I Promise, This Time I Won't Laugh If a Bird Poops on Your Head" - A Spring 2010 PTR

I actually haven't tried for Chef Mickeys yet. I keep going back and forth on weather or not Ty will like it. It will trully depend on his "mood" that day. I know trying to get a ressie for the same day would take a miracle but we will see. We just dont know what he will think of the characters being so close once we get there.

Wow your trip is really adding up:eek: Tell them you are putting a limit on requests for more money. Probably wont work but worth a try!!:rotfl2:
I actually haven't tried for Chef Mickeys yet. I keep going back and forth on weather or not Ty will like it. It will trully depend on his "mood" that day. I know trying to get a ressie for the same day would take a miracle but we will see. We just dont know what he will think of the characters being so close once we get there.

Wow your trip is really adding up:eek: Tell them you are putting a limit on requests for more money. Probably wont work but worth a try!!:rotfl2:

You could always get a reservation and then cancel it if it doesn't seem like he's 'in the mood'. It doesn't require a deposit.

Adding up? No kidding! We could've had a nice family vacation for the amount of money this is adding up to! Fortunately Mom has 'insisted' on paying for half of the room,and I know she will 'insist' on treating us for a few meals (no matter how many times I tell her 'no') so that will off-set some of the rehearsal and costume fees. I'm just bugged they weren't upfront about the fees. I thought it was just going to be the cost of the airfare/food/and tickets (which are 1/2 price) plus a 50 dollar participation fee. They didn't reveal all the extra costs until January (after I had promised dd and gotten the airline tickets).

It's really turning out to be quite the money maker for the studio.......................with 50 girls at about 500 dollars per girl in rehearsal fees - that's 25 THOUSAND DOLLARS :eek:!!!!!

Hey, I'm in full support of a company makin' a buck but that feels like outright robbery!
You could always get a reservation and then cancel it if it doesn't seem like he's 'in the mood'. It doesn't require a deposit.

Adding up? No kidding! We could've had a nice family vacation for the amount of money this is adding up to! Fortunately Mom has 'insisted' on paying for half of the room,and I know she will 'insist' on treating us for a few meals (no matter how many times I tell her 'no') so that will off-set some of the rehearsal and costume fees. I'm just bugged they weren't upfront about the fees. I thought it was just going to be the cost of the airfare/food/and tickets (which are 1/2 price) plus a 50 dollar participation fee. They didn't reveal all the extra costs until January (after I had promised dd and gotten the airline tickets).

It's really turning out to be quite the money maker for the studio.......................with 50 girls at about 500 dollars per girl in rehearsal fees - that's 25 THOUSAND DOLLARS :eek:!!!!!

Hey, I'm in full support of a company makin' a buck but that feels like outright robbery!

:scared1::scared1:You are not kidding!:eek: That's a lot of money!

ooh I could do that. I thought we would need a deposit. Do you need a deposit for T Rex?
:scared1::scared1:You are not kidding!:eek: That's a lot of money!

ooh I could do that. I thought we would need a deposit. Do you need a deposit for T Rex?

Nope. No deposit for T-Rex. I haven't had to make a deposit for any of the reservations I've made; not for this trip nor Matty's Wish Trip.

So get goin' girl...........make those ressies!!!!!
Ok so I need to figure out what days we are doing what before I make ressies right? That way we arent jumping all over the place? So I guess I need to do another itinerary?? lol Can we take a bus or something to the the Chef Mickeys?
Ok so I need to figure out what days we are doing what before I make ressies right? That way we arent jumping all over the place? So I guess I need to do another itinerary?? lol Can we take a bus or something to the the Chef Mickeys?

Chef Mickey's is at the Contemporary so the best way to get there will probably depend on where you're coming from. Of course you will have the rental car so unless you are coming from the Magic Kingdom and can jump on the monorail it would probably be easiest to just use your car. That's what I'm thinking anyway :confused3

Yup, if your planning on making some reservations I'd say it's a good time to start that new itinerary :)
:cool1: Finally I did it!! Made my reservations for the final two. Mickey's Magical Milestone Tour for Monday at 9 am and Afternoon Tea at the Grand Floridian (which is really a meal not just tea) for 3:20! More than a week since I decided I 'needed' to call and book but, per usual, better late than never. I'm lucky I didn't have any trouble with less than a month to go.

I also just tripped across this really cool new store in Downtown Disney (Westside) called 'Ridemakerz'. It's like Build a Bear Workshop but you build remote controlled cars :eek: OMG my boys would flip! (in fact I just showed Nick and indeed he did flipped telling me we would DEFINATELY be going there in December! I told him to start saving his pennies:laughing:). Here's the link to a blog about it for anyone who might want to check it out:


and their official website:


Apparently it's on a limited engagement with the hopes of becoming a permanent fixture, either in the same retail space or somewhere else. I'm praying it's still there when we take the boys again.

I'll put this info on the Wish Trippers Unite thread in case any of the new folks might be interested.
Yay for your final ressies!! Humm we will have to check that remote control place out. I don't know who I will have a harder time pulling away. Dh or Ty:rotfl2:
I'd love to try the tea someday. My mom is all about an English tea...cucumber sandwiches and all. :)

Cool about the car store thingy. We aren't planning to visit DTD on this trip. I wonder if they have one in CA too?
Yay for your final ressies!! Humm we will have to check that remote control place out. I don't know who I will have a harder time pulling away. Dh or Ty:rotfl2:

Oh believe me, my dh was JUST as excitted as Niick! Couldn't wait to check out the site :laughing:

Looks like it can quite expensive though once you start figuring in all the accessories and such. Of course they don't HAVE to add all the goodies but I'm sure it's hard to resist once they get in there and see it all laid out in front of them, calling their name LOL

I'd love to try the tea someday. My mom is all about an English tea...cucumber sandwiches and all. :)

Cool about the car store thingy. We aren't planning to visit DTD on this trip. I wonder if they have one in CA too?

Personally I hate tea (and coffee!). Think I can get someithing alittle stronger with those dainty little finger sandwiches?? :rotfl2:

I'm pretty sure I read that there is a Ridemakerz in DisneyLand too.
I want to hear about the tea and what they serve when you get back. It might be a fun thing to add to my "moms only" trip if free dining is ever offered. I wish I would have booked bounce back and then canceled it if I didn't need it.
Hiya! I just found your PTR and don't feel bad, I'm a stay at home mommy too and I find myself talking to myself quite often! :rotfl2: I even find myself talking to myself on my TR/PTR too!
And my TR has taken me much longer to get started....much less finished..... our last trip was in Sept! :lmao: I will finish it, even if I am the only one reading it! I will eventually print it out and put it in my son's memory box- as the trip was for his 1st Birthday! :goodvibes So it has a point, even if I am talking to myself sometimes! :rotfl2:
PS- I love your TR too!
I want to hear about the tea and what they serve when you get back. It might be a fun thing to add to my "moms only" trip if free dining is ever offered. I wish I would have booked bounce back and then canceled it if I didn't need it.

I've read alot of good things about it and apparently it's possible to make it a snack, a light lunch or a fairly filling meal depending on what you order. Are you hoping to go again this year?

Hiya! I just found your PTR and don't feel bad, I'm a stay at home mommy too and I find myself talking to myself quite often! :rotfl2: I even find myself talking to myself on my TR/PTR too!
And my TR has taken me much longer to get started....much less finished..... our last trip was in Sept! :lmao: I will finish it, even if I am the only one reading it! I will eventually print it out and put it in my son's memory box- as the trip was for his 1st Birthday! :goodvibes So it has a point, even if I am talking to myself sometimes! :rotfl2:
PS- I love your TR too!

You know I recognize your 'name' from alot of the threads but you're a Wish trip follower right? As opposed to a Wish Tripper? Gotta go find your PTR (and TR :)).

Yes, talking to oneself :laughing: Scary sometimes huh? At least we'll never get lonely :rotfl:

I also have gotten to the point with my TR where I'm writing more for myself. Lost my 'following' long ago :laughing: My plan is also to print it out and have it as a keepsake and use some of it as a guide for a scrapbook. Ahhhhh so you know the Gingerbread Boy do you? I don't know that I remember you ever posting (could be wrong though, I AM getting old ya know). You must be one of those dreaded stalkers I fear :rotfl2:
Oh yeah I can definately relate to the talking to ones self:thumbsup2 I'm a stay at home mom too and one day when these walls start talking back I may have to rethink the whole thing:rotfl2:
Oh yeah I can definately relate to the talking to ones self:thumbsup2 I'm a stay at home mom too and one day when these walls start talking back I may have to rethink the whole thing:rotfl2:

My Olivia used to pop around a corner in the past saying "Mommy, who are you talking to?????"

Just the other day I popped around the corner and caught her chatting away. When she saw me she said "I was talking to myself.............just like you"

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree :rotfl2:
Oh that is soo true!! One of these days the books are going to start talking to Sierra:lmao: She is a big reader.I don't think I have ever read more then Im reading on the disboards :lmao:
I've read alot of good things about it and apparently it's possible to make it a snack, a light lunch or a fairly filling meal depending on what you order. Are you hoping to go again this year?
You know I recognize your 'name' from alot of the threads but you're a Wish trip follower right? As opposed to a Wish Tripper? Gotta go find your PTR (and TR :)).

Yes, talking to oneself :laughing: Scary sometimes huh? At least we'll never get lonely :rotfl:

I also have gotten to the point with my TR where I'm writing more for myself. Lost my 'following' long ago :laughing: My plan is also to print it out and have it as a keepsake and use some of it as a guide for a scrapbook. Ahhhhh so you know the Gingerbread Boy do you? I don't know that I remember you ever posting (could be wrong though, I AM getting old ya know). You must be one of those dreaded stalkers I fear :rotfl2:

I never get lonely with myself.... not that I am usually by myself with the 1 year old little babbling boy that follows me around for the vast majority of the day! :lmao: But he is my love! He and his sister make my world go round! And sometimes into crazy spirals when they act up. :rolleyes1

I am a longtime lurker for many of the threads- and a talker in some. Depends I guess... lol. I am just a wish trip addict and I do some of the Big Gives with my DD9. I am trying to get her to see the joy in giving- she loved doing Piper's Big Give. They are online BFFs and write each other when she isn't in the hospital. Poor Piper, I gotta go check on her again!

Oh yeah I can definately relate to the talking to ones self:thumbsup2 I'm a stay at home mom too and one day when these walls start talking back I may have to rethink the whole thing:rotfl2:

So far, I think I am good. The walls haven't talked back yet! Notice the yet.... :rotfl2:

My Olivia used to pop around a corner in the past saying "Mommy, who are you talking to?????"

Just the other day I popped around the corner and caught her chatting away. When she saw me she said "I was talking to myself.............just like you"

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree :rotfl2:

That is great!!! lol My DD9 does too! Even worse, I think I just rubbed off on her- she's actually my step-daughter! I wonder what her mom thinks of it all when she is there for the summer and talks to herslef? :lmao:
I've read alot of good things about it and apparently it's possible to make it a snack, a light lunch or a fairly filling meal depending on what you order. Are you hoping to go again this year?

There is a complicated answer to this question. My husband had a business trip a few weeks ago to San Francisco and invited me to go. Then he found out his parents would be out of town so I was "un-invited". He took my camera and took about 300 photos. He called everyday to tell me about the exciting things he was discovering. During this time, I had to get Bre driven to school by 7:40 am and make it back home by 8:00 am to put Tyler on his bus. My husband normally drops Bre off on his way to work. I can't tell you how many dirty diapers I changed in that week (Tyler and Hayley are both still in diapers) nor the number of doctor appointments and practices I drug all three kids to. I was worn out by the end of the week. I told him to pick a week in September and he could stay home with the kids while I go on vacation. He thinks that staying at home would be easy! He took the week off, but did not ask where I was going. So far, there are three moms (no kids or husbands allowed) going on our trip, but we really need Disney to have a free dining offer again to make it work. I do mystery shopping and as long as I make an additional $25 a week (not including jobs I normally do to help support our income), I will have enough by Sept. to pay for the trip. Right now we are waiting until May 9th when the current promo is over to see if Free Dining is offered. In the meantime, we have booked a room and made dining reservations just in case. We are hopeful that this will work! :wizard:
Oh that is soo true!! One of these days the books are going to start talking to Sierra:lmao: She is a big reader.I don't think I have ever read more then Im reading on the disboards :lmao:

Oh my.......................hate to admit it but it's been over a decade since I've read a "real" book (Hop on Pop doesn't count does it? :lmao:)

I used to ingest Stephen King books. In fact I still have them in the attic. Maybe I'll bring one on the plane:idea:

I never get lonely with myself.... not that I am usually by myself with the 1 year old little babbling boy that follows me around for the vast majority of the day! :lmao: But he is my love! He and his sister make my world go round! And sometimes into crazy spirals when they act up. :rolleyes1

I am a longtime lurker for many of the threads- and a talker in some. Depends I guess... lol. I am just a wish trip addict and I do some of the Big Gives with my DD9. I am trying to get her to see the joy in giving- she loved doing Piper's Big Give. They are online BFFs and write each other when she isn't in the hospital. Poor Piper, I gotta go check on her again!

ok, thought I recognized your 'name'.

Keep in mind that when your 'little bundle of joy' is following behind you you can always claim to be talking to him:)

Me? Generally I'm alone:rotfl:

Unless Heidi counts:idea:

That's my little mini dachsund:love:

There is a complicated answer to this question. My husband had a business trip a few weeks ago to San Francisco and invited me to go. Then he found out his parents would be out of town so I was "un-invited". He took my camera and took about 300 photos. He called everyday to tell me about the exciting things he was discovering. During this time, I had to get Bre driven to school by 7:40 am and make it back home by 8:00 am to put Tyler on his bus. My husband normally drops Bre off on his way to work. I can't tell you how many dirty diapers I changed in that week (Tyler and Hayley are both still in diapers) nor the number of doctor appointments and practices I drug all three kids to. I was worn out by the end of the week. I told him to pick a week in September and he could stay home with the kids while I go on vacation. He thinks that staying at home would be easy! He took the week off, but did not ask where I was going. So far, there are three moms (no kids or husbands allowed) going on our trip, but we really need Disney to have a free dining offer again to make it work. I do mystery shopping and as long as I make an additional $25 a week (not including jobs I normally do to help support our income), I will have enough by Sept. to pay for the trip. Right now we are waiting until May 9th when the current promo is over to see if Free Dining is offered. In the meantime, we have booked a room and made dining reservations just in case. We are hopeful that this will work! :wizard:

ooooooh, you strike a mean bargain there don't you!!!! Good job.

Where did you book (lodging)? Did you get a deal? But actually isn't that the trade off? You either get a deal on the room or you get free dining? Maybe I'm wrong, I'm hardly the expert. You could always stay off-site if you don't get the free dining. That could more than make-up for the cost of food. Perhaps that's not something you'd consider though. I know that many many folks feel like if they can't stay on Disney property it's just not worth the trip.
ooooooh, you strike a mean bargain there don't you!!!! Good job.

Where did you book (lodging)? Did you get a deal? But actually isn't that the trade off? You either get a deal on the room or you get free dining? Maybe I'm wrong, I'm hardly the expert. You could always stay off-site if you don't get the free dining. That could more than make-up for the cost of food. Perhaps that's not something you'd consider though. I know that many many folks feel like if they can't stay on Disney property it's just not worth the trip.

Right now we have it booked at All Star Sports. I know everyone loves Pop, but we tried it last Sept. during Free Dining and meals were a disaster at the food court. It has three times the number of rooms and the same size food court. Sports is always the first bus to pick up and drop off. The theme is cute. Right now we have it priced at $2,091.28 for 4 people with 7 nights and 8 days of park hoppers so it is around $500 a person. Then I have 19,000 points towards a free airline ticket. You need 25,000 for a free ticket, but they now let you break it into segments so I have one way of airfare paid for. Therefore, if I can save $25 a week until Sept. it will be paid for. I know we could stay off property, but we love the extra hours and the buses. We also like the Magic Express and luggage delivery options. Our group of three has had at least one person go each year since 2005 on Free Dining. We love the places that you can try with the dining plan that you could not afford to eat at otherwise. In 2006 my friend and I went for 5 nights with just the two of us and we saved $1,500 on food. We saved every receipt and totaled it on a spreadsheet when we arrived back home. Now we are hooked on the dining plan, but not at $42 a night per person. :wizard:


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