I know you love Disney but...really? ~a dis meet in London 5/15


that is one of the best stories I've ever heard!:rotfl2:

Yeah, The funnier thing is that SOMEHOW he has gotten through each of his security clearance things at work with this going on and we never found out! And yet, they give him grief because I have a cousin in the IRA in Ireland! Who woulda thunk it?!?!?!

Tis the story of my life I guess! :scared:
I"m signing on to your trip report because the only thing better than going to England or France is living vicariously through some else who is...:thumbsup2

Your writing is very funny...

But even more important you are a fair skinned, curly haired red head and I think we need to stick together...except your hair is much lighter than mine...I'm more auburny but the curls and fair skin...::yes::

(That's why I was super excited when BRAVE came out- finally a curly haired princess...:thumbsup2

Look forward to more...:surfweb:
ok, ok! I'll tell!

We were engaged when Sept. 11th happened. He was in Korea at the time and the plan was to get married on his leave. Sept. 11th changed that. His leave was cancelled and so was the wedding. One day in October, he called me to tell me that he would be home the next day. I called the J.O.P and arranged a quickie wedding!

Our "honeymoon" was spent seeing family that he hadn't seen since he deployed. Since we were going to Pittsburgh, we decided to go to Buffalo to see my side of the family. This was before the new passport regulations. You could just "walk" into Canada.

He had never seen the Falls so we had a day planned up there. I coached him a few days before we were going and told him ALL of the correct answers to the questions that border control would ask (I had done this a MILLION times).

When we got to the border this is how it went:
(there were a few more questions that he messed up but, they were little)

Customs: Where are you coming from?
Me: (the right answer) Buffalo

Customs: What is your business in Canada?
Me: (right answer...again) To see the falls!
Him: To see Canadians I guess (REALLY?)

Customs: Where are you stationed? (By now, they had taken our ID's)
Me: Virginia
Him: Korea, Im home on leave.

Customs: Do you have anything to declare?
Him: Nope, nothing

At this point, the customs guy saw the carton of ciggarettes that was in the front of the truck and yelled "PULL OVER THERE"

We pulled over and were seperated and questioned. The truck was searched and so were we. Thankfully, he had a copy of his leave orders on him otherwise it would have been bad! When they were finally done, they had a helicopter escort us to the falls to make sure that is where we were going!

Since then, I have beel pulled aside for the "random additional questioning" whenever I would cross. Seems weird right??? Well, a couple of years ago, my friend who is a cop was bored at work and called me and asked for my social security number. Being that he is a really good friend, I gave it to him.

He called me back a little while later asking me what I was doing on October 26th 2011. Of course, I couldn't think that far back. He was laughing the entire time and then he informed me that I am on the "Canadian watch list" and will always be pulled to the side when I cross! WOW! I had him run hubbys info and guess what?

THAT IDIOT IS NOWHERE ON THE LIST! He literally got me put on the list and walked away scott free! Needless to say, this was an awesome start to our marriage! HA!

Hilarious. :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2: Something like that would happen to me.
I will never stay in someones flat when I am there. I would have left and gone to a hotel. The hotel we were at was nice but the tub was so high I even dropped to the floor when I got out. I had to hold on. :lmao:
I"m signing on to your trip report because the only thing better than going to England or France is living vicariously through some else who is...:thumbsup2

Your writing is very funny...

But even more important you are a fair skinned, curly haired red head and I think we need to stick together...except your hair is much lighter than mine...I'm more auburny but the curls and fair skin...::yes::

(That's why I was super excited when BRAVE came out- finally a curly haired princess...:thumbsup2

Look forward to more...:surfweb:
Welcome! Gingers unite!:lmao:

I felt the same way about Brave...a princess who looks like me.:laughing:

I will never stay in someones flat when I am there. I would have left and gone to a hotel. The hotel we were at was nice but the tub was so high I even dropped to the floor when I got out. I had to hold on. :lmao:

European plumbing feels like its still in early 20th century:rotfl:
Hi Cherie, I thought it was just Disney that had the Atomic Toilets with a detonator for a flusher. And I really hate those high toilies where your feet dangle, nope, no good, that's why I never go into handicapped toilets either.

Great strory from your Pyrate Princess about customs, I'd like to add my favorite line again of what not to ever say when they ask you if you have any weapons to declare,
Never, ever say;

"What do you need?"
Great strory from your Pyrate Princess about customs, I'd like to add my favorite line again of what not to ever say when they ask you if you have any weapons to declare,
Never, ever say;

"What do you need?"

I'm pretty sure that if he had been given the chance, on that day.......He totally would have said that! This was not his proudest moment! :rotfl2:
Hi Cherie, I thought it was just Disney that had the Atomic Toilets with a detonator for a flusher. And I really hate those high toilies where your feet dangle, nope, no good, that's why I never go into handicapped toilets either.

Great strory from your Pyrate Princess about customs, I'd like to add my favorite line again of what not to ever say when they ask you if you have any weapons to declare,
Never, ever say;

"What do you need?"
Disney must have been inspired by the toilets in this flat.;)
I don't use handicap toilets either because I can't "hover" like my mom taught me.:rotfl:

I'm pretty sure that if he had been given the chance, on that day.......He totally would have said that! This was not his proudest moment! :rotfl2:

After my freezing "shower" which took twice as long as it should have we were running a little behind schedule so I was excited to get going. Having arrived in London the afternoon before and only seeing a bit of Greenwhich I couldn't wait to see it all.

We walked a block to the bus stop then transferred to the tube and arrived just outside the walls of The Tower. I can't fully explain just how excited I was to be there, but I'll try.

I'm an avid reader and history fan along with doing alot of family history research. Many of my ancestrial lines go back to William the Conqueror who built the tower in 1066. That's 946 years ago! Living in the western part of the U.S. it's rare to see anything more than 150 years old.

I've read countless books about events that took place in the Tower, which is actually a little misleading because there is more than one building so it's more like a complex than a single building.

The Tudor period has always fascinated me and the tower is a central part of their stories. To actually be in this spot, touching the stones and walking the halls of this ancient place was mind boggling and thrilling. There's nothing like dreaming of a place and then finally being able to be there. It makes the stories come to life in a different way.

When we walked up out of the tube station onto the sidewalk across from the Tower I actually cried a little. Heck, I'm crying now reliving that moment. Yes, I'm a ****. I blame my mom. There is just nothing like a dream finaly becoming a reality.

It took us awhile to find the entrance but we were soon in line in the midst of a German youth group. I know enough German to get myself into trouble so I just kept my mouth shut instead of trying out my rusty high school German like I often do. I think D.Jay was relieved. He gets a little nervous every time we go to the German pavilion in Epcot.

I don't have a lot to add that you can't see in the pictures so with that, I give you a pictoral of The Tower of London.....

our first glimpse

A few tigers representing King Henry's menagerie

Looking across the Thames and Tower Bridge


Looking from the outside over the wall into the complex

The infamous "traitor's gate" where Anne Bolyn was taken into the tower by boat

the slits that look like crosses are where archers would have shot from inside the walls




Guard outside the building where the crown jewels are kept





cont in next post


Sir Walter Raliegh
spent thirteen years (1603–1616) imprisoned at the Tower but was able to live in relative comfort in the Bloody Tower with his wife and two children. For some of the time he even grew tobacco on Tower Green, just outside his apartment. While imprisoned, he wrote The History of the World.....this is part of his apartment he shared with his family.


inside one of the hallways...which are very narrow and short


One of the famous parts of the tower have engravings from many of it's prisoners



I can't even imagine how long it took to do this one...

where many of the excecutions took place




Where the supposed bodies of the 2 young princes were found centuries later


that's one big honkin sword!!
and it's an original


Henry V armor


young king Charles I armour

Images of the kings up to Elizabeth I


Replicas of the horses of kings

original Norman bathroom



wouldn't want to get a sliver from this..

the original plumbing...
exits to outside the building


We came to a small chapel inside one of the towers...it was amazing! The ceilings are breath taking but since it's still in use we couldn't take pictures...darn....so I got what I could from standing outside the doors.


looking out a window





a royal throne






walking atop the castle walls


Before we went to take the Beefeater tour D.Jay needed a potty break so I sat down on a bench to just take in everything and the fact that I was in London. But I spied something a little peculiar next to the restrooms..


I soon discovered that there was about to be a little disneyesque entertainment. There was a live re-enactment of the prosecution, sentencing and excection on the Duke of Monmouth...

The Monmouth Rebellion, also known as The Revolt of the West or the The West Country rebellion, was an attempt to overthrow James II, who had become King of England, King of Scots and King of Ireland at the death of his elder brother Charles II on 6 February 1685. James II was a Roman Catholic, and some Protestants under his rule opposed his kingship. James Scott, 1st Duke of Monmouth, an illegitimate son of Charles II, claimed to be rightful heir to the throne and attempted to displace James II.

The rebellion ended with the defeat of Monmouth's forces at the Battle of Sedgemoor on 6 July 1685. Monmouth was executed for treason on 15 July, and many of his supporters were executed or transported in the "Bloody Assizes" of Judge Jeffreys.

It was fun to follow along and when The Duke called for his supporters to follow him into rebellion, being Americans we did what comes naturally and followed him....which landed us into prison.


d.jay's sentencing


calling his followers into rebellion


things didn't go too well for him

I have some video from it and I'll post it if I can figure out how.:)

The famous beefeater tour was well worth it! Actually, I'd consider it a must if you ever visit. The knowledge of these men is amazing and you can tell that they love what they do. You also get to enter a small chapel on the grounds where several important people are burried, but you can only enter on the tour.

I was fascinated to learn that some officers and their families actually live on the grounds in some of the lower buildings. I can't even imagine getting to live there! I would be in heaven.

To sum it up, it was an amazing and awe inspiring 4, yes 4 hours! The guide books I'd read suggested 1 to 2 hours...but that would be if you marched through at double time and didn't stop to touch the stone and just take in being in the middle of history. Ok....and shed a tear or two for a dream come true.
That tour looks awesome Cherie! I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much, even getting a little emotional. Leave it to you to join a rebellion. ;)
:rotfl:I see you take pictures of toilets too like we do!!! I love the zoomed in one! What is the facination with people and toilets! When we were in Germany we had to take pictures just about every toilet we saw! :rotfl::rotfl2:
fWow, what an incredible job you did posting all those pictures, and great ones aat that. Curious ,, did you just jump back and forth between photobucket and you trippy every time?

But wow. Hey what happened, you showed us DJ getting sentanced,b ut that was it. I was really looking forward to the execution part.
And I can see that nothing says "vacation" like seeing where all these people were executed, or where they found missing princes a couple hundred years later, guess they didn't have milk cartons back then. Nice going Cherie, say hi to Deej.
That tour looks awesome Cherie! I'm glad that you enjoyed it so much, even getting a little emotional. Leave it to you to join a rebellion. ;)
speaking of emotional...it gets worse. Poor, poor D.Jay...in both sense of the word.:rotfl2:

:rotfl:I see you take pictures of toilets too like we do!!! I love the zoomed in one! What is the facination with people and toilets! When we were in Germany we had to take pictures just about every toilet we saw! :rotfl::rotfl2:
900 year old toilets are pretty fascinating....and the fact that it all just slides down the side of the building onto the ground....yuck.

fWow, what an incredible job you did posting all those pictures, and great ones aat that. Curious ,, did you just jump back and forth between photobucket and you trippy every time?

But wow. Hey what happened, you showed us DJ getting sentanced,b ut that was it. I was really looking forward to the execution part.
And I can see that nothing says "vacation" like seeing where all these people were executed, or where they found missing princes a couple hundred years later, guess they didn't have milk cartons back then. Nice going Cherie, say hi to Deej.

yep, I go back and forth ....I open up 2 tabs on my browser so it doesn't take that much time.

He wasn't executed...just deported to the colonies.
So glad you had a dream come true experience. such a great start, can't wait to hear about the rest!
great chapter and pictures!!!! I'm surprised, with your red hair, that they didn't label you a traitor right away!!!

no tour is complete without ye olde toilette! :)
Great Photos! I love the Tower of London... So much history, all the those details... I totally hear you on the whole thing about having read about all these historic figures ... and then actually being there and seeing it for yourself... Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth I -before she was queen ...so many more... Plus all of the stories you read when you were a kid and all of the authors you read in school...:goodvibes

Don't worry about being emotional - I actually cried the first time I was in London... well I was totally exhausted-I hadn't slept on the flight and combined with the fatigue and the emotional overload I actually was crying and giggling at the same time...:sad: & :rotfl2:

I love that you ran into the disneyesque entertainment... The UK Pavillion at Epcot could use them...;)

(Maybe you'll find the Rose and Crown Pub... well actually I'll bet in all of London there has to be a Rose and Crown Pub ? ;)

So glad you're having a good time....I can't wait to read more about your trip...:surfweb:
what a wonderful update!!!!!!!!!!!! I too love everything Tudor and oh this update has me wanting to go back. It's been...decades.

Wonderful wonderful pictures Cherie, I felt like I was there with you.

I think I need a new book now...feeling the need for something Tudorish now with a good tower story thrown in, it's been a while.

I'm so glad you took the time to really enjoy it and not rush, how magical. And possible since it was just the two of you! Love that you stumbled across a reenactment, very cool.
So glad you had a dream come true experience. such a great start, can't wait to hear about the rest!
It really was a dream come true...sometimes I still can't believe I actually was there.

great chapter and pictures!!!! I'm surprised, with your red hair, that they didn't label you a traitor right away!!!

no tour is complete without ye olde toilette! :)
Yes, being a ginger seems to be a bad thing in the UK....at least I wasn't accused of witchcraft..... Had they asked at the wrong time D.Jay would have certainly claimed that I was a witch.;)

As for the ye olde toilette, there is just something fascinating about how different cultures and civilizations handle the topic...it reminds me of the Ramona book series, which I loved as a young girl. In one she is in kindergarten and at the end of a book her teacher is reading to the class she raises her hand and asks when the characters went to the bathroom because it was never mentioned in the story.:rotfl2:

Great Photos! I love the Tower of London... So much history, all the those details... I totally hear you on the whole thing about having read about all these historic figures ... and then actually being there and seeing it for yourself... Anne Boleyn, Elizabeth I -before she was queen ...so many more... Plus all of the stories you read when you were a kid and all of the authors you read in school...:goodvibes

Don't worry about being emotional - I actually cried the first time I was in London... well I was totally exhausted-I hadn't slept on the flight and combined with the fatigue and the emotional overload I actually was crying and giggling at the same time...:sad: & :rotfl2:

I love that you ran into the disneyesque entertainment... The UK Pavillion at Epcot could use them...;)

(Maybe you'll find the Rose and Crown Pub... well actually I'll bet in all of London there has to be a Rose and Crown Pub ? ;)

So glad you're having a good time....I can't wait to read more about your trip...:surfweb:
I understand the emotional overload thing! I experienced it many times on this trip.

what a wonderful update!!!!!!!!!!!! I too love everything Tudor and oh this update has me wanting to go back. It's been...decades.

Wonderful wonderful pictures Cherie, I felt like I was there with you.

I think I need a new book now...feeling the need for something Tudorish now with a good tower story thrown in, it's been a while.

I'm so glad you took the time to really enjoy it and not rush, how magical. And possible since it was just the two of you! Love that you stumbled across a reenactment, very cool.

As far as Tudorish books you can't go wrong with Phillipa Gregory, she is by far my favorite historical author. If you didn't live on the other side of the mountains I'd offer you use of my collection of her books but I think it would be cheaper for you to just buy them with the cost of gas.:crazy2:


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