I love credit cards so much! v2.0 (see first page for add'l details)

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I loved Matt Smith as Phillip! I thought he nailed it. The original cast was great but I'm really looking forward to seeing what the new group brings. Particularly Helena Bonham Carter.

Thank you!! Was the $269 also for Vistana Villages? Just wondering if maybe different locations are handled differently. I have no experience with this sort of thing so I honestly don't know.

I need to discuss it more with DH but I'm really considering it. It seems like it will be a good deal for us considering we can be very flexible on timing.

Yes. I was VV both times. They've really enlarged since I went the first time.
Love Aruba!! No idea about AA miles but interested to hear. I can give you tips for some great restaurants. There is a fun pirate snorkel cruise that goes out right by the Marriott and it has a rope swing off it!

I did a Pirate snorkel cruise there last year! I think I was twice as old as everyone else on the boat. Tried the rope swing a couple of times, didn't make it to the end before I fell off, but I had a lot of rum punch prior.

We stayed at the Marriott Stellaris also.
I did a Pirate snorkel cruise there last year! I think I was twice as old as everyone else on the boat. Tried the rope swing a couple of times, didn't make it to the end before I fell off, but I had a lot of rum punch prior.

We did the pirate boat also! My kids were much better at the rope swing than I was, but I also had a lot rum punch. I think it was one of the highlights of the trip for my kiddos. One of the workers even did a backflip off the rope swing with my 10 year old on his back!
Mine too... of course he got tired of hearing me yell "UGH I CANNOT STAND LORELAI" and my DD responding " BECAUSE YOU ARE JUST LIKE HER" so maybe there was a reason...:laughing:
My Dh says the same thing about Lorelai. He can’t stand her. She talks too darn fast. Most people on the show do though. I’m on the last episode of the newly added ones on Netflix. So close to being done!
We have Prime, Netflix and Sling. I never watch anything on Prime, my kids watch a lot of Netflix and I love hgtv and food network so I watch Sling. My dh will either watch with me or if baseball is on, he subscribes to mlb and watches that on his phone. I did just start watching 'The Crown' and I'm not sure yet if it will be a show I want to continue with or not.

I liked The Crown. There are parts in season 2 that I didn't love, but I just kind of fast forwarded through a bit.
Yup, $69 for the year 6.99 per month. They have tons of new and old content coming. I’m going to buy the year up front bet they will raise the price eventually lol
You know they will!

I can’t believe we will be adding another streaming service. We have Netflix, Amazon Prime, BritBox, Hulu, HBO, Criterion... & all together they probably cost the same as a 300 channel satellite subscription :laughing:
No, it's totally ok. When you guys were chatting about Gilmore Girls a few weeks back, I just remembered that I absolutely couldn't get into it. My wife basically loves anything from Amy Sherman-Palladino, so Gilmore Girls, Bunheads, and obviously The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. I love my wife, but I couldn't bring myself to love Gilmore Girls or Bunheads. :confused3
I love Mrs. Maisel but I cannot stand Gilmore Girls, Bunheads or basically anything else on Freeform... the “quirky cancer” one, the really strange “adopted siblings who become romantically involved” one... I don’t know why all of the shows on that channel are similarly awful to me. My best friend loves all of these shows & tried to get me into them for a long time but I just cannot do it. I would rather watch Sinister Minister or whatever’s on Lifetime. And that’s saying something.
I know we talked about this over here before, has anyone bought an Undercover tourist Universal ticket lately and upgraded it? When I did it, I bought the buy 2 get 1 free ticket and got the full gate price value of a 3 day ticket in upgrading. It cost me $10 to upgrade to a seasonal pass. Now I am seeing reports that you will only get the value that you paid. They can see the price somehow. Is this true? Trying to advise a friend so don’t want to steer her wrong.
oh no. I am following. I was planning to upgrade the UT tix I bought at the old rate for my boys when the price hike happened.

ETA: nevermind...I overlooked that they are uni tix
Finally catch up completely as today was our first day back from WDW.

It was a good trip and we honestly didn’t even miss the girls as much as we thought we would. We did make an effort to do different things (not just the race but other stuff as well).

We did the Undiscovered Epcot tour. Similar to Keys to the Kingdom at MK but for Epcot. It was good but too long! We heard the explanations and Easter egg type things, went to the lounges in the different pavilions, and at the end went behind the scenes. I am with you @Judique on not wanting to work there in later years, especially after doing that. I am good...I don’t want the magic ruined. Along with staying in the Disney bubble I am happy to be in a denial bubble when I am in my happy place.

And in the mail was a letter from the fraud department of Chase on DH’s CIP application. “Yes I am the person who applied for the card.” (He is well trained as I mouth answers to him). They approved it with his first open for 23 months and closed for a little less than 30 days. For future DP he has the other two Chase cards as well and on the CIU a current balance of about $2500 that I have been paying off slowly taking advantage of the 0%. I was a little worried that balance might affect him getting a new card but it did not. I did have him ask to have it expedited but they put us on hold and he hung up. I guess I can SM and ask for it to be expedited? Similarly now mine has been open for a year I can ask for mine to be closed (AF fee posted first of month but I have not paid it yet)?
We have Prime, Netflix and Sling. I never watch anything on Prime, my kids watch a lot of Netflix and I love hgtv and food network so I watch Sling. My dh will either watch with me or if baseball is on, he subscribes to mlb and watches that on his phone. I did just start watching 'The Crown' and I'm not sure yet if it will be a show I want to continue with or not.
We have those same services plus the plain Hulu and NHLtv. I LOVED the crown. Can't wait for more!
We did the Undiscovered Epcot tour. Similar to Keys to the Kingdom at MK but for Epcot. It was good but too long! We heard the explanations and Easter egg type things, went to the lounges in the different pavilions, and at the end went behind the scenes. I am with you @Judique on not wanting to work there in later years, especially after doing that. I am good...I don’t want the magic ruined. Along with staying in the Disney bubble I am happy to be in a denial bubble when I am in my happy place.

I always tell DD how jealous I am that she gets to see the utilidors. Every time she says to be glad b/c it kills the magic. Apparently it is not magical AT ALL and smells.
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