How many of you saw THESE two characters in WDW???


DIS Old Timer
Jun 1, 2000

Actually Jeff, I did walk up and see these 2 together, with a line of kids waiting so, I just snapped a 'candid' of some stranger with them! :p

Where in MGM did you see them because this looks different from where I saw them? :confused:
We saw them in November. It took 3 trys to get a picture. We kept spotting them just as they were about to go in.:D
We did !!! Just before the 50's Prime Time Meet, the DD's and I spotted them !!!! That was shortly before we got out matching "tatoos"...LOL
We saw Kermit alone and got a pic with him, and later saw Miss Piggy but didn't wait inline to see her.
:( I've never seen them. I'm going to look for them next Spring! :p Great pictures! Thanks for sharing, otherwise I never would have known they existed. :eek: :D
Way back in 1990 we were in MGM and I saw a man sitting on the pavement with a little green foot under his arm. I said to my friend "wonder who that is". Around turned Jim Henson with Kermit the Frog, who he stuck in my face and said Hiiiiiiiiiiiii, in that Kermie voice. I totally freaked started screaming IT"S KERMIT!!!! I ran into the Men's Room while DH was in there and jumped on his back screaming. He carried me out and by this time they had security around poor Jim Henson.

I would probably freak again if I saw Kermit and Miss Piggy.

The other part of the story is that I just had lectured my friends to not cause a scene when they see celebs, since we had just spotted Micheal Eisner and George Lucas. It was the day that Star Tours opened.
I was scolded by Miss Piggy cause I was taking too long to take the picture of her and Abby sleeping. She was bending over look at her, and I had the camera up but it took forever for it to take the picture. She looked up at me, put her hands on her hips and started tapping her toes... It was so funny.

This was over in an alley that goes between where Al's Toy barn was and the Muppets show. They have a little screen up so it looks like you can't get through, but a CM told us that's the way to go. It was a cool shortcut
I didn't see them, but I sure wish I had. There's always next trip! :)
Oh my...Kallison that is the funniest thing I have read today!!!:D :D :p

I love Kermit but I do not think I would have caused that scene!LOL
I saw them back in July. I remember that they used "stampers" to sign the autograph books and one of their stampers wasn't working. CMs were scrambling and the line was backing up. Someone ran up with one after a few minutes.
Great pics Jeff! I can't recall the last time I have seen them myself. Maybe next time :teeth:
What great pics! I haven't ever seen them there, so there's a reason I NEED to go back quickly now!!!!;)
Originally posted by Tinkbell
I saw them back in July. I remember that they used "stampers" to sign the autograph books and one of their stampers wasn't working. CMs were scrambling and the line was backing up. Someone ran up with one after a few minutes.

They must still be using that defective stamper, as one of them was sticking all the time. The CM had to keep fixing it. :D

Miss Piggy also tried to run off with some big hunky guy that walked by. I wish I would have had a video camera on as it was very obvious Miss Piggy was trying to make Kermie jealous. Strangely, Miss Piggy was one of the most 'in character' characters we met, IMHO.

We saw them after getting our pictures taken with Buzz and Woody.</i>(which is a hint to my WITW if you're reading that thread also)</i>


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