I can't BELIEVE he said yes! We go back in June 2010!!


DIS Veteran
Sep 28, 2009
Welcome to my first ever PTR!! For two years I have enjoyed reports by other DISers and now I am biting the bullet and jumping on board!! I hope you enjoy the journey with me! First a little background!

My husband has always said he would never go to Disney World. He has always been pretty adamant about it, so I have never pressed the issue. Then a few years ago our children began talking about going. I had taken DD (14) when she was almost 4 years old but we had not returned. My DS (16) had never been. We began planning and went March 2009 for Spring Break. And we had a blast…just the 3 of us! Everyone thought I was crazy taking off alone with two teens for a trek to Orlando (we drove the 11 hours from our house!!). But we had so much fun. We stayed for 8 days and did almost everything we had set out to do!! That trip also made me a firm believer in Rope Drop, Touring Plans and not stressing when something doesn’t get done! It also made my kids fall in love with WDW and I forgot how much I loved the magic there!!

On our trip home, we began planning our next trip…when we would go we weren’t sure about but we knew that it would happen sometime. My goal was Christmas 2010. I figured we could fit in a family vacation with DH somewhere he “approved” of and then the kids and I along with my parents could go to WDW around Christmas. Great plan!! I started getting everyone’s wish list at the end of December 2009 and making tentative goal dates as to when to book, dream about ADRs, etc! Every time I would get an e-mail about the newest offer I would jokingly forward to DH just so I could hear the sarcastic response!! (And also hoping one day he would see the light!!) One day while perusing the DISboards (an addiction of mine!!) I noticed that the great deal for military was extended through part of 2010 ($99 tickets for 4 days -5 would be better but I am not complaining!!) So I began plotting to go sooner than Christmas since the tickets are only good through September and we have school to deal with on top of that! I forwarded the e-mail and told him maybe, just maybe, we could move the “family vacation” to later in the fall.

In the meantime, I began planning for the “family trip”. We go to Gatlinburg several times a year and had decided to lay-off and try something different this year. So I had given the kids a few options for vacation (San Antonio-one of our favorite places; Washington DC/Williamsburg, VA-another fave; St. Augustine, FL- with a secret plot to get close to WDW!; and finally Mt. Rushmore). They chose Mt. Rushmore, so off I was to make the reservations and plans. Now fast forward to January 31, 2010…..It is one week before the New Orleans Saints play in their first ever Super Bowl :woohoo: and DH has been a die-hard fan for the 43 years of their existence. He has suffered what every true Saints fan has suffered. So naturally he was on a high! He wakes up (I like to think literally!) and says “I have been thinking maybe I have been selfish. Let’s go to WDW this summer and maybe tack something else on at the end.” I told him, “Well we really had our hearts set on Mt Rushmore and Custer State Park”…..well, okay, maybe not, I said “Okay! You mean it? Mt Rushmore will always be there! Can I book today?!?!?!?!?” :banana:

I totally attribute his change of heart to the fact that he was on cloud nine due to football and the Saints upcoming victory (because “We Believe!!”, “Who Dat” and all that jazz!). I did not care what caused the change of heart, I was off to make my room reservation and begin our planning.

So, this trip is different from one I normally would plan. No Park Hoppers since it is for only 4 days and I did not want to push him on that front! We also will have to skip some things we really may want to do but we have prioritized and will hope for the best! This trip is really designed around showing DH that Disney is full of magic! The kids are on board and understanding, plus they are old enough to do things without us being attached to them!

So who exactly are we?? I will introduce everyone…coming up!!
YAY YAY YAY!!!! I am so glad you started a PTR!!!!! I am so excited to follow your trip!!! :goodvibes
Now to the introductions! We actually have three children but the oldest (DS) is 20 and considers us too “lame” to go on vacation with anymore! He stays too busy with school and friends, so it will be our 16 year old son, Chris, and our 14 year old daughter, Madison along with me and my husband, Keith. First I will introduce my dear children.

This is Chris (16). He told me the other day that he wishes we had gone to WDW sooner because now he feels like he has missed out on so much. But we have taken him to Sea World, Busch Gardens, Six Flags, Dollywood….he really hasn’t missed out on fun, just the Disney fun! Chris is full of energy and ready to try anything!

And today. He has grown like a weed since last year, so I felt I should give an “updated” picture.

This is Madison (14). I took her for the first time right before she turned 4 and it was very magical. It was almost 10 years before we got to go back. Her favorite spot was Toontown so we went there last year and took “10 years later” pics. It is amazing how fast they grow up!! When I informed her Toontown was about to be no more, tears came to her eyes with an exclamation of “NO!!” But once she saw the new plans I think she may be okay with it! The other day she told me she wondered how people that go to WDW several times a year do not get bored. Of course I explained to her that she has not even seen a third of what is offered. But I also asked her if she thought us going again was too soon and then planning again for December or March 2011… she said “no that is too far apart”…ummmm then that would put us in the above category right?? She had to agree. I love her reasoning sometimes!

And this is Madison now.

Here is one of our “Then and Now Pictures”:
October 1999, age 3 3/4
and March 2009 age 14

My name is Tisa. I LOVE to travel…anywhere! I am constantly plotting where we can go next and what to do. I love day trips, weekend trips, you name it! It literally drives my husband crazy!! I am not a homebody! I also love trying and doing new things. This will be my 5th trip to WDW.
The three of us last year :


Then there is my wonderful hubby, Keith! :lovestruc (I got the “flat husband” idea from a TR I was reading when I first began planning our March ’09 trip.) I knew immediately that I had to "take him along" and this was something I had to do!! We figured we would show him he was having a great time! We took pictures which we would text to him showing him enjoying his many adventures!! And he smiled the whole time!!

Thankfully he does like to travel, he just doesn’t like to plan or talk about it. He will not get excited until the day of a trip! He is the world traveler in our family since he has been practically all over the world while in the Air Force. Since Europe tops my Bucket list locals, he loves to rub it in that he has been to Paris and London and Italy…good thing we have a happy marriage!! As far as WDW goes, he has only been once and proclaims to despise Disney! He went in 1972 or so. He was around 7…..but doesn’t remember anything about the trip except for almost drowning in the hotel pool. I guess that is enough to make you not want to go back somewhere! He also dislikes crowds and standing in lines and walking a lot….yeah, my work has been cut out for me! BUT I am thinking positive thoughts and will hopefully be lucky enough to dodge the worst!! Last year at Spring Break worked with the crowd levels so my fingers are crossed!!
And here we are together on Easter Sunday:

So that is our crew! Now that all of that is out of the way, I will next tackle our plans!!
Hooray! Welcome!! :welcome:I am glad to know I will have at least one reader!! :yay:

Make that at least two readers. :woohoo:

:yay:Glad you finally started a trip report. Great start. I love the photos. You have a beautiful family!

Mt Rushmore hasn't moved an inch since it was carved about 90 years ago. It will be there to visit later. But this could be your last chance to visit Toontown. :eek:It's not closing until fall right? By the way, what the heck is in San Antonio? :confused3 I've never been there but there has to be a reason it is your favorite.

We have a lot in common. You could have been describing me when you said:

I LOVE to travel…anywhere! I am constantly plotting where we can go next and what to do. I love day trips, weekend trips, you name it!

No matter how busy or broke we have been over the years, we always find a way to go somewhere. :cool1:

I can't wait to read more. Don't leave out any details. ;)
Make that at least two readers. :woohoo:

:yay:Glad you finally started a trip report. Great start. I love the photos. You have a beautiful family!

Mt Rushmore hasn't moved an inch since it was carved about 90 years ago. It will be there to visit later. But this could be your last chance to visit Toontown. :eek:It's not closing until fall right? By the way, what the heck is in San Antonio? :confused3 I've never been there but there has to be a reason it is your favorite.

We have a lot in common. You could have been describing me when you said:

No matter how busy or broke we have been over the years, we always find a way to go somewhere. :cool1:

I can't wait to read more. Don't leave out any details. ;)

Hooray!! So glad you are here!! :dance3:

I totally agree about Mt Rushmore and Toontown! I had not thought about that! I read that Ariel's Grotto will be closing April 11 and she will either be in Adventureland or DHS with Prince Eric in her dress rather than her fins. The rest of Toontown is supposed to close in the fall...I think. I plan to make a final walk-through in June!

When we go to San Antonio we go to the Alamo and the Riverwalk area. We love to ride the boat and eat at the restaurants along the Riverwalk. There is also the el Mercado that we really like...think Mexico at Epcot bumped up a few notches. But we also really love Sea World and Schlitterbahn (an awesome waterpark). We have also done caves in the area. There is also the ole World's Fair area with a space needle that we enjoy. We usually fill 5-6 days when we go there.

Thanks for the compliments!! I will try my best to give all of the details!!! I am so excited that my ticker now says 1 month!! :woohoo:
We love a lot of the same travel destinations as your family. I am also ready to go on just about any trip!

Tell your DH he really needs to take you to Europe! We have been to Italy twice and it is one of the most remarkable places imaginable. I really hope you get to go someday.

Looking forward to the rest of your PTR!

We love a lot of the same travel destinations as your family. I am also ready to go on just about any trip!

Tell your DH he really needs to take you to Europe! We have been to Italy twice and it is one of the most remarkable places imaginable. I really hope you get to go someday.

Looking forward to the rest of your PTR!


:welcome: I am so glad you have joined in!!

Traveling is so much fun! I actually have a promise that within the next 2-3 years we should be going to Europe..somewhere but no details yet. Italy is my ultimate place to go. I just want to go from top to bottom!! I am so envious you have been twice!!!
So you have the “Why” and “Who”, now I will give you the “When”, “Where”, and “How”!!

When: June 5-June 12, 2010

Well, the Disney portion of our trip will actually be June 5-June 10. On Thursday, June 10th, we head to the 2nd part of the adventure….Keith’s tack-on portion (St. Augustine)!!


Initially I had us staying at POP Century. Last year I wanted to stay at POP so bad, but since the trip was for my kids, I let them choose. We stayed at All-Star Sports. Side note: let me just add….if you are ever at WDW at Spring Break and not a part of a cheer or dance competition…stay somewhere else! Along with the competition girls, the hotel had several senior trippers. It was loud and overrun with craziness, plus my then 15 year old got an eyeful at the pool and at breakfast each day. Other than that the resort was fine but I just had no desire to risk a repeat of last year at an All-Star, it left a less-than-desired taste for ASSports! So, I was very excited about staying at POP! :banana: We were also getting a 40% off military discount which made the room cost much less than even an off-site room or Shades of Green.

Then about 2 weeks ago on my way home from work, I was thinking :idea:…we are getting 40% off our room, why not upgrade?? So I checked into it and our most desired of all resorts to stay at (Poly and WL) were still way out of our price range. Moderates however, only added about $200.00. I still don’t get why Deluxe would be even double the Moderate Resorts. That is a huge difference…but I guess that is just how it is!! :confused3 We aren’t in the rooms long enough to justify paying that much. Maybe one day, but not this trip.

Thus began my dilemma of where to stay since I had decided to go with a Moderate. I recruited the kiddos and we began looking at the options. (Another note: If you have two teenagers and decide you need help making a decision…they will have two VERY different ideas!) We pulled up pictures on various web sites and pretty quickly ruled at Caribbean Beach…something just didn’t click with us and the pictures. So that left Coronado Springs and Port Orleans. Well, I had a girl wanting Port Orleans (either one) and a boy wanting CSR. So what does any good mother do?? I told them thanks for the input…and I made the decision. :rolleyes1

Only the problem is, I could not decide! I read reviews of each. I made a pros and cons list. CSR looks so hot. There seems to be no trees and then I read reviews on the distance to walk and the business conferences. But with Port Orleans…I always pass this one by! The primary reason is because I grew up one hour from New Orleans. We go for day-trips all of the time! And being in the "Deep South" we have plantation homes everywhere!! When we spend the night in New Orleans we stay here:


or here:


So I just always felt if I were going to Disney why do I want to go to a place that is so much like home??? POFQ really looks similar...only very Disneyfied.

But I think the smells may be slightly different in NOLA than WDW!! :rotfl:

For some unknown reason, I made this decision way, way too hard! It is only a room for goodness sake! So I read some more reviews and checked out more pictures and decided to just sleep on it. Amazing what sleep can do because the next morning, there was no doubt where I wanted to stay. The pros out-weighed the cons by far and I suddenly was very excited to be staying at Port Orleans Riverside!

So that is our “Where”! I like the landscaping and it just looks so peaceful and relaxing. Something I hope will come in handy if my plans to return for mid-day breaks work out! Also, I love the idea of the boat ride to DTD. Plus we have rental opportunities (also avail at CSR but not POP) that I think, if we have time, will be a fun option. I know this resort is larger than POFQ but it just seemed more appealing. I do hope to visit POFQ while we are there and check it out. I have also gotten some very positive responses about POR since I made this decision which has upped my excitement!!


It is an 11 hour drive to WDW from our home. We had considered flying but the other portion of our trip dictated that flying is not a cost effective option. It really isn’t a bad drive and we are not a family that minds riding in a car. We think nothing of deciding at the last minute to drive 2 ½ -3 hours to the coast (MS Gulf Coast) or New Orleans for a day and drive home that evening. To us the journey is just as much fun! So right now, I am trying to talk Keith into leaving early (like 2am or so!) so we can get to the hotel and spend some time relaxing and maybe exploring since we have DTD that evening. We left last year at 4:30am and got to our resort in plenty of time. But this part is totally a work in progress!! Deep down I know it is because we only have so long to spend this time around so I want to get in as much time as possible!

Next I will tackle some of our "more detailed" plans...trying to decide...ADRs or Parks....hmmmm :scratchin
Congrats on your resort choice!!! :cool1: We will be there too! This is our 2nd time staying at POR and it is a really nice resort.

But I think the smells may be slightly different in NOLA than WDW!!

Congrats on your resort choice!!! :cool1: We will be there too! This is our 2nd time staying at POR and it is a really nice resort.



:welcome: I am excited about POR now and really hope we can enjoy it...we have such a short time this go around! I must say I jumped onto your PTR real quick and it scares me!! :scared1: It sounded like I wrote so much of that!!! :laughing:

I plan to go back (after work :rolleyes1 ) and read a little slower!!
So you have the “Why” and “Who”, now I will give you the “When”, “Where”, and “How”!!

When: June 5-June 12, 2010

Well, the Disney portion of our trip will actually be June 5-June 10. On Thursday, June 10th, we head to the 2nd part of the adventure….Keith’s tack-on portion (St. Augustine)!!


Initially I had us staying at POP Century. Last year I wanted to stay at POP so bad, but since the trip was for my kids, I let them choose. We stayed at All-Star Sports. Side note: let me just add….if you are ever at WDW at Spring Break and not a part of a cheer or dance competition…stay somewhere else! Along with the competition girls, the hotel had several senior trippers. It was loud and overrun with craziness, plus my then 15 year old got an eyeful at the pool and at breakfast each day. Other than that the resort was fine but I just had no desire to risk a repeat of last year at an All-Star, it left a less-than-desired taste for ASSports! So, I was very excited about staying at POP! :banana: We were also getting a 40% off military discount which made the room cost much less than even an off-site room or Shades of Green.

Then about 2 weeks ago on my way home from work, I was thinking :idea:…we are getting 40% off our room, why not upgrade?? So I checked into it and our most desired of all resorts to stay at (Poly and WL) were still way out of our price range. Moderates however, only added about $200.00. I still don’t get why Deluxe would be even double the Moderate Resorts. That is a huge difference…but I guess that is just how it is!! :confused3 We aren’t in the rooms long enough to justify paying that much. Maybe one day, but not this trip.

Thus began my dilemma of where to stay since I had decided to go with a Moderate. I recruited the kiddos and we began looking at the options. (Another note: If you have two teenagers and decide you need help making a decision…they will have two VERY different ideas!) We pulled up pictures on various web sites and pretty quickly ruled at Caribbean Beach…something just didn’t click with us and the pictures. So that left Coronado Springs and Port Orleans. Well, I had a girl wanting Port Orleans (either one) and a boy wanting CSR. So what does any good mother do?? I told them thanks for the input…and I made the decision. :rolleyes1

Only the problem is, I could not decide! I read reviews of each. I made a pros and cons list. CSR looks so hot. There seems to be no trees and then I read reviews on the distance to walk and the business conferences. But with Port Orleans…I always pass this one by! The primary reason is because I grew up one hour from New Orleans. We go for day-trips all of the time! And being in the "Deep South" we have plantation homes everywhere!! When we spend the night in New Orleans we stay here:


or here:


So I just always felt if I were going to Disney why do I want to go to a place that is so much like home??? POFQ really looks similar...only very Disneyfied.

But I think the smells may be slightly different in NOLA than WDW!! :rotfl:

For some unknown reason, I made this decision way, way too hard! It is only a room for goodness sake! So I read some more reviews and checked out more pictures and decided to just sleep on it. Amazing what sleep can do because the next morning, there was no doubt where I wanted to stay. The pros out-weighed the cons by far and I suddenly was very excited to be staying at Port Orleans Riverside!

So that is our “Where”! I like the landscaping and it just looks so peaceful and relaxing. Something I hope will come in handy if my plans to return for mid-day breaks work out! Also, I love the idea of the boat ride to DTD. Plus we have rental opportunities (also avail at CSR but not POP) that I think, if we have time, will be a fun option. I know this resort is larger than POFQ but it just seemed more appealing. I do hope to visit POFQ while we are there and check it out. I have also gotten some very positive responses about POR since I made this decision which has upped my excitement!!


It is an 11 hour drive to WDW from our home. We had considered flying but the other portion of our trip dictated that flying is not a cost effective option. It really isn’t a bad drive and we are not a family that minds riding in a car. We think nothing of deciding at the last minute to drive 2 ½ -3 hours to the coast (MS Gulf Coast) or New Orleans for a day and drive home that evening. To us the journey is just as much fun! So right now, I am trying to talk Keith into leaving early (like 2am or so!) so we can get to the hotel and spend some time relaxing and maybe exploring since we have DTD that evening. We left last year at 4:30am and got to our resort in plenty of time. But this part is totally a work in progress!! Deep down I know it is because we only have so long to spend this time around so I want to get in as much time as possible!

Next I will tackle some of our "more detailed" plans...trying to decide...ADRs or Parks....hmmmm :scratchin

POR would be my choice too. It's funny how much time and effort we put into picking where to stay. :) It took us about 3 months to pick a rental house.

When we have a long day of driving, we almost always leave super early. There is never any traffic and you will cover more miles while everyone is resting or asleep. I would leave at 2am just to make sure you have extra time to get there.

How about ADRs and Parks?!:surfweb:
POR would be my choice too. It's funny how much time and effort we put into picking where to stay. :) It took us about 3 months to pick a rental house.

When we have a long day of driving, we almost always leave super early. There is never any traffic and you will cover more miles while everyone is resting or asleep. I would leave at 2am just to make sure you have extra time to get there.

How about ADRs and Parks?!:surfweb:

I know...I always wonder why I stress over the little things like where to stay so much!?

We really like driving pre-dawn. I was the only one drivign last year and it was fine. The kids slept some but I could not so by 9pm I was exhausted. I think with two of us driving this time, though, we could rotate and take little catnaps. Plus if we get there early we can rest then. Also, you never know with traffic and road construction if there will be major tie-ups.

An update is coming soon! Not too long now!! :thumbsup2

One thing we knew we wanted were TS meals. We really like the breaks they give us and, well, we just like service restaurants!! To begin this segment, I am going to go back to last year and reminince a little...I hope you do not mind! :goodvibes

We had a hard time last year deciding where we wanted to eat. We had the DDP but I still paid a few OOP. We ate a lot last year! Almost too much!! One good thing about being commandos at WDW is you walk off everything you put in your mouth!! No time for it to go to the hips!! :rotfl2:

So last year we were there for 8 days and we really did not eat anything that we did not like. Some places or food choices we may not return to but overall, our dining experience rocked!! So this was our March 2009 list. I am highlighting the choices we will be returning to this year!!

Saturday: T-Rex-this restaurant had just opened so we knew very little about it. The kids loved it and I really enjoyed it as well. I thought they did a good job on the restaurant and the food was pretty good. It was about what I expected so it did not disappoint!!

Sunday: Marrakesh in Morocco at 5pm. This was a fun place. The wait staff was great! The food was not too "out there" so we all enjoyed it. We will return one day, just not this trip!

Monday: Chef Mickey's at 7:30pm; this was the first character meal we had ever gone to and the kids really liked being able to see the characters without standing in lines and missing out on rides. They even stated they wished we had done more character meals...and they are teens!! That really shocked me!!

Tuesday: San Angel Inn in Mexico at 11am. My 1st trip to Epcot was in 1984 and as we rode the boat through Mexico, I remembered seeing the restaurant and wanting to eat there soooo bad! This was one of the 1st ADRs I made because whether the food was good or not, I had to fulfill that childhood fantasy!! The food was fine, nothing outstanding. I have read a lot of negative reviews on San Angel but I enjoyed it...just not enough to return to again and again!!

Sci-Fi Theater at 11am- we really liked the theme here! I, however, will not get the melon/cucumber salad again. Blah!! We will stick to hamburgers, onion rings and milkshakes because those were really good!!!

50's PTC at 5:30pm- Another winner! Aunt Sue made Chris wear a napkin bib, we had to do homework and then at the end of the meal Chris had not eaten all of his green beans. Aunt Sue proceeded to feed him! It was great!!

Thursday:Boma at 7:30pm-Very Yummy and I loved AKL.

Friday: (we began to get sick of food by Friday! :sick:)
Coral Reef at 11:30am- this is one of those places we were glad we went and it was fine but we won't go running back!

LeCellier at 5pm (because that was the only time I could get and this was my only other choice besides SAI, the kids had chosen the others!)- well we were still full from Coral Reef but when we got our food...OMGoodness. So good! Plus our waitress was SUPER and the pretzel bread was yummy, and the atmosphere...oh I just really liked LeCellier!!!

Saturday: Ohana breakfast with Lilo and Stitch at 8:30am- another great choice!! I crave the bread and juice. I can't wait to get back here!! Plus we had a great view of the castle!!!! :lovestruc

So that was the past...now to the future!!!
We have many chocies of places we want to eat. We definitely have to plan many trips to cover it all!! Our "wish list" includes:

1900 Park Fare
Crystal Palace
Hoop-de-Doo Review
Akershus (with Princesses)
Chefs de France
Tutto Italia (BTW...I am sooo excited for the new CS coming to Italy!!:banana:)
Hollywood Brown Derby
Kona Cafe
And others but those are tops!!

Well, for this trip anything with Pooh and Princesses we pretty much ruled out...don't think DH would be overly excited about that!! Then I made that mistake of asking the kids where they wanted to go! Oh when will I learn you do not ask for opinions because arguments will follow!? So what does a good mother do?? Again, I made the decision but for the most part they got what they wanted!! :rolleyes1

Their requests were: 1) character meals, 2) LeCellier, and 3) Madison: Sci-Fi and Chris: 50's PTC. We are not doing DDP this time. I put everything on a spreadsheet including tax and tip and based on what I am pretty sure we will order it is cheaper to go OOP. Well this is our final outcome. After many reservations were made and cancelled we finally got a finished product!!:

Saturday: 7:30pm T-Rex (both)
Sunday: 8am Pre-Park opening Tusker House (this one is for me!!)
7:35pm Whispering Canyon Cafe (I decided on this one)
Monday: 2pm Sci-Fi Drive-In Theater (Madison)
Tuesday: 10:25am Ohana breakfast with Lilo and Stitch (Chris)
Wednesday:1pm LeCellier (Chris...and well me too!)
Thursday: 8:05am Chef Mickey's (Madison)

So that's our ADRs (the long and short of it!!). Next, our park plans!!
That was quick! :) Of course, I already had a preview of your plans from my PTR. For future trips with your DH, 1900 Park Fare is not super princessey (not sure that is a word). Yes, Cinderella is there but the stepsisters and stepmother really steal the show. Your plans sound great. Maybe I'll ditch my family and come eat with you. ;)

Italy is getting a CS resturant? Yum!!!!!!!
Your ADR's look great! I would love to try T-rex, but my daughter picked RFC over T-rex. Oh well, maybe next time.
That was quick! :) Of course, I already had a preview of your plans from my PTR. For future trips with your DH, 1900 Park Fare is not super princessey (not sure that is a word). Yes, Cinderella is there but the stepsisters and stepmother really steal the show. Your plans sound great. Maybe I'll ditch my family and come eat with you. ;)

Italy is getting a CS resturant? Yum!!!!!!!

Yea, nothing much had changed since I put it on your PTR! :yay: That is pretty much set in stone. Which also made it easy to write that installment!!:)

Italy is getting a pizzaria!! It is supposed to be authentic Italian pizza. It is supposed to open in the fall of 2010 so I will be there on my next trip! :woohoo: I don't think they have named it yet but it is supposed to sit around 300/outside dining with vaulted ceilings. I have WDW on FB and get blogs daily...which is where I got this info! :thumbsup2
Can I do this??? Here is the link:


Your ADR's look great! I would love to try T-rex, but my daughter picked RFC over T-rex. Oh well, maybe next time.

I actually wanted to go the RFC but the kids loved T-Rex so much I cancelled that reservation and called T-Rex. BTW: you have to call them direct. I got the exact time I wanted, no problems but I could not get a time doing the online reservations through the WDW site. I meant to mention that in my ADR report!!
That was quick! :) Of course, I already had a preview of your plans from my PTR. For future trips with your DH, 1900 Park Fare is not super princessey (not sure that is a word). Yes, Cinderella is there but the stepsisters and stepmother really steal the show. Your plans sound great. Maybe I'll ditch my family and come eat with you. ;)

Italy is getting a CS resturant? Yum!!!!!!!

I also meant to add: thanks for the info on 1900 Park Fare! I think I will have it on the top of my list for next time!!


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