2025 WDW Marathon race report, in which I realize I am really bad at racing smart.
I finished! And that's what matters.
My goal for the marathon was to shoot for sub-5, knowing it was going to be hard and giving myself grace to try for anything between 5 - 5:15 if it got too hard. I got appropriately placed in corral C and funny enough, started in the corral right next to the 5h pace group. So I decided to follow them as best as I could. It wasn't always easy since it was a big group, but I managed pretty well until Magic Kingdom. Even in the crowded Grand Flo walkway.
MK went by in a flash since I was on pace. My brain was starting to wonder if this was all worth it. I had to distance myself from the group for the castle picture and then hurry to catch up. Why was I doing this? Isn't a marathon at WDW supposed to be fun, at least for a marathon? But I kept up anyway and managed as well as I could to stay on pace. And I got a great pic
Then when we were leaving the Contemporary, it all fell apart. That hamstring that I injured two weeks before started to hurt. I was falling further and further behind from the pace group. I knew I wouldn't hit that sub 5. I texted my husband "Well I won't succeed in sub 5 so I might as well have fun". Took my first character pic:
After those lovely TTC/parking lot miles, we hit Star Wars alley and unlike others, I really did not like it. After sunrise, it was basically smoke and a Darth Vader pic. At least I knew i was further into the race than last year. In 2024, we hit the midway mark on Bear Island rd but this year we had already crossed it before. And then the road went on, and on, and on, and I was hurting more and more and I was slowing down more and more.
When the 5:15 pace group passed me, I got to my lowest point of the race. I had trained so hard for this, in spite of all my injuries.
And then, cue the angelic music, I heard my name being called about a mile or so before coming into AK and realized through my brain fog it was SheHulk. She told me she was struggling and could she run with me for a bit? Are you kidding, absolutely! I've told her this but I don't think she really knows how much she helped me at that exact moment.
You can see in the next picture we both look much happier:
Since I had decided to stop running for time and have fun, I convinced my new running partner to jump into the EE queue. It said 20 minutes at 8:17, but it was less than 10. It wasn't the smartest move for either of us, but we slowly got running again after riding the rollercoaster.
SheHulk's costume was getting recognition everywhere, whereas I was "and partner". We laughed a lot about that.
After AK, I was just concentrated on getting to the end. My hamstring/knee hurt really bad and I could feel a slight twinge from my left ankle. Basically every injury I had in this training cycle decided to say hello during the race. I had been naive enough to think I could push through the training cycle and run despite being hurt. It bit me in the behind when it counted the most, at the race.
It was really weird for me to realize that we left Blizzard Beach after mile 22. Like, barely 4 miles left and we still needed to cross HS and Epcot again?
In HS, I just spotted at the last minute the photopass photographer, who was to the side.
I know some people struggle with the last 5-10k but at that point I was fine. In the sense that everything hurt, but everything had been hurting for 8 miles at that point and I knew I was going to finish no matter what.
SheHulk was indulgent enough to let me take a few more pictures with ppl I crossed that I knew and things like that. She was great the whole race, letting me go at my pace with my intervals, even though she robably would have been much faster without me. It was so nice having someone to support me.
One last picture in front of the ball:
I stopped at the finish line to say hello to John Pelkey and get him to sign my Pelkey Running Club cap. And finally I finished my 3rd marathon: