Inspired by Disney Doll do your initials...


<font color=navy>Loves Godiva<br><font color=green
May 15, 2001
Do your initials keep you from getting something monogrammed ? My DD's initials are SNM, I didn't even think about it when we named her. Mine initials are MLM I always drop the L and the I am MM. Before I got married I was a ME. MY DH is a BM. Anyone else?
hehehe. Yep, mine are KGB! Not much monogramming going on
with those!:)
Well, mine spell JEW and before I got married my Dad kept telling me I was going to be a Jew when I married (we are catholic). Well, my older brother thought he meant the religous Jew so he kept thinking that my future DH's family couldn't be Orthodox if they were letting him marry a Catholic!

Mine are AAK. Everytime I see them, I think of Bill the Cat.
I used to like being JT before I married, because I'm a huge James Taylor fan.

But alas, I gave it up for JTH. :)
Well my initials don't really cause any problems (OD ,appart from the obvious, who'd want to wear a necklace that says OD! :teeth: ).

Everyone has always called my Ona (just like my username, I wasn't very creative, I know. ;) ). When I went to Disneyquest in 2000 I made one of those Sid's create a toy dolls and again wasn't very creative and decided to call it my name spelled backwards.

When I went to buy my doll, the CM who served me was Brazilian (I think) and when I told him the name of my doll his face had the most bizzarre ezpression. He then told me that I couldn't buy my doll. Well I was most confused. :confused:

He then went to check with another CM who came over and confirmed no, I wouldn't be able to buy my doll. He then left and the original CM was now in a knot laughing away. By now I was sooooooooooooooo confused so I asked him what the problem was. He informed me that the name of my doll, Ano, apparently means something quite un-Disney in another language (I'll leave it to your imaginations). (Portugese? It was a while ago and my memory is fading. ;) )

I then explained to the CM that my name is Ona and how I wasn't feeling very creative that day. Well, now we were all laughing and ended up in complete hysterics. Other people in the line had been watching all this too and they were howling with laughter. Once everyone calmed down the CM said, alright he'd let me have my doll. I was so pleased and now my little doll means so much more to me. I get such a good laugh every time I look at it. :teeth:

Ona ;)
My cousin was BLT until she got married. I dodged a bullet when my parents were naming me......I was almost VD!!!
I used to be PAR - but was never into golf. ;) Now I'm PAM - which doesn't cause problems, but if I got something monogrammed with that, everyone will think my name really is Pam. And it isn't. ;)
My mother was SAG before she was married.
I'm MM (I got married to an M just to have my favorite initials) and my DH is PM, ds is IM
Originally posted by RoutemanDan
My wife was JAP before we married,now shes JAM.:teeth:
[color=0066ff]My best friend's initials were JAM before she got married and now they're JAG. There's nothing special about mine JCT.[/color]


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