I Just Wanted To Be Athletic - And Now, I Am! (comments welcome)

Ok, girl. You did it. You made me cry. :sad1:

I am SO freakin proud of you!!!! :woohoo: I've had that revelation before (the "only 3 miles") and it's such a wonderful feeling. You are a NEW person and a healthier person than you were this time last year. And setting such a great example for your children. :goodvibes

AWESOME job getting out there for those speedy runs! :banana: You've inspired me to get my getting-bigger-by-the-day rump out there for a run this weekend. :thumbsup2

Keep it up, girl. And I'd love to see some pics of where you are. Sounds beautiful!
Oh, come on Kim - don't cry! It's just a little running. :) I do appreciate your support and emotion on my behalf, though.

Today, I pulled a "Kim" I have to say! I had an appointment for the car at 10:30 and dropped the kids off at 9am, so I only had time for a quick little 2 miler. I did almost as well as you - 23 minutes for the 2 miles, and I ended with running up the hill to my cottage - not fast, but not walking! I said to myself "Hills make me strong. Hills make me strong" and encouraged myself to just make it to the flowers. :rotfl: It worked. Mind games.

So I ran on the road along the harbor - very pretty, and I will take pictures for you, Kim! I got passed by another runner. He must have been doing about a 6 minute mile, he was going so fast. Whew! Maybe someday.

The scale says I have lost 24.8lbs to date. I can't believe I missed 25 by THAT much! :eek: Well, next time. Provided I don't "vacation" too much.

Which reminds me too, that at the point where you are staying someplace for a month, it really ceases to be "vacationing" and starts being just "living." I think that Barbara Coloroso said something to that effect to a couple of kids who were on their way out to visit their dad via airplane and they said they were going to visit him and she asked how long they would be there and they said a month and she said "Well, that's not a 'visit,' that is a 'live.'" And they were so excited to be going to live with their dad for a month. Anyhow, that was a tangent.

I had a s'more last night. I figured it out and it was a 4 pointer. Not too terrible, I guess.
Today, I pulled a "Kim" I have to say! I had an appointment for the car at 10:30 and dropped the kids off at 9am, so I only had time for a quick little 2 miler.

Corinna - that is EXACTLY what I needed!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: I love it!!! And yes, you're a little speedy thing, aren't ya? ;)

Congrats on the loss so far!! You are SO close to 25 pounds!!! It's almost time for some more pics of you!! Your clothes must just be falling off. :eek: :laughing:

I'm jealous of your time away for such a long period of time. ENJOY!!!
Hey girl. Don't forget to update your journal for us loyal followers! :goodvibes
Hi Corinna!

Hope you are enjoying the different spots to run and making it fun for yourself.

Oh - my brain is on vacation. I posted a race report to the Runner's UNITE thread, but I'm going to have to just crosspost it here, I think. I will add an additional journal-specific post afterwards, so stay tuned! :thumbsup2

So it is a little late, but here is the report on my latest running escapades.

The race was a 3 mile fun run on the 4th of July. I had gotten my incredible brother in law to watch all 5 kids (my 2 and his 3) and I dropped them off at 7:30. The race was to begin at 8:15. Then I discovered that my Garmin had not charged in the night as I expected it to - falsley plugged in, it seems. I quickly borrowed my son's watch and figured out how to make it be a stopwatch. Not the easiest watch to figure out for some reason, but better than nothing.

It was a cool morning but pretty humid. I made several stops at the harbormaster's bathrooms, thrilled not to be facing a porta-potty wait each time I returned. I am not sure if it was nerves or what, but I was in there at least twice before the race got started.

So then the 10 mile runners came through and we cheered them on from the sides of the street. Their start had been in a different location 15 minutes earlier. The last runner before the police car bringing up the rear got the biggest cheer of all! Once they were past, it was time for us to line up for the 3 mile. Of course, I positioned myself toward the backity-back. I am never sure where to go and I figure it is better to be passing than be passed. Of course this is only my second race, so "never" is a bit of an exaggeration. I couldn't actually tell where the actual start of the race even was. There was a lady with a bullhorn, so I started my borrowed watch as soon as I passed where I thought she had been standing. Vague, yes?


Not much else to report. It was an out and back with a water stop at the turn-around and it was mostly on "Beach Drive" where I am very accustomed to running at this point. I guess I will just post the pictures.


And yes, this is where I get to run every run this month. :cloud9:

There was this woman about my mom's age running a little ahead of me as we neared the final stretch. She was keeping a pace just a little faster than mine, but I kept expecting that I might be able to pass her before the finish. I don't think I ever did, though.

And then finally the finish. It feels so good to see that.


They had water and bagels and oranges at the end, but all I had was some water because I had my invisalign thingies in, but it was a nice, fun time overall. OH, and about 10 minutes after I finished, along came the first of the 10 mile runners. He had done the whole 10 miles in something like 52 minutes. Wow. We all clapped and cheered and he broke into a smile. Then a little while after that, I saw the sweetest thing. There was a woman running, working really hard to get to the finish line. She had more extra weight on her than I did when I started and she was really pushing herself. I cheered her on, and then suddenly, a little boy, maybe 4 years old runs out and grabs her hand and she says "Oh! Hi Sweetie!" And he holds her hand and runs with her the rest of the way to the finish line. I about teared up right there, it was so inspiring and sweet all at once.

Overall, a good second race experience. Very casual, very nice. I had expected I could finish in 33 minutes and hoped to finish in 32 minutes. It turned out that I was able to finish, by my watch anyhow, in 31:51, which was very cool to me, especially since I had been without the Garmin and any indication of what my pace actually was! So there we have it - the lovely report on my second race along with the best of the scenery of my daily runs!

Today's run was really cool too - I decided to run into town and then as far as the gate for the point, which is about 1.75 miles, it turns out. So then I thought maybe there was a cross street that would bring me back into town from there without my doing a U-turn. I was running on this little back road, so pretty with occasional glimpses of the lake when I realized that I had run over 2 miles, was in fact more than 2 miles away from home and the road was not providing an easy way back. So I finally turned around a little reluctantly. It is so weird, but I ran 4.25 miles today in 54 minutes (nice and easy i.e. slow pace) and it was not even a huge trial. I feel like a running machine, like I get into this groove, this mode, and I am just going along, no need to stop. I feel like I could go on and on. I am not resenting the distance I need to get to. I am not resenting the time I need to get to. I'm mostly not even thinking about them. I did resent the humidity a little this morning, but even that was not a huge issue. It just made me slower is all. I am really enjoying this running on the roads too much, I think. Am I ever going to be satisfied to go back to the treadmill? How did this happen? :eek:
So the July running is going well for me. And the eating has been a lot harder. We are "vacationing" with relatives and there is a LOT of eating out. Still, I have managed to get down a little more such that I was able to change my signature to include the :wish25

I am not sure, at this rate how long it will take me to get to the 30, but that one is GOLD and how cool would it be to have that? Very cool.

I am also getting worried about the cruise coming up in August. There will be food and no little town to easily run through. We are going to be leaping from port to port and doing excursions and stuff - I know there is a gym there, but I am not sure I am going to be able to countenance spending upwards of an hour on the treadmill when I have been so SPOILED by running through the scenic resort towns of Northern Michigan. Sigh.

On the plus side, at the moment, I am starting to really feel like 8 miles isn't THAT much more to build to for the 13K in October. Maybe it really is and I have no idea, but I feel like I have passed through some glass ceiling and now I got to 4.25 miles yesterday and felt like I could keep on going if I wanted to. I'm trying hard not to get carried away, though. My next "race" is going to be July 21 - close on the heels, I know, but it is close by and sounds fun and like maybe a slightly more serious run than the first two I have tried. It is called the Bear River Crawl and it is a 5K. I love having a race to keep me striving, though truly, here, it has been a breeze getting 3 runs in each week! I am considering if I should bump it up to 4, but that only leaves me with one non-running morning when DS4 is busy in camp, and those mornings are so good for errands and relaxation, I am not sure I want to go there.:laughing:
Hey girl. I'm following you around today. :rotfl2:

I KNOW that you will do awesome at the TOT race in October. You are slowly building yourselp up to longer distances, which is the safest way to do this running thing. Keep it up girl, and you'll be GOLDen! :thumbsup2

You're doing fabulous with the weight loss too. Especially with being away from home. I would have lost all control. You are a driven woman! :drive:
Thanks for stalking me, Kim! :rolleyes1

I only worry that I am not building slowly enough. Like last week I suddenly ran 11 miles rather than the usual 9 miles per week I had been doing. I have heard that 10% increase thing and realized I had increased by more than that and felt very cavalier indeed! I think I am going to stay at 11 this week. Which means 3 today. Though there is also a good bit of walking that I am doing here, and yesterday I joined DH for his 30 minute exercise walk. I am not supposed to count walking mileage in that increase, am I? My plantar fascia probably thinks so. :sad2:

The food IS really hard - I feel like I have lost a lot of control on the food front, but I am mostly trying not to eat just WAY too much of all this vacation food. I sent away half a plate of cheese ravioli in cream sauce with fried zucchini and half a piece of decadent chocolate cake last night. That is a VICTORY as far as I am concerned. There was no menu - that was the vegetarian option for the evening. Ironically, the meat eaters all got sides of normal vegetables. :rolleyes: I am also eating very normal, healthy WW things at least two meals out of the day.

So far I don't seem to be packing anything back on, at least. I am watching that closely, for sure though. We didn't have a scale here before, and I had one sent from Amazon before we even left home. That's been a big help. It both keeps me from getting too comfortable AND it keeps me from beating myself up about some of this indulgant situation. I wonder if there is a scale on the Disney Magic.......
Alright. I'm officially jealous. You're living the high life for a month away from home, and then in less than a month you're doing a Disney Cruise?? :confused3 :headache: grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

You know I'm happy for you. And I'll live vicariously through your pictures and the trip report you're obviously gonna write, right? :rolleyes1

And yes, sending back ANY amount of food is a VICTORY! :thumbsup2 Keep up the great work, lady. :woohoo:
Yes, we are living embarassingly high on the hog this summer. Really, Michigan is about filial duty for me, primarily. It is beautiful here and I am having a nice time, but I think I am mostly here as a chaperone for the kids who LOVE to see their cousins.

Next month will be my first ever cruise, first ever stamp on my first ever passport. First ever time anywhere besides U.S. and Canada! I was a Latin major, among other things, in college and mostly I did it because I was so fascinated by all the Italian history and literature. I am kind of sad we won't be going into Rome on the one "Rome" day - however we will be doing an excursion to see Etruscan sites, and the Etruscans are really, super fascinating to me. Rome in August would be a long, crazy, hot day with the boys, and the excursion we really wanted was cancelled. :sad2: I know. Cry me a river, right?

Of course I will take photos and report back. Not sure if it will be in the form of a full-scale live report or an after-the-fact sort of thing. I usually do better with the LIVE stuff, I have to confess.
Of course I will take photos and report back. Not sure if it will be in the form of a full-scale live report or an after-the-fact sort of thing. I usually do better with the LIVE stuff, I have to confess.

I'll take whatever you give, my dear. :upsidedow
It's been a rough week here. A LOT of eating out. We have a bunch of ice cream in the house - the slow churned kind, but still. I am not staying on the straight and narrow. I did somehow manage to lose 1.2 lbs since I last weighed in, whenever that was, but I am not sure how that happened. I have been stress-eating again, on "vacation" if you can believe it, and I really want to cut that out a little more.

Yesterday, we went out to eat twice. Yikes. I had a kind of oily vegetable omlette for "brunch" and left most of the hash browns. I considered the caprese panini, cause it sounded so good, but decided that that I would be safer with the vegetable-no-cheese omlette. But I was forgetting that they make these things so oily. Then for dinner, it was a grilled vegetable sandwich. The only vegetarian option, but I ordered it without chips again and only used a little of the sauce. I had decided to walk into town for this dinner, which is about 2 miles each way pushing a stroller.

Anyhow, I'm doing not-that-bad, but not necessarily that great either. I am muddling along.

The running continues on well, and is probably my saving grace on this trip. I am going out again this morning pretty soon. Also, I have a 5K on Saturday, so I am only going to run twice during the week. Not sure how far, but last week I did 12 miles, so I guess I should try to average 4.5 miles the other two days?

Here is a message from DS3:

ijbgfsadd3ccvbn mm,klkkjhbggghhhtyghhgougo8ggigfcchbbnkunniiuhbnjmjjjhggbnnjmllkkmjmnjjjmmjnmjnmjkjjjnjnjnmjnknnnnoiuinujojmlmm;n7ub;opnunbi6nn6bn7bnugnuu7bnbunubnunbjinbnnbbnytjhnnbhhnvhnybkntnhybnbnjyjbyinjyibnoy6jhnbiuytiuyi7nn8nuhjjnbmb9uojm u jujjnbnnnnnnnnibjubjm6moj6uj9877bbbm0jm776ub66vnbuvn5b cb5ucvb bbvhvnb nvnvbvntvnmvnhjgkkggmhhhhyngnhhhhhhn966n

He insisted on typing.
Hey Corinna - I know it's tough. Well, I can only imagine how tough it is being away from home for a month and trying to stick with a healthy lifestyle plan. :hug: You're doing GREAT!! With all the running and walking and moving around you're doing, you're allowed more calories and NEED more calories even to lose weight. You're aware of what's going on and you're making smart choices. :thumbsup2

You're running is nothing short of amazing!! Keep up the great work, girl! :goodvibes

And your DS is quite the typer!! :)
So I ran 5 miles in a little over 61 minutes this morning, which means 4 on Wednesday, I guess. My dad says that if I can do 5 miles 3 times a week, I could be running that 10 mile race I was talking about. I feel tired just thinking about it, but really, I guess it's not that unrealistic. My knees aren't thrilled by the idea, I must admit. And I was thinking I would more likely build one longer run than have 3 hearty runs each week, but time alone will tell what crazy thing I am going to do next. The main thing, both on an individual run and in the long term is just to KEEP GOING.

Thanks Kim. The problem is that I am not always making smart choices. I am trying most of the time to do so, though, and that is probably the thing that is saving me. That and the increased activity, I suppose. You are right, of course, that I do need more calories with the increased activity. I should still probably be logging them. I got out of the habit during the time of the broken computer and haven't quite gotten back into it, I'm afraid. It is a dangerous path I am treading at the moment, but I guess I can always do better tomorrow. I ate in 3 meals today and that helps sooooo much. I need to make more soup, though. Sometimes I think that soup is my secret weapon. Black Bean Soup. Lentil Soup. Vegetable Soup. I am sure there are others, but those are the weapony-ones that I can make. :stir:

Here is a silly bit of weight watcher's trivia. According to my online activity calculator, anything between 54 and 61 minutes = 8 activity points. If I had run another 30 seconds for a total of 62 minutes, that would have been 9 points. I guess there have to be lines of demarkation somewhere, and given that I didn't even count my food today, I shouldn't care that much, but still - I was SO close! I think they say I am supposed to work up to earning 28 points in a week. Though they also include a lot of kind of lightweight stuff as ways you can earn those activity points.

OK - I just added today's food from memory as well as I could and unless I am forgetting something pretty significant, I did pretty well. I could have had more fruits and vegetables, but used my daily allowance plus half my activity points, which is exactly what I would have done had I been consciously doing it instead of mindlessly doing it.:eek: That's pretty amazing!
Ack. Posting as my husband and for some reason the computer doesn't remember my password for my usual account. What a disaster of logging in tonight has been. Anyhow, reposting again with something closer to the appropriate account. :rolleyes: I'm evidently not doing well.

My time here in Michigan is almost done. We fly home tomorrow, and we are in the midst of packing and closing up. I should be working on that right now.

I have fallen off the turnip truck a bit in the past few weeks. I got out of the habit of logging my food when my computer broke down and never got back into it again. VERY unhelpful behavior. I've gained back a little, it seems. Why is it so easy to do that? It's the ice cream. That's the problem, I think.

Every time there is a change in routine, there is danger. I felt that when we came out here, and I am feeling that now that we are returning home, briefly, before the cruise.

I have kept up the running pretty well. I didn't get to run in my race on Saturday due to DH's travel difficulties and the plans of my relatives. I had missed Friday's run and didn't run Saturday, and didn't run Sunday morning. I finally got my run on Sunday afternoon and decided to stop after 3 miles because I planned to run again the next day, Monday, as well.

Monday and Wednesday were my plans. I was hoping to do 6 miles today, but I ended up doing 5 on Monday, making for 8 miles in less than 24 hours, and then today was hot and kind of yucky for running by the time I got out there. When I got back, it was 82, and sunny. I had ended up deciding to take a couple of walk-breaks so as not to overheat. It's amazing how much that can help. I ended up doing 5 miles in an hour and 2 minutes, which is more than I intended to do once I got going, but less than I had wanted to do in the beginning. It was not an especially enjoyable run, so I am glad I did as much as I did.

Not sure how the transition is going to go to running outdoors at home or if I will do more on the treadmill since I will have one. It's a WEEK anyhow, and then off to Barcelona and the unknown of the cruise.

There are some things I am just LOVING about the state of fitness I am in right now. I still have more than 30 pounds I'd like to be lighter, but right now there are some things to celebrate.


...that when we go for a walk with the kids and the little ones get too far ahead on their bikes and aren't hearing or aren't listening when we tell them to stop and wait, I can quickly run ahead and catch up to them and not even be out of breath when I catch them.

...that I am not getting winded on my runs and when I stop at the end, I am not huffing and puffing.

....that I now have a slow, comfortable pace that I feel I can maintain indefintely and that I can run faster for a bit and recover at a jog rather than a walk. At least when it is not sweltering!

...that I can run for an hour and that 5 miles seems to be the new 3 miles!
So we are home. I ran on Sunday. It was HOT and HILLY. I still managed 6 miles, but I didn't have my water bottle - left it in Michigan - and ended up walking a good bit of it. I managed to find a drinking fountain about halfway through and felt MUCH better after that. Still, 6 miles!

Yesterday, I ran on the treadmill. It is SO much mentally harder than running outside. There are no visuals to haul yourself along with. There is no visual distraction either - my husband's second cousin once removed (and I know this is a tenuous relationship, but she is a lovely woman) was talking about how if you close your eyes when you listen to music, it sounds so much MORE. I think it's the same way with running but in reverse. The visual input takes away some of the sensation of wanting to stop. On the treadmill, all I've got is the iPod. And it's just barely enough. Anyhow, I did the podfitness workout which helps with the monotony as well, and then ran another 25 minutes after that for a total of 4 miles.

I did have an overall net loss during my time in Michigan, but due to a little backslide at the end there, it's not as much as I would have hoped for. I am wary going into the cruise trip. I really don't want to come back with a huge backslide. I know that is what cruises DO - there is rich food at every meal and there are 6 meals a day, right? But I am feeling a little more mentally grounded than I did at the end of the Michigan time. I have to keep my mind in the right place. I need to go over that Beck Diet Solution again to get my mental game as good as it can be while we are there.

Also, I am not sure how I am going to manage the running during our time in Barcelona and our time on the ship. Though there is, of course, a fitness center on the ship. But then that is a treadmill again, and not the most engaging. I guess time alone will tell, but I am going to go into it prepared to work out every other day, just like home. That is my thought, anyhow.
Hey Corinna! :hug: How exciting that you're going cruising in 3 days!!! :woohoo: ENJOY your trip. You've come SO far and you're allowed to enjoy it. Hit that treadmill when you can and do lots of walking around the ship. I just can't wait to hear all about it!!

I'm sorry I haven't been around much lately. I think the whole month of August is gonna be like that. I'll try my best to be better with the support for my running buddy! :hug:

Take care and keep on goin. I need your "drive" to rub off on me. :rolleyes1
Hi Kim!

I fully intend to enjoy it, but I don't want to undo all my hard work either, or even much of it. I am already struggling to reverse the trend that started those last couple of weeks in Michigan. I get in trouble if I start to give myself liscense to splurge. I think that some people gain as much as a pound a day on a cruise. :scared: Dude, I don't want to gain back 10 pounds! On the other hand, I think you probably have to work at it to put on that much, so a little reality check and balance is what is called for. And who knows - maybe I will have some motion sickness, rendering me unwilling to eat much. OK - that is just deranged, to wish for motion sickness.

As for your drive :drive: (I never get to use that one!), you know that the only thing that keeps me going sometimes is a looming "race" on the horizon, right? Seems to me that my drive always goes way down if I don't have somewhere I am actually trying to get to - not in a geographical place, but you know what I mean, right? Well, that and the structure of the c25k followed by the structure of the days I was by necessity able to run in Michigan due to the kids club. On the other hand, I give you a lot of leeway right now due to heat and fatigue. Cause goodness knows, running in the heat is thankless, unpleasant and perhaps dangerous, and running in the wee hours of the morning is not a whole lot more appealing.

Well, that was a lot of advice running off at the mouth, but it's my journal, so what the heck, right? Hang in there, Kim - the only constant in the universe is change, right? Which seems SO true to me right now!


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