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I have an iPhone 6s, and have been thinking of getting an 8 for the wireless charging, plus my phone is 4 yrs old so I felt it was time anyway. DH has the X and I hate FaceID and that it doesn't have a home button.

A refurbished 8 was $629 for a 256GB model 48 hours ago on the Apple website. DH thought I should buy it, but I decided to wait.

Yesterday, after the news of the 11 came out, it dropped to $509 ($120 LESS!) for the exact same model. Score! Umm, nope. I walked away from the computer to get started on dinner, and by the time I got back, it was sold out. 😑

The highest storage Apple had left for the 8 (new ones only, no more refurbished left) was the 128GB for $489. So I bought that one, with the feeling of "the one that got away." The only saving grace was that I had trade-in credit for other Apple products we'd already sent in, so I used that and put the rest on my Plat MSR.

DH hasn't said so to me, but I'm pretty sure he'll find a reason to get the 11Pro. He's gotten a new phone almost every single time one has come out, he is a fanboy, and this one has sophisticated camera features that I'm sure he won't be able to resist. Combine Apple with his pet hobby of photography and it's just a matter of time...
Thank you!
Pretty sure my iPhone 4S will make everyone feel better about their phone (and I've been pulling 10 GB a month since 2012 thru it, and the screen is not cracked) :D

Now I'm gonna start something I can't finish: At what age should a child get their first phone? (Thinking she deserves a perfectly good 4S) Bahaha
My vote for kids getting smartphones is when they get a job and buy one...till then dads old flip phone will work for emergencies! (Have I noted my cheapness before? :rotfl2: )
Cancel the Delta Gold Biz and get the Delta Plat Biz. You can always downgrade back to the gold biz from the plat. Well... whenever you stop getting pop-ups that is. What a beating :(

Well Amex is pissed at me so I'm holding off on cancelling anymore with them right now. I just got the gold biz in April, so I'm gonna rock it for awhile. Maybe the next time there's a decent SUB. I did the gold biz when it was 75k miles I think. Does Delta do the upgrade offers like Hilton?

Any suggestions on my mess and what to do w/ Hilton? Looks like the SUB is 125k vs the 130k it was on the biz. So I'm not losing out on too much, which is good, LOL.
It has occurred to me that I have technically never actually 'bought'.....as in parted with cold hard cash for an iPhone. My first two iphone 4 & 5 were hand me downs from DW who had been reimbursed for her phone by her employer. The iPhone 6 was a freebie with the Citi AT&T card promotion and my iPhone 7 was free (via bill credits) when we switched to T-mobile.

I am thinking it is time for an upgrade, but the prospect of having to pay for it just doesn't feel right. :confused3
@Andysol if you don’t mind my asking do you homeschool? Just curious with your travel schedule! My parents took us all around the world growing up but they just pulled us from public school a ton haha We are considering homeschool but I have a hard time finding people who do it for non-religious reasons (NO offense to anyone who does that! Just wouldn’t be our reasoning.)

Maybe @wendow also does it? I’d love to hear from those of you that do. Is there a thread for that?
Remember, it's not the phone that's the issue, but social media. A kid can get a phone when they're any age as long as it's just a form of communication via text or talk. There are almost no negative impacts from that. But social media is the primary reason for increased risk of metal anguish, depression, suicide and self-harm/mutilation. Especially for girls. 300% increase in cases of hospitalized self-harm between girls born before 1994 vs girls born 1995 and after.

It's got to be a joint effort and communication with other parents about creating a ban on social media until high school. If other parents band together, there won't be the FOMO involved. It should be treated like smoking; where parents all realize that, too, is a bad idea to let your middle schooler do.

The fact that those who created the technology and platforms don't let their own kids on social media should tell you everything you need to know.

I'm with you 100% on this. Thanks for the attachments.

I didn't let DD get social media accounts for as long as I could, and then she was allowed Pinterest when she was 12. But nothing else, until last year which was freshman year of high school, I allowed Snapchat only because her volleyball team used it as a way to communicate and she felt left out and uninformed without it (oh, she was supposed to wear blue? she didn't know and it was my fault!). Since she was going to a different high school than her friends, and she needed a way to communicate with new friends, I relented (even though I despise Snapchat). I just hope my repeated rants about social media pierced her teenage veil of infallibility and she listened to some of my warnings.

As a parent, I appreciate the ability to text/call/find-iPhone her when I want to. But the invasion of privacy and photos being posted (often without permission) online galls me. Attaching self-worth to the number of "likes" is misguided. I long for the good ol' days where a kid could be stupid/make mistakes without it being documented and posted online for all posterity. There are positive things about social media too, but I question whether it is on the whole. Not that there's anything I can do about it. *shakes fist at the sky*
Yes- it's smaller. But it's also about the same weight (maybe moreso) when empty. I'd go with the Jrs. for them. My oldest is skinny as a rail like me and looks like a turtle carrying it, but it's a backpack she can have through college and it's a lifetime warranty. It holds *way* more. Unless they need a laptop, skip the prof. slim altogether.
My youngest has the prof. slim jr., and while size-wise it works. It's still heavier and not as functional. Not an ideal backpack IMO unless again, a laptop is carried.

Good for you.

*Start of Rant*

Remember, it's not the phone that's the issue, but social media. A kid can get a phone when they're any age as long as it's just a form of communication via text or talk. There are almost no negative impacts from that. But social media is the primary reason for increased risk of metal anguish, depression, suicide and self-harm/mutilation. Especially for girls.

Jonathan Haidt (who authored the brilliant "The Righteous Mind") is a must-listen for parents. His book he came out with last year, "The Coddling of the American Mind" is very good. But specifically the psychological studies on social media.

Knowledge Project Interview:

Joe Rogan interview w/ him. Joe's podcasts are certainly more geared for male audiences. Rogan also curses a lot, fair warning.
Watch these 5 minutes and look at the graphs.

If nothing else, look at these graphs on this video.

Back when social media came out (for those who have kids around 16-24), responsible parents thought supervision (shared log-in, being friends on their acct, etc) was enough to make sure it was used appropriately. At the time, we had no data or long-term knowledge on what damage social media created on young/impressionable minds.
Now we do have the data and it's clear: there is no excuse or reason for kids to have it. In fact, if you do, your kid has a higher chance of having a psychological disorder.

So... why do it? FOMO is a major reason, and a valid one. Exclusion can also impact emotional development negatively as well. Likely not as bad as social media can, but it is still negative.

It's got to be a joint effort and communication with other parents about creating a ban on social media until high school. If other parents band together, there won't be the FOMO involved. It should be treated like smoking; where parents all realize that, too, is a bad idea to let your middle schooler do.

The fact that those who created the technology and platforms don't let their own kids on social media should tell you everything you need to know.

*End Rant*

Cancel the Delta Gold Biz and get the Delta Plat Biz. You can always downgrade back to the gold biz from the plat. Well... whenever you stop getting pop-ups that is. What a beating :(
LOVED this rant. What a great perspective on phones vs social media/smart phones.
*Start of Rant*

Remember, it's not the phone that's the issue, but social media. A kid can get a phone when they're any age as long as it's just a form of communication via text or talk. There are almost no negative impacts from that. But social media is the primary reason for increased risk of metal anguish, depression, suicide and self-harm/mutilation. Especially for girls.

Jonathan Haidt (who authored the brilliant "The Righteous Mind") is a must-listen for parents. His book he came out with last year, "The Coddling of the American Mind" is very good. But specifically the psychological studies on social media.

The fact that those who created the technology and platforms don't let their own kids on social media should tell you everything you need to know.

*End Rant*
AMEN. I second this wholeheartedly...and IMHO it's not just social media that's a danger to young kids either. These aren't just phones..they're mini computers,and there are predators out there just searching for young gullible minds to mess with. Social media and about a million other things younger kids need to be protected from. (In reality my reason for no/flip phones for my kiddos was safety,not cheapness,b/c by the time they were old enough to navigate the online world they were old enough to buy what they wanted) sorry to be so O/T
I'm trying to use a link to see if I'm still in Amex pop up land. The links I'm coming across don't seem to be working as the offer has changed. I'm trying for the Hilton business.
It has occurred to me that I have technically never actually 'bought'.....as in parted with cold hard cash for an iPhone. My first two iphone 4 & 5 were hand me downs from DW who had been reimbursed for her phone by her employer. The iPhone 6 was a freebie with the Citi AT&T card promotion and my iPhone 7 was free (via bill credits) when we switched to T-mobile.

I am thinking it is time for an upgrade, but the prospect of having to pay for it just doesn't feel right. :confused3
same.... I get DH's old Iphone when they upgrade him every two years at work...currently have 6s and never paid for a phone for myself yet either!
@Andysol if you don’t mind my asking do you homeschool? Just curious with your travel schedule! My parents took us all around the world growing up but they just pulled us from public school a ton haha We are considering homeschool but I have a hard time finding people who do it for non-religious reasons (NO offense to anyone who does that! Just wouldn’t be our reasoning.)

Maybe @wendow also does it? I’d love to hear from those of you that do. Is there a thread for that?
we hs'ed and it was a major benefit to just make our own travel schedules! It got much more difficult when they grew older and had jobs/college/lives of their own! I still miss those days..and there are plenty of great places to get info on homeschooling that aren't religious based, start by googling your town/state and groups in the area and on FB.
sorry y'all IDK why my quote come back as multi quotes on multi quotes....:sad2:
same.... I get DH's old Iphone when they upgrade him every two years at work...currently have 6s and never paid for a phone for myself yet either!

we hs'ed and it was a major benefit to just make our own travel schedules! It got much more difficult when they grew older and had jobs/college/lives of their own! I still miss those days..and there are plenty of great places to get info on homeschooling that aren't religious based, start by googling your town/state and groups in the area and on FB.
I’m considering homeschooling too. Once we have kids I’d like to be a stay at home mom and I obviously love teaching since that’s what I went to school for so it’d be nice to continue that.
I’m considering homeschooling too. Once we have kids I’d like to be a stay at home mom and I obviously love teaching since that’s what I went to school for so it’d be nice to continue that.
I never expected to hs..... I was a SAHM for sure, and then I got the privilege of being a SAHM+ teacher for 18 years...... wouldn't trade it for anything!
Well Amex is pissed at me so I'm holding off on cancelling anymore with them right now. I just got the gold biz in April, so I'm gonna rock it for awhile. Maybe the next time there's a decent SUB. I did the gold biz when it was 75k miles I think. Does Delta do the upgrade offers like Hilton?

Any suggestions on my mess and what to do w/ Hilton? Looks like the SUB is 125k vs the 130k it was on the biz. So I'm not losing out on too much, which is good, LOL.
I'd just wait. Good SUBs come around here and there. 125k is still solid.

As to Delta upgrade offers- none that I've ever seen.

@Andysol if you don’t mind my asking do you homeschool? Just curious with your travel schedule! My parents took us all around the world growing up but they just pulled us from public school a ton haha We are considering homeschool but I have a hard time finding people who do it for non-religious reasons (NO offense to anyone who does that! Just wouldn’t be our reasoning.)
Yup, we homeschool the kids and do it for non-religious reasons.

We are big on unsupervised play and they get ample social interaction.
It's not 1980. The resources that are available to homeschoolers in today's day and age are incredible. We're a part of a co-op that is something like 500 kids (all elementary age) in our area (Collin County, TX).
An example: One mom has a dozen kids ages 9-11 who are in a book club that read a book, then you drop them off at her house where she has popcorn and snacks. They watch the movie. Then they discuss the differences. My wife does a girls-only craft thing for 8 girls all in 4th grade. She also teaches Spanish once a week and uses the activity center at Kroger (free) to do it. Parents pay ~$10 for supplies for the semester.

The fact my job is flexible enough to travel made public school our limiter on when/where we could go. We also incorporate learning based on where we travel. It's really fun and my kids have responded really well to it.

But nothing else, until last year which was freshman year of high school, I allowed Snapchat only because her volleyball team used it as a way to communicate and she felt left out and uninformed without it (oh, she was supposed to wear blue? she didn't know and it was my fault!). Since she was going to a different high school than her friends, and she needed a way to communicate with new friends, I relented (even though I despise Snapchat).
Watch the Joe Rogan interview from 1:18:25 through 1:34:02. In fact, watch it again with your daughter and ask her if she notices any of her friends having anxiety, etc. I'd love to hear what she says and it's a great opportunity to communicate with her. Hell, maybe even have the question at the end "Obviously, we're still going to allow you to have snapchat, but do you think that middle schoolers should have this? What do you think about the fact that some of your friends got it so early?"

Ironically enough, Snapchat, the social media app most parents were terrified of when it came out because they couldn't monitor it easily. The fear of sending nudes, disappearing pics, etc. But in reality, it was/is less significant psychologically than Facebook or Instagram where likes and comparisons are public. It can still be psychologically damaging and comparisons are still occurring, but just individually and not publicly. But speaking about filters, etc on snapchat are important as well.
We homeschool, I love it. There are homeschoolers in our area from all walks of life. There are lots of co ops, homeschool groups, activities and classes geared towards homeschool kids out there. We use a mix of religious and non religious materials. There truly is something out there for everyone these days now that homeschool has become much more mainstream.
@Andysol (got the tag right this time!) I agree with everything you wrote about social media. That is the largest driving force behind our kids not having phones yet. Luckily we aren't the only parents in our area who feel this way so my kids aren't too left out by it.
saltwater sandals which are necessities. Side note: If you have kids and you don’t have these shoes (or something similar), you’re missing out. Waterproof, go with anything, and dry out immediately. Even for my cheap self, spending $30 on toddler shoes is worth it.

First of all, your family is gorgeous!
Secondly, my 3 year old owns these sandals in just about every color. She is a shoe girl and these are awesome! I also buy the Footmates brand's version in some of their offered colors.
I've gone there on Hilton Head Island and got an excellent cut for $7. My tip was more than the cut! Then I went back on a subsequent trip and the place was so crowded it was just too long to wait.

Another fan of Great Clips. My hair is straight and all one length. It used to be long and I would get it cut only a few times a year but as I've gotten older, it bugs me when it gets even a little long (I need it just long enough to pull into a pony tail when needed but no longer) so I get it cut more often. The Great Clips I go to has a thing where you can sign in online -- then just show up at that time and you are at the top of the list.
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