In Search of My Body....Not the One I ATE! Vol. 5: Goddesses are Always on Top!

Um, you just described Mike sans the stretch pants :-)scared1: ) and lack of teeth :-)scared: ). He talks like that though. You have to remember, we were both born here not transplanted. We are the real deal unfortunately. The only stretch pants I own are running pants though...but my sister who lives in OKC wears them ALL THE TIME!!

The line is drawn across the state pretty much anything north of Portland is poor and just gets worse the farther North you go. With the mills having to rotate shut down weeks lately due to lack of production and orders, we are getting poorer all the time!!!
According to my nephew Billy Maise needs to use his indoor voice. I agree that the beard is not of nature.

Kat - Sounds like a great tourney for you and your team. How much detail is in scorekeeping? Cool that you got to bring another generation along! I loved playing pond hockey as a kid. I caution children everywhere that it should not be played with figure skates. That's all I'll say about that.

Amy - awesome 10k results! Have you used Biofreeze before?

It was a quiet weekend. My Valentine's gifts were perfect. A couple of oil drizzler bottles and a quick read meat thermometer. I love to cook, but it's only been the last couple of years that I've started taking it seriously. Nothing gourmet, just good food. DGF's gift was to rearrange the living room and add another mission style recliner - she's the decorator. Now to make the couch fit crossways ; )

I ordered a small freezer from Sears - compared to Lowe's and HD they had the best deal. Now I needed freezer recommendations. What do you keep on hand? I want to take advantage of Costco.

I did C25K day 1, week 3 yesterday. The runs go from 90 seconds in week 2 to three minutes. I did not die. In fact, I'm anxious to do it again tomorrow. This could become a new addiction. The trail/track was sloppy from rain last week and slippery and mushy in spots. I ran in the grass and between dodging the dog poo (why, oh why, do people not pick up after their pets? why) and the uneven terrain I felt mentally tired at the end. The next session is on a treadmill.

I bought a new Ultimate Directions water bottle. I have several and wanted the one with the hand strap. Note to self: read instructions before use. The new bite valve mystified me. I am embarrassed at how wet I got and how little I drank. DGF asked, did it have instructions? I said it's a bottle. What could it have said? TRANSLATION - Yes, I didn't read them.

Question to the seasoned runners... do you follow a program even when you're not training for a run? Do you run daily?

Off I go to stimulate the local economy.

Ronda, if I were following my normal plan (which I can't seem to find the time to do lately), I run every day except Wednesday and Saturday. When I first started, I ran every other day and that was great too. I think you have to do what feels good and right for you.

I am a very regimented, organized person and I NEED a plan in order to keep me going. It makes me feel more accountable even if it is only to myself. I have also discovered over these last 3 years that even though I have a training plan, I still need to be flexible and sometimes it is more about getting in my miles than time, days I run or anything else. Like this week. I just figured out that even though I missed my long run yesterday, if I run 5 miles Mon through Thurs, I will still get my total miles in just without the tempos and hills that I usually incorporate. See it's all good and it is all relative to what your goal is.

So to answer your question in the short version, yes I follow a plan race or no race and I don't run every day if I follow said plan.
Hummus and Guacamole recipes? Sure thing.
Thanks Roddy - I make fresh salsa all the time vut never made Guac or Hummus - on the grocery list - love them Both!
Sorry I don't give very precise amounts or directions. I don't measure stuff, I just throw it together and eat it. :lmao:
Sounds like my cooking - never the same twice!
Dawn - I DID get roses! I was so suprised.
That made me smile biggerthan you can ever know - I am so happy for you Lyz!
Liz is sick. She thinks it might be the flu! That's why she's not on. She'll try tomorrow.
Liz - hope you are better soon.

Hi everyone...

My JC weigh in is tomorrow night and I have no idea how that is going to go. It is what it is at this point and my new week starts tomorrow so all will be fine.

Hope you all have a great start to the week!!!!
Paula - I hope I can soon have the strength not to beat myself up when I have not been perfect - you are really showing us all how to love ourselves through it all.:hug:
[COLOR="NavyThanks for the good wishes for the concert. Yep. She's a goddess! :cheer2: I can't take credit for her talent....just for her quick wit and sarcastic tendancies (so proud :laughing: )
[COLOR="red"]I cannot sing one bit - In 6th grade church choir they asked me to play the bells which is a nice way of saying that God thinks you stink at singing also.:rotfl2:
I am glad you can enjoy her talent. :worship: [/COLOR]

Dawn- IRS man with peeps in his pocket :laughing:
Can you just see them in a pocket protector?:lmao:


Morning everyone! :goodvibes

I came down with the flu yesterday and spent the day either in the bathroom or on the couch. By about 3 p.m. I finally started getting a little energy back. I was able to get up and make dinner for my family and then went straight to bed. Today, a little tired and being careful what I eat but I am upright and working (which they are grateful for). So happy Presidents Day everyone, I hope someone else is working too!!
Feel better Lisa. :wizard:
Dawn, nice score on the appliances!!! I would be :woohoo: :woohoo: if I could find a deal like that. The thrift stores around here take books and clothes. Not much else. I donate to them, I hope that counts!! I buy most of my clothes either from Athleta or TJ Maxx. Aside from the Michael Kors stuff, most of it is organic natural fibers.
This place I found is awesome. They have a connection with Sams/Walmart and Target that gets them the furniture lines they carry. If someone returns a piece - they cannot re-sell it - or if a it's overstock. We have got a black student sesk, black round table and black bookshelf all for less than the cost of just one of them. It is all going into the basement for the rec room so teen friendly and just fine.

Love TJ Maxx - we do not have Athleta though?

Valentines day, Mike does not subscribe to all that. Mother's day either. Easter he only does because there is chocolate involved. LOL. We went out with my SIL and BIL to the local Mexican restaurant and heard about what they got each other for valentines day. I am a romantic soft squishy at heart so for the first 5 years with Mike this really bothered me. Now, not so much. Shelby got chocolate and a little stuffed bee that said "bee mine" from her boyfriend. :lovestruc
Yeah for Shelby! I am the romantic as well and so is Dan so for me - this is all new. The getting not just giving. He never had the getting before either so he really appreciates the time and thought in his gifts or cards. It makes it nice to give when it is appreciated.

Um, you just described Mike sans the stretch pants :-)scared1: ) and lack of teeth :-)scared: ). He talks like that though. You have to remember, we were both born here not transplanted. We are the real deal unfortunately. The only stretch pants I own are running pants though...but my sister who lives in OKC wears them ALL THE TIME!!
Never noticed any accent in your voice Lisa when we talked - am trying to picture how those words sound form Mike!:confused3
The line is drawn across the state pretty much anything north of Portland is poor and just gets worse the farther North you go. With the mills having to rotate shut down weeks lately due to lack of production and orders, we are getting poorer all the time!!!

Sad about the loss of steady work.

I have to ask -
E - and Lisa - what does "Stove Up" mean?
Hi gang,

It has been a rough morning so far. Had a dentist appointment to begin the process of fixing a broken tooth so my mouth is numb and now the pain is starting to come in. Not happy... :confused3

I am working today (LisaPR - you are not the only one) and nothing has gone right on any of the projects so far. People haven't shown up, materials aren't here, etc. We have limited times when the building is empty of people to get things done and today is one of them. I am hoping that all with smooth itself out soon and the rest of the day will go well.

Hope those battling the flu are feeling better and those of you who are not, keep washing those hands so that you don't get it.

I'll check in later,
Thanks for all the support on the gym, i was there by 6AM this morning :scared: and it was great, so it looks like i'm enjoying the dark side.

:woohoo: yes. We snagged another one :laughing:

Back on the eating wagon today. I've tracked everything this weekend, but all told, it was pretty ugly. Bruce picked out dinner on Valentine's and he wanted strip steak, buttery cheesy garlic parmesean mashed potatos and ice cream sundaes.... i indulged more than i should have..... oh well, on to another day right? All tracked and movin on, planned out my meals for today and tomorrow so i'm not tempted to be bad.

Exactly, Stacey. Movin' on. Ya know, we can't be perfect all the time. We need to be able to enjoy life responsibly. :goodvibes I'm glad your Valentines dinner was wonderful - but even happier to see that you were able to indulge, then get back on track rather than derail. Good for you :thumbsup2

And Nancy, no need to smack me! It was a PT-approved run. :rotfl2:

Are you sure? 'Cause I'd be willing to smack you anyway :laughing: just for practice?

Glad to hear it went well. Be nice to it today. :upsidedow

And here's the thing. The state is pretty evenly split. Lots of outdoorsy types like me and Lisa. The other half of the state is made up of people wearing stretch pants (that shouldn't be, if you know what I mean) and with bad/no teeth, who say things like "I ain't go not erl [oil] for my truck which is a right mess and all stove up, ayuh. I tried to pahk it down the dump, but they wouldn't take 'er so I 'ad to call the wife to get the cah and drive on down dump to git me. It don't matter none, though, we are goin' up camp and I got me another truck up there that ain't much stove up."


The line is drawn across the state pretty much anything north of Portland is poor and just gets worse the farther North you go. With the mills having to rotate shut down weeks lately due to lack of production and orders, we are getting poorer all the time!!!

Very sad, indeed :sad1:

According to my nephew Billy Maise needs to use his indoor voice.

:lmao: so true!

I did C25K day 1, week 3 yesterday. The runs go from 90 seconds in week 2 to three minutes. I did not die. In fact, I'm anxious to do it again tomorrow. This could become a new addiction.

:yay: Look Erika. Another one took the bait. Now we just gotta reel her in! :fish:

I bought a new Ultimate Directions water bottle. I have several and wanted the one with the hand strap. Note to self: read instructions before use. The new bite valve mystified me. I am embarrassed at how wet I got and how little I drank. DGF asked, did it have instructions? I said it's a bottle. What could it have said? TRANSLATION - Yes, I didn't read them.


Question to the seasoned runners... do you follow a program even when you're not training for a run? Do you run daily?

I'm easily bored. If I'm not currently training for a specific event, I tend to do a lot of different things. So, no, I don't follow a plan or run every day if I'm not in training. Today I did strength work and cycled. Tomorrow, I will run (TM) depending on how I feel anywhere from 3-6 miles.
Dawn, stove up is banged up, crashed. It can pertain to lots of things. Mike will come in with his hand all wrapped up and told me he stove it all to...well you get the picture. He will also come in from working on his truck cussing and saying he needed to go find a new part because it wouldn't go on right and he hit it with a hammer and stove it all up. On the flip side of that, he will come home after a snowstorm and tell me that there were a lot of accidents and one car was stove all to pieces. :lmao: :lmao: We call it being colorful up here with all the funny descriptives that we all use.

I do have an accent though not nearly what Mike's is. I lived away for awhile with my first husband who was in the military. I learned really quickly that not having my accent was better and I also learned to drop lots of words from my vocabulary or reuse them like cellar (we use that for the basement), cupboards (cabinets) and dooryard (driveway). I never used Ayuh and neither does Mike. I also despite the word ain't and we charge Mike .25 everytime he uses it! He gets .25 for every F-bomb also which is a very common word in his circle of friends kind of like "like" is to Shelby.

Life is different up here, I bet Steph will back me up on that!!
It has been a rough morning so far. Had a dentist appointment to begin the process of fixing a broken tooth so my mouth is numb and now the pain is starting to come in. Not happy... :confused3

Oh God. I hate that. Always afraid I'm going to start drooling :scared:

I am working today (LisaPR - you are not the only one) and nothing has gone right on any of the projects so far.

Hope your day gets better from here, Paula!!:hug:
Hope your day gets better from here, Paula!!:hug:

Nancy - It is getting better, but still not great yet. I just don't want to be here is all. I think I need to take a mental health day soon and go get a massage or a facial or something. I'll have to think about that one and plan a day just for me. We'll see though.

Hope everyone is enjoying their day off.
And here's the thing. The state is pretty evenly split. Lots of outdoorsy types like me and Lisa. The other half of the state is made up of people wearing stretch pants (that shouldn't be, if you know what I mean) and with bad/no teeth, who say things like "I ain't go not erl [oil] for my truck which is a right mess and all stove up, ayuh. I tried to pahk it down the dump, but they wouldn't take 'er so I 'ad to call the wife to get the cah and drive on down dump to git me. It don't matter none, though, we are goin' up camp and I got me another truck up there that ain't much stove up."


According to my nephew Billy Maise needs to use his indoor voice. I agree that the beard is not of nature.

Hmmm, maybe he draws it on with a sharpie and removes it with KaBoom!

TRANSLATION - Yes, I didn't read them.


I am working today (LisaPR - you are not the only one)

I am working today. I like it though. No banks or mail. Relaxed. Children are here though.

dooryard (driveway)

That makes no sense at all!:laughing:
Dooryard...the yard outside your door...aka the driveway usually. Up here, we pahk our cah in the dooryahd...

No one said we made sense...:upsidedow
Learn the love of your reflection in the mirror and of who you are today.

This was my favorite one. :lovestruc

Lyz, I haven't had Chipotle yet. I'm on the fence. It seems like fat, fat, fat to me. Like I need another fat, fat, fat place.

I ask myself "do I really NEED a 1000 calorie burrito?" Does anyone?

Paula - buy yourself a cheap portable DVD player. Then you can bring along any exercise DVDs with you when you travel. Really, really helps.

Great idea. ;)

Well, it was a good weekend here. Hubby was out of town for a baptism, so my daughter and I hung out, ate well, cleaned the house, and did some girl stuff -- shopping anyone?

When Jim got back on Sunday, we had a belated V day at home. Homemade mac and cheese (using whole wheat noodles and cottage cheese mixed with cheddar) - it was good! Green salad. And low(er) fat brownies with light vanilla ice cream and strawberries. Super yum!! :cutie: And we had strawberries left over, so I had some with my breakfast this morning - forgot how much I like them!!!

I'm planning to do my shred dvd again tonight -- still trying to make it through the overhead lifting without stopping. Now it's not just a quest -- that Jillian is really ticking me off with this thing! I am determined and I WILL do it all the way through....someday.

Have a great afternoon, guys!
I'm planning to do my shred dvd again tonight -- still trying to make it through the overhead lifting without stopping. Now it's not just a quest -- that Jillian is really ticking me off with this thing! I am determined and I WILL do it all the way through....someday.

Have a great afternoon, guys!

LisaZ - I am loving your attitude. Sometimes it takes sheer will and determination to push yourself to do something you didn't think you could do.

You can do it....
I think I need to take a mental health day soon and go get a massage or a facial or something. I'll have to think about that one and plan a day just for me.

Sounds delightful. :goodvibes I think you should go for it. Even if it's not a whole day. A nice little treat for yourself, ya know?

Dooryard...the yard outside your door...aka the driveway usually. Up here, we pahk our cah in the dooryahd...

No one said we made sense...:upsidedow

:rotfl2: touche!

I ask myself "do I really NEED a 1000 calorie burrito?" Does anyone?

nope, not really :laughing: We don't have Chipotle's around here - not that I know of anyway. :confused3
Morning everyone! :goodvibes

I came down with the flu yesterday and spent the day either in the bathroom or on the couch. By about 3 p.m. I finally started getting a little energy back. I was able to get up and make dinner for my family and then went straight to bed. Today, a little tired and being careful what I eat but I am upright and working (which they are grateful for). So happy Presidents Day everyone, I hope someone else is working too!!
Kat, loved the hockey game details! It sounds like you all held your own. David lost his front tooth on Thursday and I told him NOW he looks like a hockey player in all his gear. Too funny. I will have to post a pic. Great job!!
Valentines day, Mike does not subscribe to all that. Mother's day either.

Glad you are feeling better!

I'm working too! No P-Day off here.

Actually they changed up our vacation/holiday policy. Basically, sick time and all holidays except t-giving, xmas, july 4, mem day, labor day were taken away and we were given 10 more days of PTO in addition to the 2 weeks vacation (which also turned into PTO). Since sick days around here = work-at-home days, I am not really worried about the sick time, and I am quite happy about not getting random holidays off and getting to take the time when I want to!

We don't have to worry about missing teeth... I wear a mouthguard and a full-face plastic shield. We are required to wear at least a cage.

No V-day here either. Considering with my hockey and his work, we basically saw each other for 10 min or so that day, probably a good thing! :laughing:

Guac--my recipe is exactly the same as Roddy's and I don't measure either. Just throw it all in there. Kat, this means you would not like my guac since it has tomoatoes in it (from the salsa).

Depends on how many tomatoes... I can handle them in moderation, and I love guac enough to pick them out, anyhow!

Kat - Sounds like a great tourney for you and your team. How much detail is in scorekeeping? Cool that you got to bring another generation along! I loved playing pond hockey as a kid. I caution children everywhere that it should not be played with figure skates. That's all I'll say about that.

It was a quiet weekend. My Valentine's gifts were perfect. A couple of oil drizzler bottles and a quick read meat thermometer. I love to cook, but it's only been the last couple of years that I've started taking it seriously. Nothing gourmet, just good food. DGF's gift was to rearrange the living room and add another mission style recliner - she's the decorator. Now to make the couch fit crossways ; )

I ordered a small freezer from Sears - compared to Lowe's and HD they had the best deal. Now I needed freezer recommendations. What do you keep on hand? I want to take advantage of Costco.

I did C25K day 1, week 3 yesterday. The runs go from 90 seconds in week 2 to three minutes. I did not die. In fact, I'm anxious to do it again tomorrow. This could become a new addiction. The trail/track was sloppy from rain last week and slippery and mushy in spots. I ran in the grass and between dodging the dog poo (why, oh why, do people not pick up after their pets? why) and the uneven terrain I felt mentally tired at the end. The next session is on a treadmill.

I bought a new Ultimate Directions water bottle. I have several and wanted the one with the hand strap. Note to self: read instructions before use. The new bite valve mystified me. I am embarrassed at how wet I got and how little I drank. DGF asked, did it have instructions? I said it's a bottle. What could it have said? TRANSLATION - Yes, I didn't read them.

Question to the seasoned runners... do you follow a program even when you're not training for a run? Do you run daily?

Off I go to stimulate the local economy.


Yes, there actually is some detail in scorekeeping. Some of the teams in the tournament care a lot about the official scoresheet, as they are trying to go to Districts in the adult women's category. So for everything that happens (goal, penalty, etc) you have to change it on the scoreboard and make sure to write the details down on the scoresheet. You do generally get pretty good direction on that from the ref, as they keep track of the # of the scorer and any assists, and of course of the penalty. One good thing is that we play 3 20-min runtime periods, so you don't have to worry about stopping the clock except for an injury or the last 2 min of the game (and only if it is a less than 2 goal differential).

I like to cook, too... what are these oil drizzle bottles of which you speak??

Glad that you are jumping in. I need more math/computer types around here!! :laughing:


Thanks for all the support on the gym, i was there by 6AM this morning :scared: and it was great, so it looks like i'm enjoying the dark side.


Kat - you go girl, i can't even imagine how tired you must be from this weekend!

Wow, that is a darker side that I can get to!! 6AM!!!

Glad to see that you are enjoying it, though!

I do have an accent though not nearly what Mike's is. I lived away for awhile with my first husband who was in the military. I learned really quickly that not having my accent was better and I also learned to drop lots of words from my vocabulary or reuse them like cellar (we use that for the basement), cupboards (cabinets) and dooryard (driveway). I never used Ayuh and neither does Mike. I also despite the word ain't and we charge Mike .25 everytime he uses it! He gets .25 for every F-bomb also which is a very common word in his circle of friends kind of like "like" is to Shelby.

Life is different up here, I bet Steph will back me up on that!!

Heh! Go about an hour east of here, and you get the same kind of local idiom. Just ask Roddy, he can probably come up with more phrases than I can!

My favorite that my in-laws and extended family do, is call all police officers "the law."

Paula, hope you are feeling better emotionally, and Liz, better physically. :hug:

Okay, I need to get back to it. Just wanted to say, though, (if I haven't already), that I weighed yesterday and the 2 weeks I have been on this no-sugar, low-carb no-alcohol thing have taken off 8.4 lbs (4.3% of body weight). So, yay!
Paula, hope you are feeling better emotionally, and Liz, better physically. :hug:

Kat - thanks for asking. I am getting better with this whole thing. Still not quite past the angry stage, but it is definitely getting better.

Okay, I need to get back to it. Just wanted to say, though, (if I haven't already), that I weighed yesterday and the 2 weeks I have been on this no-sugar, low-carb no-alcohol thing have taken off 8.4 lbs (4.3% of body weight). So, yay!

WHOO HOO!!!! Look at our Kat go. 8.4 pounds and 4.3% of your body weight. Who is rockin it now?

Go Kat :cool1: Go Kat :banana: Go Kat :cheer2:
Hey Everyone!!

Just catching up. Thanks so much for the picture compliments! I should post a before and in progress pic. I have some from about a year ago that would work. I very much enjoyed my beer ALL saturday afternoon, but sadly I totally crashed at like 9 pm. How lame is that?

We finally made it back to the strawberry farm/veggie place yesterday and I loaded up on veggies.

I went back on the no alcohol wagon yesterday, and ate ok. Not stellar, but okay. I am tracking today and have done C25K already. My new shoes should be here tomorrow, which is a good thing because I had some pain while I was on the TM.

Ronda, I had never used biofreeze before, but I had several samples and have heard people rave about it over on the Events board. They have it on course during the half and full marathon at disney.

Liz, Hope you feel better soon!

LisaPR, hope you are still feeling better! :goodvibes

Kat, Are you feeling at all recovered from your weekend? Yay for the weight loss too!

Erika, Glad you got a run in!

LisaZ, I am getting back to the shred DVD this week! You will get through it!!:goodvibes

Paula, Hope your day is getting better!

Hi and :hug: to everyone!
Ok, so if you want to hear the Maine accent, here it is.

This is about 20 years old, but this comedian is still doing stand-up in Maine and has it down.

And Lisa--Jeff is native as well. His parents are transplants and I am from away. He doesn't have the accent, though his parents do. But he says "stove up" and other colorful words. If the truck is really full, it is "right freighted." (So I wasn't slamming you or Mike. :goodvibes ) And as for Maine-isms, YES! It took me forevah to get used to cellah (celler) and doahyahd (dooryard) and I am still not used to leaving words out of sentences. If you are looking for something, it is never "Oh, that's down in the basement." It is..."Oh, it's down cellah." How much does that cost? "Foah dollah" (no plural).

But it is no joke. I am so worried about the economy in this state. Many parts of the state were hurting before the economy went south. I don't know what is going to happen now.

Anyway, here is some Maine humor:


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