were. We've got the same taste. I'm doing Germany before Spain.

We (my ds and I) are doing Germany next year - July 29th. Are you're doing Germany and Spain back to back? I think we're going to spend several predays somewhere. Not sure yet. Maybe DL Paris (as my ds hasn't been there) or maybe a totally new country for us like Belgium or the Netherlands. I'm very curious to hear about Spain. I had considered doing Spain this September, but it was booked up or something. Anyway, then we chose Ireland. It worked out great, but I'm still very interested in doing Spain.
Yes, Germany and Spain back to back. No predays but a post in Barcelona. Got a nonstop to Germany and non stop to Madrid so everything should work out.

And that Muckross family was in Gold during the CA gold rush. Had one of the biggest mines. Hence the great wedding present.
Yes, Germany and Spain back to back. No predays but a post in Barcelona. Got a nonstop to Germany and non stop to Madrid so everything should work out.

And that Muckross family was in Gold during the CA gold rush. Had one of the biggest mines. Hence the great wedding present.

Interesting about the family. That should really be a great combo - the Germany and Spain trip. I hope to hear all about it!
Interesting about the family. That should really be a great combo - the Germany and
Spain trip. I hope to hear all about it!

Of course! I will be posting. I'm swamped at work right now, but the plan is to finish my Italy report and complete my Ireland report at Christmas break. Planning to live report Germany and Spain. I am doing the Germany trip the week or two before you (7-14). I will be in Spain then until August 1st.

Already planning all the flamenco dancing I will see.

And Murphy's was the best! Got the Irish coffee with real alcohol in it. Yummmm! It was great with chocolate.
To Kevin in post 43 & Post 45

Kerry lost to Dublin in the Football final today Sunday.

Question .... Did you notice the " Pamper Bucket " on the Horses .

( A few years ago a law was brought in that those horses had to have a " Means of collecting Poo " as the roads were being destroyed

and smelly from Droppings )

To others who might visit Killarney , who have a hired car , and visit Kate Kearney's Cottage you can drive on past K.K.Cottage & Drive through the famous " Gap of Dunloe " . It is one of my family trips that we do at least 4 times a year.
That's funny. When I was writing about her hat, I figured I had a picture of it. I guess I forgot all about it when picking out which photos to post. Haha! I went back just now and apparently don't have any pictures of it from Day 4. I guess she didn't actually wear it that day. She definitely wore it a lot during Day 5.... coming up.
:D I guess I'll have to wait!

Day 5 - Killarney to Dromoland Castle (in County Clare)

We headed east this morning towards Blarney Castle. As a true castle that is designed for defense, it’s tall and narrow and around 5-6 stories tall. Everyone got their photos in front of the castle and from there we were given the option to go up to the top of the castle to see and/or kiss the Blarney Stone or you can walk around the extensive gardens. They also have a ridiculously large souvenir shop. It’s seriously advertised as the largest Irish store in the world.

We chose to smooch the stone. You walk up a long spiral staircase. Note that it’s a little dark and the walls are narrow. Once you get to the top, you are in a line that makes its way to the stone. The line seemed to move fast. Many people don’t want to kiss the stone. They just pass right by to see it. For those that do want to kiss it, you lay down on this mat. There’s a gentleman there to guide your hands to two handlebars. With the gentleman’s help, you ease backwards toward the wall. There’s actually about a foot or two of space between the floor and the wall. So you have to slide out to the wall. Then bending over backwards you find the lowest part of the wall is a polished stone. That’s the one. Kiss it and they pull you back. It wasn’t too difficult, but if you have any issues with mobility or certainly leaning backwards, you may want to watch others do it first. Kate and I were laughing though, because it’s really quick. Before you know it, it’s over, and some of us were wondering if we kissed the right stone. Haha!

We drove up to the small town of Adare for lunch. it was a cute little town with a collection of pubs and small shops. There’s a few thatched roof houses lining the main street. It was a nice stop along the way.

On we went until we reached Dromoland Castle. It’s a beautiful manor set in idealic landscape with green fields, a nearby forrest and lake. It’s a gorgeous resort. When we arrived, many of the staff including the manager of Dromoland were lined up waiting for us in front of the entrance. It was a seen straight out of Downtown Abbey. We went into a lounge to be welcomed before heading over to reception to gather our keys to our room. Dinner was in a couple of hours at the Fig Tree restaurant. Kate and I had made other plans, so I let Kelley know we wouldn’t be joining them for dinner.

I forget who on this forum mentioned the idea of eating at the Earl of Thomond. Thanks! We emailed the concierge of Dromoland a couple of weeks before our trip to make reservations. Both tonight and tomorrow night had dinners with ABD, so it was a difficult choice which night to skip and go to the Earl of Thomond. We chose this night as tomorrow had an entertainment component and was away from Dromoland. We dressed up a bit for dinner and walked around the castle as our reservations were still half an hour or more. Dinner itself was wonderful. It was absolutely straight out of Downton Abbey. I’m pretty sure Mr. Carson was overseeing our service. The many servers, wine sommelier and manager were all so very nice and welcoming. They had a harpist playing. The food was excellent. They have tasting menus and a la carte menus. We kind of created our own tasting menu by splitting a few appetizers (asparagus, scallops, foie gras). For our mains, Kate had the duck; I had the lamb. For dessert we had the orange soufflé. It was awesome! After dinner we immediately transitioned next door to the lounge where they had more live music. Great meal. I’d highly recommend a dinner there, but unfortunately that does mean you have to sacrifice one of the ABD dinners.

I’ve alluded to this earlier, but Dromoland is absolutely incredible. It’s so beautiful. The people that work there are so hardworking and friendly. Sorry for the cheesy cliche again, but if you want to be magically transported into Downton Abbey, this is it. Certainly my favorite place we visited while in Ireland. There are a few places in the world where I’ve gone and ever since all I can think about is just how to get back… Dromoland is now on that list. This became even more solidified tomorrow.
Day 5 - Killarney to Dromoland Castle

Blarney Castle



At the top now looking down at the gardens


This crow sitting on top of Blarney Castle had a very Game of Thrones feeling


The line to kiss the stone






In the gardens around Blarney


In the town of Adare





Arriving at Dromoland Castle



And if Dromoland Castle wasn't cool enough... It won the Boutique Spa of the Year Award sponsored by Haagen-Dazs!


Kate and skipped the ABD dinner in favor of going to the Earl of Thomond restaurant. We had a few minutes to kill before our reservation time.












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