I hope we love it! I am sure we will! Uh no - we don't! Mickeystoontown's 16 day trip! Updated 9/5!

Let's check this place out!

But, first, I needed to visit check in which is located in the Gran Destino tower. We had three reservations. Not ours and the two rooms for our kids but three for us. We had a two night stay and then a one week stay and then another one week stay. That's the only way that I could get my special rate and the rate saved us a lot of money so it was what it was. All three reservations were for the same booking/room category and I had asked that a notation be made that each was a continuing reservation. This would help greaten the likelihood that we wouldn't have to change rooms. I didn't want to unpack everything if the request hadn't been honored. I had also requested that Disney try to put all of us close to one another. I wanted to see if the room assigner was able to do that for us.

We walked from Cabanas to the tower and I didn't take a single picture. Not one. We just breathed in the Disney air and took in our surroundings. Coronado Springs is a beautiful resort! The cast members at check in were attentive and were able to confirm that we would get to stay in the same room for the entirety of our stay. Good! I asked if they could see if Hunter and Tabitha's room and Lacey and Jesse's room were close to us. They were on the other side of the building but they were next door to one another. We were water view and they were standard view which is all that was available when I booked. I asked if we could pay the difference and have them in a water view room too. They called the room assigner who said that there was no water view availability and, if one came available, it was more likely that they would be further away from us than as close as they were now. We chose to leave it be and not ask them to put in the request even if two water view rooms could be found. They were able to confirm that I had booked the room as their agent and gave me their room numbers. I thanked them for their help and we walked back to our building.

I had the keys in my pocket so there was no need to drop back by our room. We did; however, walk around the building to see if we could located the rooms for the kids and they were right beside one another and on the backside of our building. We started to unload all the stuff we packed and it was a lot. We put the luggage carrier on the car so that we would have extra room to bring drinks, water, snacks, etc. for all three rooms. The carrier would also come in handy later in the trip. John can reach the luggage carrier but it is much easier with a small folding step stool. This picture was taken at 7:06 p.m.

This next one was at 8:09 p.m. so it must have taken us about an hour to unload and unpack. We were both starting to get hungry so opened the app and ordered food from Three Bridges Bar & Grill.


As we walked over to Three Bridges, we, again, took in the sights and sounds of the resort. It really was pretty and we took it all in. Well, as much as we could because it was dark out. We located Three Bridges and a cast member asked our name and checked my order number. She came back and said it would be a little bit before it was ready. In the meantime, we stood on the bridge and saw fireworks off in the distance.


Just a few minutes later, the cast member called our name and handed us a bag with our food. John and I found a table outside of the main building and sat down to enjoy our food and the beautiful evening.




The food was good but the portions were on the small side. We weren't super hungry so that wasn't an issue for us. John called his parents to let them know that we had arrived and they talked for a few minutes. Once done, we tossed our food containers in the trash and walked back to our room. From what we could see, we thought that Coronado Springs was a good choice for us.

I stopped to take a picture of the recreation board:


and the backside which gave information about the resort:

Movies Under the Stars was set up outside of the Gran Destino tower:

Once back to our room, we turned on the television to watch a little bit of the must dos but we didn't last long. We had been driving for hours and were ready to turn in.

**Up next: Where are my pictures? I know that I took pictures!
Im enjoying your report. Especially the CSR reviews. We have our first stay there in November. Looking forward to reading the rest!
Im enjoying your report. Especially the CSR reviews. We have our first stay there in November. Looking forward to reading the rest!

I'm glad that you are here and enjoying the read. I have more CSR pictures coming.
I'm so glad that you commented! Are you writing a report about either of your trips?
I probably should, but I didn't keep any notes or anything.

I absolutely love the way you write about your family. John's vacation day note is the SWEETEST!! 🥰

I'm looking forward to reading more about what you think of Coronado. I love reading about different resorts.
I probably should, but I didn't keep any notes or anything.

I absolutely love the way you write about your family. John's vacation day note is the SWEETEST!! 🥰

I'm looking forward to reading more about what you think of Coronado. I love reading about different resorts.

I only have the notes/itinerary that I put together before the trip. I just go by the order of the pictures and memory.
Just found this thread. I've also read some of your past reports. I love how you are all organized, I'm the same way when I travel. Great start to the trip so far. Can't wait to read more :)
Just found this thread. I've also read some of your past reports. I love how you are all organized, I'm the same way when I travel. Great start to the trip so far. Can't wait to read more :)
Welcome back! I try to be as organized as possible especially when a trip is a longer one.
Where are my pictures? I know that I took pictures!

I came up with the title of this installment while looking at the pictures I had on my thumb drive but I knew that there had to be more. And there were/are. I found them in icloud. So, I'll change the name of this installment:

Let's dar una vuelta!

For those of you who don't speak Spanish, that means "Let's walk around!". Okay, so I don't speak Spanish either and had to do a quick google search but....

You'll remember that we had three reservations. The first reservation was a room only reservation for two nights. Our tickets wouldn't kick in until we checked in for our package which started the next day. We had previously decided that we would sleep in and totally relax on this day. After working hard for days and weeks before the trip, we needed the down time.

We took our time getting up and ready for the day. John and I were anxious to walk around the resort and get a good look at the various sections. What little we had seen the evening before was mostly in the dark. I made up the bed since mousekeeping wouldn't be coming in and making them for us (still during COVID) and I moved a few of our things around to make them more convenient.

I had brought along some decorations for our room window. Nothing over the top, just some vinyl clings, autumn leaves and a couple of decorative pumpkins. I also didn't want the window to take away from the beauty of the resort so I put them majority of the decorations on the bottom area of the window.

Window decorating done, we started our resort tour by going to our right and towards the Ranchos area of the resort. But, first, I took some pictures of the Cabanas.


The beach is a lot smaller than Caribbean Beach but it was still a beach and we ended up making use of the hammocks and beach chairs during our stay.

We continued to our right and saw the signage directing guests toward the main pool and Ranchos.

There were quite a few people in the pool and I didn't want to take pictures with so many guests there so we took a quick look and went back out to the walkways.

As we entered the Ranchos section, we saw that the buildings were more earth tone colors and the landscaping was more desert like. Another thing that we noticed was that the cactus were very close to many of the walkways. Some had thorns and if you didn't pay attention, you could easily get poked by them.




I did a Facebook live video after taking the above pictures. I had some guests traveling to Coronado Springs soon and they had hoped to be placed in the Ranchos area because it was totally different that their area of the country. We made the loop through Ranchos and came out to this bridge and view of the resort. It was so pretty.


**Continued in next post (too many pictures)
Let's dar una vuelta! continued

Looking across the lake towards the Gran Destino tower:

We were now in the Casistas section of the resort.


I thought that I took a picture but there was a picnic table to our left underneath the trees.

We stopped and took a selfie to send to the kids. It was our hope that they'd get even more excited about joining us later in the trip.

I insert this tidbit of info into almost all of my trip reports. Not because it is necessarily something of importance but it kinda sorta is to me. I have Bells Palsy and one side of my face doesn't have the muscle tone of the other. My eye and my lips droop or squench some and looks puffier than the other. I'm self conscious about it and it sometimes takes me looking through several photos before I see one that I'm not too terribly self conscious about. (this coming from the goofball who posts a video of John and I lip synching) Anyway, if you wonder "what's up with her face and mouth". That's what's up with my face and mouth.


Moving on to our resort tour. More Casistas:



One of the quiet pools located throughout the resort.



**Up next: Food, I need food! Oooh, this is strange!

Not long after, I received a text from Disney World saying our room was ready!
I remember when I was there last in 2018 I got an email and alet in MY Disney Experince for my room number as I walked through the airport to the Disney Magical Express pick-up area.
Looking forward to following along! We have a travel drawer (okay 2 really). I just open them up and pull out what I need for the trip we are taking. Everything is in those drawers, from hand wipes to electrical convertors/adapters and a mini fan. Saves so much time when packing :)
that's a smart idea! our trip isn't for 6 months but I need something to focus on so I put a big plastic tote in my room and have been adding stuff to it as I collect it up - luggage tags, ponchos, activities for the kids on the plane, sanitizer, spare chargers etc
The Coronado is on our list to stay one day so really enjoyed the room and resort pictures!! I always enjoy reading your trip reports.
I only have the notes/itinerary that I put together before the trip. I just go by the order of the pictures and memory.
That's really impressive! I'm sitting here trying to remember exactly what we did on our first day... 12 days ago. 🤦‍♀️ Thankfully I DO have pictures.
Joining in! Love the start of your report. You had a successful travel day and your room looks beautiful. I agree that CSR is a gorgeous resort. :)
I remember when I was there last in 2018 I got an email and alet in MY Disney Experince for my room number as I walked through the airport to the Disney Magical Express pick-up area.
Gotta love it when your room is ready and waiting for you.
Anyway, if you wonder "what's up with her face and mouth". That's what's up with my face and mouth.

I just thought you were cute! Honestly!
Aww, thank you. I'm a bit self conscious about it.
that's a smart idea! our trip isn't for 6 months but I need something to focus on so I put a big plastic tote in my room and have been adding stuff to it as I collect it up - luggage tags, ponchos, activities for the kids on the plane, sanitizer, spare chargers etc

I do that too. There are some things that I take only to Disney and I have a small tote that I toss things in as I buy them.
The Coronado is on our list to stay one day so really enjoyed the room and resort pictures!! I always enjoy reading your trip reports.

Thank you! The resort itself is gorgeous!
That's really impressive! I'm sitting here trying to remember exactly what we did on our first day... 12 days ago. 🤦‍♀️ Thankfully I DO have pictures.

:teeth: you'll probably notice that in some areas of the report, I'll say something like "I think we did..." or "I hope that I am remembering correctly...". But, for the most part, I am pretty good at remembering what we did.
Joining in! Love the start of your report. You had a successful travel day and your room looks beautiful. I agree that CSR is a gorgeous resort. :)

Welcome! The room was very nice and spacious.
I am so loving your report! Both you and your husband seem so happy. I love the notes he leaves you. Very sweet!

I also wanted to add, I was thinking how great you looked after such a looong car trip. I would have been a hot mess! You are beautiful inside and OUT with a beautiful family!


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