How We Survived The Worst Disney Trip Ever - A Honeymoon TR - FINALE!!!!!

Oh, wow. So sorry to hear that you were sick! I got a stomach bug the first night of our vacation, fortunately it didn't last long.
Ohh, I hate getting sick while on vacation! That happened to me on my last trip to WDW last summer! I know how you feel! I had a fever and was determined to not let it interfere with our plans. However, it was miserable!

So sorry!
And for the first time ever, we actually had time to do the Maharajah Jungle Trek. Since Animal Kingdom opened, my family and I never wanted to sacrifice riding a ride to walk on a trail. Not this year. DH really enjoyed this bit.

I love the 2 animal treks. However you need to time the one near the safari correctly. If you are unlucky and start the trail at the same time as lots of people, you really don't get a chance to enjoy it. If I encounter a large crowd, I quickly walk through and then come back later.
You're right about Disneyland's Fantasmic being better. Instead of the Pocahantas scene, the Sailing Ship Columbia comes out with a Peter Pan scene. There are pirates swinging from the ship's rigging. Wendy is walking the plank while Peter and Hook duel it out. It's one of the best parts of DL's Fantasmic. When we saw the Pocahantas scene at WDW we kind of went, "Huh?" The ending at DL has the Mark Twain Steamboat with all of the characters on it. It's a spectacular sight to see it come around the corner with Steamboat Mickey at the helm. The little steamboat at WDW doesn't quite compare.

The only problem with DL's Fantasmic is the seating (or lack of). You have to either sit on the ground or stand the entire time. It's uncomfortable and the area turns into a huge mess when people are leaving. But, the show is so far superior that we'll take a little discomfort to see it anytime!

By the way, I'm totally enjoying your report. Bladder infections have got to be one of the worst afflictions ever. I've been blessed with 3 in the past 2 months (next step is to see a specialist)! Can't wait to read what happens next!
:cool1: Subscribing! Spent all evening from beginning to end on your trip report. Now I'm going to have to be patient like all of your other fans!

Can't wait to see what happens next! popcorn::
Mama of Indybride: I'm so flattered you spent your evening on lil ol' me! :goodvibes Welcome!

Luv Bunnies: Yeah I'd like to see Disneyland's Fantasmic. Maybe someday! Very sorry about the bladder infections. :sad2:

Mickey'sMainMami: Yeah! Thanks for stopping by!

Donald is #1: Thanks for the tip! I love the jungle trek!

stagemomx3: Thank you. Being sick at Disney is AWFUL.

LISAMWDW: Ugh, you understand then, don't you! It's the worst thing ever!!

team weasel: Better late than never. ;) Welcome!

scrapnmom: Hi, sorry you were sick too! Too many sick people on vacations!!

heatherlynn444: You and my DH are in the same boat. "PLEASE don't get sick again!"

Tinkerbellarella: You'll just have to wait and find out, if there is a happy ending or not!

kaysmommie: Us too. DH's favorite show is Wishes, but he loves him some Illuminations too. It makes my day to hear him say such things! :goodvibes

Thanks for all your support, everyone.

I still haven't found a job yet. :confused:

So now I am home cleaning and stuff, and being all housewifely, which I actually really enjoy!!! Now all I need is the pearl necklace, high heels, and a Hoover and I'm ready to be on I Love Lucy. :happytv:

Hey, don't forget - THE OFFICE RETURNS TONIGHT ON NBC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh Poor Colleen!:sick:

It is AWFUL to be sick on your honeymoon!!!! I can commiserate with you somewhat on that - I was sick on my honeymoon also! Except mine wasn't a cold, it was a stomach thing (stupid Acapulco!:mad: ) that kept me quarantined to my stateroom on the Disney Magic for 3 days. But it reaffirms your faith in true love when your DH voluntarily quarantines himself too (or when he is willing to forgo his ressies at Marrakesh so you can go back to your room and sleep - like your wonderful DH). Sometimes you just gotta love 'em!

Despite the title of your TR, I am still clinging to my belief that somehow this will all turn out ok!!!
I am such a Disney person! There HAS to be a happy ending . . . there just HAS to!!!! :mickeyjum

Your "Wishes Moment" brought tears to my eyes too!!! What a sweet moment!!!!
All caught up - so sorry you got sick! No fun anytime, but especially on your honeymoon. :sad2: Looking forward to the rest - I think....

LOVE the picture of Dwight you posted from The Office! I'm so excited for it to come back on tonight! :banana:
I'm loving your story despite all the crud you dealt with.

I too got ill on my honeymoon but I was in Germany and had to find a doctor that I could pay out of pocket for a visit. Luckily I didn't have to pay for prescriptions but I had an ear infection, a cold and pink eye!!!! How the bloody heck did I get all that! That's been nearly 10 yrs ago though.

The glass slipper was awesome! I'd love to own one. That's so fabulous that your CM friend arranged that. I read your engagement story and thought it was wonderful. I would've loved to had a proposal just like that. Granted mine wasn't too shabby but not over the top like yours.

Also, the monks you saw were most likely Buddhist monks.

Can't wait to continue hearing your story.
Well it took me 2 days to read this entire TR. But I'm all caught up & enjoying it! Can't wait for more.
Sounds like you could have used a little extra pixie dust on your Honeymoon. pixiedust: Your DH seems like he was being very patient & supportive. If my DH was sick I would have had a hard time slowing down.
I loved that commercial of Walt as a child. It really amazes me that one man made this all happen!
Anxiously awaiting next installment!
Also, the monks you saw were most likely Buddhist monks.


When/where did you see Buddhist monks? Just curious - I've been following your tr and seem to have missed this one:confused3 Good luck on the job search, by the way!
I've just been reading this TR for the first time - great read! Thanks for posting it! :)

Club Cool at Epcot is based on the original product sampling area at the World of Coca-Cola museum in Atlanta (a lot of people probably don't realize that).... The one in Atlanta has six tasting stations--five featuring 70 different international products and one station dedicated soley to Coca-Cola brands offerend in the USA. Is Club Cool a smaller version of the original tasting area in Atlanta or equally as large? Perhaps only those who've been to both places would know the answer. :)
Oh, I have been. The one in Atlanta is much larger, with a wider selection, slightly bigger cups and most notably, a way cooler dispenser for the regular cola products. The soda pop appears to jump through the air, much like a smaller version of the water fountains at the exit area of Epcot's Honey I Shrunk the Audience. :thumbsup2 Now, Club Cool is fine for a little air conditioning break on a hot day and it's a bit interesting to observe which beverages some foreigners seem to gravitate toward, as they may be accustomed to having less sugary refreshments than we Americans. And, as the OP's DH might say, "It's FREE!" :teeth: But the sampling is certainly better at the Atlanta Coca-Cola "Museum" aka "2-hour tour of a Coke Commercial" :drinking1 JMHO.
When/where did you see Buddhist monks? ... :confused3
Oh, if you look waaaay back to post #138, the one where That Darned Coral Reef Cursed My Digestive & Urinary System! on Day 5, you'll find a brief reference to the orange garb-draped, red-mark-on-their-foreheads, Epcot Segway-riding, "educated, spiritual" men, for certain! :lmao: Yep, they're there.

Oh, goodness, I don't mean this unkindly and I hope it just allows for some minds-eye imagery, not the whole politically incorrect thing, blah, blah, blah. ;)

This totally reminded me of a photo I saw just last evening in a book about California. A chapter about restaurant dining mentioned the hugely diverse cultures in California that have inspired wonderful and impressive culinary delights for travelers there. And the photo chosen to illustrate this?????? A group of orange-garbed, red-mark-on-their-foreheads... oh, you get the idea... men sitting around a breakfast table... at a DENNY's restaurant! Yes, Denny's. Why, of course! :dance3:

Now, I get the whole juxtaposition-of-the-everyday-with-the-exotic thing... only I expected that the everyday would be the camera wielding, map-carrying tourist and the exotic would be one of a bazillion unusual or interesting restaurants that California has to offer! What tickled me is that, instead, they gave us the everyday - what city doesn't have a Denny's? - with the exotic - bald men in matching orange outfits who are NEITHER members of the same bowling team NOR prison inmates doing roadside clean-up under the watchful eye of a couple of rifle-toting deputies.... UNLESS.... maybe.... these were actually orange garb-draped, red-mark-on-their-foreheads, bowling team, "educated, spiritual" men. Ah, now maybe THAT'S it! ::yes::

Well, surely you can understand, that after seeing the photo of the Grand Slam Breakfast, orange toga crew... and then reading TheLastPrincess' description of the Segway-riding fellas... it sorta, naturally made me wonder... in a green gecko, Aflac-quacker, simple caveman, Segway-riding-monk, serial ads kind of way... SO, what's next???? :rolleyes1 :laughing:

Sorry for the detour. Back to your regularly-scheduled trippie and happily awaiting the newest installment. :)
Oh, if you look waaaay back to post #138, the one where That Darned Coral Reef Cursed My Digestive & Urinary System! on Day 5, you'll find a brief reference to the orange garb-draped, red-mark-on-their-foreheads, Epcot Segway-riding, "educated, spiritual" men, for certain! :lmao: Yep, they're there.

Now I remember! Thanks for the mental nudge. Good story about the California Denny's picture. And since we are hopelessly off topic here anyway, I just love seeing Buddhist monks anywhere. They have such gentle spirits, and positive attitudes (as a general rule - the mess in Tibet being an understandable exception) - it just makes me feel better when I see them anywhere.

What a funny thread this is! Lots of UTI stuff and Buddhist stuff with a little Disney thrown in :laughing: LastPrincess, we need another installment to get us back on track, please!

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