Recap of weeks #3 and #4 of 7 in my DopeyBadger Half Marathon training plan...
Week of April 29th:
1) Mon EA6 - 6.00km
2) Tue EA8 - 8.17km
3) Wed HM Cut, or 1 km WU + 2k @ 6:20 w/ 4 min Rest + 2k @ 6:10 w/ 4 min Rest + 2k @ 6:00 + 1 km CD
I had barely finished the last interval when I had done this workout two weeks ago. Maybe because I didn't go only uphill for this one, the intervals felt much easier than last time even though they were 500m longer. I was pleasantly surprised with how the workout went.
4) Thu EA8 - 7.77km
My right ankle started hurting overnight for I don't know what reason. A sensible person would have taken the next day off, but this week was the biggest week of my plan in terms of mileage and I really wanted to try to finish all the miles.
5) Fri EB10 + Strides - 9.11km
My ankle was okay for the first 8k, but then started to hurt in the last kilometer so I called it quits.
6) Sun LR17 - 17.18km
Went out with my running group and had a good time, surprisingly, mostly because there were only 4 of us for the last 5 miles. My ankle didn't hurt, but the side of my foot felt like it was burning.
For a total of 6 runs and 57.34km --> one of my highest volume weeks ever
Week of May 6th:
1) Mon EA6 - 6.01km
2) Tue EA6 - 5.63km
3) Wed Mini Prog or 2 km WU + 2 sets of (6 min of HM Tempo + 2 min of CV + 1 min of 5k + 2 min RI) + 1 km CD
Ran this workout on the hardest part of my half marathon course to practice finishing in tough conditions when I'm tired. Felt really good but I had to stop twice for traffic lights so it skewered the effort a bit
4) Thu EA6 - 6.01km
Went out for a really nice dinner and lots of wine with my work BFF on Wednesday night, so this Thursday run felt hard.
5) Fri EB4 + Strides - 4.26km
6) Sun A Girl Running 10k race
Executive Summary: I... PR'd? By 8 seconds? This is the race where I PRd last year and it seems I did a repeat this year. It felt harder, but mentally I persevered more (if that makes any sense). I can post some pictures if anyone is interested. This made for a very happy Mother's Day
For a total of 6 runs and 38km
My husband and I are leaving for our first week-long trip without the kids since Jamie was born in 2012. I don't know if I'll be able to get all my miles in, but seeing as we have nothing planned except relax and drink port wine in Porto, I should have plenty of free time.
Happy running everyone, and happy mother's day to all