In Search of my Body...Not The One I Ate.. #4 "Inspiring Others... 1 Tiara at a Time"

Hi Gang...

Ugh - I have had a craptastic day today and just want to crawl into a hole. Nothing major going on, but the effects of the economy have finally hit me personally and I am not liking it at all. I know there are others out there who have it far worse than I do so I have much to be grateful for, but I really would love it if this gloom and doom would just go away.

Anyways, you all have been a chatty bunch so that is a bright spot.

Ronda - welcome!!!! Hope you like it here and wait until the runners learn about your race. You wanted support, you may be running away from all of the support you'll get.

Amy - thanks for all of the pics from the fair. The thought of all of that fried food actually made my stomach flip and not in a good way.

Liz - you are just too funny today

Nancy - don't work too hard

Kat - look at you getting up early to work out. Would you like to borrow my flashlight?

Stacey - So not worthy of complaining about being tired compared to you. Juggling work and grad school... :worship:

Sarah - It is time to dirty those new running shoes. C'mon - you know you want to.

Lyz - Hope your day went well and you got lots done at work. I can almost see the top of my desk again. I should be there by tomorrow.

Kelly - so, what did you end up having for dinner?

Amiee - how's the car? Still being worked on? :rotfl2:

LisaV / Lisa Z / Lisa PR - what are you all up to - besides watching snow melt...

Steph - it is not that cold in the north country... do I need to send a search team out for you?

Erika - curious to hear how you made out at the orthopedist. Hope all is well.

I hope I caught everyone. My apologies if I didn't, but my mind is officially mush at this point. I am off to grab some dinner and get a good work out in.

Talk to you all later,

I know what you mean about the doom and gloom... I am tired of it... I will dirty my shoes probably next week!

Pink in Kat's girly girl shoes. I'm saying she really likes it. She's denying.

What is everyone having for supper?

I'm having 2 low carb low cal wheat wraps with turkey and a Thai Kitchen Noodle Soup pack thingie. (390 calories total for soup and wraps) I have the Bangkok Curry, Garlic and Vegetable, and Thai Ginger. Not sure which one to have.

I am taking tonight off from exercise... I will still get my "at least 4 days" in tomorrow. My lower back is aching and I don't want to risk further injury so I am going to go home and probably stick a heating pad on it and see if it loosens up.
My oh my! Busy day here! :eek:

Kelly - glad the WW meeting is helping you to feel back on track! :thumbsup2

Listen. My mom's worried about her chemo, so if you have a second, an extra prayer there.

And. My 38 year old fit, healthy, friend is having double bypass tomorrow.

Absolutely. Extra prayers for ALL of you :hug:

AMY- those fair pictures :crazy2: Hog on a Log? :confused3 Good job on your personal choices :goodvibes

I am with Dan on an out of town extended weekend.

Anywhere exciting? :confused3

I wouldn't worry about being under by a few points.

#1 Name/Family
Me, Ronda, 45
DGF, Sue, 42
Stretch the dachshund, Murray the mutt, Renny the cat in charge, Flick the cat whose only desire is to be with Renny

Hi Ronda! :wave2:

Total Points - 41 points and I will own all of them

ummm. Yeah, like I said. Don't worry too much about being under :laughing:

Eh - at least you tracked them, right? Live and learn. :goodvibes

You guys don't know from pork roll, though, so we're even. :lmao:

What's this "pork roll" of which you speak? :confused3

Nancy - hmmm, what goodness are you making today?

Really want to know? Apple pie, Pecan Pie, Carrot Cakes (cream cheese frosting) more of that Velvet Elvis Cake (choc cake, banana cake, peanutbutter cream cheese frosting, choc. buttercream frosting, crushed peanuts.) Sugar cookies.

The goats. So cute. Every time the Arbys goat commercial comes on, I think of you. It's funny. "She's Hot"

?? :confused3 We don't have Arby's around here - no commercial. I'll have to see if I can find it. YouTube maybe?

I drempt about dental floss, getting stuck in the little tube between my mouth and my nose and I had to pull it out thru my nose. Weird.

:lmao: That is SO strange.

kat- :yay: Yay on the workout this morning. Good luck with the tourney!

Paula - Jesse's Posse? :rotfl2: I think I missed it - is tonight your session?

Erika - easy on the pills, sweetie. As needed. :rotfl:
Hi Gang...

Ugh - I have had a craptastic day today and just want to crawl into a hole. Nothing major going on, but the effects of the economy have finally hit me personally and I am not liking it at all. I know there are others out there who have it far worse than I do so I have much to be grateful for, but I really would love it if this gloom and doom would just go away.


Kat - look at you getting up early to work out. Would you like to borrow my flashlight?


So sorry about your day. :hug: I completely understand about it hitting you personally, and it is a rough blow to get over. It took me at least a few weeks.

Pink in Kat's girly girl shoes. I'm saying she really likes it. She's denying.

What is everyone having for supper?


Not sure yet. Maybe mashed cauliflower and some sort of protein source (salmon, beef liver, pork, not sure)? Maybe shirataki noodle stir fry?

I'm having 2 low carb low cal wheat wraps with turkey and a Thai Kitchen Noodle Soup pack thingie. (390 calories total for soup and wraps) I have the Bangkok Curry, Garlic and Vegetable, and Thai Ginger. Not sure which one to have.

Thai Ginger is my FAVORITE! I like to stir fry some veggies and maybe meat or shrimp in cooking spray... zucchini, onions, etc, then add the microwaved/boiled noodles, some water, and the spice packet. Yumm!!

Pork chops. From you-know-where :laughing: And applesauce. From, well, where you'd expect (since I work at an apple orchard and all). Veggies - salad most likely, since that is a staple around here. Bread. yum.

God, I love food :love:
HI! I'm here! And on the, now anyway. Haven't been here much all day, though. Before you all yell at me (again!) day started at the orthopedist and I will give you all of the details about that later tonight after I get the kids in bed, etc. Then I went to PT, details to come on that as well. Then I hung out on my mom's couch instead of mine. Since my dad and I are BOTH laid up, I decided to log some quality time with him. Then, kids came home and it has been the daily grind ever since.

It may be a little late, but dinner tonight: Shrimp in a white wine and mustard sauce with long grain wild brown rice and brussel sprouts. I swear, this meal takes all of 15 minutes to make. I don't usually eat the rice, but everyone else does.

Liz--check and check on the prayer list.

Paula--sorry for the crap day. Punch it out at the gym, k? Leave it all on the gym floor.

Those shoes look exactly like mine, but mine are pink where those are blue. I have broken them in some now and I LOVE them. SOO much better than the crap I was wearing before.

Funny, I NEVER get up and work out before work, but I feel all energized and pumped up. Maybe I should start trying this more often? If I actually do go to a morning workout, I really have crossed over to the dark side with the rest of y'all....

Do I need to say it? I will anyway. Told you so. On BOTH accounts! :lmao: :rotfl2: I LOVE getting my workout done first thing. Awesome job, K!

Is this the place to put this, or does someone edit the post at the top?

#1 Name/Family
Me, Ronda, 45
DGF, Sue, 42
Stretch the dachshund, Murray the mutt, Renny the cat in charge, Flick the cat whose only desire is to be with Renny

WELCOME, welcome, welcome! Ok, seriously, I like you already. I mean, you named your dachsund Stretch. Love it. Lyz has one, too. Named Marvin.

So, I will pretend to be Lyz for a moment...Where are you from? What do you do? What does Sue do? How long have you been together? How long have you been a Disney fan? Do you have a trip coming up soon? Ok, that should take care of it...for now. ;) You'll find that we like the details and the dirt.

Hi Ronda!
We have some runners here -they will be along to say hi shortly.

Man, I am punchy today. Maybe Erika slipped me some drugs.

Here I am! One of the runners checking in. There are several of us here who are fiends. Me, Amy, LisaPR, Nancy seem to the one who regularly drink the kool-aid! A lot of us started by doing C25K and now are all at the half marathon and marathon distance. I have my first triathlon in 3 weeks and 2 days.

And Liz...while I love you dearly and we share a brain, um no...I don't share my drugs. Did I mention? Me likey the vic-y! (I SO knew that Lyz was gonna love that!)

Ok, more posts to come.

Is this the place to put this, or does someone edit the post at the top?

#1 Name/Family
Me, Ronda, 45
DGF, Sue, 42
Stretch the dachshund, Murray the mutt, Renny the cat in charge, Flick the cat whose only desire is to be with Renny

#2 What you are the Most Proud of for the Year 2008 in terms of weight loss/excersize/healthy choices
We eat at home. It’s not always the lowest in fat, but we make it and it’s good and so much cheaper than eating out. Almost anything is okay in moderation. I lost about 20 pounds in 2008. Walking in the neighborhood is always part of our day. I started riding my bike to work.

#3 What your goals are for 2009 in terms of healthy living
Looking for a big goal, we decided to participate in a local 6.4K at the end of April. That got me looking at how to start a running program, which lead me back to the WISH boards, which mentioned C25K, which got me some podcasts and made me want new shoes and run the Disney half marathon. I don’t know why she swallowed the fly…

#4 What is needed from us to help you achieve those goals
Encouragement, advice and recipes. I am new to running in particular.

#5 A famous person you would love to have the body of...because each of us has a different body style and the realities that go along with it...
I’ll have to look at some.

#6 A good food choice that you turn to to help ward off the munchies...
Sugar free jello – let it warm up a bit and the flavor gets bigger.

#7 Why are you here/joining us...what do you hope to gain...or what have you gained....(not weight if that's the case! )
This thread is ALWAYS at the top! It seems to be an active community of support.

Welcome Ronda!!!! :flower3: Forties are gaining on this thread. We'll soon have Erika in our grasp. :lmao:

Ronda is Sue losing too? Is she a jock?

A big welcome to you.

Made for a restless night. I drempt about dental floss, getting stuck in the little tube between my mouth and my nose and I had to pull it out thru my nose. Weird.

:lmao: :rotfl: :lmao: Wow, that's a goody. I love dreams.
Dawn--sit down. Relax. Breathe. Inhale.....exhale....Inhale....ok. Good? :goodvibes

You do not have an allergy to gluten. You would KNOW it by now if you did. Granted, these past few weeks you have been doing GREAT and eating SO MUCH better (go ahead and pat yourself on the deserve it!). But gluten and refined flour are in EVERYTHING that you eat. Since you post your food, we know this. ;) And you eat a lot of bread and bread products. All gluten, baby. And refined flour.

If you had an upset stomach the other night, it was just upset stomach. Just something that didn't agree with you. It does not mean that you have a gluten allergy or a sensitivity to flour. You have also been eating a lot of fiber (which is GREAT :cool1: ), but just ask Liz and can create havoc with your tum.

Just because you had some stomach issues, do not rush to the assumption that you have a major illness. Sometimes, we just have reactions to something...and it is nothing more than that.

Now, say a quick prayer of gratitude that you do not have cancer and are not having chemo treatments, that you do not have heart disease and are not having a major bypass surgery this week, that you are not in kidney failure and not on dialysis multiple times a week. Many of us right here on this thread have friends and family dealing with these and other serious issues. They live it day in and day out.

An erratic heart beat doesn't mean heart problems and disease. UTIs and hemenuria does not mean kidney cancer. And and upset stomach one night does not mean a gluten allergy. I find that keeping Liz's mom and Lyz's sister and others in the forefront of my mind helps me keep everything in perspective.

Am I pissed that I can't run and train right now? Sure. Am I in a lot of pain and discomfort right now? Absolutely. But I just think to myself..."No matter how much this sucks, it beats the hell out of chemo." Words to live by, don't you think? :goodvibes
Amy - any news on the interview at all? I'm worried that I missed something.

Liz - Sylvia and your friend are in my thoughts. I'm sorry that your mom is feeling that way about her treatment. I'm sorry. Prayers Liz.

Paula - Since he likes being loved he'll share his pic, right? But you see I still have Workout Jesse in my head and you say they look nothing alike.

Also, Paula your feelings are your feelings about changes at work. I know that you are sensitive to other's situations and are grateful to have your job. But feelings are feelings. Valid. Reactions to changes are valid.

I had quite the morning. Long story short I was running out of meds for my cramps so I played some roulette with them and failed miserably. I forgot what my period was without them. I was about to faint. But it was one of those moments where bathroom, throw up and fainting were in a fighting match and I didn't know who would win. :lmao: Okay, TMI folks. Some winners and some losers. :laughing:

But it's funny in a way cause I thought oh Lord I'm going down. And I'm going down on slate or concrete and you know who will find me:rotfl: :lmao: :rotfl: Some real estate agent showing my place!!!!!:rotfl: :lmao:

I didn't pass out but was oh so close. I was making deals with God. Please don't let some boy agent find me here on my bathroom floor. Please. :rotfl: Like God cares about these little things. Smiling.
Can you imagine the trauma of all that? Boys, bathrooms and semi nude. Life is so funny.

It's like that Sex and the City episode where Carrie sends Aiden to a nude Miranda on the bathroom floor. Priceless.

Then being the ungrateful sh!t that I am. I'm able to get myself to the bed and I'll I can tnink about is funk man - I can't do my intervals in my gym at hone here. See how ungrateful I am - I'm pleading no semi nude unconscious visits please and then I get my wish and I'm complaining about not being able to go upstairs to work out. Boy oh boy.
My oh my! Busy day here! :eek:
Paula - Jesse's Posse? :rotfl2: I think I missed it - is tonight your session?

Yup - tonight is the night. Need to work out some crap from work so it is good timing.

So sorry about your day. :hug: I completely understand about it hitting you personally, and it is a rough blow to get over. It took me at least a few weeks.
Thanks Kat. I am trying to move on and see the bright side of things, but I think I just need to wallow for a little while and then I'll be fine.

365 days until Vancouver 2010!!!! Ummm, just sayin'

I noticed that. Can't wait...

HI! I'm here! And on the, now anyway. Haven't been here much all day, though. Before you all yell at me (again!) day started at the orthopedist and I will give you all of the details about that later tonight after I get the kids in bed, etc. Then I went to PT, details to come on that as well. Then I hung out on my mom's couch instead of mine. Since my dad and I are BOTH laid up, I decided to log some quality time with him. Then, kids came home and it has been the daily grind ever since.

It may be a little late, but dinner tonight: Shrimp in a white wine and mustard sauce with long grain wild brown rice and brussel sprouts. I swear, this meal takes all of 15 minutes to make. I don't usually eat the rice, but everyone else does.

Liz--check and check on the prayer list.

Paula--sorry for the crap day. Punch it out at the gym, k? Leave it all on the gym floor.

Erika - feel better and do what they tell you. I so want the recipie for what you are cooking tonight since it sounds yummy (even the brussel sprouts).

I'll punch through this crap feeling tonight. I have to so that I can keep moving on.

On the plus side, I stopped at the mall on the way home and found a woman's sized work out top at TJMaxx. I have been wearing men's shirts since it is next to impossible to find cheap workout tops in my size for women. So if nothing else, I'll at least I'll look cute at the gym tonight.

Off to eat and then sweat. Talk to you all later,
Oh Paula, wallow as much as you want. I know, I was so there. It just gets you down. Liz offered to come by with sweatpants and chocolate and I will pass that offer along from me to you. I really, really feel for you. :hug:

I totally forgot to mention the flashlight!!! It made me :lmao: !!

Erika, glad that you had a good day of PT and they have cleared you hopefully for the tri. Hope that it continues to get better and that you are back on your feet soon. I LOVED your post btw!! So true. We forget sometimes to remember that our problems are often so trivial in comparison, and that we are fortunate. :goodvibes

I know I for one am fortunate not to live in that town I hear about in MN where there seem to be death threats and robberies every other week! ;)
Hi girls & guy! I am home early because we had a kick off meeting this morning, woo hoo.

Off to catch up!

:welcome: Ronda! I am one of the other running addicts! I am a C25K graduate and am currently following that program again. I've gone from doing nothing to running 1/2 marathons in a year! Let us know if you have any questions!

Erika: Glad you rested and that you are getting PT started! :goodvibes And WORD on your post. So true.

Lisa: No news yet on the job. I expect it to be at least a week, if not longer.

Paula: So sorry you had a crappy day. :hug: and :woohoo: for the new shirt.

Kat: Sounds like you had a great hockey workout this morning!

Challenge stuff:
I did core today, so I am 2/2 for the week. No running. I will attempt to double up on C25K tomorrow. Delena and I need to go to the post office in the morning, so I can work it in with that. It won't be as fast as I would like, since I'll be pushing the stroller. I will probably repeat week 3 next week since this week did not go as well as I would have liked.

Tracking: I tracked today, so 3/3 for the week. I need to look up a couple things to figure out my dinner calories, but I think I will come in around 1300 ish. One thing I have realized through tracking is that I really need to cut down on sharing delena's snacks with her. Like, I don't need to eat some of her cheddar bunny crackers everytime she has some.

Booze: None. Enough Said.
Liz ~ prayer list, consider it done

Kelly ~ so glad you are motivated by WW again.

Amy ~ awesome shoes, any idea when you will hear a decision from the interview??

Paula ~ you always make me laugh. Please add me to the Jesse fan club.

Sarah ~ great for you with the subs! I like the 100 cal packs for portion control, but I too find them extra easy to use.

Kat ~ are you still awake?? 7:30 is so early for you!

Ronda ~ Hello!! Welcome aboard! :welcome:

Lyz ~ yes, it was absent-minded hair playing. Still not expecting much though.

LisaZ ~ keep it up!

Agh, interupted by my kiddos, lol.

Be back with more comments.
Kat (or anyone else who knows - just not Nancy:lmao: ;) ),

I have a facebook/computer question. I don't have facebook and know nothing about the ins and outs but long story Jean found a facebook picture that I couldn't clearly see but wanted to see, way too small, and I saved it to my computer to enlarge it. And then deleted it after I viewed it. Also, do people see who is looking at them on facebook without emailing them or wanting to be their friend. Just looking. Ie. I don't want to look through another person's account if this person knows and can see whose account is merely viewing. Gosh sounds so dramatic and creepy. :sad1: It's not. Just very curious.

Question: Would this person, too long of a story guys and way too emotional, know that I did this with the picture? Curious.

Talk to me like a four year old Kat. :rotfl:


Kat (or anyone else who knows - just not Nancy:lmao: ;) ),

I have a facebook/computer question. I don't have facebook and know nothing about the ins and outs but long story Jean found a facebook picture that I couldn't clearly see but wanted to see, way too small, and I saved it to my computer to enlarge it. And then deleted it after I viewed it. Also, do people see who is looking at them on facebook without emailing them or wanting to be their friend. Just looking. Ie. I don't want to look through another person's account if this person knows and can see whose account is merely viewing. Gosh sounds so dramatic and creepy. :sad1: It's not. Just very curious.

Question: Would this person, too long of a story guys and way too emotional, know that I did this with the picture? Curious.

Talk to me like a four year old Kat. :rotfl:




There is no way that viewing can be tracked on facebook (lurk away, lol).

There is no way that viewing can be tracked on facebook (lurk away, lol).

I'm such a baby. :lmao:

What about saving a pic Amiee? If I saved yours could you see that I did that? I hate that I did that. IBut I was curious to see it and I couldn't see a thing so darn small. If I was Catholic I'd be running to confessional. :rotfl:

Don't say a word people - I'm quite aware that I am being ridiculous.

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