how old


<font color=darkorchid>It's a really lovely way to
Jan 7, 2003
How old are we here?...I mean that in a good way. I'm curious because I met someone today who is 46 and had their first child..(mom was 40)...and it made me people today start their families later.

I'm 50 this past year(guess I should have lied about that!)..and I had my first child at 22. I just can't imagine having a child at 46..but it does seem it's much more common? How about everyone here. I know Colson's little guy is due soon too...had me wondering about the rest of us. What can I say..I'm nosey!

I'm 46, DH is 51. we had our one and only when I was 21 and DH was 26. I could not even begin to imagine having a baby now... I'm sure you would hear "what a cute grandchild you have" alot. At this age the recliner sounds alot better than a rocking chair.
I just hit the big 40 this year, and DH is 53. We had our first when I was 26, and he was 39. We have 4 great kids, ages 2-13. (I don't mind telling a fellow Long Islander our real ages! :goodvibes )
I am 45 and my DH is 35. I have 3 kids, the youngest is 17. I cant imagine having a little one at this stage of my life..I have a 2 year old grandson and am glad to play with him and send him home! I just dont have the patience anymore.
I'm 28 and my DH is 44 (45 this november). We had our DD, when I was 23 and he was 40 and our DS when I was 26 and he was 42. My DH was never married before me and no children, in fact he tought he would never have kids before he meet me!:confused3 But 2 is enough for us! DS at 2 doesn't sleep through the night yet! :scared1:
I am 45 and my DH is 35. I have 3 kids, the youngest is 17. I cant imagine having a little one at this stage of my life..I have a 2 year old grandson and am glad to play with him and send him home! I just dont have the patience anymore.

I feel the same way about my niece and em to pieces, like to spoil them but home they go! My youngest will be 17 in June. I can't imagine having a four year old at this point in my life. I look forward to my older son having children..I'd like to be a young you.(although you are 5 years younger than I am!) Nice to be able to really play with them, and then send them on their way! He tells me I'll be waiting a while.:rolleyes:

We both turn 34 this year. We have been married almost 14 years. Our kids have four legs and fur and that is how we like it. :thumbsup2 We don't plan on having kids.
I'm 43 and DH is 44. We got married at 18, and had our DS at 19. He's grown and married, and so Barclay is our kid now! We've been going to the Fort for about 20 years. :goodvibes
42 last week and trying to hold, hold , hold. Anybody got any secrets lol.

I was 39 for at least three or fours years till my youngest started to catch on! Hey..given the alternative...what are ya gonna do?;)
I'm 43 and DH is 44. We got married at 18, and had our DS at 19. He's grown and married, and so Barclay is our kid now! We've been going to the Fort for about 20 years. :goodvibes

I was like you..married at 19..although we didn't have our first till four years later, I was almost 23. I look at my own daughter who is 20...and I CAN NOT imagine her married at this age. She seems SO YOUNG! I guess my parents thought the very same thing. :rolleyes: If she marries the guy she's dating now..I'll..I'll..I'll... I don't know what I'll do..but it will defintely involve MEDICATION.:headache:

I'm so old I remember when the Mississippi river was a trickle and the Gulf of Mexico was a pond.
Wow, I feel so odd. (no, not a typo - didn't mean to type old, but what the heck, most of the time I feel old, too!) :lmao:

DH is 44, I'll be 44 in June. Our 2 DS's are 9 & 11. Some days I really want more. If I were just a little younger, I think 3-4 (5?) would be a good number.

I often regret missing the boat in having more after 2nd was born, but he was SO colicky & screamed the entire 1st year of his life, my nerves couldn't take it. Then, all of a sudden, before I knew it, I was old(er) and fat(ter)! :sad2: If I could roll back time and have a do-over, I'd have more. But we had 3 miscarriages before the 1st was born, so I try to be content to have what I have! :-)
Chad and I are both 35. We met when we were 14, started dating at 16, married at 18 and had our first child at 21. We were the first of our friends to get married and have kids. Our oldest is almost 14 now and I have friends my age with toddlers and newborns. One is still trying to have her first baby.

I know lots of people choose to wait until their lives are more settled...but I am GLAD we had our kids when we were younger. By the time our youngest is 18 we will only be 46 :cool1:
I will be 37 and DH turned 38 today. We are still trying to have kids. We got married late, just 2004. It was the first for us both. We had a miscarriage last year. It gives me comfort to know that women can have kids later in life. I know we're all different, but it gives me a little hope that it's not too late :).

I just turned 46 this week or as I look at it, one year closer to AARP. DH is 48. We got married when I was 19, almost 26 years ago. Gosh, that seems like such a long time. We were high school sweethearts. Had our first DS when I was 22. He is 23 now and the other DS is 18. Older DS has a girlfriend with a 4 year old. I consider him our grandson. He has been in our family since he was a little over a year old. We took him on his first DW trip when he was 2 1/2, what FUN that was. Can't wait to take him back.
dean and monica I have a close friend that's been trying to have children for as long as I can remember, she just turned 40 and on her birthday last tuesday delivered a healthy baby boy. She has had at least two miscarriages that I personally can recall...I guess the time was right because she just poof got pregnant and thus the story..hehe
Me and the DW are both 29. We have been married 7 years. No kids, but we figure that will change in a year or so.


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